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We Live In Boring Times

Unread postPosted: Tue 07 Oct 2008, 17:23:12
by mattduke
I'm bored with the fractional reserve banking crisis. They have done this to us so many times through history I just can't get excited about the current one anymore. It's all so boringly predictable. And the politicians response to it is boringly predictable. Credit crunch! Pump liquidity! Point fingers! Yawn. Wake me up when the Amero is here.

Re: We Live In Boring Times

Unread postPosted: Tue 07 Oct 2008, 17:28:33
by Duende
Keep yer chin up, kid. This story might have been told before, but we're getting to the good part.

Or, at least there'll be a new soundtrack.

Re: We Live In Boring Times

Unread postPosted: Tue 07 Oct 2008, 18:54:05
by StuckInPhilly
How about:
California falls into Pacific
Earthquake swallows Asia
Conch Shells become new currency in Civilized World
Primitive World found at Earths Core

Re: We Live In Boring Times

Unread postPosted: Tue 07 Oct 2008, 19:20:37
by gampy
Y2K was more exciting for me, personally. That fin de siecle malaise was delicious.

Then again, I don't have much in the way of retirement savings, or cold hard cash riding on all this, so it's all meh to me, too.

When I start seeing bread lines, and roving, un-employed hobos wandering the highways and byways, it will pique my interest a little more.

Always wondered what it might be like to ride the boxcars across the prairies. Ahhhh, the life of the hobo. How bourgeois.