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Planet Mars

Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 11:24:41
by Chinalurker
It's more important that we colonize other planets in our solar system and beyond, than that a majority of our present world population survives PO.

Re: Tough priority

Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 11:43:28
by stu
Chinalurker wrote:It's more important that we colonize other planets in our solar system and beyond, than that a majority of our present world population survives PO.

:? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Of course. You're so right. :roll:

Here i am worried about whether I should be moving to rural areas when all the time I should have been thinking about migrating to Uranus. :roll:


Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 11:46:13
by gary_malcolm

Let's go to Mars! I'll pack the sun screen.



Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 11:51:22
by Chinalurker
It's not about You or Me. It's about Us.

Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 11:59:30
by TyeDye
I kinda see your point but at the moment the space programme is dependant on oil too, Im aware of suggestions for alternative methods of space travell but they could take years to develop.

Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 12:07:16
by stu
But seriously though Chinalurker.

I can understand your utopian ideals but don't you think we should sort this planet out first before packing up for those trips to Jupiter.

Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 12:37:06
by Mower
MarkL wrote:human existance will be as a geological fart in the wind.

PO will ensure that regardless soon enough.

Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 13:02:16
by gnm
Well, you could argue that making the attempt at colonization of space would at least be helpful in developing new technologies to deal with the problems associated. As well as real world experience in dealing with how to make it work.

I'm all for it, when do we start?


Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 13:07:13
by UncoveringTruths
Houston we have a problem! No Air to breathe! :)

Seriously though we would probably be better off at this point in scraping the Space Programs.

Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 17:35:49
by Chicagoan
I wish we could go and colonize space, but it just is not possible. It takes too much energy to get there. It was a good idea back in the 1950s when the oil supply was increasing every year and it seemed like it would never run out. People assumed we would have fusion ingines by now so the amount of oil left would be a non-issue. It has not worked out that way. And space is incredable hostile to life. It would make more sense to colonize Antarctica. I hate to admit it, but UncoveringTruths is right.

Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 20:07:07
by Theo
MarkL wrote:In a few hundred years(or less!) with current population levels, we will have peak coal and peak uranium and peak climate and etc.. If we haven't found a way to get off of this tiny rock by then, human existance will be as a geological fart in the wind.

That's a pretty broad sweeping generalization MarkL. We have no idea what the future holds. We don't really have a clue what's going to happen in the next couple of years let alone the next few hundred years. I say scrap the space program. We haven't even mastered our own atmosphere yet. The cost and risk of getting to space and back are too high. We'll need that money for other things soon enough, with or without PO (see Social Security/Medicare).


Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 21:17:26
by Chinalurker
1.) Because we are too fragile on earth. Earth is not a long term solution.
2.) Our development possibilities, understanding range and original meaning cannot be fulfilled on Earth.

Re: Why..?

Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 21:25:20
by Theo
Chinalurker wrote:1.) Because we are too fragile on earth. Earth is not a long term solution.
2.) Our development possibilities, understanding range and original meaning cannot be fulfilled on Earth.

1) Are we going to be less fragile on some rock other than Earth?
2) Perhaps the fact that our development possibilities cannot be fulfilled on Earth is a good thing.

Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 21:53:57
by kambei
It's pretty unlikely I'm afraid. It's just about technically possible in theory without peak oil, but with peak oil, I'm beginning to think it's a fantasy.

We can just barely afford to go into space now, but how will we do it in say 20 years, with a peak oil induced devastated economy? The technology we'd need to colonise another planet would have to be extremely advanced and advanced technology costs a hell of a lot. I doubt 10 years post peak we'll even be able to afford space probes. 5 years post peak, maybe the shuttle will be consigned to the history books too.

Bush's pledge of going to the Moon and Mars is going to fall flat on it's face. We'll never again visit the moon, and a manned Mars mission is just nonsense. It's a shame :(

Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 22:07:20
by Sencha
WTF is the point in colonizing space?

So we can have peak whatever on another planet?

I don't get why people are so convinced the human race should continue on. Why should we pick up and leave, to settle down on another planet that we'll just trash and screw over like Earth.

It would be so much easier to go the way of the dinosaurs. Make room for a species that actually does something constructive. Humans suck.


Unread postPosted: Wed 08 Dec 2004, 22:13:10
by Chinalurker
Obstacles are many. We solve them one by one.

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Dec 2004, 00:24:11
by PenultimateManStanding
Beam me up, Scotty! Sometimes I can't believe how surreal this all is.

Questions & Answers

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Dec 2004, 00:42:13
by Chinalurker
Why should humans continue on..?

Because we are the only ones qualified.

What is the point of space colonization..?

Refer to my answer with the headline "Why..?"

Too difficult..!

It's difficult for one individual to send out the whole world population in space... But it's not so difficult for the world population to send out a few people.

Too dependant on oil..!

We have enough. Also invention/creativity are important aspects.

Sort out the problems on earth first..!

There will always be problems.

When do we start..?

Already started.

No air to breathe..!

Houston replies: So just solve it! No option. No excuse.

Takes too much energy to get there..!

Doesn't have to. We're using too much energy for everything. We just need to change.

Space is incredible hostile to life..!

Yes. Get used to it. Solve it.

Costs are too high, we'll need the money for other things, social security etc..!

I'm talking about social security for the future too you know.

Are we going to be less fragile on some rock other than earth..?

In total. Yes.

Perhaps the fact that our development possibilities cannot be fulfilled on earth is a good thing..?

Well, perhaps not. Did we develop all these million years to just die and lose everything? Talk about waste.

Don't be afraid of the enormous obstacles. They can all be turned into tiny bitty pieces.

Don't be afraid of taking responsibility for our future. It is the right thing and You know it.

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Dec 2004, 02:13:57
by somethingtosay
Chinalurker is better informed than most as Albert Einstien once stated, Mankind has one chance to leave this planet - and that chance is all but gone. Maybe a million years from now mankind will achieve that goal.

When Bush announced the Mars mission, I thought, Bush is planning to retire on Mars as an escape from the mess he made on earth.

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Dec 2004, 06:43:00
by gg3
Then why not also discontinue all basic scientific and technical research? Why not just go back to the caves right now, and get it over with?

What we see here is the real reason that my beloved country is in such deep doodoo, and China is the future.

We Americans have become spoiled, and upon seeing the end of our spoiled lifestyle, we become clinically depressed. China has stayed industrious, hasn't gotten spoiled, and faces the future with sleeves rolled up and eyes wide open.

While our NIMBYs are fighting off *wind farms* because they don't want their precious *oceanfront views* spoiled, and we haven't built a nuclear reactor in God-knows-how-long, China is about to go global with the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor. Along with South Africa, a country whose people really know the value of freedom because they obtained it within their own lifetimes (see also Baylis and the hand-crank powered radios & flashlights).

Our biggest export to the world is trashy entertainment; China is the world's industrial superpower. We make Mickey Mouse; China makes everything from automobiles to zippers, including most of the stuff you have in your house that has an electric plug at the end of it, and now including IBM desktop & notebook computers.

Now before the comparison gets any more embarrassing for us, let's see a few other USAers here stand up for progress!

And, Chinalurker, thanks for giving us such a rousing wake-up call.

It is a good thing to have another nation give us sane and rational competition in the areas we have become complacent in. I look forward to a future where perhaps some day, your taikonauts and our astronauts will shake hands on the Moon, and again on Mars.