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Beyond oil: 10 common but ignored fuels

Unread postPosted: Mon 23 Dec 2013, 01:50:50
by Roger Rabbit
Just a write up that MSM Money has done about different fuels..

I like the one about Hemp

You might be eating these potential power sources, putting them to other uses or throwing them away. But they could potentially power your car.

Re: Beyond oil: 10 common but ignored fuels

Unread postPosted: Mon 23 Dec 2013, 11:11:03
by efarmer
Dance floors that produce energy:

"Okay folks, the next three songs promise a free drink for every large
person who gets out on the floor and gets on down with it!"

Cars that run on chocolate:

"I got stuck in traffic today and the car started to overheat,
and I rolled down the window, and now I feel a combination
of naughty and satisfied somehow..."


"Roy got in early on in a big scum market play and made out like a bandit."

Brewery waste:
Assuming waste production lags beer output, we will have to find some folks
sober enough to run the power plant.

Gizzards and Guts:
Here in MO, a lot of people eat these, and I suppose this
makes them energy hogs.

Dirty Diapers:
Little John was an absolute gold mine until his Aunt Sally
wrecked everything and potty trained him while on a visit.

Yeah I know, solutions are tessellations of many things, but some of these
sources are a bit out there. I didn't touch on the manure wrinkle since
it would walk on my IP for a bovine fart compressor device to be fitted
to our dairy herds, and used in a secondary market as a kicker to the brewery
waste energy play by involving the end user in the process.