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THE Moon Thread pt. 2

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 10:44:37
by TheAntiDoomer
In case anyone forgot:


Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 11:13:00
by Caffeine
There was some discussion recently about the Japanese Kaguya probe not being able to find the rover, etc. at the Apollo landing sites. The official explanation is that Kaguya wouldn't be able to spot them at its 10m resolution. ... _faq_e.htm

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 11:20:16
by hardtootell-2
TheAntiDoomer wrote:In case anyone forgot:


Don't forget to spraypaint it black so the reflection can't be seen by the black helicopters! :razz:

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 11:39:17
by dunewalker
I just watched the first 2 hour segment. The issue of the coke bottle was particularly intriguing, coupled with the excerpts from the movie "Diamonds Are Forever". Especially so if you recall the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy" which is written around a coke bottle. Subtle exposes in retrospect...

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 13:03:37
by cipi604

THat is just a reflexion from the helmet

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 18:52:15
by frankthetank
So basically they took the money and used it somewhere else instead of actually going to the moon? It was more about nukes then moon landings??? I've never read into this.. Never really cared much about the moon landings :)

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:48:46
by dunewalker
I've never paid attention to this before either. Then the other day I read where they had "lost" the original footage of the 1st landing. I thought that would add fuel to the conspiracy theorists. Now today it's announced that all the "moon rocks" are being taken off public display & sent somewhere else. So I watched the first of the videos on this thread--there are a lot of valid questions brought up there, and at least tentative evidence of fakery.

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 20:11:52
by Micki
I looked up this old thread as well.
For those who have not seen it there are some good cases of Mars pictures being manipulated.
For instance, the "red planet" is not that red at all once color is correctly set.

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 20:19:07
by dukey ... 7064&hl=en
is interesting although not sure i entirely agree with it :p

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 21:19:37
by 35Kas

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 22:36:32
by SeaGypsy
My number 1 reason for disbelief was originally the 1969 Hillman Hunter Safari Wagon I owned for many years. Think about it.
The cable lifts in part 2 of Micki's link along with the huge statistical risk implications make the idea that faking it was worthwhile on propoganda value alone pretty obvious when the whole picture here is presented..
Those who skipped part 2 should go back and watch it.
There is overwhelming evidence of at least a partial hoax on the part of NASA. Where there is room for doubt and one errs on the side of caution; the moon landings never happened. Funny how the vast majority would prefer to err on the side of 'Lunacy'.

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 22:37:22
by Micki
NASA releases new images from the LRO to shut up hoax theories(?)

By the way, does anyone know which "Moonlanding hoax" documentary was shown on Australian TV some years ago??? (Maybe round 2003-04?)
It wasn't as indepth as the first one in this thread but covered also a number of surrounding tedbits like the damning audit a year before the flight, deaths among involved people, communications problems that lead to austronauts (the ones who dies in a fire) to question whether they were going to succeed etc.

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 22:47:07
by SeaGypsy
Can't recall the name of it Micki but it was on SBS in late 2006; at least when I saw it. You are correct that it was more focused on the political aspects of the likelyhood of hoax.
As a fellow Australian Micki I would guess we would be in agreement on JFK & who knocked him and why; whilst finding it difficult to believe the vast majority of Americans still choose to believe Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone version of events?
Just one example. There are others.
The moon landing hoax along with the mystery of 9/11 will go into the same basket as JFK & LHO. The basket of impossible truths We choose to believe in. Maybe one should expect this from a nation who believe that Jesus makes his true believers rich.

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 23:15:15
by dunny
Here is Buzz Aldrin's response to all you mouth breathers.

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Tue 21 Jul 2009, 00:23:25
by SeaGypsy
Coward was a low blow.

Re: Best moonlanding documentary(?)

Unread postPosted: Tue 21 Jul 2009, 00:34:46
by Micki
I heard the guy going after Buzz had harassed him for quite a while pretty much hoping for something controversial to happen. So he had it coming. He could seriously in no way expect Buzz to admit to anything on camera to a strange bozo approaching him out of nowhere.

This clip contains some additional detail. The intesting part starts round 24:30 in (before that it is just rehash of what was in the earlier published clips).
i.e. more comments by hassleblad, more crosshair anomalies, re-use of backdrops.
(GYPSY, do you think this was the docu shown in Oz???? It looks kinda familiar)

The NASA media guy appearing all the documentaries is just brilliant. He doesn't respond to a single issue or anomaly. He's a larf.

Famed “Moon Rock” Turns Out to Be Hunk of Petrified Wood

Unread postPosted: Mon 31 Aug 2009, 14:49:12
by Carlhole

Ever since Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong gave former Dutch prime minister William Drees a chunk of moon-rock in 1969, the public has been eager to see it. In fact, the relic has drawn tens of thousands of people to Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum.

But Houston, we have a problem: Turns out that so-called moon rock (which was insured for 308,000 British pounds, or about $500,000) is really just a hunk of petrified wood—and its actual value is less than 50 British pounds.

What an awfully long time for a museum to be fooled like that.

Re: Famed “Moon Rock” Turns Out to Be Hunk of Petrified Wood

Unread postPosted: Mon 31 Aug 2009, 15:24:41
by Caffeine
You'd think that perhaps some enterprising journalist might suggest that researchers go check out other "moon rock" samples around the world to see if they're made of petrified wood or real moon rock.

Re: Famed “Moon Rock” Turns Out to Be Hunk of Petrified Wood

Unread postPosted: Mon 31 Aug 2009, 15:28:30
by Carlhole
Petrified wood is such a well known type of rock. I find it really hard to believe that museum would be fooled for so long.

Re: Famed “Moon Rock” Turns Out to Be Hunk of Petrified Wood

Unread postPosted: Mon 31 Aug 2009, 17:02:13
by zoidberg
No-one was allowed to check closely because of course the moon landings never actually happened. First the original tapes are lost, then they cant find the flag, and no this.

I'm starting to believe it was all a hoax.