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Unread postPosted: Sun 18 Sep 2011, 00:24:15
by dolanbaker
This channel will feature live streams from global non violent revolution spreading across the globe, with the first broadcasts from Wall Street Occupation in NYC that will start on Saturday, September 17, 2011. The channel will also feature live stream from solidarity protests and events in Spain, Greece, France, Belgium, Iceland and other places around the globe

Will be interesting to see if anything comes of this.

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Sun 18 Sep 2011, 01:28:12
by Ferretlover
Aahh.. Will the response, by governments, be allow it-it makes putting martial law in place a lot easier; or, nip it in the bud?
Will the response by citizens of wherever be -let;s join the fun, if they can do it, so can we and we might get some good loot, too; or, total apathy?
Round and round we go, when humanity stops, nobody knows--yet.

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 01:54:09
by Narz
pstarr wrote:Apparently the revolution has been brought to us by Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey Whiskey and Natural Instinct hair something (in fruit flavors) from Clairol. It seems the rebels like their rebellion with a hint of clove.

and is sponsored by Paradisus resorts & various other hotels.

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 08:57:48
by Fishman
So the "global revolution" predicted 20,000 and only 300 college kids showed up at the Wall Street Sleepover. FAIL.

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 09:15:17
by prajeshbhat
As long as people are paying an interest on the loans that were fraudulently created, Wall street is untouchable. Even if a few executives are thrown in jail, someone else will take their place and continue to collect the interest. Unconditional debt forgiveness, that's what you need.
I have heard of instances where people were offered debt forgiveness in return of joining the military. Don't know if it is true.,13964,44245--,00.html

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 09:25:13
by dsula
prajeshbhat wrote:Unconditional debt forgiveness, that's what you need.

Wow, screw people who are actually responsible and living within their means.
let me guess. You are: indebted due to your own poor choices. You are dependent on goverment handouts and your job pays only $10/h which makes you hate anybody who achieved a little more in life. Am I right, or am I not?

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 09:32:38
by prajeshbhat
dsula wrote:You are: indebted due to your own poor choices. You are dependent on goverment handouts and your job pays only $10/h which makes you hate anybody who achieved a little more in life. Am I right, or am I not?

Nopes. I am 23. No student loan. Work for a multinational software company. Pretty well off. I just think the people shouldn't be made to pay interest on loans that were created fraudulently. That's what a decent society should do.

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 15:05:07
by Keith_McClary
Ferretlover wrote:Aahh.. Will the response, by governments, be allow it-it makes putting martial law in place a lot easier; or, nip it in the bud?
".am" is Armenia, FWIW.

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 15:18:39
by Keith_McClary
Narz wrote:
pstarr wrote:Apparently the revolution has been brought to us by Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey Whiskey and Natural Instinct hair something (in fruit flavors) from Clairol. It seems the rebels like their rebellion with a hint of clove.

and is sponsored by Paradisus resorts & various other hotels.
Many of the ads you see are "targeted" at you based on sites previously visited form your computer (the IP address, actually). This would be a good thread topic, if people aren't aware of this.

I get a lot of ads for stuff I've recently shopped for. A while ago I was getting ads from a dating/marriage site in India that thought I wanted to meet young Indian women with MBAs. I can't think what I did to trigger those.

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 18:29:11
by Sixstrings
Fishman wrote:So the "global revolution" predicted 20,000 and only 300 college kids showed up at the Wall Street Sleepover. FAIL.

Just because the mob doesn't riot doesn't mean everything is okay. We're raising a lost generation.

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Tue 11 Oct 2011, 10:36:24
by GoIllini
This year is starting to look more and more like 1968. It is good that we live in a Democracy. Warren Buffett and Ron Paul need to run as third party candidates in 2012 and allow folks to express their outrage at the country's crony capital culture.

As part of the Wall Street establishment, the LAST thing we want to do is get the protesters angrier. Even if we could somehow ask Bloomberg for martial law, we don't want it. Despite what some may think, we have the same fundamental sense of human rights as everyone else and don't want to silence the protests. Everyone knows that escalating this is a lose-lose.

Wall Street is not going to fire the first shot. I suspect the police won't either. We may quietly pray for cold weather and for the media to find something else to focus on. :)

If this turns into Greece, obviously security will be hired to protect capital assets from arson and looting as any good owner would do, but we have too strong of a sense of first and fourth amendment rights in this country for the pols to step in and impose martial law. The pols here know that the response could be much more swift and violent than even that in Libya or Syria and do not want to risk it, especially as elected officials who were expecting limited terms anyways.

A libertarian democracy is a much less complicated and much more versatile thing than an authoritarian state or even a socialist country. Some people may go hungry, some stuff may get stolen, but the US will be ok and things will not get that much worse than what we saw in 1968.

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Tue 11 Oct 2011, 10:38:51
by Cog
Sixstrings wrote:
Fishman wrote:So the "global revolution" predicted 20,000 and only 300 college kids showed up at the Wall Street Sleepover. FAIL.

Just because the mob doesn't riot doesn't mean everything is okay. We're raising a lost generation.

They should find themselves right quick since peak oil doesn't care how old you are.

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Tue 11 Oct 2011, 10:51:09
by Pops
GoIllini wrote:the notion of first amendment rights in the US is stronger than it was even 30 years ago.

Especially if you are a corporation.

But for human persons the confluence of "free speech" and Orwellian "Person of Interest" via NSA/FISA/DHS "watch list" or whatever is pretty scary.

Re: globalrevolution

Unread postPosted: Tue 11 Oct 2011, 10:58:39
by GoIllini
Pops wrote:
GoIllini wrote:the notion of first amendment rights in the US is stronger than it was even 30 years ago.

Especially if you are a corporation.

But for human persons the confluence of "free speech" and Orwellian "Person of Interest" via NSA/FISA/DHS "watch list" or whatever is pretty scary.

No, I disagree. 20 years ago, these protesters would be getting arrested for trespassing on a privately-owned square that didn't allow people to sleep there overnight. 60 years ago, they'd be getting hauled before the House Un-American Activities Committee. America might be more corporate, but we've had a lot of libertarians on the SCOTUS over the past 50 years to draw brighter lines around the Bill of Rights. Bloomberg and New York is backing off, especially after the debacle of "Free Speech Zones" at the 2004 Republican convention. This is a live and let live city, and you've got all the right to waive your sign all you want- at least until it smacks someone in the face.

The libertarians have replaced the neocons and corporate Republicans as the heads of the Republican party. And while a lot of folks may have their political views, that's very good news for individuals.