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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Tue 04 Oct 2016, 17:53:32
by KaiserJeep
pstarr wrote:
salinsky wrote:Oh Shit! Waddup Dat be a big-ole bucket fo shur.

By the way, that's racist shit for sure. Or is it just Southern White Trash lingo for ''i'm ignernt"?

Read his posts. When he has a night out with the boys, I'm pretty sure they wear sheets.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Fri 11 Nov 2016, 01:42:37
by Plantagenet
The next Congress will repeal Obamacare

Then Trump will immediately cancel ALL of Obama's executive orders

Basically Obama's legacy is toast---just about nothing Obama accomplished as president is going to be left untouched.

Obama's legacy is like writing in the sand on a beach---it's going to be washed away

It must be frustrating for Obama. He deserves credit for being gracious and polite and inviting trump to the White House today


Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Nov 2016, 22:38:06
by Plantagenet
Oh oh. The ICC just said that the US is committing war crimes in Afghanistan. They said they have evidence that the CIA is torturing detainees

Holy Moly-----looks like part of Obama's legacy is that he is a war criminal and the ICC is on his tail

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Thu 08 Dec 2016, 23:48:26
by Plantagenet
Life Expectancy DROPS in the USA

One of the most disturbing legacies of Obama's time in office is the damage he's done to the US healthcare system. About six months ago it came out that the life expectancy for working class white males was falling.
Now studies show the life expectancy for all Americans also fell last year.


After decades of progress where the life expectancy of Americans grew greater and greater, Obama has managed to reverse the trend and now the life expectancy of Americans is dropping.

That is just amazingly bad news.

The US was already lagging behind other countries in life expectancy. Now the life expectancy of all Americans is actually starting to decrease.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Fri 09 Dec 2016, 00:59:01
by Plantagenet
pstarr wrote:You own Trump

Don't be absurd. I didn't vote for Trump.

For me Trump is just like Obama. If Obama/Trump does something good, I'll praise them. If Obama/Trump does something that isn't so good I'll criticize them.

The important thing is to maintain absolute impartiality and fairness at all times.

Just now studies are showing that life expectancy in the US has now started dropping under Obama. Life expectancy is one of the most basic measures of a country's quality of healthcare. This means that the result of 8 years of Obama messing with the US healthcare system is a DROP in life expectancy----i.e. DISASTER.


An Obama + Donald Trump morph

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Fri 09 Dec 2016, 14:44:07
by Cog
Was that Hillary's private position or public one?

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Fri 09 Dec 2016, 15:37:15
by Plantagenet
pstarr wrote:nothing to do with Obama.

Of course the US healthcare system has something to do with Obama. He rearranged the whole health system with Obamacare, and he's been issuing regulations to prop up Obamacare for 8 years now.

And now we see the results.

The net result of 8 years of Obama messing with the US healthcare system is a significant drop in life expectancy for working class whites over the last two years and, as this latest study shows, now the entire US population is showing a decrease in life expectancy.

That is a disaster. That is a terrible outcome.

Countries with well designed healthcare systems have LONG life expectancies. The US, with a dogs breakfast of poorly planned regulations and an ill designed mandatory-but-not-mandatory health insurance system is seeing life expectancy DECREASE.

Sheesh. What a disaster.

US life expectancies are now DECREASING. Obama has made a total hash-up of the US healthcare system.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Fri 09 Dec 2016, 16:54:37
by Cog
Not a single Republican in the US House or Senate voting for ObamaCare. Obama, and the Democrat party, owns this disaster entirely.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 13:27:51
by Plantagenet
Tulsi Gabbard, the interesting D Congresswoman from Hawaii, met with Trump yesterday to talk about US Syria policy. Gabbard has just introduced a bill in Congress to make it a crime for the US government to give support to Islamic terrorists.

Gabbard was interviewed on NPR this morning, and said while it is crime for private individuals to aid terrorists, the Obama administration has been sending arms, money and other aid to terrorist groups in Syria for years.

Obama's policy of arming the Syrian rebels has resulted in civil war, terrorism, and the destruction of Aleppo and other parts of Syria, and Gabbard hopes Trump will stop it.

I've been saying for years that the Obama policy of arming Islamist groups in Syria was nutty----nice to hear Gabbard is going to try to criminalize the nuttiness and stop Obama' incredibly stupid Syria policy.



Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 15:03:09
by dissident
Plantagenet wrote:Tulsi Gabbard, the interesting D Congresswoman from Hawaii, met with Trump yesterday to talk about US Syria policy. Gabbard has just introduced a bill in Congress to make it a crime for the US government to give support to Islamic terrorists.

Gabbard was interviewed on NPR this morning, and said while it is crime for private individuals to aid terrorists, the Obama administration has been sending arms, money and other aid to terrorist groups in Syria for years.

Obama's policy of arming the Syrian rebels has resulted in civil war, terrorism, and the destruction of Aleppo and other parts of Syria, and Gabbard hopes Trump will stop it.

I've been saying for years that the Obama policy of arming Islamist groups in Syria was nutty----nice to hear Gabbard is going to try to criminalize the nuttiness and stop Obama' incredibly stupid Syria policy.



It is not stupid, it is criminally insane. Americans will be reaping the results of Oscummer's and Killary's "legacy" for generations. Clearly 9/11 was not enough of a lesson not to succor the Wahabbis.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 16:00:13
by Newfie
I googled it.

It's interesting that no MSM is carrying the story.

I'm at a total loss as to what our ME policy is about. It does seem totally insane and fragmented. Unless we want to destroy the EU, seems it's doing that pretty effectively.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 05:56:50
by careinke
I think I just fell in love with a democrat.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 08:04:28
by Tanada
careinke wrote:I think I just fell in love with a democrat.

Local or national?

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 10:39:01
by Newfie
Hawaiian? It's the bikini right?

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 14:24:52
d - "It is not stupid, it is criminally insane". This has been discussed many times in a variety of forms. Since the Korean War the US has repeatedly injected itself into what could be argued as CIVIL WARS. Not automatically a "bad thing". But regardless of the validity we chose to either directly kill or support the killing of CIVILIANS. The MSM likes to clean it up some by calling them " rebels" or "terrorists". Or "freedom fighters" if they are on our side. But how ever they are tagged they are still "civilians". The only non-civilians killed in Syria are members of Assad's army. And a few Russian and US military. Likewise in Iraq and Afghanistan: most of the causalities are civilians.. Some armed...some not.

Like the sad joke from Vietnam: how can you tell the difference between a dead VC and a dead civilian? No such thing as a dead civilian. They're all VC...just some had their weapons carried off by their surviving comrades. And as the Russians would argue: how can you tell the difference between a Syrian relief convoy bringing supplies to civilians vs one bringing supplies to rebels? No need: rebels are civilians who are occasionally armed.