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Re: Al Gore = Eco-Hero

Unread postPosted: Thu 22 Jan 2015, 16:24:20
by dohboi
And here's the video of his talk (send in your box tops for your free action figure! :P ) ... e-in-2015/

Re: Al Gore = Eco-Hero

Unread postPosted: Tue 27 Jan 2015, 12:27:35
by dohboi
Bill McKibben writes about Al Gore, global climate warrior.

And what was interesting was how. Instead of just dutifully repeating the old hits, his message on warming has changed. It’s now defiant and optimistic: The old energy system is doomed, as he wrote in Rolling Stone last summer. The falling cost of solar panels will ultimately sabotage fossil fuels. “The forward journey for human civilization will be difficult and dangerous, but it is now clear that we will ultimately prevail.”

This message is poison to the Exxons of the world; it’s a clever undercutting of their argument that burning ever more coal and gas and oil is inevitable, that the world has no choice. It’s a message delivered at the highest levels (Gore is always there in places like Davos where the 1% have to listen) and at the broadest: Live Earth, set for June 18, will be more about harmony than dissonance, but it will reach wide swaths of the planet, reinforcing the message that change is coming and that it’s cool. ... e-warrior/

Re: Al Gore = Eco-Hero

Unread postPosted: Tue 21 Jul 2015, 23:48:34
by dohboi ... ue-marble/

Al Gore’s Dream Begets a New Blue Marble

“This first DSCOVR image of our planet demonstrates the unique and important benefits of Earth observation from space,” said NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden.

“As a former astronaut who’s been privileged to view the Earth from orbit, I want everyone to be able to see and appreciate our planet as an integrated, interacting system. DSCOVR’s observations of Earth, as well as its measurements and early warnings of space weather events caused by the sun, will help every person to monitor the ever-changing Earth, and to understand how our planet fits into its neighborhood in the solar system.

The satellite was launched in February and recently reached its planned orbit at the first Lagrange point or L1, about one million miles from Earth toward the sun. It’s from that unique vantage point that the EPIC instrument is acquiring science quality images of the entire sunlit face of Earth. Data from EPIC will be used to measure ozone and aerosol levels in Earth’s atmosphere, cloud height, vegetation properties and the ultraviolet reflectivity of Earth. NASA will use this data for a number of Earth science applications, including dust and volcanic ash maps of the entire planet...

Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy use

Unread postPosted: Tue 25 Apr 2017, 19:50:08
by Plantagenet
Al Gore and the Energy Transition Commission (ETC) have just released their plan to reduce CO2 emissions to keep global T below 2°C, the limit set by the Paris Climate Accord Without this plan they predict the world all blow past the 2° limit set in Paris in about 20 years.


The plan looks good---but it shows the weakness and indeed the total idiocy of the Paris Accords

The Paris Accords doesn't contain a tough plan to reduce CO2 emissions like that laid out by the ETC. So Wwy should anyone adopt the expensive ETC plan when it isn't required by the Paris Accords?

I make two predictions:

(1) no country will voluntarily adopt the ETC----

(2) The 2°C limit on global warming set by the Paris Accords isn't a limit at all----its just a lot of hot air. The world will blow past the "limit" of 2°C set on warming in ca. 10 years---not the 20 predicted by the ETC.


For a climate of peace set limits on CO2 emissions---not meaningless limits on global temperature rise.

Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Wed 26 Apr 2017, 00:11:47
by AdamB
Plantie, you are suggesting....dare I even say it?.....RESULTS!!! ACHIEVEMENT!!! What a..novel...idea in a world that now runs on teaching our children that they deserve participation awards, as compared to...results and achievement awards. If the world were to demand results..well...some special snowflake would feel left out, their self esteem would be...damaged!...and they might...cry! The horror of asking for results is just too much of a psychological burden I fear. But I'm right with you on the demanding results rather than meaningless documents signed by lying political bobbleheads all spouting hopium.

Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Wed 26 Apr 2017, 01:29:18
by Plantagenet
AdamB wrote:Plantie, you are suggesting....dare I even say it?.....RESULTS!!! ACHIEVEMENT!!! What a..novel... But I'm right with you on the demanding results rather than meaningless documents signed by lying political bobbleheads all spouting hopium.

Thanks AdamBie.

I get it that people like Trump don't believe in Global Warming and don't care about carbon emissions.

But I'm constantly amazed that people like Obama and Al Gore and and all the people who constantly say they care about global warming and fundraise on global warming and denounce climate deniers etc. either convinced themselves that the idiotic Paris Climate Accords could outlaw global warming, or knew better but said nothing.


Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Wed 26 Apr 2017, 14:11:10
by Plantagenet
Squilliam wrote:Why should anyone care what Al Gore thinks? He's as corrupt as the rest of them.

True enough.

But Al Gore is probably the most famous and most visible public spokesman against global warming. He won an Oscar for his film "An Inconvenient Truth" and he won the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE for his public warnings of the dangers of global warming. He pretty much started the "carbon offset" business.

And Al Gore is now bringing out a new movie.....its an update to "An Inconvenient Truth"

And now he is involved in the "Energy Transitions Plan"---the newly released plan to keep the world below 2°C as agreed to at the Paris Climate Conference in Dec. 2015.

