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Chairman Alexei says "Bend over!"

Unread postPosted: Wed 14 Jun 2006, 18:07:21
by Zardoz

Re: Chairman Alexei says "Bend over!"

Unread postPosted: Wed 14 Jun 2006, 19:03:08
by lutherquick
Well, for the last 20 years it's been: "Mr. OIL man, bend over !".
And for the last 15 years it's been: "Russia, bend over !".

Deal with it America.

Had energy been priced long term, then even Texas oil companies would have done well in 1998 $10 / brl days...

Matt Simmons clearly makes his point, OIL is cheap by the cup.

Russia ain't getting a deal even at $80 / brl.
It will be good for the world when OIL reaches $240 / brl.

Bend over America and EU, and you can stay in the position FOREVER.

Children and grand children of America, blame your fat azz parents for voting for governments that didn't value your oil.

Too bad... Soon my NJ electric and gas bills will be writen in Russian, I look forward to it !

Re: Chairman Alexei says "Bend over!"

Unread postPosted: Thu 15 Jun 2006, 06:16:11
by Battle_Scarred_Galactico
Children and grand children of America, blame your fat azz parents for voting for governments that didn't value your oil.

True, you can add the UK in there aswell.

Plus people get the governments they deserve, if people didn't want to overconsume, it wouldn't happen.

Re: Chairman Alexei says "Bend over!"

Unread postPosted: Thu 15 Jun 2006, 08:15:58
by Scactha
Or to look at it in an other way:

"The rest of the world have been subsidizing the US through the Petrodollar for a long time. (Which is an irony as anything politically slightly leftleaning is ridiculed there.) It´s whole quality of life is thanks to a huge social security program. Problem is the world has no nazis or commies to fear any more so now the benefits are being withdrawn. It was nice that you spent all that effort to uphold our economies and invested in an intimidating warmachine so we ourselves didn´t need to, but now we no longer need your services."

Re: Chairman Alexei says "Bend over!"

Unread postPosted: Thu 15 Jun 2006, 09:30:43
by Fishman
It was nice that you spent all that effort to uphold our economies and invested in an intimidating warmachine so we ourselves didn´t need to, but now we no longer need your services."

Oh that's a good one. Maybe we don't have any Nazis or Commies but we do seem to have plenty of radical islamist actively trying to destroy western culture. This very thread is about the Russians threat. With no military coverage and the Europeans having no military spine, all will be well? Have you EVER read a history book?

Re: Chairman Alexei says "Bend over!"

Unread postPosted: Thu 15 Jun 2006, 10:33:46
by Scactha
Incidently I have a Masters Degree in History and the most important lesson I remember concerning wars is that they seldom starts over cultural issues like religion but almost always over groups competing over resources. I agree 100% that we could aswell end up with a Mad Max scenario as a soft landing.

About the lack of spine you seem to miss the message. As for a Russian "threat" most of the world sees the US as the threat. That is the reason the alimony(sp?) is withdrawn...

Terrorists? They have to become real time rebel movements for anyone to concern themselves with them. It´s just the US that obsesses over those loons.

Re: Chairman Alexei says "Bend over!"

Unread postPosted: Thu 15 Jun 2006, 11:31:40
by lutherquick

Are you nuts?

You said "This very thread is about the Russians threat."... No sir, you are wrong...

Gee, I don't feel like giving you MY money, does this mean I'm a threat to You?

Russia is not threat to anyone... She has oil and gas, you want it? PAY FOR IT, or fvck off !!!!

America is the threat...

And before you wrote "radical islamist" are threatening America? Again, you are wrong... Let me guess, we Americans are in Iraq because Saddam did 9/11, right? Good greif, did the Iraqi people do 9/11? no.... it was the Saudis, and we keep protecting them... the entire thing is fvcked up because America needs oil and can't invade SA where the 9/11 terrorists came from... WOW, what a pickle we are in... all this war on terror is a friggen waste.