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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postPosted: Fri 09 Nov 2018, 14:33:25
by Outcast_Searcher
KaiserJeep wrote:I'm actually disappointed. The problem I am having is that the news reporting is supposed to be apolitical and neutral. Just the facts, without any detectable political position. In my youth, this absolutely happened. Chet Huntly and David Brinkley did this, Walter Kronkite did this, and if a mistake was made and any political bias was exposed in the news, within a few days they would confess their sin, acknowledge the lack of professionalism, and apologize to the viewers.

That was a completely different era in many ways.

Ethics were a core value for a huge proportion of American families, vs. say "getting what is ours -- at any cost".

Due to the FCC requirement re public service of news channels, news wasn't a for profit business. Thus being the best at reporting the facts was the way to viewer eyeballs -- not saying what punditry or political group X WANTS TO HEAR.

Once it became purely for profit re news reporting, and no mandatory social responsibility was left in the equation -- entertainment for eyeballs (and more profits) became the primary goal. After that, the overall results are entirely predictable, IMO. Just like the politicians we elect, we get the news we DESERVE, by tolerating bad behavior as a society.

And yes, I see I climbed on my soap box again. At least I'll sign up for MY bad behavior when I get riled about an issue which, IMO, is very worth getting riled about.