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Saving is not always sacrificing

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jun 2005, 22:32:15
by SolarDave
My wife has a vanity where she makes herself ready for the world in the morning. She likes to watch TV during the process (morning news, and all) and there is a 30 inch TV about 10 feet from where she sits.

That honker uses 70 watts of power when it's on, and believe it or not, it uses 7 watts of power when it's OFF!!

After some thought, I came up with this solution:


I took the picture with the little TV held as far away is it is while my wife watches it (it sits on her vanity).

Note the relative sizes of the two screens. The little TV is 4 inches diagonal.

It runs about two hours on 4 AA NiMH batteries, and I charge them in a solar charger.

Sometimes less is more.

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jun 2005, 23:08:27
by strider3700
Thats just cool. Having spent the past week measuring usage of various devices around my house I was horrified how bad some of the things are even when turned off. Have you looked into replacing the TV large tv with anything more efficient but a similar size?

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jun 2005, 23:15:46
by DomusAlbion
Sorry but that's actually kind of pathetic.

Kick her butt (figuratively) and tell her to get off the boob tube.

Does one really need to fill their heads with most of the crap that comes over the TV?

Just think how much you'll save in electricity by killing your TV and weaning yourself from the empty headed blather that is passed off as entertainment and "news".