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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Sun 10 Jul 2022, 16:13:02
by Plantagenet
The Ds and their allies in the media have been pushing two conspiracy theories.

(1). The Ds claim Trump is a Russian agent.

(2). The Ds claim the Hunter Biden laptop and Hunter Biden emails are a Russian conspiracy.

As far as I can tell the Ds are still actively pushing these conspiracy theories, even though they are pretty much discredited now.

Simultaneously, the Ds themselves have been actively engaged in a conspiracy with their allies in the media to cover up the fact that Joe Biden is senile and incompetent.

It is this third conspiracy that is breaking down, as it becomes clear to even the most biased D (well....maybe not the most biased but to anyone with a scintilla of honesty in their soul)....that Biden is suffering from an age-related loss of mental competence (ie. he is senile) and Joe's decisions and policies have been mostly incompetent since he became president.

Ds and the MSM are starting to publicly question Biden's mental capacity----that means the conspiracy to cover up the fact that Joe Biden is senile is breaking down.


I only wish the Ds hadn't covered up for Joe for so long.......if the Ds had stood up to Obama when he told all the D candidates to drop out in favor of Joe during the D primaries, then we might have had Bernie or Elizabeth Warren or someone else instead of Joe as President......and perhaps we wouldn't have botched Afghanistan as Biden did, or triggered off inflation as Biden did, or failed to deter Putin in Ukraine as Biden did.

The fact that Ds are now willing to admit that Joe Biden is senile also opens the door for Joe to be impeached or removed from office on the basis of being mentally incompetent.....and the sooner that happens the better.

HEY Ds! Now that you are willing to admit that Joe Biden is senile, how about helping to remove him from office before he does any more damage to our country and the world?


Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Sun 10 Jul 2022, 18:57:32
by AdamB
Newfie wrote:Vt,

Elsewhere I read a majority of Americans want a third party.

Sort of thought us independents were one. Seems like we throw the elections at the national level pretty often, didn't we get Clinton elected instead of Bush back in 1992? Ross Perot!! Da man!

You gotta figure when you've got rabid 1/3 Republicrats like VT, and 1/3 Democans like Hitlery, the independents get to swing the Presidency around. It is why Presidential candidates always run to center after nomination isn't it? Collecting independents stupid enough to not recognize pandering?

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Sun 10 Jul 2022, 19:00:21
by AdamB
Plantagenet wrote:HEY Ds! Now that you are willing to admit that Joe Biden is senile, how about helping to remove him from office before he does any more damage to our country and the world?

We independents and non hyper partisans certainly took care of the last sleepy, slow and traitorous Administration this way. Guess we'll see if Biden decides to run, and if his opponent in 2024 is as senile/slow as Joe is, or maybe just aother (or the same ) traitor to the country and decide if sleepy and slow is better than a traitor or not?

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Sun 10 Jul 2022, 19:26:08
by jato0072
how about helping to remove him from office

What!?!? So we can have Kamala instead? Pelosi?

No thanks. Keep sleepy Joe in there. What we don't need is a charismatic AND competent Leftist in the Whitehouse.

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Sun 10 Jul 2022, 21:15:27
by vtsnowedin
For a third party to succeeded they need to organize and put forward a slate of candidates. It has been done before and can be done again. We have not heard much from the Whig party anymore which was the party of George Washington. Not an easy thing to do and it would require a very good leader that was very good at articulating the parties positions with a message that rang true with the majority of the middle and picked up some support from the moderates from both the left and right.

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Sun 10 Jul 2022, 21:20:59
by AdamB
vtsnowedin wrote: Not an easy thing to do and it would require a very good leader that was very good at articulating the parties positions with a message that rang true with the majority of the middle and picked up some support from the moderates from both the left and right.

Any reason a third party can't be a slow witted, old and incompetent senior citizen? Just like folks have voted into office for two national elections now? No reason to rock the boat, if the oligarchs just want to serve up old, dimwitted and occasionally traitorous old farts, odds are they would just assign someone similar to play the "independents" candidate.

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Mon 11 Jul 2022, 13:41:35
by Newfie
Independents can not be a 3rd party because they have no alternative slate.

I would like to see a 3rd party arise around the idea of term limits for congress critters.

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Mon 11 Jul 2022, 14:21:31
by AdamB
Newfie wrote:Independents can not be a 3rd party because they have no alternative slate.

Ah! Hadn't thought about it that, but you are of course correct. I guess all we can continue doing is deciding which old, slow and sleepy senior citizen from the two branded parties will do the least amount of damage, compared to the other.

Unfortunately, when both choices suck, and either will do massive damage, just in different arenas, voting just sucks in general. Has for most of my adult life, come to think of it.

Newfie wrote:I would like to see a 3rd party arise around the idea of term limits for congress critters.

Congress critters going in normal folk and coming out millionaires wouldn't be happy with term limits, them never knowing if they can suck up long or hard enough in the time allotted to get their lottery winnings from the oligarchs when they leave office.

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Mon 11 Jul 2022, 15:33:16
by theluckycountry
vtsnowedin wrote:For a third party to succeeded they need to organize and put forward a slate of candidates.

