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Re: President Obama delivers HIS State of the Union Address

Unread postPosted: Fri 07 Sep 2018, 14:51:19
by mmasters
That clown almost wrecked the country and his idiot chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is responsible for a bloodbath in Chicago. How dare he speak in Illinois.

Re: President Obama delivers HIS State of the Union Address

Unread postPosted: Fri 07 Sep 2018, 17:58:06
by Plantagenet
Cid_Yama wrote:... a real president....

Traditionally, former Presidents try to rise up above partisan politics after they leave office. The fact that Obama can't move beyond partisan politics and is choosing to spend his time slinging mud instead of doing more useful things just shows what a partisan hack he is.


Re: President Obama delivers HIS State of the Union Address

Unread postPosted: Fri 07 Sep 2018, 18:40:28
by Cid_Yama
Had you actually watched it (which obviously you didn't), you would have seen him argue AGAINST partisanship. To argue for doing what's right for our democracy, for our country.

Re: President Obama delivers HIS State of the Union Address

Unread postPosted: Fri 07 Sep 2018, 19:15:37
by Cog
He is arguing to vote for Democrats. The party who wants open borders and full on socialism. Yeah I watched it. Nothing is more partisan than using the fbi and other intelligence agencies to defeat Trump prior to an election and to try to wreck it afterword.

Re: President Obama delivers HIS State of the Union Address

Unread postPosted: Fri 07 Sep 2018, 19:42:04
by Plantagenet
Cid_Yama wrote:you would have seen him argue AGAINST partisanship....

For decades ex-Presidents have refrained from getting involved in partisan politics.

Now Obama breaks that unwritten rule to engage in partisan attacks against Trump and the Rs, all the while hypocritically claiming he is against partisanship?

Who would fall for that that malarky? :lol:

Re: President Obama delivers HIS State of the Union Address

Unread postPosted: Fri 07 Sep 2018, 21:07:42
by Cog
Apparently Cid, our Eisenhower "Republican."

Re: President Obama delivers HIS State of the Union Address

Unread postPosted: Fri 07 Sep 2018, 21:15:03
by KaiserJeep
Let it be noted that the University of Illinois is my undergraduate alma mater, Class of 1977.

I watched Obama. Now he is stepping into the fray to "help" the D's with the Mid-Terms. The last time he did that, the D's tanked those elections.

I just finished watching the Friday political commentary on PBS News Hour. They were discussing the anonymous Trump op ed critique.

David Brooks, who like most of us is no Trump admirer - nor a R nor a conservative, probably expressed things best:

"The Republicans stand by in shocked horror at the new criticisms of Trump. Meanwhile it should be noted that the new numbers announced today indicate the best economy in our lifetimes."

Trump doesn't really need anybody else's opinions, does he? He has his own.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Sun 16 Sep 2018, 17:59:20
by Plantagenet
Oh-oh. Obama has developed a really severe stuttering problem. At times the poor man can hardly get a sentence out.


For instance, at one point in his speech Obama stuttered and stammered and out came, "“We, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we spend…”

This development of a problem with stuttering is sad because Obama once was extremely eloquent. He was known for his ability to speak quite clearly and coherently -- but those days seem to be in the past now.

It is also worrisome, because when a mature adult develops a stuttering problem it usually signals a cognitive problem in the brain. The general term for the development of speech problems is aphasia. Obama is a bit too young for normal Alzheimers, so his stuttering problem might be indicative of frontotemporal dementia, perhaps related to some kind of vascular dementia.

Heaven knows Obama must have been under tremendous stress when he was president, and perhaps his current speech problem reflects some kind of cognitive damage caused by the stress of being President. I suggest we all pray for this great man who did his best to serve our country.

Many presidents age rapidly when President. This also seems to have happened to Obama, as he has developed a significant stuttering problem, indicative of a cognitive problem.


Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Sun 16 Sep 2018, 18:30:15
by Newfie
This apparently goes back at least to 2011 and has be rebranded as “intellectual stammering” by defenders. Intellectual stammer seems to be a phrase made up from whole cloth to cloak Obama’s stutter. I could not find a reference to that usage in wiki.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Sun 16 Sep 2018, 20:22:22
by Plantagenet
Newfie wrote:This apparently goes back at least to 2011 and has be rebranded as “intellectual stammering” by defenders. Intellectual stammer seems to be a phrase made up from whole cloth to cloak Obama’s stutter. I could not find a reference to that usage in wiki.

Thats interesting. I've been pretty critical of Obama for years now, but I never saw any discussion of Obama stuttering back in in 2011. He seemed to do pretty well in the 2012 debates with Romney (except for his rejection of the idea that Russia might not be our friend, but that was stupidity and not stuttering).

In any case, theres no doubt Obama's got real problems with his speech functions now.

