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Re: The coming Civil War Pt. 4

Unread postPosted: Wed 04 Aug 2021, 15:27:43
by theluckycountry
rangerone314 wrote:Anyone hoping for a civil war is almost certainly a moron, because the likelihood is that it would solve nothing

The smart thing to do is to simply plan for surviving the collapse and having a plan for rebuilding after most of the people in North America are dead.

The idea that a civil war could be the end result of the madness in america is just delusional projectionism. The ones believing in it are wanting a quick upheaval, they probably plan on hiding from, and then a return to a new normal.

The trouble is civil wars require Two things. Two standing armies. America only has one. The idea that a million 'deplorables' will unite and coordinate an attack against the most militarized nation on earth is total fantasy.

All that needs be done to cripple a rebellion over there is shut down the gas stations and halt the trucks into the supermarkets. The government wouldn't turn off the cell phones though, that's how they get most of their intel lol.

Re: The coming Civil War Pt. 4

Unread postPosted: Thu 05 Aug 2021, 10:53:58
by rangerone314
Outcast_Searcher wrote:
rangerone314 wrote:The smart thing to do is to simply plan for surviving the collapse and having a plan for rebuilding after most of the people in North America are dead.

So, still planning for the imminent "collapse", eh?

How many lifetimes must pass before that strategy isn't deemed optimal, every single year the insta-doomers forecast it, and aside from periodic recessions or inconveniences, BAU CONTINUES?

Define "imminent".

I consider the system unstable enough that a big Black Swan could cause a collapse within a 6 month time frame. I consider gradual decline leading to a collapse as pretty much a given, even without a Black Swan lending a hand between the 2030's and 2050's.

Re: The coming Civil War Pt. 4

Unread postPosted: Thu 05 Aug 2021, 10:59:19
by rangerone314
People won't form "standing armies" to face each other. Most likely you will see insurgency on a large scale. Clever insurgents might just cripple the East or West or Texas or all 3 power grids simply by shooting transformers with high-powered rifles.

Take enough of those out, and you don't have gas stations pumping gas. Kind of puts a halt to food distribution. Also, it would suck to need dialysis, insulin or other refrigerated drugs. Also, running water, once the water towers run out and can't refill. Cholera kind of sucks.

The US was unable to defeat the Taliban after 20 years. And the Taliban didn't try to track down family members of US generals, or take out the supply chains within the US.

Re: The coming Civil War Pt. 4

Unread postPosted: Thu 05 Aug 2021, 14:44:33
by Newfie
Thats right, LOTS of supply chain vulnerability. Water supplies for example. Critical bridges and tunnels. Achilles heels.