Congrats on your excellent judgement in seeing that "Al Gore is as corrupt as the rest of them" but for most people and for the "Establishment" types Al Gore is seen as the personification of good for his global warming advocacy.


Most of the world thinks Al Gore is the personification of goodness for his global warming work...that somehow doesn't do anything to stop global warming.... :lol:

Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Wed 26 Apr 2017, 15:11:46
Just forced myself to read the entire "plan" to make sure I understood what was being proposed. As I suspected no "plan" to decarbonize energy is offered. What is proposed is a PROCESS that might be utilized to decarbonize energy.

But no where in the link is there any method offered to either convince or force any country to apply any portion of the process.

Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Wed 26 Apr 2017, 17:14:25
by Plantagenet
ROCKMAN wrote:Just forced myself to read the entire "plan" to make sure I understood what was being proposed. As I suspected no "plan" to decarbonize energy is offered. What is proposed is a PROCESS that might be utilized to decarbonize energy.

But no where in the link is there any method offered to either convince or force any country to apply any portion of the process.


If the UN Paris Meeting had voted to accept this "Energy Transition Plan" and signed a binding treaty to make it happen we'd be on our way to decarbonizing the energy system and mitigating climate change.

But Al Gore and Obama and all the other idiots involved in this disaster have got everything all backwards---thanks to their brainlessness we've got a climate treaty with no plan and a plan thats not in the UN climate treaty.

Al Gore, Obama etc are working under the premise that if they Make a loud noise and display a bright shiny object and people will think they're doing something.

Ooooh. Its a UN climate Accord
What does it do?

Ooooh. Now its a Climate Transitions Plan.
And what does it do?
It also does nothing.

Its truly bizarre.

Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Wed 26 Apr 2017, 23:48:37
by dohboi
Plant said: "...its just a lot of hot air..."

and hot water and hot land...


Nice to see someone at least trying to come up with something remotely realistic (in the physical and technical sense, not the political).

Thanks to the Repubs and their equivalents in UK and elsewhere, this is no chance of this becoming widely adopted by anglophone countries, at least.

Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Thu 27 Apr 2017, 01:24:32
by Plantagenet
dohboi wrote:Thanks to the Repubs and their equivalents in UK and elsewhere, this is no chance of this becoming widely adopted by anglophone countries, at least.


And the Ds and their equivalents and the socialists and the communists and the nationalists and the populists and whoever is in charge also won't adopt it. Even the Pope won't adopt it. Even the Dalai Lama won't adopt it. Even the scientists wintering over in Antartica won't adopt it.

The CO2 just keeps belching out everywhere in the world, no matter who is running things.

No sign yet of any effect on carbon emissions from the 2015 Paris Accords

Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Thu 27 Apr 2017, 02:48:31
by dohboi

Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Sat 29 Apr 2017, 23:59:11
by Outcast_Searcher
dohboi wrote:Thanks to the Repubs and their equivalents in UK and elsewhere, this is no chance of this becoming widely adopted by anglophone countries, at least.

Show me where the liberals are voting for meaningful CO2 restrictions -- especially in the US.

Whining about the GOP doesn't make it better. Why didn't the liberal voters who dominate Washington state pass Prop 732 in November and pass at least a tiny CO2 tax? Probably because it's easier to blame the GOP than do anything meaningful.

Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 May 2017, 05:46:03
by dohboi
"You guys aren't perfect, therefor my guys are fine"

Nice attempt at logic there. Keep trying! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Or do some reading: ... n_20170427

Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 May 2017, 08:25:36
by Revi
We're going to blow right by the 2 degrees mark without even slowing down. The only way to stop this juggernaut is some kind of a global financial collapse, or even maybe peak oil.

Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 May 2017, 13:41:47
by Plantagenet
Revi wrote:We're going to blow right by the 2 degrees mark without even slowing down. The only way to stop this juggernaut is some kind of a global financial collapse, or even maybe peak oil.

Yup. Thats just what I've been saying.

The UN Paris Accord is a farce. It does little to nothing to reduce global CO2 emissions and global warming.

And Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan is another farce. It sounds great, but why didn't Obama and/or Al Gore and/or the environmental community demand that this plan or something similar be incorporated into the 2015 UN Paris climate accords? No country is going to voluntarily take these steps on its own---a decarbonization plan has to be part of a global climate treaty to be effective.

I get that Obama was probably too busy scheduling all his upcoming $400,000 speeches with the Wall Street Banks, but why didn't the Sierra Club or GreenPeace or or SOMEBODY denounce the UN Paris Treaty instead of going along with the farce? Dr. James Hansen denounced it as worthless, but he's about the only one that had the honesty to do it.


Re: Al Gore's Energy Transitions Plan to decarbonize energy

Unread postPosted: Tue 02 May 2017, 09:46:34
by Revi
What do you think the chances are of the present administration listening to anything Al Gore says? I would say slim to none. The last administration said they were doing something about climate change and did nothing. At least this Admin says it will do nothing and does nothing. It's more consistent. They might even crash the economy, and that will definitely cause us to use less fossil fuels.