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University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Thu 25 Feb 2016, 21:18:36
by Sixstrings
University introduces website to report microaggressions

In a campus-wide email sent Tuesday afternoon (and shared with the Washington Examiner), UM-Flint staff announced the new website and encouraged students, faculty and staff to begin reporting. ...

The entire community was called upon to report incidents of bias they witness, even if they weren't the recipient of the alleged bias. Adding in that reports can be done anonymously, UM-Flint could predictably become a hotbed of politically and personally motivated revenge reports.

The microaggression reporting form:

Report a Bias Incident
What is a Bias Incident?

Bias incidents are intentional and unintentional acts of oppression and marginalization that can interfere with student success and our broader efforts to build a climate that truly supports each and every individual student. Bias can occur on the basis of race, color, language, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, veteran's status and other social identities and identity markers. While bias acts do not necessarily rise to the level of a crime, they can and often do negatively impact one's ability to comfortably thrive in their learning and enjoy their campus experience.

What is a Microaggression?

A statement, action or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of an historically marginalized identity based group such as, but not limited to, racial, gendered, sexual identity, and religious groups.

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 00:07:53
by Outcast_Searcher
Sixstrings wrote:
University introduces website to report microaggressions

As far as I know, I'm very tolerant re race, religion, sexual preference, etc. As a "typical white shmoe", I've lived in an apartment complex that was mostly black for 31 years, and have lots of friends who are gay, bi, etc. (as that makes absolutely no difference to me -- only my sex partner's sexual interests matter to me). I remember, with amusement, one black friend's comment about me, once she knew me for awhile: "I wasn't sure what your 'deal' was, but since you lived in that neighborhood, I knew that whatever you were, you weren't a racist."

But given the kangaroo court nature of much of the university punishment of things like "microaggressions", according to books I've read, this can't be a good thing. Given that well documented historical events are considered "invalid" in the face of people being "offended" by hearing certain words in universities, what the hell does a college degree in history (for one example) even mean anymore?

Doesn't Flint have more important issues to consider, like their water quality and their unemployment rate?

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 02:10:35
by careinke
I think the entire microaggression reporting program is in itself a microaggression against white males.

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 02:22:51
by Plantagenet
Outcast_Searcher wrote: given the kangaroo court nature of much of the university punishment of things like "microaggressions", according to books I've read, this can't be a good thing.

Don't blame the universities for this crap. This is all coming out of the Obama administration.

Several years ago the O administration came up with the strategy of using "title 9" to force universities to monitor and document every incident that might be construed as sexual harassment or racial disparagement, including micro aggression. Universities that don't comply are threatened with the loss of all their federal funding. Over the last 6 years dozens of mandatory classes have been established to train university faculty and staff how not to discriminate, how not to be sexist, how not to condone micro-aggression, how not to favor white students, etc. etc. etc., and these classes have to be re-taken every year to completely indoctrinate the universities in this stuff. Every incident, no matter how minor, must be tabulated and documented so government bureaucrats can decide if "progress" is being made at the university.

Still, if the American people want their universities spending all their time on this stuff instead of actually teaching students, who am I to disagree :)

sticks and stones can break your bones, but hearing the wrong word from a fellow student can make you doubt your own self worth and cause you to drop out and live a life of shiftlessness and then to take addictive drugs and engage in criminal activity.

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 02:28:15
by Shaved Monkey
Just wondering Plant does everything horrible come from Obama in your mind ?
Will the world be perfect when he is gone?

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 02:35:40
by Plantagenet
Shaved Monkey wrote:Just wondering Plant does everything horrible come from Obama .... ?

No---of course not. What a silly question.

Shaved Monkey wrote:Will the world be perfect when he is gone?

Thats beyond silly all the way to being an out and out dumb question. :lol:


I gather you've never heard of the way the Obama administration is using the Title 9 law to require universities to document hate speech, microagression, and suppress freedom of speech at universities etc.

Really---you should educate yourself on this stuff if you're going to post about it. Here---Check out this article:


now that [title 9] is being turned into a tool to suppress free speech on college campuses, even liberals are starting to cry foul.

A tipping point was reached earlier this year when a Northwestern University film professor and feminist, Laura Kipnis, dared to criticize new Title IX regulations governing campus sex. The regulations, promulgated in the name of preventing a “hostile environment” for women, broadly defined sexual harassment as “any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature.” An unwelcome touch or comment was grounds for a Title IX investigation, with college administers forced to be police, judge and jury in allegations of sexual harassment from offensive speech to rape.

In February Ms. Kipnis wrote in the Chronicle of Higher Education that the new rules infantilize women by encouraging them to “regard themselves as such exquisitely sensitive creatures that an errant classroom remark could impede their education.” Instead of preventing a hostile environment, she wrote, such rules instead have created an atmosphere of “sexual paranoia” that is spinning out of control. “In the post Title IX landscape,” she noted, “sexual panic rules. Slippery slopes abound.”

