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Re: Efficiency of Farmer's Markets/Country Living

Unread postPosted: Tue 22 Sep 2009, 21:13:25
by Revi
Country living has problems already. There are a lot of really marginal people living out in the boonies now. Life isn't going to get any better for them if gas goes up. They don't live in little self-sufficient farmsteads. They live in 40 year old trailers and on marginal land that can't be farmed. Most have forgotten how to grow a garden anyway.

They are losing their jobs and living on next to nothing. I heard about a guy who was burning the house to stay warm last winter. He had a chainsaw and was cutting pieces of the house into stove sized chunks.

Life around here is not going to be a picnic post-peak. It's hard enough now.

Re: Efficiency of Farmer's Markets/Country Living

Unread postPosted: Tue 22 Sep 2009, 23:51:47
by mos6507
pstarr wrote:What I did many years ago is start a garden in suburbia and I learned about compost, soil, plants and weeds etc. I moved away from the reigning paradigm (TV, gossip, consumerism, etc) and concentrated on self-reliance all the while making a good living in the "real" world. It has been a great journey.

That's what I'm doing now. So what's the problem? You seem to want to insert melodrama where it doesn't belong.

Re: Efficiency of Farmer's Markets/Country Living

Unread postPosted: Wed 23 Sep 2009, 00:53:18
by mos6507
pstarr wrote:
mos6507 wrote:
pstarr wrote:What I did many years ago is start a garden in suburbia and I learned about compost, soil, plants and weeds etc. I moved away from the reigning paradigm (TV, gossip, consumerism, etc) and concentrated on self-reliance all the while making a good living in the "real" world. It has been a great journey.

That's what I'm doing now. So what's the problem? You seem to want to insert melodrama where it doesn't belong.
I got out.

So will I probably, when the going gets tough enough. Do you by any chance have any kids? How about aging parents who are not red-pillers? Would the decision to move to the "redwood curtain" be any tougher if you did? I think you should refrain from portraying your life decisions as one-size-fits-all. Everybody's got to find their own way through this.

I know you are proud of the changes you've made in your life, but they are YOUR changes. They aren't necessarily the ideal model for everyone else. I'm glad to hear your story or anyone else's as long as it's qualified as such.

Re: Efficiency of Farmer's Markets/Country Living

Unread postPosted: Wed 23 Sep 2009, 02:07:57
by timmac
Your not growing that other weed up there behind the red curtain are you Pstarr..

Re: Efficiency of Farmer's Markets/Country Living

Unread postPosted: Sat 26 Sep 2009, 13:49:19
by efarmer
For those of us who enjoy lampooning and sarcasm, the notion of
being out in the boonies solo is sobering.

It would be like taking Don Rickles and casting him as a hermit in
the wilderness.

"Hey rabbit, what's your problem, you hockey puck, can't
find a bimbo with that ugly kisser of yours? "

"I'm sick of you crow, one more bleat out of your crooked beak
and I'm going in the hut for my pistol."

Eventually, folks like us will be looking in the mirror and making
fun of the ugly sucker staring back at us...

Re: Efficiency of Farmer's Markets/Country Living

Unread postPosted: Sat 26 Sep 2009, 21:57:51
by Revi
This summer we watched a dvd of Green Acres. Remember Mr. Haney? There is a funny side to country living too.