Isn't it interesting that all major western democratic nations have but two major parties that swing back and forth every couple of elections? Is this a natural thing, due to human social pressures? Or is it a constructed system? We see it in business too. Microsoft/Apple GM/Ford. Up here, Woolworth/Coles Ebay/Gumtree. Oh yes there are other players, both in politics and business, but they are inconsequential and never supplant the Big players once they are entrenched. Look at that husk of a politician you have, Nancy pelosi, how does that scarecrow get re-elected term after term?

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Mon 11 Jul 2022, 16:11:05
by Plantagenet
jato0072 wrote:
how about helping to remove him from office

What!?!? So we can have Kamala instead? Pelosi?

No thanks. Keep sleepy Joe in there. What we don't need is a charismatic AND competent Leftist in the Whitehouse.

I'm thinking of the good of the country.....not what benefits one party or the other.

And impeaching Joe Biden and removing him from office would be for the good of the country. Every decision Joe makes results in another catastrophe. The man is a senile old fool. He's already triggered off record inflation, Joe surrendered to the Taliban and left 86 billion dollars of military equipment behind, Joe has opened the southern border resulting in thousands of deaths in the US as mexican fentanyl floods in, and Joe is also responsible for the deaths of the illegal aliens who fried to death in the truck. because that wasn't even inspected as it rolled into the US with its payload of death. Joe Biden failed to deter Putin from invading Ukraine, and he has delayed providing the weapons Ukraine needs to defend itself, allowing Putin to conquer huge areas of Ukraine. And now Biden is leading us into a recession.

Isn't that enough catastrophe for one president?

And this new mess where the Biden administration sold a million barrels of oil from the US strategic petroleum reserve to the same Chinese company that Hunter Biden is involved with just reeks of corruption. A million barrels of oil at $100 bbl is 100 million dollars ..... how much exactly does Hunter Biden profit from this illegal sale of US oil.....and how much did Hunter kick back to Joe?

And if the Ds won't agree to impeach him, then Ds should move to remove Joe Biden from office on the basis of the 25th Amendment, i.e. Joe Biden is senile.

Please Ds...for the good of the us get rid of this stupid corrupt, and senile old fool that you foisted on the country.

For the good of our beloved country...... Invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Biden from office NOW!!!!


Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Mon 11 Jul 2022, 19:48:51
by vtsnowedin
Plantagenet wrote:
jato0072 wrote:
how about helping to remove him from office

What!?!? So we can have Kamala instead? Pelosi?

No thanks. Keep sleepy Joe in there. What we don't need is a charismatic AND competent Leftist in the Whitehouse.

I'm thinking of the good of the country.....not what benefits one party or the other.

And impeaching Joe Biden and removing him from office would be for the good of the country. Every decision Joe makes results in another catastrophe. The man is a senile old fool. He's already triggered off record inflation, Joe surrendered to the Taliban and left 86 billion dollars of military equipment behind, Joe has opened the southern border resulting in thousands of deaths in the US as mexican fentanyl floods in, and Joe is also responsible for the deaths of the illegal aliens who fried to death in the truck. because that wasn't even inspected as it rolled into the US with its payload of death. Joe Biden failed to deter Putin from invading Ukraine, and he has delayed providing the weapons Ukraine needs to defend itself, allowing Putin to conquer huge areas of Ukraine. And now Biden is leading us into a recession.

Isn't that enough catastrophe for one president?

And this new mess where the Biden administration sold a million barrels of oil from the US strategic petroleum reserve to the same Chinese company that Hunter Biden is involved with just reeks of corruption. A million barrels of oil at $100 bbl is 100 million dollars ..... how much exactly does Hunter Biden profit from this illegal sale of US oil.....and how much did Hunter kick back to Joe?

And if the Ds won't agree to impeach him, then Ds should move to remove Joe Biden from office on the basis of the 25th Amendment, i.e. Joe Biden is senile.

Please Ds...for the good of the us get rid of this stupid corrupt, and senile old fool that you foisted on the country.

For the good of our beloved country...... Invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Biden from office NOW!!!!


I think more then a few Democrat leaders see it that way but they are stuck with not being able to find a replacement for Harris that would actually be a benefit to the country and hence for the party. They need to get her gone and replaced with that better candidate before they take away Joe's pep pills and nap times.
Now after November the GOP can and probably will impeach Biden but can they also impeach Harris and make Kevin McCarthy POTUS?
I'll bet some Democrats are having nightmares about that possibility already.

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Tue 12 Jul 2022, 06:30:35
by JuanP
Newfie wrote:Independents can not be a 3rd party because they have no alternative slate.

I would like to see a 3rd party arise around the idea of term limits for congress critters.

I would like to see a third party that had the protection of the best interests of ALL Americans and the REAL survival of the USA as a nation as their driving force. Of course, that would require doing away with the American Empire, IMO, and I don't expect that to ever happen. The consequences, unfortunately, will likely be the continuing deterioration of Americans' quality of life and dissolution of the USA as a political entity.

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Tue 12 Jul 2022, 10:56:12
by jato0072
that would require doing away with the American Empire, IMO, and I don't expect that to ever happen. The consequences, unfortunately, will likely be the continuing deterioration of Americans' quality of life and dissolution of the USA as a political entity.

