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Ultimate water project and Extreme Engineering

Unread postPosted: Fri 22 Apr 2005, 14:43:16
by cube
Lets assume in the near future global warming has covered 90% of Earth's surface with water. What's a human to do? Simple! Solve the problem with more technology. Build the ultimate water project. Build a gigantic water tank that will hold the world's ocean to bring the water level down to pre-global warming days.

What do you think? Is this a far fetched idea or do you think people are crazy enough to attempt it? It seems humans like to use technology to solve problems that were caused by the missuse of technology. 8)

Unread postPosted: Fri 22 Apr 2005, 14:51:40
by Ebyss
Eh.. where are you going to put this tank?

The hypothetical situation is rediculouse.

Unread postPosted: Fri 22 Apr 2005, 15:03:54
by boilingleadbath
There is not enough ice to raise waterlevels enough to submerge 60% of the land. I belive that water raise is about 20 feet max.

Unread postPosted: Fri 22 Apr 2005, 15:16:12
by RonMN
Not enough "ice" to raise the ocean levels by that much...but you forgot about "thermal expansion" :) that could cover most of the world (if the oceans heat up enough)

Unread postPosted: Fri 22 Apr 2005, 15:17:20
by 0mar
ok wow.....

my brain almost exploded from reading that.

Unread postPosted: Fri 22 Apr 2005, 16:35:14
by mortifiedpenguin
And what would we build this giant tank with?

Unread postPosted: Fri 22 Apr 2005, 17:08:53
by RonMN
I say we build a ladder to the moon :lol: then we can all live happily on the moon with the moon people!

Unread postPosted: Fri 22 Apr 2005, 18:03:08
by cube
Ebyss wrote:Eh.. where are you going to put this tank?
Prefureably some place were there're no hurricanes or earthquakes.

The cheapest way to trap water is to build an enclosed wall with no roof. Actually it's been done many times abiet on a much smaller scale. Levees come to mind. Imagine a levee the height of hoover dam encircling the continent of Antartica. That should do the trick. :-D

Or maybe we could build a gigantic freezer in Antartica to keep the ice frozen. But I'm guessing we'd rack up a pretty high electricty bill doing that so I think the water levee idea is better. 8)