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Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within months

Unread postPosted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 16:22:10
by Sixstrings

Well, he's right. But it's also ironic that the reason we're in this boat is because of offshoring globalist capitalists like him!

Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 18:29:20
by americandream
Bingo!! A rather unpleasant species of bottom feeder.

Sixstrings wrote:Video:

Well, he's right. But it's also ironic that the reason we're in this boat is because of offshoring globalist capitalists like him!

Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 18:45:34
by Plantagenet
Its silly to blame Neil Cavuto for the federal government's irresponsible borrowing. The problem is coming to a head now because the Obama administration has exploded the deficit, creating ca. three TRILLION dollars in debt in just two years. The US was ALREADY being forced to pay higher then market rate interest on loans a few months ago, before the Debt crisis hit Greece and the EU. Now that governments across the EU have instituted major budget cuts, the US stands pretty much alone among developed countries in trying to "borrow" its way to prosperity.

Its inevitable that the same credit markets that downgraded Greece, Spain, and other bankrupt countries and charged higher then market rate on their loans are going to do the same thing to the US, and its inevitable that the Obama administration will have to take the same kinds of steps that Greece, Britain, France, Spain and other countries have been forced into to freeze or cut government salaries, budgets, retirement benefits, etc. and generally cut US government spending until it comes down close to being balanced with tax revenue.


Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 19:34:07
by americandream

I have no idea where you get your ideas of economy from but the free market crowd presided over the wholesale migration of Amerivcan industry to China, cheered it on in fact, whereas Europe is still largely intact, industrial sector wise. American government therefore has no leeway when it comes to controlling demand as its industrial sector, now largely offshored, is heavily inventoried, deeply invested in by American and Saudi capital (hence the cosy relations betwen the Chinese and Arabs) and MUST HAVE American consumers consuming (supply side).

Obama who is no more than a stooge for American and Saudi money and has no options available other than to keep America spending and the destructive effects of the gambling that blew the value of American real estate off the planet, minimised by the appearance of BAU.

Forget all your pet theories when dealing with that currupt trinity: America, China and Saudi Arabia. The Europeans and all the rest are in there but on the fringes as they weren't as heavily integrated in the trinity as is American money, which made a beeline for China after Nixon.

So this dude Cavuto is really a douchebag for blaming the American taxpayer for the mess his ilk have wrought on the counjtry.

Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 20:57:54
by Plantagenet
americandream wrote:Obama ... has no options available other than to keep America spending

What a silly statement. :roll:

Obama does indeed have other options then to continue borrowing money to waste on his various bailouts, porkulus bills, etc. When the credit markets lower the AAA rating the US currently has, and increases the interest rates Obama must pay to borrow money, then Obama will be forced to cut spending, just as Greece, Britain, Spain, Ireland, Iceland, Portugal and other bankrupt and near bankrupt countries have been forced to cut their spending.


Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 21:46:21
by Cid_Yama
It's pretty clear that US financial institutions think they can pull the plug on the US economy until after the elections, then plug it back in afterwards.

Thing is, they kill the US economy with the rest of the world, no amount of resuscitation will work.

This is not a closed economic system in the US. Using financial means in an attempt to throw the elections to the Republicans, will prove the doom of us all. Especially those who benefit most from the current economic system.

Talk about short sighted actions for questionable gain. So far, actions by the Democrats with regards to financial institutions have been very restrained. It is clear they don't want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

But attempts to get EVERYTHING Wall Street wants, could do just that.

Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 22:24:00
by efarmer ... since.html
from 2007, when Obama was a long shot schemer in Illinois.

I think the Republicans are sandbagging a dismal economy to evict their opposition and will be unable to pump enough life back in afterward to be able to govern in the aftermath of their own strategy.

I went to post this and saw Cid_Yama come in first. Call me a dittohead.

Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 23:07:11
by PrestonSturges
Cavuto is an idiot and listening to him is just hazard to your personal financial health.

His bit this morning was dishonest to the point of being carefully crafted propaganda - that we spend only a little bit of money on the war, so that isn't what's driving the deficit.

But Neil, that is off the budget, that is the part we never paid for! It's not the proportion of your income that causes debt, it's the things you didn't pay for.

Of course they also equate Social Security as being the debt. Noooooo, that's not the debt, that's the part we've been paying for.

If any of you Cavuto fans want to get rid of your old gold jewelry I will give you three magic beans and TWICE the weight of your jewelry in pine cones.

Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 23:55:25
by Plantagenet
PrestonSturges wrote:they also equate Social Security as being the debt. Noooooo, that's not the debt, that's the part we've been paying for.

