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A New Era for Aviation?

Unread postPosted: Thu 12 Oct 2017, 15:03:44
by AdamB

The pressure to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and the prospect of a world running largely on renewable electricity has sent research and development teams in every sector back to their respective drawing boards to look at options that might exist for electrification. Perhaps the most challenging sector is aviation, where liquid hydrocarbon fuels are the only form of energy carrier available (mainly of fossil origin, but with some bio-origin fuels now appearing). The dependency on hydrocarbons is due to their high energy density and the challenge with fuel to weight ratio that planes have. However, fuel costs can represent up to 70% of total costs for an airline, so the business model tends to focus on efficiency as a primary consideration. Efficiency isn’t just about the plane itself, but about maximising passenger load, minimising extraneous weight, limiting taxiing and air ..

"New Era For Aviation"

Re: A New Era for Aviation?

Unread postPosted: Thu 12 Oct 2017, 15:33:17
by SeaGypsy
I'm studying to do my powered paragliding course next year, so looking forward to it. Electric powered PPG is a happening thing if anyone wants to look it up. It won't replace jets of course, but it is new aviation. Manned quadcopters are a thing already too. The self correcting tech of Segway makes a lot of these previously impossible flight systems doable.