For her candor about the overreach of Title IX, Ms. Kipnis was hit with . . . a Title IX investigation. In an argument that would have made Joseph Stalin blush, two Northwestern students charged that Ms. Kipnis’s criticism of Title IX violated Title IX. The university launched an investigation and subjected Ms. Kipnis to what she has called an “inquisition.”


Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 03:05:42
by SeaGypsy
We don't have such formalized crap in Australia, but the culture is here too. I just did a year at Uni to complete a community services course. During my placements some serious maladministration came up & I reported it- in house- resulting in the shifting around of a couple of department managers deck chairs. Their response was to use information from a client I became Facebook friends with to paint me as a radical chain smoker of cannabis, slander me all over the sector & to my professors. The sector is one where dunderhead females get masters degrees & employ out gays & racial minorities with no tendency to critique their job performance. My lecturers warned me not to use these idiots as referees.

In fact I rarely take cannabis at all these days as I drive trucks for a living & can't risk failing a drug test. I am not shy in my advocacy for cannabis as folks here are aware- I see it as far preferable to many of the legal options & consider the laws against it to be culture war of the worst kind.

Anyway I am staying out of the communities sector, as I am a white male heterosexual & therefore have no future there. JIT transport is bliss to work in by comparison, no politics, grateful customers, lots of gruff straight talking men- & funny enough some of them are not white, some are gay & there's even a few chicks in the gig.

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 05:38:34
by Cog
careinke wrote:I think the entire microaggression reporting program is in itself a microaggression against white males.

I have had this explained to me by a social justice warrior. It is impossible to microaggress a white male. It is also impossible to be racist against one. Our mere presence is a microagression. No I am not kidding.

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 05:44:32
by careinke
Cog wrote:
careinke wrote:I think the entire microaggression reporting program is in itself a microaggression against white males.

I have had this explained to me by a social justice warrior. It is impossible to microaggress a white male. It is also impossible to be racist against one. Our mere presence is a microagression. No I am not kidding.

Yea I've kinda figured that one out. Damn me! :roll:

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 05:57:18
by SeaGypsy
Absurd isn't it. At least we white hetro males can call these namby pamby maggots whatever we like here at

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 06:49:56
by Cog
This thread triggers me.

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 07:57:18
by Sixstrings
The whole thing about a "microaggression reporting form" and how it's all worded is that it seems to go overboard into *encouraging* a "reporting culture."

And one doesn't want that kind of thing going too far. Taken to extremes, that's actually socialism and communism. That's how things are in North Korea -- someone says one wrong thing out of line with the State, and they get reported. Could be the coworker next to them, a neighbor, a stranger -- even family, or a husband and wife.

Not to go too far out with an analogy, but I'm just sayin'. :lol:

In the context of academia -- I think administrators and educators are losing some common sense that a parent would have. Think of it in that context, say you've got two kids -- does a parent ENCOURAGE them to tattle on each other and constantly report on the other? I suppose some do, but is that really good parenting? And what does that sort of thing lead to, a lot of bogus / revenge reporting, no?

I remember growing up. My sis was horrible to our brother. She just made things up, just to get him trouble, for the fun of it. She'd trick him into doing things she could then tattle on him for :lol:.

So anyhow, that's kids and kids are kids. But the point is that in good parenting / teaching there should be a line between knowing what's going on and that kids aren't bullied, but you also can't be running a Communist Reporting State either. Because the latter is unnatural.

In the context of the workplace -- if management overly ENCOURAGES employees reporting on each other, then it's the same thing as with raising kids. We all know how office politics is and how petty people can be; if this kind of "complaint culture" / "I'm offended culture" / "reporting culture" is encouraged, then people could just report things out of sheer boredom.

If there's a big flashing shiny form there saying "report all the microaggressions against you," then people will sit there and start thinking up microaggressions to report, right? (how many times have we seen from some on this forum in the past, "I've reported you to the mods!!!!!" :roll:).

My issue with microagressions is that, from what I can understand of it, it includes things that are honestly unintentional / unknowing. A student just having a make america great again ballcap, or a Trump bumper sticker on their laptop or a Trump tshirt -- could all be deemed microaggressions.

To the person with the Trump shirt on, most likely they're just honestly a Republican. But to someone else looking at that shirt, they could interpret it some other way and then are offended and it's deemed a microaggression -- unintentional causing of offense.

I'm surprised that serious people in academia and education, don't see that point.

People being nice and acting civilized and humane is one thing, just being decent and having manners, but a socialist police state rooting out offenses that the offender doesn't even understand -- that's another thing, entirely.

So in essence, an OVERLY SENSITIVE person can actually be the abusive one, to the person sitting next to them that's just walking on eggshells not even knowing what they did to offend.

