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Re: No Fuel Magnet Motors

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Jul 2008, 16:10:50
by vaseline2008
Will this concept work in outer space? What about the Earth and other planets rotating on it's axis and orbiting around the sun? Just a question, forgive my ignorance.

Re: No Fuel Magnet Motors

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Jul 2008, 16:25:25
by cipi604
It's called inertia, and that movement it's not perpetual. You have a friction between earth gravitational field and the sun gravitational field and so on, but it;s too small in comparison with the inertia of the planets/stars etc to break them in real-time.
The lenght of the day on this planet is getting longer and longer cause of the friction of the oceans,moon tides, earth magnetic field produced by the iron core, etc , but is balanced in great proportion by the distance between the moon and the earth wich is increasing constantly... bla bla... Hit the books.

Re: No Fuel Magnet Motors

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Jul 2008, 17:01:52
by jlw61
Hawkcreek wrote:I will believe in perpetual motion machines when you can show me the opposite. A machine that you can put energy into, with absolutely no result - no increase in temp, no motion, no electromagnetic output ---- nothing.
Now that would be difficult to do.
And a teen-age son doesn't count.

And a foreman is not a machine, so he does not count either.

Re: No Fuel Magnet Motors

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Jul 2008, 17:02:25
by heroineworshipper
All of us designed perpetual magnet motors before our first physics class. What a disappointment it was after all those years thinking U could beat the system.

Re: No Fuel Magnet Motors

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Jul 2008, 21:30:10
by Heineken
Kingcoal: Clear, solid explanation. Thanks.

Quackery never dies. You just can't kill it.

Re: No Fuel Magnet Motors

Unread postPosted: Tue 22 Jul 2008, 12:43:26
by small_steps
Hey buddy,

that "jumping" that you were talking about - that is called cogging.

Re: No Fuel Magnet Motors

Unread postPosted: Tue 22 Jul 2008, 13:03:23
by lper100km
dinopello wrote:
jlw61 wrote:That's just a simple type 1 perpetual motion machine.

Wait until I've completed work on my type 2 perpetual motion machine that takes 1 pound of water as an input and produces 10 ah at 12 volts and one pound of ice as an output.

Ice.. that's an interesting side output. My type 2 prototype is currently outputting 1 litre of wine for every pound of water. It was a suprising result that it performs the english to metric conversion and also that the litre of wine weighs more that the pound of water.

Hey Dino! I’ve been grapeling (sic) with that problem for years but could only get vinegar as a by-product. Sort of left a sour taste for a while and my spirits were crushed. You give me hope to continue, perpetually. Magnetic wine production. Maybe some three pole magnets with a double helix toroidal twist could achieve a Napoleon Brandy. Maybe get some ice on the side, too. Watcha think?

Re: No Fuel Magnet Motors

Unread postPosted: Wed 23 Jul 2008, 08:43:20
by TreeFarmer
The quackery never ends because people are always lusting for one thing: Something for Nothing. Therefore, if you say you can deliver Something for Nothing there are people who will always listen.


Electro-magnetic pulse and our modern cars

Unread postPosted: Mon 29 Mar 2010, 12:36:37
by hope_full
I've been reading about Electro-magnetic pulse. If our enemies wanted to wreak havoc in North America, an EMP would be the way to go. I've read a lot of info online about EMPs and modern gasoline-powered (as opposed to diesel) cars and trucks. Some insist that most car engines would oakey-doakey and some insist that most car engines would never work again. Opinions on this?

And what about airplanes? Seems to me the metal shielding and cowling around those Rolls Royce jet engines would protect them, wouldn't it?

So I'm soliciting opinions here from people that I hope are a lot more informed than I am: If an EMP were set off, would our modern (fuel-injected) cars still work? Because if our cars are disabled, that pretty well destroys any plan to bug out.

So, I guess I have two questions: Do you think an EMP bomb is a possible/likely scenario? And if it happened, would car engines be destroyed? And any ideas how to defend against this potentiality?


Re: Electro-magnetic pulse and our modern cars

Unread postPosted: Mon 29 Mar 2010, 22:32:00
by bencole
Some insist that most car engines would oakey-doakey and some insist that most car engines would never work again. Opinions on this?

The computers that control the engine and other vehicle systems would be affected, the
engines themselves would not be affected.

And what about airplanes? Seems to me the metal shielding and cowling around those Rolls Royce jet engines would protect them, wouldn't it?

More seriously, flight control computers, which allow almost all modern aircraft to stay aloft, would be affected by EMP.

So I'm soliciting opinions here from people that I hope are a lot more informed than I am: If an EMP were set off, would our modern (fuel-injected) cars still work? Because if our cars are disabled, that pretty well destroys any plan to bug out.

Yes, they would likely be disabled, if they have electronic fuel injection, and assuming they are close enough to the source of ionizing radiation for the semiconductor materials to be affected.

So, I guess I have two questions: Do you think an EMP bomb is a possible/likely scenario?

Probably no, most nuclear warheads would be targeted at military and industrial infastructure for destruction directly (hard target kill), under the logic of the counterforce strategy, the EMP effects would be considered a secondary benefit to military planners.

And if it happened, would car engines be destroyed? And any ideas how to defend against this potentiality?

The electronics in them would be destroyed if they where close enough to recieve a certain threshold of radiation. Radiation hardening is possible in electronics, but it would have to be implemented beforehand in anticipation of a radiological event.
No defence is possible in a nuclear war. Whatever material resource that manages to survive by chance is what you would be left to work with in such a scenario

Re: Electro-magnetic pulse and our modern cars

Unread postPosted: Tue 30 Mar 2010, 18:09:18
by vaseline2008
Only Air Force One is safe from an least in the movies it is...

Re: THE Magnets and Energy Thread Pro & Con

Unread postPosted: Mon 27 Apr 2015, 10:45:45
by Subjectivist
Fascinating new less rare earth requiring permanent magnets developed. Much more at link below quote.

Karl A. Gschneidner and fellow scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory have created a new magnetic alloy that is an alternative to traditional rare-earth permanent magnets.