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Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Fri 16 May 2008, 14:15:17
by Nickel
pana_burda wrote:The golden rule is to complain mostly for those shoes harming your own feet ......

Yes, but one should recognize that others have feet and their particular cruel shoes as well.

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Fri 16 May 2008, 14:15:30
by Nickel
pana_burda wrote:The golden rule is to complain mostly for those shoes harming your own feet ......

Yes, but one should recognize that others have feet and their particular cruel shoes as well.

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Fri 16 May 2008, 14:16:39
by Nickel
And that was so important I had to say it twice. :)

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Fri 16 May 2008, 15:19:06
by pana_burda
Yep ..... but they won´t fight over my shoes. Not in firsts of instances, I mean. >wink<

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 11:22:45
by pana_burda
"Es extremadamente perturbador ver al gobierno de Venezuela emplear y dar seguridad y proteccion a facilitadores y recaudadores de fondos de Hezbola'', dijo el miercoles Adam J. Szubin, el director de la Oficina de Control de Bienes Extranjeros (OFAC), al anunciar la decision.

Washington identifico a los venezolanos de origen arabe Ghazi Atef Nassereddine, actualmente consejero politico de la embajada venezolana en Libano, y a Faouzi Mustapha Kanaan, propietario de dos agencias de viajes en Caracas, como integrantes de una red de operadores que ofrecian asesoria a donantes sobre como transferir fondos a Hezbola, y facilitaban viajes hacia y desde Venezuela de miembros activos del grupo miliciano

It is extremely shocking to see the ven government hiring up and sheltering those patrons for such militia," said the director of foreign goods control office, A.J.S. when announcing the decission.

Wash identified the venezuelans, arabic rooted G.A.N. currently political councellor to the ven embassy in Lebanon and F.M.K. owner of two travel agencies down in Caracas, as part of a network that helped get donation transfers to Hezbola and that facilitated the flow of active members from said militia to\from Venezuela.

My question remains up, though. Still Washington does not "realise" they are the MAIN funders of terrorism by transfering such a huge ammount of petrodollars to south america VIA energy supply from a self declared guerrillero?

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Wed 23 Jul 2008, 14:36:56
by pana_burda
"Si a las fuerzas armadas rusas les gustara venir a Venezuela, serian bienvenidas calurosamente", agrego Chavez en la conferencia de prensa, informo Interfax. "Izaremos banderas, tocaremos tambores y cantaremos canciones, porque vendran nuestros aliados".

"If the russian Armed Forces would like to come to Venezuela, they will be warmly welcomed" added hugo in the press conference, as informed by Interfax. "We will raise up our flags, beat our drums and sing songs because its our allied the ones coming right down over here".

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Fri 22 Aug 2008, 20:42:54
by pana_burda
Publicado el viernes 22 de agosto del 2008imprimir Enviar por e-mail Digg it

Chavez anuncia posible visita de flota rusa en Venezuela
The Associated Press

El presidente Hugo Chavez expreso la esperanza de que una flota de Rusia viaje a Venezuela y dijo que estaban en marcha las gestiones para la visita.

Moscu no ha divulgado por el momento la intencion de enviar una flota a Venezuela.

Although the intention has not been yet confirmed by the Russians, hugo vowed his hopes for the Russian fleet to visit chavezuela.

Chavez, que dirige un gobierno socialista, dijo a la television estatal la noche del jueves que habia abordado el posible viaje de la flota con delegados rusos que lo visitaron en Caracas y que habia hablado por telefono con el primer ministro de Rusia, Vladimir Putin.

Chavez, que tiene relaciones estrechas con Moscu, afirmo que espera la materializacion de la visita de la flota rusa.

Los delegados rusos estan interesados en la idea, afirmo.

And to make things more on the personal side with his generous "enemy", this other pearl: ... p?t=423070

("W" photographed wasted drunk in Pekin´s games by his infallible sources but kept silent by MSM).

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Thu 11 Sep 2008, 19:59:45
by pana_burda
Russia assured none of the two long reach bombers sent to chavezuela would carry active war ammo nor nuclear arsenal or of any other kind, on them. They are just to test fly over neutral waters. ... _venezuela


Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Fri 12 Sep 2008, 14:39:19
by pana_burda
"we already had enough from you, shitty yanks and you can go 100 times to hell but it will be your responsability for our oil shipments to your country"

Said the red clown in another memorable speech, showing up again his true colors.

By the way, full text and video clip, but in spanish, in the link, for his small fans club.

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Fri 12 Sep 2008, 21:39:26
by pana_burda
The United States Treasury Department reported on Friday that it has frozen the assets that two top Venezuelan officials and one former minister have under US jurisdiction and prohibited them from conducting financial transactions "for materially assisting the narcotics trafficking activities of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)," Colombia's largest rebel group, according to a press release posted on the Treasury web's site.

TheSanctions imposed by the US Treasury Department affect explicitly two senior Venezuelan government officials: Hugo Armando Carvajal Barrios and Henry de Jesus Rangel Silva, the head of the Directorate of Intelligence, Security and Prevention Services (Disip), as well as former minister of Interior and Justice, Ramon Rodriguez Chacin, who resigned to the post this week.

Farc supporters ..... cool, but what about his REAL boss??

