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First world leader indicted for role in financial crisis

Unread postPosted: Wed 29 Sep 2010, 09:12:59
by Sixstrings
REYKJAVIK, Iceland — Iceland's former Prime Minister Geir Haarde has been referred to a special court in a move that could make him the first world leader to be charged in connection with the global financial crisis.

After a heated debate Tuesday, lawmakers voted 33-30 to refer charges to the court against Haarde for allegedly failing to prevent Iceland's 2008 financial crash – a crisis that sparked protests, toppled the government and brought the economy to a standstill by collapsing its currency.

Haarde faces up to two years in jail if found guilty. The court, which could dismiss the charges, has never before convened in Iceland's history. A hearing date has not yet been set.

Haarde, ex-leader of the Independence Party, is no longer in parliament and stepped down from office last year following widespread protests and treatment for esophageal cancer.

"I will answer all charges before the court and I will be vindicated." Haarde, 59, told the Icelandic Broadcaster RUV. "I have a clean slate. This charge borders on political persecution."

Really a bit unfair. You can't hold the Prime Minister of Iceland to blame for a global economic paradigm that was set up by the United States and the G8 in general.

Re: First world leader indicted for role in financial crisis

Unread postPosted: Wed 29 Sep 2010, 17:42:30
by the48thronin
Who said life is FAIR? Scapegoat now or Guillotine later take your choice? :mrgreen:

Re: First world leader indicted for role in financial crisis

Unread postPosted: Wed 29 Sep 2010, 18:11:03
by americandream
And this fiasco has been mild compared to what awaits these people as well as the rest of us. The guillotine will just about sum it up.

Banking Rackets & Financial Fraud

Unread postPosted: Thu 30 Sep 2010, 01:25:54
by Keith_McClary
William K. Black On The Latest Keiser Report -- Banking Rackets & Financial Fraud
Bill Black helped send more than 1,000 criminal bankers to jail in the 80's for their part in the $150 billion S&L crisis. This time around, exactly ZERO fraudsters have been sent to the hooskow in a $6 trillion intergalactic banking blowout.

What do we do? 1000 bankers found themselves in jail after the S&L crisis. Doing the math, this crisis is close to 40 times larger, I would expect 40,000 bankers to be in jail by now. As they say, the least ethically inclined are still in charge. The perverse incentives are still there for the stealing. Black has pointed out some key problems -- the big accounting cover-up, the guilt and complicity of the auditors. As Keiser points out, this is organized crime.