Actually, no. The money you've paying into social security that was supposed to cover your own future SS benefits was diverted into the general fund and used to pay for Bush's Iraq War and Obama's porkulus and other useless stuff like that. Not a penny has been saved for for future SS benefits---the lockbox is empty :roll:


Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Tue 31 Aug 2010, 00:03:56
by PrestonSturges
Plantagenet wrote:
PrestonSturges wrote:they also equate Social Security as being the debt. Noooooo, that's not the debt, that's the part we've been paying for.

Actually, no. The money you've paying into social security that was supposed to cover your own future SS benefits ...[/img]
I don't think it's ever worked that way, and the GOP ridiculed Gore for suggesting the lock box.

Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Tue 31 Aug 2010, 00:05:47
by Oakley
I understand that when the USSR collapsed, it created a temporary power void that was filled by thugs; the protection racket was privatized so to speak. If you look at Mexico, which is collapsing as oil revenues evaporate and paralyze government, the thugs also are making their attempts to take territorial control. The death toll and battles are reported in the news daily; no wonder Arizona wants more secure borders.

This should be a lesson to us in the USA as our federal government loses the ability to function as a result of the collapse of the funny money monetary system, and more importantly the longer term collapse of the industrial age. What will it be like when in just a decade or two oil production falls by half?

Certainly, we would be wise to immediately make all drugs legal to undercut the gangs that rely upon drug money for power. And certainly, it would be wise for those who have the ability to do so to be planning and organizing for local defense. At least the USA has one advantage in that gun ownership is widespread, so that armed local defense is possible; not just the thugs own guns here.

The initial markdown of US debt and the efforts to partially default on Social Security and Medicare are just the beginning of a tidal wave that, in my view, will sweep away centralized government.

Which branch of the Demopublican party is currently in control matters little. What we have is fascism, a merging of the interests of the government and big business. This system of plunder and control is operated to transfer wealth out of the pockets of the majority into the pockets of the privileged few. A discussion of Republican vs Democrat just shows the degree to which the delusion is entrenched.

Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Tue 31 Aug 2010, 02:15:53
by EnergyUnlimited
Oakley wrote:Certainly, we would be wise to immediately make all drugs legal to undercut the gangs that rely upon drug money for power. And certainly, it would be wise for those who have the ability to do so to be planning and organizing for local defense. At least the USA has one advantage in that gun ownership is widespread, so that armed local defense is possible; not just the thugs own guns here.

Once system collapsed few will care what is legal and what is not legal.
Any remaining authorities will concentrate on enforcement of Decalogue (minus sexual bits as no one is going to care about these).
Things like drugs laws will certainly become irrelevant and not enforced.
This would not stop gangs taking over large swaps of country.

They will be competing for whatever scraps of money are left to purchase the product.
It makes no difference between coke worth $20 a line or $ 2 a line.
In impoverished environment $ 2 will also be worth to fight for.
And if pharmacy sell it for for $ 2, gangs will try $ 1.5.
Gangs will also try to control food and legitimate medicine supply, will run protection rackets etc.
In collapsed Soviet Union these protection rackets was a better deal for business owners than paying taxes.
Criminals was actually offering a better deal and could protect businesses from a taxman.

Abolishing of controlled laws drugs is not a magic bullet.

Guns are not really relevant.
In any collapsed country guns are abundant and freely available for those who can pay and no one cares about any laws restricting them.
Which branch of the Demopublican party is currently in control matters little. What we have is fascism, a merging of the interests of the government and big business. This system of plunder and control is operated to transfer wealth out of the pockets of the majority into the pockets of the privileged few. A discussion of Republican vs Democrat just shows the degree to which the delusion is entrenched.

I agree with you.
Democrats and Republicans are the same.
Elections are just charades.

Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Tue 31 Aug 2010, 19:52:28
by Sixstrings
More conservative hypocrisy. This is on today's Drudge report:


India's economy races 8.8%...

Russian economy grows 4.0%...

German unemployment rate 7.6%...

This is really annoying, Republicans criticizing the rusting of America when it's the freaking globalist free trade conservatives who got us here! I mean, do these guys even think -- just why does Matt Drudge think India's economy is racing and Germany's unemployment is less than half ours? Answer: we offshored our economy to India, and Germans protect theirs.

But no that never occurs to Republicans, they think we just need even more tax breaks for corps and the rich so they can offshore even more. :roll:

Re: Cavuto: U.S. is "a joke," Will Lose AAA rating within mo

Unread postPosted: Wed 01 Sep 2010, 06:44:59
by Roy
This is really annoying, Republicans criticizing the rusting of America when it's the freaking globalist free trade conservatives who got us here!

Is it? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that both parties support free trade and globalism? I think it would.

And I think its interesting that so many otherwise well informed Americans still cling to the idea that the two parties differ substantively beyond social issues. From my perspective, the dominant policy goals of the US government of endless war, currency debasement, deficit spending, and free trade have been 'on track' since Reagan's election, at the minimum.

The two party system or left/right paradigm is a distraction designed to keep the masses from noticing the overall trend.