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They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Sun 20 Dec 2009, 22:48:55
by Sixstrings
They're All Against Jobs
by Sen. Fritz Hollings

Who is against jobs in the United States? The big banks, Wall Street, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Business Roundtable, the United States Chamber of Commerce, the National Retail Federation, Corporate America, the President of the United States, Congress of the United States. Everyone is crying for jobs, but no one seems to understand why there aren't any. And the reason for those opposing jobs is money.

Beginning in 1973, big banks made most of their profit outside of the United States. Industries off-shoring, investing, banks financing the investments, transfer fees, fees and interest on the loans made for bigger profits. Long since, the big banks under the leadership of David Rockefeller have led the way to off-shore and make a bigger profit. Goldman Sachs, AIG, Citicorp and Wall Street, conspiring for a bailout and now using it for bonuses, make more money from the off-shored operations.

The Council on Foreign Relations ought to be renamed the Council on Making Money. A recent PEW poll reported fully 85% of Americans said that protecting United States jobs should be a top foreign policy priority. But only 21% of the Council on Foreign Relations agrees. Financial interests organized the Business Roundtable to continue off-shore investment and profit. The local Chamber is for Main Street America, but Tom Donahue and the United States Chamber have sold out to the financial interests and oppose jobs and producing in the United States. Thirty years ago, hundreds of thousands of Arrow shirts produced in China were a best seller in the United States. But at Christmastime, the Chinese supply ran short and the retail stores had to order the same shirt from New Jersey. They made 20% less profit on the New Jersey shirt. Retailers are all for profit from imports and against domestic production and jobs in America.

Corporate America would fight any initiative by the President, the Congress, or the government to create jobs in the United States. That is, production that faces competition offshore. In globalization, U. S. production can't make a profit, can't survive. Its competition will off-shore the same article for a lesser price, putting you out of business. Moreover, Corporate America doesn't have to bother with labor in China. The China government controls labor and you don't have to worry about a work stoppage or minimum wage. All they have is a maximum wage.

And Corporate America doesn't have to worry with clean air and clean water or the environment in China. Nor does it have to worry with OSHA and all of its safety rules. Many times the factory building is furnished and you don't have to worry with capital costs. If you make a profit, you can just reinvest it in an additional operation and not have to pay any U. S. income tax. If the operation fails, walk away with no legacy costs. Corporate America bitterly opposes its government protecting and strengthening the U. S. economy because producing again in America will put the executives back to work. They can send a Jaycee to China to watch the quality control daily and sit on the 32nd floor on Sixth Avenue with the internet, keeping check, and, leaving early for a massage and drinks. With production in China they don't have to work.

As Commander-in-Chief, the President dithered for months over the number of troops. But he can't equip the troops except for the favor of a foreign country. The War Production Act of 1950 requires the President to make sure that we can produce in- country those articles necessary for our national defense. Enforcing this law would limit the campaign contributions. Under Section 201 of the trade laws, the President is supposed to take action, like impose tariffs or quotas, when a certain production is endangered. Not only endangered, our automobile production has been bankrupted. But all the President does is give Detroit bailout welfare. The President doesn't want to limit the campaign contributions.

The same with Congress. Senator Byron Dorgan of North Dakota long ago tried to allocate the tax incentive for foreign jobs and production to domestic jobs and production. The Business Roundtable and the U. S. Chamber fought it like a tiger and killed it.

As the President said in his West Point talk, there is fierce competition in international trade and globalization. All countries move to protect and build their economies while the United States goes out of business. The one advantage that the U.S. has is its richest market in the world. It is fast becoming the poorest market and the U.S. is losing any clout to maintain a strong economy.

The economy is in the hands of Summers, Bernanke and Geithner. Campaign contributions are in the hands of David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel. The poor President is smart, diligent and working his head off campaigning. But he is inexperienced and not governing, and the Congress is in a Mexican standoff over an archaic filibuster rule that reveres democracy by the minority.

Of course, the media, which knows this and keeps it top secret, is owned by big business.

If I don't meet you in the breadline, my children will.

Merry Christmas!

Fritz makes good points here.. ALL the powers that be who say they want more US jobs actually don't -- they fight tooth and nail to protect the jobs they've created overseas.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 01:06:24
by Novus
After reading articles like these it is no wonder so many who are aware of the reality of it all collapse into a paradigm of cynicism and Schadenfreude. Our own government works against us while many of the sheeple sleep and cannot be awoken.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 01:23:00
by Plantagenet

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 10:17:41
by gt1370a
Right, globalisation is the goal.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 10:34:40
by Cloud9
Clearly the development of cognizant machines has significantly reduced the need for slaves. If the New World Order does not need the teeming billions of workers, solders and sycophants, why are we still here? Surely a few million in a carefully controlled under class can provide our masters with all the worldly delights they desire. You conspiracy theorists need to prepare for the coming plagues.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 11:06:23
by hillsidedigger
They want American workers to line up for dirty, hazardous jobs that pay only 50 cents per hour like in China.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 11:27:15
by Sixstrings
hillsidedigger wrote:They want American workers to line up for dirty, hazardous jobs that pay only 50 cents per hour like in China.