Yeah, I don't see a US Nationalist political party ever gaining control. I would expect a slow descent into 3rd world dysfunctional status. An increasing divide of rich vs. poor with the "middle class" eventually evaporating. California is a good canary in the coal mine.

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Tue 12 Jul 2022, 11:37:30
by Plantagenet
jato0072 wrote: I .... expect a slow descent into 3rd world dysfunctional status. An increasing divide of rich vs. poor with the "middle class" eventually evaporating. California is a good canary in the coal mine.

I agree completely, except I don't think the descent is going to be slow.

Biden is going to plunge the US into a 3rd world dysfunctional state much more quickly than people imagine.

Biden has opened up the southern border so millions of illegal aliens are pouring into the USA....and then the Biden administration is putting them on buses and planes to distribute them around the USA.
Along with the illegal aliens come gang members and drugs.....with the border open Mexican fentanyl is flooding the streets in the USA, resulting in thousands of deaths.

AND, Biden is debasing the US currency through inflation, destroying the wealth of middle class Americans every day.

AND, Biden is doing his best to destroy US manufacturing capacity. He's doing this in two ways (1) by economic policies that produce a recession in the USA and (2) by eliminating Trump's tariffs on Chinese goods so the Chinese can undercut US manufactures and drive them out of business.

IMHO some inner cities in the USA are already worse then many third world countries. I can go to Mexico or Peru or Costa Rica and feel pretty safe walking around their cities........but with soaring crime rates in D controlled cities in the USA, its already less safe then many third world countries.



Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Tue 12 Jul 2022, 15:27:33
by vtsnowedin
It is interesting that the dollar is now on par with the Euro. To me that indicates that real inflation in Europe is even worse then it is here. ( MickeyDs in a New York thruway service center charged us @29.95 for two burger and fries meals yesterday. :shock: )
I don't know how fast we might descend while Biden is still in office but it will be a temporary decline not a permanent collapse. Stupid policies have brought this on us and the rest of the world and they all can be reversed in time.

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Tue 12 Jul 2022, 20:47:41
by jato0072
IMHO is barely matters who is president. Trump couldn't accomplish anything for 4 years except for dodging phoney impeachments. Our problems are structural and the woke Left has control of most of our Institutions.

Recent youtube clip with Chris Hedges on Christian Fascism

According to the Left, the Christian Fascists are in power!?!? Constitutional separation of powers is now Fascism. Amazing!
In reality the far Left think anyone against Socialism is a Fascist.

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Tue 12 Jul 2022, 23:58:21
by Plantagenet
jato0072 wrote:IMHO is barely matters who is president.

Oh really?

Perhaps you didn't notice that after only a year and half of Biden's stupid policies, we've had a collapse of the stock market, we've got the highest inflation in decades, we've got a major war going on in Europe, and the economy is headed into a what will probably be a severe recession.

jato0072 wrote:Our problems are structural and the woke Left has control of most of our Institutions..

Exactly right.

jato0072 wrote: the far Left think anyone against Socialism is a Fascist.

The left is very good at name-calling but they are also profoundly ignorant. For instance, they don't seem to realize that the socialist movement split into two branches in the early 20th century. There were the international socialists and the national socialists (ie. the fascists) socialists and fascists are both part of the same socialist movement.

socialists and fascists are both part of the same socialist movement


Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Wed 13 Jul 2022, 00:15:12
by AdamB
Plantagenet wrote:Please Ds...for the good of the us get rid of this stupid corrupt, and senile old fool that you foisted on the country.

They already did that in 2020. :)

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Wed 13 Jul 2022, 02:01:46
by vtsnowedin
Plantagenet wrote:
jato0072 wrote:IMHO is barely matters who is president.

Oh really?

Perhaps you didn't notice that after only a year and half of Biden's stupid policies, we've had a collapse of the stock market, we've got the highest inflation in decades, we've got a major war going on in Europe, and the economy is headed into a what will probably be a severe recession.

Sums it up nicely ! And I for one have noticed every day.

Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Wed 13 Jul 2022, 04:24:23
by evilgenius
AdamB wrote:
Newfie wrote:Independents can not be a 3rd party because they have no alternative slate.

Ah! Hadn't thought about it that, but you are of course correct. I guess all we can continue doing is deciding which old, slow and sleepy senior citizen from the two branded parties will do the least amount of damage, compared to the other.

Unfortunately, when both choices suck, and either will do massive damage, just in different arenas, voting just sucks in general. Has for most of my adult life, come to think of it.

Newfie wrote:I would like to see a 3rd party arise around the idea of term limits for congress critters.

Congress critters going in normal folk and coming out millionaires wouldn't be happy with term limits, them never knowing if they can suck up long or hard enough in the time allotted to get their lottery winnings from the oligarchs when they leave office.

I don't know. My representative hasn't even had to run for re-election yet, and she has raked in millions. Yeah, that Boebert woman. She has gone from restaurant failure to multi-millionaire. She's absolutely not a Democrat, but she does hold up her end of what people think of congressmembers.