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Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 08:48:42
by PrestonSturges
beamofthewave wrote:The nanny state is far from over, F. Scott Fitzgerald stated in circa 1910 "the rich are different from the rest of us, they need the government to survive," .

We have a WINNER!

And the GOP base continues to support the funneling of all assets to a handful of people while blaming the Mexicans !

Although to be fair, many of them also believe in witchcraft and demons.

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 08:50:06
by Fishman
Apparently if you live within your means, pay your bills, and expect others to do the same, you are at the
"hooting-monkey-feces-throwing-stage " of development.
If you spend someone elses money until group poverty, pay for people to sit on their butts, you are "evolved"
Makes a strong arguement against evolution, don't you think?

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 08:56:53
by PrestonSturges
Libertarian Utopia? Great, make my magical unicorn red please, because I want to look all badass as I ride through the gumdrop forest.

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 09:10:41
by Fishman
Did you drop a little acid at the MJ tribute? Moderation on the acid would do you well and moderation of the nanny state would do us all well. I've very comfortable with some safety net, not the overstuffed mattress of California. The "politcal wilderness" is probably where those folks who promised unlimited entitlements will find themselves when they can no longer deliver.

Seems you (and California) have fallen off your liberal utopian unicorn,

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 09:20:23
by vision-master
beamofthewave wrote:The nanny state is far from over, F. Scott Fitzgerald stated in circa 1910 "the rich are different from the rest of us, they need the government to survive," and if you think Goldman Sachs is done taking from the US treasury, you are so, so wrong. We have given them 30 trillion and the wealthy are unhappy because of the crumbs that fall from the table to the poor and the sick citizens of our country. 30 TRILLION compared to what? It makes me want to puke, my fellow citizens all happy because the banks got 30 trillion in the past two years. What do you think these ultra rich are going to do for you. George Carlin is right, they do not care for you, you are not a human being to them, you are less than an ant to them. They dont care if you live or die, they dont care if you are stuck on top of your house because of a big storm and surrounded by water, they will watch you are tv as they eat popcorn saying, "I sure hope someone helps him." The money that could have been used to help the citizens, put into emergency management, rebuilding infrastructure is gone, all gone, the very wealthy have it all now and our electrical grid is falling apart across the country and we are going into third worldom quickly and I swear you are not going to like it one bit. Maybe you will get to watch your kid die because there is no longer a safe water supply because the money for that went to the ultra rich banks, I lived in a third world country and that is typical. You are not going to like peeing shit because of the intestinal parasites or your kids belly huge because of the worms or having to walk over the bridge and the car comes after because it is due to collapse any day. You are not going to like it and all because you care more about the banks than your fellow citizens.

The sheeple ppl here don't get it. :cry:

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 09:30:33
by Fishman
You may be right, but did you notice, the countries that have the banks don't have the destitute poverty ? Perhaps, just perhaps, your logic is backwards. Perhaps those banks pay their people so there is food, perhaps taxes from those bank pay for those bridges that actually stand (most of the time). Nah, just thinking.

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 09:38:32
by JJ
beamofthewave wrote:The nanny state is far from over, F. Scott Fitzgerald stated in circa 1910 "the rich are different from the rest of us, they need the government to survive," and if you think Goldman Sachs is done taking from the US treasury, you are so, so wrong. We have given them 30 trillion and the wealthy are unhappy because of the crumbs that fall from the table to the poor and the sick citizens of our country. 30 TRILLION compared to what? It makes me want to puke, my fellow citizens all happy because the banks got 30 trillion in the past two years. What do you think these ultra rich are going to do for you. George Carlin is right, they do not care for you, you are not a human being to them, you are less than an ant to them. They dont care if you live or die, they dont care if you are stuck on top of your house because of a big storm and surrounded by water, they will watch you are tv as they eat popcorn saying, "I sure hope someone helps him." The money that could have been used to help the citizens, put into emergency management, rebuilding infrastructure is gone, all gone, the very wealthy have it all now and our electrical grid is falling apart across the country and we are going into third worldom quickly and I swear you are not going to like it one bit. Maybe you will get to watch your kid die because there is no longer a safe water supply because the money for that went to the ultra rich banks, I lived in a third world country and that is typical. You are not going to like peeing shit because of the intestinal parasites or your kids belly huge because of the worms or having to walk over the bridge and the car comes after because it is due to collapse any day. You are not going to like it and all because you care more about the banks than your fellow citizens.

