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Re: THE Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Mon 14 Jan 2019, 14:45:51
by Tanada
dohboi wrote:No more NOAA data on CO2 and other gasses thanks to Trump's shutdown. :twisted:

I believe you mean Pelosy's Government Shutdown, but regardless we know what happens every year at this time, levels are going Up, Up, And Away!

Honestly the House could send clean spending bills for different agencies one by one up for a vote, but they won't because it makes hiding the pork nearly impossible. They vastly prefer 'Omnibus' budget bills that cover everything and thus make special project insertion both easy and nearly invisible.

Re: THE Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Mon 14 Jan 2019, 20:43:22
by Cid_Yama
the House could send clean spending bills for different agencies one by one up for a vote

First off, Trump refused to sign the continuing resolution (clean omnibus) bill passed by both the House and Senate before Christmas.

First order of business when the new House was seated was to vote for and send to the Senate the exact same bill. Which McConnell refused to bring up for a vote in the Senate.

Then the House immediately did what you said, breaking it up, passing each, and sending to the Senate where McConnell has continued to refuse to bring anything to the floor for a vote.

Trump, live on TV from the Oval Office, declared himself proud to call the shutdown his own and told Schumer to his face he would not blame the Democrats. So Trump owned the first part, and McConnell owns the second, running interference for Trump.

Re: THE Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Thread Pt. 7

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Jan 2019, 13:59:40
by GHung
Cid_Yama wrote:
the House could send clean spending bills for different agencies one by one up for a vote

First off, Trump refused to sign the continuing resolution (clean omnibus) bill passed by both the House and Senate before Christmas.

First order of business when the new House was seated was to vote for and send to the Senate the exact same bill. Which McConnell refused to bring up for a vote in the Senate.

Then the House immediately did what you said, breaking it up, passing each, and sending to the Senate where McConnell has continued to refuse to bring anything to the floor for a vote.

Trump, live on TV from the Oval Office, declared himself proud to call the shutdown his own and told Schumer to his face he would not blame the Democrats. So Trump owned the first part, and McConnell owns the second, running interference for Trump.

Jeez, Cid, don't confuse Tanada with facts. The site might crash.

We could go back to last year when a bi-partisan bill that gave over 25 billion to ICE was sent to the White House, including for Trump's wall, but it went nowhere because of DACA. Nice to know our Federal government is held hostage by a bunch of kids who've been here for most of their lives and want to stay in the country they grew up in. Selfish little brown people!

Oh,, and for Tanada's ridiculous "Pelosi's shutdown" comment; Pelosi and the House Democrat majority had not been sworn in for this session when this shutdown began. The Republicans had a majority in both houses. Not sure if Tanada thinks we're idiots or what.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Jan 2019, 16:19:02
by GHung
Seems this thread went POOF. Magic?

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Jan 2019, 16:27:20
by Tanada
GHung wrote:Seems this thread went POOF. Magic?

It didn't Poof, I just moved the politics over to a political thread instead of leaving it in the CO2 records thread.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Jan 2019, 18:22:38
by vtsnowedin
I'm surprised that the local banks across the country that have Federal employee customers with direct deposit of their paychecks have not offered automatic payday loans equal to their usual check for say one percent a month interest. A nice gesture and good for customer relations with about as low a risk as any loan they could make.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Jan 2019, 18:51:46
by Cog
It's too bad these posts weren't merged into a shutdown thread of more recent origin. If only such a thread existed. No wait.........


Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Jan 2019, 20:06:07
by careinke
vtsnowedin wrote:I'm surprised that the local banks across the country that have Federal employee customers with direct deposit of their paychecks have not offered automatic payday loans equal to their usual check for say one percent a month interest. A nice gesture and good for customer relations with about as low a risk as any loan they could make.

Back in the 80's when I was in the service, and a shutdown was threatened, my bank sent me a letter beforehand saying they would automatically give me an interest free loan on payday. Fortunately, the shutdown never happened, but the thought made a very good impression.

This is what my current credit union is offering to its affected members:
Sound is proud to stand with our members and community through all waves of life. If that includes an impact to your income due to the government shutdown, you may qualify for some flexible options through our Member Support Program including special loans or payment terms.

Program Options

Free Skip-a-Pay
90-day deferred loan at 0% APR, no credit check required
Waived early withdrawal penalty on existing Certificates
Sound is available to discuss and explore options that best suit your needs during this challenging time. For more information, contact us in the way that’s easiest for you.