Yup.. there is no America anymore, there is no patriotism.. there is only PROFIT. That is all that matters in the world.

I guess if us troglodytes just make that leap and accept we're citizens of the world now, then this wouldn't bother us so much. The problem though is that we Americans have nowhere to go. If America becomes a ghetto of impoverishment and decline, then most of us are just stuck here. We may all be "citizens of the world" now, but we don't have the freedom to live and work where we choose within that world.

In the New World Order, capital is free as a bird while labor is bound in chains.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 11:45:48
by mcgowanjm
Sixstrings wrote:
In the New World Order, capital is free as a bird while labor is bound in chains.

Labor cannot rule, but Labor does have a Veto.

I keep remembering the serfs, circa 1914, who were let out of the trains
and forced to walk 25 Klicks to the Front in order to 'get them
into fighting shape.'

(1) Stephen Graham, Alexander II (1935)

To give the land (to the serfs) meant to ruin the nobility, and to give freedom without land meant to ruin the peasantry. The state treasury impoverished by the vast expenses of war, could not afford to indemnify either party. There lay the problem. Could the serfs made to pay for their freedom? Could the serf-owners be granted loans on the security of their estates? Would not twenty-two million slaves suddenly set free combine to take matters into their own hands.

The position of most large landowners was this. They lived in St. Petersburg or some other great city. They did not farm their estates. They had stewards who administered their property and collected their revenue. They had numbers of serfs paying a handsome annual tribute for their partial freedom, a tribute which the landowners' agents strove incessantly to increase. It was their slaves rather than their land which brought them income.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 12:02:52
by rangerone314
gt1370a wrote:Right, globalisation is the goal.

Globalisation = Race to the Bottom

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 12:47:20
by efarmer
Bitter but true words from Fritz Hollings, an old sytle populist Dem from the South.He was a pork barrel guy in his time, with a bias towards bringing in jobs, and doing a slow version of integration that riled the liberal Dems and put him at odds with the Southern Republicans who counted on racism as a campaign tool to keep the grip LBJ gave them on the South with the Civil Rights legislation. South Carolina spawned the Lee Atwater (mentor to Karl
Rove) code word, culture war techniques that went to Washington to go national
and get bolted into the White House as an appliance of the Presidency.
Both sides fought dirty there and they made it an export commodity.

I think a lot of current Congress folks know the basic jist of the situation like Mr. Hollings now freely opines in his rant.

Capitalism has been a very reliable engine for the nation since it's conception regardless of one's genuine liberal or conservative or other stance. Our version of it was born in a land of incredible resource abundance that was amplified to a very loud and seemingly endless high note by cheap energy and especially cheap oil.

Watching politicians go to ground and obstruct and taunt when they are out of power and bulldoze and stonewall when they are in power to a degree unseen and in total disconnect from the obvious challenges at hand says a lot to me.

When pure resource exploit capitalism dumps a nation because it is used up and spent out, it moves on to wherever it still works. We have been blowing bubbles and stoking culture wars as a cover story for not really having any sort of an alternate plan.
It seems the challenge is preserving freedom and democracy without depending on
abundant resources to exploit, and this challenge is going to be tough for folks who believe resource exploit capitalism is an infallible magic elixir 230 years and 6 billion more human souls into the experiment.

The investor mindset that resource exploit capitalism will go where it must and send the money back to the savvy few where it used to be strikes me as naive. It depends on the folks who run the show where it goes being as stupid and for sale about it as we were when it was our turn. Perhaps we should be proactive and send them some of our politicians to improve our odds of success.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 15:26:47
by Kristen
It's topics like these that make me hope of some oil shortage catastrophe. If it gets to expensive to make and fly things from the other side of the world maybe we can have jobs again instead of being useless. In the meantime the government props up the citizenry with extended unemployment benefits so they can keep on consuming and our flashy corporations can keep growing and making a profit. The CEOs get to live in their perfect eutopias, but they are never satisfied. The only reason these kings let the ball keep rolling is because they enjoy playing with this society they made. Without a person to look down upon they would never survive. Too bad they never learned that no matter how much money, drugs or copious amounts of sex they use to fill that void, they only keep expanding it.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 16:43:25
by Hawkcreek
It is becoming easier to see how revolutions and their attendant atrocities occur.
When leaders actively work against the interests of the people, that is a crime deserving of execution.
It will happen, just a matter of time.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 18:38:28
by Tanada
Kristen wrote:It's topics like these that make me hope of some oil shortage catastrophe. If it gets to expensive to make and fly things from the other side of the world maybe we can have jobs again instead of being useless. In the meantime the government props up the citizenry with extended unemployment benefits so they can keep on consuming and our flashy corporations can keep growing and making a profit. The CEOs get to live in their perfect eutopias, but they are never satisfied. The only reason these kings let the ball keep rolling is because they enjoy playing with this society they made. Without a person to look down upon they would never survive. Too bad they never learned that no matter how much money, drugs or copious amounts of sex they use to fill that void, they only keep expanding it.


Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 18:39:28
by Tanada
Hawkcreek wrote:It is becoming easier to see how revolutions and their attendant atrocities occur.
When leaders actively work against the interests of the people, that is a crime deserving of execution.
It will happen, just a matter of time.

I believe you are correct, and that terrifies me.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 19:14:37
by Ludi
Hawkcreek wrote:It will happen, just a matter of time.

Most possible things probably fall into that category.


Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 19:22:55
by mos6507
Another anti-outsourcing diatribe. Let's be honest. We voted for outsourcing with our wallets.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Tue 22 Dec 2009, 01:15:06
by pablonite
Hawkcreek wrote:It is becoming easier to see how revolutions and their attendant atrocities occur.
When leaders actively work against the interests of the people, that is a crime deserving of execution.
It will happen, just a matter of time.

If that's what's keeping your faith I suggest you revist some history. We are all still part of the British Empire here in the "west" which includes Russia and China now. It's been growing for hundreds of years and is behind almost every major war, revolution and economic crash.

You can't go looking for blood because you don't even know who the emperor is or where he lives. You would be used, probably tortured and executed for your efforts, or worse - kill other useless eaters. They are internationalists, philanthropists, royalty - maybe 300 - maybe 3 million but there is no denying the primary goal is world government at all costs. The scary part is it's happening rather quickly if not already here. All national leaders appear more and more stooge like in their actions, mindlessly parroting the benefits of globalisation, completely and utterly predictable calling for a new world order to solve all the global problems - blah blah blah...

Just a matter of when a frogs figure out the water is close to boiling? They already have a description for it - shock and awe! :lol:

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Tue 22 Dec 2009, 02:31:23
by leaflight
A darn darn situation , cause be it their was more jobs and or job creation how many immigrants would be coming over here all the more, for those jobs, and they generally will work for less pay.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Tue 22 Dec 2009, 02:47:24
by leaflight
pablonite wrote:
Hawkcreek wrote:It is becoming easier to see how revolutions and their attendant atrocities occur.
When leaders actively work against the interests of the people, that is a crime deserving of execution.
It will happen, just a matter of time.

If that's what's keeping your faith I suggest you revist some history. We are all still part of the British Empire here in the "west" which includes Russia and China now. It's been growing for hundreds of years and is behind almost every major war, revolution and economic crash.

You can't go looking for blood because you don't even know who the emperor is or where he lives. You would be used, probably tortured and executed for your efforts, or worse - kill other useless eaters. They are internationalists, philanthropists, royalty - maybe 300 - maybe 3 million but there is no denying the primary goal is world government at all costs. The scary part is it's happening rather quickly if not already here. All national leaders appear more and more stooge like in their actions, mindlessly parroting the benefits of globalisation, completely and utterly predictable calling for a new world order to solve all the global problems - blah blah blah...

Just a matter of when a frogs figure out the water is close to boiling? They already have a description for it - shock and awe! :lol:

Many empires and world conquest have been defeated easily, without the emperors even found on the various battle realms.

Division , and its increasing by the day and power of the hour.

Re: They're All Against Jobs

Unread postPosted: Tue 22 Dec 2009, 12:22:41
by Sixstrings
mos6507 wrote:Another anti-outsourcing diatribe. Let's be honest. We voted for outsourcing with our wallets.

Well, Mos, it's a vicious cycle. The working classes shop at Walmart because their incomes have been in decline since 1970 (post 1980ish this decline was hidden with fast and loose credit, then the home equity printing press).

And by the way, that site you listed is hilarious. I actually shop at Walmart for certain items just because things are significantly cheaper there (the local grocery chain is even more evil than Walmart so really, what's the point in paying more?)

But I have to say, shopping at walmart is starting to wear me down. It's literally a parade of zombies in that store. There's a more upscale grocery chain nearby, but I ain't kidding you it seems like everything there cots 1/3 to 1/2 as much more (and god forbid I shop at the store's deli, with their $9 sandwiches and $6 potato salads).

Something interesting I've noticed lately about my local walmart.. I usually buy their most expensive brand of deli meat (still cheaper than the store brand at the upscale chain). Well lately, it appears that everyone shopping at walmart has started buying only their cheapest deli meat. So that means when i get my 'spensive stuff, it's so old it's inedible.

So now I have to shop at two chains, walmart for the good priced things that aren't spoiled, and the other store for those items which walmart's quality is unacceptable. (over time, a lot of walmart's produce has gotten unacceptably bad -- their green beans are brownish and sickly, the tomatoes are decomposing on the displays. Carrots, potatoes, bananas are fine though.. it sucks convenience wise, having to grocery shop two stores now)