I lived in a third world country and you nailed it. You left out the part about if you get sick and have to go to the hospital, take your own supplies, because they don't have ANYTHING.

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 09:52:04
by odegaard
vision-master wrote:I can hear riots in the making. Now what?

Pinging China................

Chinese Special Armed Police Force(SPC)
Look at video time 1:38
Do you see a resemblance?

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 10:06:52
by rangerone314
vision-master wrote:I can hear riots in the making. Now what?

Pinging China................

Maybe we should issue H1-b Visas to bring in riot police from China. We love cheap labor for everything else.

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 10:15:20
by NickyBoy
rangerone314 wrote:
vision-master wrote:I can hear riots in the making. Now what?

Pinging China................

Maybe we should issue H1-b Visas to bring in riot police from China. We love cheap labor for everything else.

Congratulations. You just created the concept of subcontracted national security.

Do you have any idea what would happen if someone in your government got wind of that? :lol:

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 10:16:30
by rangerone314
I lived in California for 3 years. It is not just a nanny state. It is the granola state.

Fruits, nuts, and flakes.

Get rid of the bottom half of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas to form a huge moat with Mexico, turn NY City into a prison like in "Escape From New York", and wall up Washington DC and Mass-of-two-shits like "The Cask of Amontillado" and this country would be on the way to recovery, sort of like an alcoholic dumping all the jack down the sink.

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 10:29:10
by odegaard
vision-master wrote:
beamofthewave wrote:The nanny state is far from over, F. Scott Fitzgerald stated in circa 1910 "the rich are different from the rest of us, they need the government to survive," and if you think Goldman Sachs is done taking from the US treasury, you are so, so wrong. We have given them 30 trillion and the wealthy are unhappy because of the crumbs that fall from the table to the poor and the sick citizens of our country. ....

The sheeple ppl here don't get it. :cry:

Why do people complain about the rich collecting "welfare" when they are guilty of advocating "welfare" for their own political cause? :?
wikipedia says:
The phrase "The pot calling the kettle black" is an idiom used to accuse a person or thing of being marked with or guilty of the very thing they are pointing out; in this interpretation, it is shown that there is something shared.


Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 11:15:05
by Pretorian
beamofthewave wrote:The nanny state is far from over, F. Scott Fitzgerald stated in circa 1910 "the rich are different from the rest of us, they need the government to survive," and if you think Goldman Sachs is done taking from the US treasury, you are so, so wrong. We have given them 30 trillion and the wealthy are unhappy because of the crumbs that fall from the table to the poor and the sick citizens of our country. 30 TRILLION compared to what? It makes me want to puke, my fellow citizens all happy because the banks got 30 trillion in the past two years. What do you think these ultra rich are going to do for you. George Carlin is right, they do not care for you, you are not a human being to them, you are less than an ant to them. They dont care if you live or die, they dont care if you are stuck on top of your house because of a big storm and surrounded by water, they will watch you are tv as they eat popcorn saying, "I sure hope someone helps him." The money that could have been used to help the citizens, put into emergency management, rebuilding infrastructure is gone, all gone, the very wealthy have it all now and our electrical grid is falling apart across the country and we are going into third worldom quickly and I swear you are not going to like it one bit. Maybe you will get to watch your kid die because there is no longer a safe water supply because the money for that went to the ultra rich banks, I lived in a third world country and that is typical. You are not going to like peeing shit because of the intestinal parasites or your kids belly huge because of the worms or having to walk over the bridge and the car comes after because it is due to collapse any day. You are not going to like it and all because you care more about the banks than your fellow citizens.