What about the north american govmt. supporting, funding and financing a terrorist supporter through oil deals?

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Wed 17 Sep 2008, 09:39:41
by pana_burda
The Northern Russian Fleet confirmed on Monday the navy exercises that will be conducted along with Venezuela. Russian military officers confirmed, through a note, that the nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great, which carries both conventional and nuclear missiles, will be one of the warships to sail Venezuelan waters.


Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Mon 29 Sep 2008, 09:12:05
by pana_burda
"Russia is ready to support Venezuela in the development of nuclear energy with peaceful purposes and we already have a commission working on it," Chavez said. "We are interested in developing nuclear energy."

Putin offered Chavez assistance in developing nuclear energy during a meeting in the Russian city of Novo-Ogaryovo last week. The prime minister did not specify what kind of cooperation he could offer Venezuela, but Russia is aggressively promoting itself as a builder of nuclear power plants in developing nations.

Russia has ramped up its cooperation with Venezuela since last month's war with Georgia, which badly damaged Moscow's already strained ties with the West, particularly the United States.


Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Mon 29 Sep 2008, 09:49:21
by Nickel
pana_burda wrote:"Russia is ready to support Venezuela in the development of nuclear energy with peaceful purposes and we already have a commission working on it," Chavez said. "We are interested in developing nuclear energy."

So? I'm only sad AECL won't get to bid on building a few CANDU reactors for them.

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:13:08
by Micki
pana_burda wrote:
"Russia is ready to support Venezuela in the development of nuclear energy with peaceful purposes and we already have a commission working on it," Chavez said. "We are interested in developing nuclear energy."

Putin offered Chavez assistance in developing nuclear energy during a meeting in the Russian city of Novo-Ogaryovo last week. The prime minister did not specify what kind of cooperation he could offer Venezuela, but Russia is aggressively promoting itself as a builder of nuclear power plants in developing nations.

Russia has ramped up its cooperation with Venezuela since last month's war with Georgia, which badly damaged Moscow's already strained ties with the West, particularly the United States.


So, another nation has realised their oil isn't going to last forever.
Good for them to be a bit proactive before depletion rates go too steep.
Good for US as well as they need another "terrorist with oil". Especially since attacking Iran has turned out to be a harder pickle than expected.

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Mon 29 Sep 2008, 18:01:53
by pana_burda
Let´s see .....

Oil as a PERSONAL political weapon.

Venezuelans petrodollars as PERSONAL economic and financial weapon.

Venezuelan soldiers as PERSONAL military weapon against neighbours and locals.

His voice, yet not his actions, as a PERSONAL propagandistic anti-something weapon.

Former venezuelan weakened yet still quite functional institutions .....

Nuclear energy as a good doer ..... shhhhh, you have got to be kidding, right?


By the way, got some time to spare?

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Fri 07 Nov 2008, 23:23:39
by pana_burda
Russia´s Gazprom to extract and produce gas in Venezuelan fields.

27 Trillion Cubic feet of gas at 4800 Mts deep, project "Rafael Urdaneta" was signed between the two countries (.... errrr, actually it was signed up between the representant of the owner of that other Asian country with the very owner of this south american one) to exploit the "Escorpion" sea platform in Punto Fijo, Falcon state, northwestern in the Ven gulf.


Now I wonder, are the russians aware that field to be too close if not within the Venezuelan-Colombian conflict area? [smilie=5baby.gif]


Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Sat 08 Nov 2008, 00:19:25
by mos6507
A glimpse into Ven. future. Chavez and Obama shaking hands, claiming a new era in cooperation now that Bush is gone.

Re: A glimpse into the Ven. future. Small steps to war.

Unread postPosted: Tue 11 Nov 2008, 20:28:13
by pana_burda

For " humanitarian " reasons, 4Th fleet´s “USS Kearsarge” is deployed in the caribbean just few days before russia sends their ships down to that very sea for joint exercises.

I just hope our nice´n warm sea to be big enough to all the ships comming down to show off. And then to the planes when they start to crash out.

Interesting .....

Re: A glimpse into the upcoming venezuelan future.

Unread postPosted: Tue 11 Nov 2008, 22:01:38
by pedalling_faster
anarky321 wrote:a "pro-american summary of how chavez came to power and what he has done up to this point"

Venezuela is developing a military alliance with Russia.

the parallel between Cuba + Russia - e.g. the Cuban Missile Crisis - is hard to miss.

However, it's the US that's on the offensive, not Venezuela.

THE Venezuela Thread pt 5 (merged)

Unread postPosted: Sat 13 Jan 2018, 18:59:31
by KaiserJeep
Might as well pack it in as far as onlooker is concerned. To be fair to him, I don't think his mistaken ideas are even his own fault. I have him pegged as a second generation academic, his parents taught him his Marxist principles in total ignorance because they too never worked or owned businesses.

The only thing I fault him for is not noticing that Capitalism works everywhere, Marxism has never worked, and that corruption in government is almost universal and unrelated to the type of government or type of economic system. The cronyism he decries in Venezuela for example is part of Latin culture, which requires favoritism for family and extended family, even if laws are broken. The same problems afflict Cuba and Puerto Rico and many areas of the Mediteranean Basin.