Stuttering is not something intellectuals start doing when they hit middle age. Its something people who have developed some kinds of dementia start doing. Its a medical condition known as "aphasia" and its a sign of cognitive problems in the brain. The fact that obama started doing it early in his presidency suggests that he had cognitive issues early on. This may help explain some of his idiotic decisions while in office like bombing Libya and destroying the government, resulting in jihadis militias taking over, Giving speeches calling for the end of the Assad regime and then funding and arming the jihadis in Syria, but not giving them enough resources to actually overthrow Assad, vowing to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan, and then not withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan, and crafting a climate change treaty that calls for increases in CO2 emissions.

No fully rational person would repeatedly do self-defeating things like that, but if Obama was suffering from "Pick's disease" or some other form of early onset dementia it might explain a lot of the irrationality in his decision making and policies.



Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Sun 16 Sep 2018, 21:40:44
by Tanada
Stuttering is not always a sign of brain injury or deficiency, a great many famous people have spoken with a stutter. For example King George VI or Mel Tillis are both examples of people who stuttered from early childhood yet lived full normal lives without mental issues. It is even possible that the reason President Obama so faithfully used his teleprompters when campaigning and while giving speeches as President was to help him contain his tendency to stutter.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Sun 16 Sep 2018, 23:10:28
by dissident
Tanada wrote:Stuttering is not always a sign of brain injury or deficiency, a great many famous people have spoken with a stutter. For example King George VI or Mel Tillis are both examples of people who stuttered from early childhood yet lived full normal lives without mental issues. It is even possible that the reason President Obama so faithfully used his teleprompters when campaigning and while giving speeches as President was to help him contain his tendency to stutter.

Anyone claiming a correlation between stuttering and IQ potential is spreading nonsense. It may be that stutterers have been historically impeded from getting a good education thanks to social abuse, but that has nothing to do with intelligence. I know at least one who is a brilliant scientist. He has to fight this disorder continuously.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Mon 17 Sep 2018, 06:52:55
by Newfie
I think what Plant is saying is not that he has a problem, but that it is one clue that a problem MAY exist.

I had not heard of the stuttering issue until I researched it due to Plants post. But I quickely came up with citations from 2011. And also this “intellectual stammering” BS to which I found no other reference. Intellectual stammering was described as when someone is so smart that their mind races ahead of their mouth and they stammer to get back in sync.

Why had we not heard of this before? MSM colluding in keeping it a secret.

Why do we see him as so articulate? Because his presentations are so tightly controlled?

I don’t listen to speeches or even follow policy that much. When he gave his BIG climate change policy speech I got a copy and read it closely. It was a mess. All over the place. Supported big oil as much as climate change. Structurally incoherent. That’s when I really changed my mind about him in a negative way.

My Dad has a early brain injury and stuttered for a long time before me. I never knew him to stutter, he would just go quiet. I early learned to never make fun of a stutterer, that was a sure head swak.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Mon 17 Sep 2018, 16:59:21
by Plantagenet
dissident wrote:
Tanada wrote:Stuttering is not always a sign of brain injury or deficiency.

Anyone claiming a correlation between stuttering and IQ potential is spreading nonsense. .

Quite so.

However, the concern about Obama doesn't arise from the fact that he is stuttering. It arises because in the past he didn't stutter----in fact Obama was gloriously glib and articulate----but now Obama can't stop himself from stuttering.

When someone LOSES their ability to speak without stuttering it is a cause for concern, and Obama has LOST his ability to speak without stuttering. Obama has developed symptoms of APHASIA, which in turn is a sign of COGNITIVE problems such as VASCULAR DEMENTIA.

God knows Obama was under tremendous stress while he was president. Stress is bad for people. Its not unreasonable to be concerned about Obama now that he has lost the ability to speak even simple sentences without stuttering like porky pig.

Obama has developed a severe stuttering problem --- and its getting worse. Of course we should be concerned about him and his mental health.


Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Mon 17 Sep 2018, 19:42:55
by Newfie
Why should we be concerned about him? I mean other than purely out of empathy. But there are so many more folks who are more disadvantaged, my empathy gets drained.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Mon 17 Sep 2018, 19:49:07
by Newfie ... -adulthood

Every word that you speak is preceded by thousands of neuromuscular events. Anything that interrupts this complex—and lightning-­fast—progression of steps can interrupt the normal flow of speech.

When researchers looked at adults who began stuttering, stroke was found to be the main cause. Adult-onset stuttering can also be caused by head injuries, brain tumors or neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis (MS). The stuttering in these cases develops as the disease progresses.

A number of drugs also can affect the brain’s ability to coordinate the different components involved in speech. There have been reports of new-onset stuttering in adults taking a stimulant, such as methylphenidate (Ritalin), as well as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, such as sertraline (Zoloft). Once the drug is discontinued, the stuttering typically stops.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Mon 17 Sep 2018, 20:38:38
by Plantagenet
Newfie wrote:

Every word that you speak is preceded by thousands of neuromuscular events. Anything that interrupts this complex—and lightning-­fast—progression of steps can interrupt the normal flow of speech.