thievery of one group does not excuse parasitism of another

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 12:16:12
by vision-master
Pretorian wrote:
beamofthewave wrote:The nanny state is far from over, F. Scott Fitzgerald stated in circa 1910 "the rich are different from the rest of us, they need the government to survive," and if you think Goldman Sachs is done taking from the US treasury, you are so, so wrong. We have given them 30 trillion and the wealthy are unhappy because of the crumbs that fall from the table to the poor and the sick citizens of our country. 30 TRILLION compared to what? It makes me want to puke, my fellow citizens all happy because the banks got 30 trillion in the past two years. What do you think these ultra rich are going to do for you. George Carlin is right, they do not care for you, you are not a human being to them, you are less than an ant to them. They dont care if you live or die, they dont care if you are stuck on top of your house because of a big storm and surrounded by water, they will watch you are tv as they eat popcorn saying, "I sure hope someone helps him." The money that could have been used to help the citizens, put into emergency management, rebuilding infrastructure is gone, all gone, the very wealthy have it all now and our electrical grid is falling apart across the country and we are going into third worldom quickly and I swear you are not going to like it one bit. Maybe you will get to watch your kid die because there is no longer a safe water supply because the money for that went to the ultra rich banks, I lived in a third world country and that is typical. You are not going to like peeing shit because of the intestinal parasites or your kids belly huge because of the worms or having to walk over the bridge and the car comes after because it is due to collapse any day. You are not going to like it and all because you care more about the banks than your fellow citizens.

thievery of one group does not excuse parasitism of another

What is worse, thievery or parasitism?

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 12:20:19
by Cloud9
Both may very well kill the host, leaving the body politic dead.

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 12:45:17
by AirlinePilot
I'd say that within 6 months, possibly less you could see Katrina type results in many of the larger metro areas in CA. That is when the Govt will step in and start bailing them out. Unfortunately it will be too late for many and the people will be the ones to suffer.

As California goes so goes the US. Its just a matter of time and math. It wont matter if we print money either, it all results in the same thing because we have dug a hole so big now as a nation we wont get out of it without serious pain.

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 12:57:47
by odegaard
vision-master wrote:
Pretorian wrote:
beamofthewave wrote:The nanny state is far from over...
thievery of one group does not excuse parasitism of another

What is worse, thievery or parasitism?
Just because someone is wrong by 2, that still does NOT make it right to wrong by 1.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 13:40:59
by deMolay
There is enough shit sandwich for everyone. Come on in.

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 14:55:29
by evilgenius
Has anybody got an actual breakdown of what California's obligations are, or has everyone just bought into a meme without checking it out? You can call it a nanny state every time you refer to it into eternity, but if that is not what it is your name calling won't change the facts.

It seems to me you right wingers need to check the facts out and use them more in your arguments on this one. There is a real possibility that when you talk about this crisis as being the result of imposed outlays you might be entirely (considering the actual timeframe of the crises development) wrong. This could be the result you get from allowing anti-property tax proponents to win the day and refusing to listen to those who would tell you again and again that is a bad thing for nearly all concerned. Lower property taxes for decades allowed higher and higher prices to be paid per month by homeowners, resulting in the ability to borrow more money, driving up home prices. It's a real catch 22.

And please don't confuse liberal, as in liberal democrat or liberal democracy, with the same intended meaning of the word that the right uses when they call someone a "card carrying liberal". They aren't the same thing.

Re: Schwarzenegger Shredding Social Safety Nets

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Jul 2009, 15:24:35
by odegaard
I have an idea that will kill 2 birds with one stone:
--- It provides a Social Safety Net.
--- It eliminates the problem of government habitually making promises it can't keep.
It's called saving your money. :roll:
Yeah I know Liberals hate my ideas.
Anything that emphasizes personal responsibility over increasing the size of gov. is unpleasant in the eyes of a Liberal.