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Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postPosted: Thu 19 Nov 2020, 12:50:29
by dohboi
Sorry about the broken link, P, and thanks for pointing out the version by the writers...definitely a keeper!

The larger lesson for this thread--people can reach each other thru music across all sorts of political and other barriers!! :-D


Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postPosted: Thu 19 Nov 2020, 14:38:40
by Outcast_Searcher
careinke wrote:Don't do Doh Boys work for him, I'm trying to purge his CNN brainwashing. He needs to figure out critical thinking.

If you're in denial about how irrational much of Trump's behavior is, including the constant objectively demonstrable level of blatant lying, you should look in the mirror when complaining about a lack of critical thinking.


Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postPosted: Thu 19 Nov 2020, 15:59:09
by jedrider
Outcast_Searcher wrote:
careinke wrote:Don't do Doh Boys work for him, I'm trying to purge his CNN brainwashing. He needs to figure out critical thinking.

If you're in denial about how irrational much of Trump's behavior is, including the constant objectively demonstrable level of blatant lying, you should look in the mirror when complaining about a lack of critical thinking.


Precisely. We are living in a state of denial or in The State of Denial, the USA: 47.2% of voters, 73 million voters, voted for not just a liar, but a pathological liar.

Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postPosted: Fri 20 Nov 2020, 02:38:07
by careinke
Outcast_Searcher wrote:
careinke wrote:Don't do Doh Boys work for him, I'm trying to purge his CNN brainwashing. He needs to figure out critical thinking.

If you're in denial about how irrational much of Trump's behavior is, including the constant objectively demonstrable level of blatant lying, you should look in the mirror when complaining about a lack of critical thinking.


Actually I'm not. I would not have even voted for trump, (I didn't vote for him in 2016, nor Killary). I would not have voted for him this election either, except Ibon insisted I choose.

So I did choose, I chose not to vote for a senile, corrupt, pedophile, backed by a party set on destroying the constitution, who also used the federal government to spy on an opposition political party.

I see Senile Old Joe is already backing away from his political promises. Or don't you consider those lies????????

Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postPosted: Fri 20 Nov 2020, 04:23:09
by EnergyUnlimited
Below is my take on the subject, assuming that US is going to stay united:

Most likely US will get few years of bonanza for poorer people when lefties are spending all accumulated wealth as if there is no tomorrow, then economic crash and many decades of future comparable to to LA countries like Brazil, Argentina or Venezuela.

Replacement of WASPs with brown people due to pending demographic changes (very bad for WASPs but in overall good for rest of world) is rather inevitable at this point.
This will end capacity to meddle around a world for huge benefit of all humanity there but in America it will rather cause chaos.
Intellectual capacity required to maintain complex infrastructure will go down the drain together with WASPs.
Within about 25 years average IQ of American citizen is going to drop to level of ~85 typical for countries like Pakistan, Iran or Mexico.
Level of prosperity should drop down accordingly to one seen in these countries.
Society will also turn more violent and difficult to govern - typical ill of low IQ nations.

In overall such a place should not be too difficult for Chinese to subdue and exploit by crafty business contracts, loan policies etc.
At this point average American will be a favela dweller working for $10-20 a day. Still not too bad.

Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postPosted: Fri 20 Nov 2020, 12:32:03
by dissident
US leftists are frauds. There is lots of talk and posturing but at the end of the day the D. Party is the tool of the MIC and will lubricate bigger profits for US corporations through imperial wars of aggression on easy targets. There is always someone to save somewhere and who cares if a million civilians die as collateral damage from "humanitarian" intervention.

I don't expect that the US poor will be bailed out under Biden. They will remain poor. Instead there will be more propaganda BS about tranny access to female toilets and identity politics diversion. Since the D. Party are rabid globalists (aka imperialists) they will not even try to bring well paying jobs back to the USA. So what sort of relief are the US poor and working poor going to get from these frauds?

The problem is that Americans are still asleep since they voted in 2020 like they voted for the last few decades: as if everything is normal. They had a stark choice to make and they chose to ignore it. Well, it is going to come back and hit them, hard.

Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postPosted: Fri 20 Nov 2020, 14:22:53
by jedrider
Dissident, your post is so non-sensical and filled with contradictions.

US leftists are frauds.
You mean the 'centrists'. Only you call them the 'Left' arguing from such a far right perspective.

female toilets and identity politics diversion
Well, if we're all going down the toilet, might as well be fair about it.

they voted in 2020 like they voted for the last few decades: as if everything is normal.
Clearly, nothing was normal. That was the whole purpose of the election, to get BACK to normal.

Normal certainly has it's problems, but it is better than having a jackass leading us. I agree about the 'rabid imperalists', yet I never saw Trump nor Republicans reduce expenditures on unnecessary arms and weapons, nor figure out how to pay for them except by borrowing more which will contribute to crashing the system earlier and making it incapable of responding to untoward events adequately.

Yes, we will be back to normal. I want 'normal' because I know there is no way out, but I do want a better normal.

Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postPosted: Sat 21 Nov 2020, 05:02:54
by EnergyUnlimited
@dissident & jedrider,
You are both wrong.
Pending changes are real and substantial.
D's despite how much they might want to come back to imperialism, they will fail for the simple reason that America and West in general is already bankrupt.
Neoconservatism is a dead end and it will go to dustbin together with its proponents in R @ D spectrum
Outside world won't accept it any more and America begins to lose arms race.
In terms of novelties like hypersonic missiles, quantum encryption & communication or submarines design US is already far behind China or Russia.
These hypersonic missiles are making carriers obsolete and it won't be long before one is sunk.
So US may either accept demotion to local power status or go with nukes for end of the world (and should this happen world will partially survive but US won't).
It is understood even in America and neoconservatism with related nonsense will end.

Biden is only transition president (that is why person who is getting senile got chosen - to be manipulated easily or removed from office on health grounds if needed).
Real power will go to people like Ms Harris, AOC and Ms Omar or rather to masterminds behind them.
Their task is to introduce LA styled socialism which will give few years of prosperity and later turn America into standard Third World setup.
Meantime societal degeneration and degradation of life standards is going to proceed.
Gender confusion, drug addiction, sexual perversions and paedophilia is going to be rampant.
Equality in front of law will mostly be gone but everyone will be equal in toilet and intellectual capacity to carry on public discourse above this toilet equality and sex education level will also be gone.
Of course such society is going to be mostly sterile, so population is going to crash with the exception of low IQ groups which will still multiply.

These changes are partially by design and partially by default - it is understood between top elites that consumerism and entitlement culture is bankrupt and it has to be gone.
Socialism is a temporary cover up plot to anaesthetise public during critical transition but once current circus is over and dieoff complete systems very much feudal in nature are going to emerge.
In America too.

Such feudal systems suffer of many ills but are historically stable.
They consist of aristocracy (current 0.01%-ers are struggling to book themselves there), lower nobilities and free people possessing useful skills who are critical for stabilization of system (5-10%) and remaining 90 % of abused serfs, debtors and slaves.
So those who have families should do all they can to position their kids into this 5-10% group to save their freedom.

Re: Divisiveness and the US Exploding Political Economic Sys

Unread postPosted: Sat 21 Nov 2020, 17:01:45
by dohboi
jed wrote: "Dissident, your post is so non-sensical and filled with contradictions.'

Yeah, it kind of amazes me that this guy has pretty much the sharpest mind in the GW threads, always backing everything up with good logic, good science, and good sources.

Then he gets on these political threads and all that goes out the window...

A different sort of 'bipolar disorder' I guess