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Re: Healing The Partisan Divide Pt. 3

Unread postPosted: Thu 17 Oct 2019, 18:14:01
by Newfie
Still evading.

You made the claim folks on this site want to kill billions.

Put up or shut up already.

There may be someone who said this, but I don’t know who.

Re: Healing The Partisan Divide Pt. 3

Unread postPosted: Thu 17 Oct 2019, 21:25:36
by Cog
Newfie how many discussions have been had on this board about reducing the population to 100 to 500 million from its current 7 billion plus? How are you figuring on doing that without killing people? Or starving them to death by depriving them of their use of fossil fuels. All the green solutions you guys casually throw out there will kill billions and that is the plan.

Re: Healing The Partisan Divide Pt. 3

Unread postPosted: Thu 17 Oct 2019, 22:30:46
by Outcast_Searcher
Cog wrote:Newfie how many discussions have been had on this board about reducing the population to 100 to 500 million from its current 7 billion plus?

And EVERY one of those comments I can think of offhand, was re the context that nature will do this in time, whether it's AGW, starvation, pollution, etc. And it's all been speculation / guesswork, NOT plans for someone to actively kill billions -- unless you can point to SPECIFIC cases where people clearly said they (or some group they belonged to) planned to kill billions. If you're going to make claims like that with NO evidence, don't expect such claims to be taken seriously.

Unless you want to get mad at nature, and as far as I know, nature doesn't post on this site.

I take you side on many issues but if this is the best you have on this, give us a break.