So at least one credit union is stepping up to help.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Jan 2019, 20:17:57
by vtsnowedin
careinke wrote:Program Options

Free Skip-a-Pay
90-day deferred loan at 0% APR, no credit check required
Waived early withdrawal penalty on existing Certificates
Sound is available to discuss and explore options that best suit your needs during this challenging time. For more information, contact us in the way that’s easiest for you.

So at least one credit union is stepping up to help.[/quote]
That is good to hear but I am surprised that more banks are not replacing their worn out adds with announcements of similar programs. Seems like a golden opportunity lost.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Jan 2019, 22:34:08
by Tanada
Cog wrote:It's too bad these posts weren't merged into a shutdown thread of more recent origin. If only such a thread existed. No wait.........


I was trying not to mess up your poll.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 06:36:43
by Cog
Ahh got it now.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 09:01:52
by Cog
Ok the plan is to pay February ebt benefits by January 20th. Then no payments will happen in February. All the ebt people have to do is budget their money out over 40 days. How hard could that be? LOL.

More at link ... wn-2491182

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 14:12:46
by Cog
I don't get the Democrat position here. They are saying re-open the government then we can debate border security. Here is my question. Why can't they debate the issue right now during the shut-down?

Trump understands very well the shutdown is the only leverage he has. Democrats understand that too. More theatre.

Pelosi said we should cancel the state of the union address due to security concerns. Really Nancy? DHS has already said the can do the security necessary. If the Dems are afraid, they can stay home. Hell, I'll attend wearing my MAGA hat.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 17:20:09
by jedrider
Cog wrote:I don't get the Democrat position here. They are saying re-open the government then we can debate border security. Here is my question. Why can't they debate the issue right now during the shut-down?

That's silly. They have already debated it. They mean it is not worthy of a shutdown and the political wind has to tilt the government one way or the other WHILE it is open, and not by this blackmail government shutdown.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 17:46:58
by KaiserJeep
IMHO, this is only a little bit about the Wall or border security. What the shutdown is about is election 2020. Whoever caves over this issue allows the other party to dominate 2020. This is all about a perception of strength, and the whole Wall/No Wall is the excuse for the power struggle.

Too bad the USCG is no longer getting paid. They still have to rescue people and perform the other missions, while their families suffer. The other military services are still getting paid, because they funded DOD, but the USCG is part of Homeland Security, and has no funding.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 18:16:19
by Cog
jedrider wrote:
Cog wrote:I don't get the Democrat position here. They are saying re-open the government then we can debate border security. Here is my question. Why can't they debate the issue right now during the shut-down?

That's silly. They have already debated it. They mean it is not worthy of a shutdown and the political wind has to tilt the government one way or the other WHILE it is open, and not by this blackmail government shutdown.

There has been no debate about the wall. Pelosi has said she won't spend a penny on a wall. That is not a debate. That is an ultimatum. But hey, I'm fine with the federal government being shut down indefinitely. The reality that the Democrats don't want to debate is they love illegals more than they do citizens. That is a fact.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 18:21:47
by jedrider
There has been no debate about the wall. Pelosi has said she won't spend a penny on a wall. That is not a debate. That is an ultimatum. But hey, I'm fine with the federal government being shut down indefinitely.

That's silly. There has been 24/7 coverage of the shutdown AND the wall, the wall having been discussed, debated, and food dissed out over it, for far longer than the shutdown. Of course, you're NOT fine with it really.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 18:25:05
by Cog
There has been no floor debate on the wall funding. Pelosi would not allow it. But if the Dems want the government open tonight all they have to do is vote for wall funding. But since they won't, the misery for them will just get worse. I'm totally ok with the Dems being exposed as those who love illegals more than border security and those who are working unpaid to enforce it.

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 19:11:04
by jedrider
This appears to be a constitutional flaw. This should not be allowed to happen as it has. There just HAS to be a tie breaker somewhere in the system, but where?? That is who is at fault. Maybe, it's the Republican controlled Senate (I don't understand the history of these shutdowns enough, though). Seems to me a the Senate always has 51 voting members, there can never be a stalemate. So, the Senate is looking to see who has more staying power, the Congress or the President? Seems cruel to me to go on with this. (But that's nothing new to our government nowadays. Last time something this momentous has happened were probably the labor riots in the 1930's (I don't remember when). That's obviously what it's going to take now, that the people DEMAND their government is reopened to serve the people (or the wealthy).

Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postPosted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 19:17:17
by KaiserJeep
We don't need no stinkin' gov'mint.