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Documentary: "Crumbling of America"

Unread postPosted: Sun 06 Dec 2009, 15:10:02
by Kristjan
Does anyone know of a website that has this documentary? It was aired a few months ago and I would really like to see it. Unfortunately I'm from outside the US which means that I can't VoD it. Youtube only has the short ad they ran on TV but not the full documentary... :cry:

Re: Documentary: "Crumbling of America"

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Dec 2009, 18:30:05
by Jotapay
I can probably find it if it's out in the ether. Need more info. Who produced it, director, etc.?

Re: Documentary: "Crumbling of America"

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Dec 2009, 20:38:01
by Ferretlover
It was on this past weekend.

“The Crumbling of America” History Channel

America's infrastructure is collapsing. Tens of thousands of bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. A third of the nation's highways are in poor or mediocre shape. Massively leaking water and sewage systems are creating health hazards and contaminating rivers and streams. Weakened and under-maintained levees and dams tower over communities and schools. And the power grid is increasingly maxed out, disrupting millions of lives and putting entire cities in the dark. The Crumbling of America explores these problems using expert interviews, on location shooting and computer generated animation to illustrate the kinds of infrastructure disasters that could be just around the bend.
Rating: TVPG Running Time: 120 minutes

Re: Documentary: "Crumbling of America"

Unread postPosted: Fri 01 Jan 2010, 21:18:47
by bratticus
The Crumbling of America - Trailer

Re: Documentary: "Crumbling of America"

Unread postPosted: Mon 04 Jan 2010, 21:56:33
by frankthetank
Thanks..i want to see this too.. just today i was showing the wife the roads around town here that are literally falling apart daily..its bad.

Re: Documentary: "Crumbling of America"

Unread postPosted: Tue 05 Jan 2010, 12:22:58
by Ferretlover
I have driven on country dirt roads that are in better shape than those asphalted main roadways here in South Texas!

Re: Documentary: "Crumbling of America"

Unread postPosted: Sun 17 Jan 2010, 05:05:04
by Kristjan
Still no torrents at piratebay... :(

Re: Documentary: "Crumbling of America"

Unread postPosted: Tue 27 Dec 2016, 00:34:24
by Tanada
It is available on YouTube and I sure hope a lot of this gets fixed under the infrastructure repair and upgrade plans that were talked about during the political campaign season.

Re: Documentary: "Crumbling of America"

Unread postPosted: Tue 27 Dec 2016, 08:25:15
by Cog
Only half of Americans are broke and angry. The other half are quite pleased with themselves. Join us pstarr. Make America great again.

Re: Documentary: "Crumbling of America"

Unread postPosted: Tue 27 Dec 2016, 12:05:55
by Tanada
pstarr wrote:Sorry tanada to break your bubble, but Americans are broke and angry, and the last thing on their mind is fixing stuff. They want simple answer, not more taxes.

Pete you go out of your way to post negative commentary on every thread you visit so don't expect your pseudo sympathy to be accepted at face value. Nobody makes you post negative commentary everywhere you go, that is the choice you make.

Re: Documentary: "Crumbling of America"

Unread postPosted: Tue 27 Dec 2016, 13:06:57
by Tanada
pstarr wrote:Tanada, I enjoy posting negative commentary. I apologize for the phony sorry-face crap above. I should just be a honest curmudgeon: we are f#cked up beyond all repair. Is that okay?

Its Okay with me, I vastly prefer honest disagreement than PC level of double speak that needs to be drilled through to find the truth. You don't believe in anything, fine I have days like that too. Just be open about it and don't call people names if they see the world through a different lens than you use.

Re: Documentary: "Crumbling of America"

Unread postPosted: Tue 27 Dec 2016, 15:10:10
by Subjectivist
pstarr wrote:Trump lives in New York City and sees decline everywhere. Yet his base, the Republican party is strong in suburban or rural white America. Trump's promises will go nowhere.

In farm country, a bit of oil sprayed on the gravel road is adequate infrastructure improvement. In suburban white America the roads are just fine. They are only a few decades old.

Trump's constituency doesn't understand their connection to world trade goes right through the cities. Goods from China and elsewhere must be shipped via the crumbling cities. Those tractor parts won't arrive if the ports are dark or burning.

Folks from cities tend to forget, if those tractor parts don't make it to the farm the food doesn't make it to the city either.

Plus in the good old USA we can ship stuff by land from ports in Mexico or Canada if the rioters burn down all the ports in the US. Also there are a heck of a lot of ports that never even occur to the Los Ageles/NYC crowd. Rochester, New York, Toledo, Chicago, Saint Louis all get lots of shipping in and out but are so far below the radar as to be stealthy invisible.