When researchers looked at adults who began stuttering, stroke was found to be the main cause. Adult-onset stuttering can also be caused by head injuries, brain tumors or neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis (MS). The stuttering in these cases develops as the disease progresses.

A number of drugs also can affect the brain’s ability to coordinate the different components involved in speech. There have been reports of new-onset stuttering in adults taking a stimulant, such as methylphenidate (Ritalin), as well as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, such as sertraline (Zoloft). Once the drug is discontinued, the stuttering typically stops.

Very interesting.

It doesn't have to be a full-on stroke. You can get the same effects from a series of small, almost undetectable "mini-strokes."

Its not unreasonable to speculate that Obama suffered one or more "mini-strokes" while president. These can be caused by stress producing transient episodes of overly high blood pressure, and heaven knows being President is a very stressful job. Mini-strokes damage small areas in the brain, and if a person has enough mini-strokes it eventually can lead to vascular dementia. If Obama's stuttering first appeared about 2011, then he may have had mini-strokes starting around then.

Presumably Obama's doctors would know if this happened. MRI scans will reveal the effects of mini-strokes.

Frankly, I'm amazed Trump isn't suffering from something like that as well. The man must be under tremendous stress with the media attacks and political battles and the endless special counsel investigation of every aspect of his life.


Damaged areas in a brain affected by mini-strokes. Damage to the speech centers in the brain is known to induce stuttering.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 Sep 2018, 07:50:26
by Newfie
I had some dizzy spells, they did a brain scan and found some “old trauma.” (Asymtomatic, not related to dizzy.)

“What’s that about?” Says I.

“Oh, you probably had a mini stroke at some time.”

No doubt, you should have met my first wife!

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 Sep 2018, 09:58:13
by Tanada
Plantagenet wrote:
dissident wrote:
Tanada wrote:Stuttering is not always a sign of brain injury or deficiency.

Anyone claiming a correlation between stuttering and IQ potential is spreading nonsense. .

Quite so.

However, the concern about Obama doesn't arise from the fact that he is stuttering. It arises because in the past he didn't stutter----in fact Obama was gloriously glib and articulate----but now Obama can't stop himself from stuttering.

When someone LOSES their ability to speak without stuttering it is a cause for concern, and Obama has LOST his ability to speak without stuttering. Obama has developed symptoms of APHASIA, which in turn is a sign of COGNITIVE problems such as VASCULAR DEMENTIA.

God knows Obama was under tremendous stress while he was president. Stress is bad for people. Its not unreasonable to be concerned about Obama now that he has lost the ability to speak even simple sentences without stuttering like porky pig.

Obama has developed a severe stuttering problem --- and its getting worse. Of course we should be concerned about him and his mental health.


You skipped right over my point however. You pointed out that President Obama was stuttering at least as far back as 2011, so worse stuttering off the cuff in 2018 is not an unreasonable progression if the problem is stress related. Yes being President is stressful, but seeing everything you accomplished with your executive order onslaught while President reversed in 24 months after you left office has to make your 96 months in office seem rather useless. What can be more stressful than seeing your life's work erased as if it had never existed?

On the other hand I also pointed out that President Obama from the time he was Candidate Obama running for the Senate for Illinois has always been tightly bound to teleprompter speech making. He rarely speaks 'off the cuff' and instead drones on incessantly reading the words in front of him rather than letting a free flow of words pass through his mental and physical organs to sway his audience. Almost all politicians use teleprompters because they serve to keep the speech on topic and flowing well based on the influence they are trying to exert on the audience. President Obama however took this habit to great extremes and if you watch his old speeches on YouTube or elsewhere you see him read a page looking to his right, then shift his stance to read a page to his left, then switching back again. Much like singing, reading aloud uses a different mental process than speaking 'off the cuff' and I posit that President Obama had this stutter way back in 2004 but learned to master Teleprompter speeches as a way to cover up or deal with the stutter while still sounding coherent.

The reason Mel Tillis had such a extensive singing career was he discovered in childhood that singing allowed him to produce a flow of language with no stuttering in the output. He parlayed his disability into a career because he was so much more confident and comfortable singing in front of an audience than he was talking to even a small gathering of friends. I posit that discovering the TelePrompter effect on his speeches allowed President Obama to appear urbane and eloquent despite a per-existing stutter and the mainstream media willingly participated in covering his stutter up with things like the 2011 statement about an 'intellectual stammer' on those rare occasions when it became publicly displayed during his earlier political career.

Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 Sep 2018, 10:14:03
by asg70
Pearls before swine. Plant is just interesting in clutching any datapoint he can use to malign Obama despite the fact he's been out of office for years and the current president is destroying what's left of the US and the world with his policies.