P.S. I didn't need to write a long post. Long story short -- the very word "microaggression" is just ridiculous. It's a new madeup word that didn't exist before. What is that word really, just simple passive aggressive? Well, wouldn't it be silly to have a passive aggressive reporting form?

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 08:29:46
by Sixstrings
Some other recent microaggression news:

Microagression reporting, in Singapore:

Singaporeans report more than 300 instances of microaggressions over Chinese New Year

IN just two days, indignant Singaporeans have reported over 300 instances of microaggressions as they visited relatives over the Chinese New Year (CNY).

Using a simple Google Docs form, Ryan Lim and his friends took to Facebook and Reddit to encourage friends to share their experiences on a document titled, CNY Power Play. Anyone who encounters “power plays and microaggression[s] thinly disguised as harmless CNY banter” may give vent to their frustration in a simple textbox. ...

Examples of these microaggressions are as varied as there are reasons for taking offense. Even the most innocuous statements find their way onto the list.

Microaggression is a term in psychology that was introduced by Harvard University professor Chester M. Pierce. It was initially used to describe racist insults and dismissals. Its definition, however, has been expanded greatly.

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 16:31:47
by SeaGypsy
This whole bandwagon definitely empowers passive aggressives in a big way. Your line about the silliness of a reporting form for passive aggression- woah... The least understood, most subtle form of abuse, most used by women- can destroy people's careers, education, families, can be extremely damaging & difficult if not impossible to pin down to specifics. If you punch someone in the face- that is assault, no question about it. But if you open someone's Facebook profile & show around a school or a workplace something not PC in that environment, you will almost certainly get away with it while perhaps ruining that person's future. Which is worse- a fat lip & a loose tooth, or losing your career? Passive aggressives know all about this & there are many of them doing it basically as a power trip & for kicks.

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 16:55:31
by Plantagenet
Sixstrings wrote:
In the context of the workplace -- if management overly ENCOURAGES employees reporting on each other, then it's the same thing as with raising kids. We all know how office politics is and how petty people can be; if this kind of "complaint culture" / "I'm offended culture" / "reporting culture" is encouraged, then people could just report things out of sheer boredom.

If there's a big flashing shiny form there saying "report all the microaggressions against you," then people will sit there and start thinking up microaggressions to report, right? (how many times have we seen from some on this forum in the past, "I've reported you to the mods!!!!!" :roll:).


I'm surprised that serious people in academia and education, don't see that point.

Of course you are right, but the people in Academia and education have no choice in the matter---they are under orders from the feds to do this. Have you heard of the "Title 9" law? This law requires colleges and universities to spend as much on women as they do on men in sports and academics to end sex discrimination in academia. However, the Obama administration has vastly expanded Title 9 and assumed powers to tell universities that they must document and respond to all complaints of sexual harassment or racial or ethnic problems, including so-called microagreesssion. Its a new federal regulatory requirement from the Obama administration.

Colleges and Universities are being required to do this kind of reporting by the Education Department in the Obama administration in order to continue to receive federal funds. If the universities don't comply then they are investigated for a "Title 9" violation and various penalties and censures are put on them by the feds.

This is a big deal in academia---Here is the current list of universities being investigated by the Dept. of Education for failing to set up these kinds of websites and other title 9 violations.

AZ Arizona State University
CA Butte-Glen Community College District
CA Occidental College
CA University of California-Berkeley
CA University of Southern California
CO Regis University
CO University of Colorado at Boulder
CO University of Colorado at Denver
CO University of Denver
CT University of Connecticut
DC Catholic University of America
FL Florida State University
GA Emory University
HI University of Hawaii at Manoa
ID University of Idaho
IL Knox College
IL University of Chicago
IN Indiana University-Bloomington
IN Vincennes University
MA Amherst College
MA Boston University
MA Emerson College
MA Harvard College
MA Harvard University—Law School
MA University of Massachusetts-Amherst
MD Frostburg State University
MI Michigan State University
MI University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
NC Guilford College
NC University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
ND Minot State University
NH Dartmouth College
NJ Princeton University
NY Cuny Hunter College
NY Hobart and William Smith Colleges
NY Sarah Lawrence College
NY Suny at Binghamton
OH Denison University
OH Ohio State University
OH Wittenberg University
OK Oklahoma State University
PA Carnegie Mellon University
PA Franklin and Marshall College
PA Pennsylvania State University
PA Swarthmore College
PA Temple University
TN Vanderbilt University
TX Southern Methodist University
TX The University of Texas-Pan American
VA College of William and Mary
VA University of Virginia
WA Washington State University
WI University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
WV Bethany College
WV West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine



Former Professor found to have committed micro aggression

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 17:19:16
by Outcast_Searcher
Plantagenet wrote:
Outcast_Searcher wrote: given the kangaroo court nature of much of the university punishment of things like "microaggressions", according to books I've read, this can't be a good thing.

Don't blame the universities for this crap. This is all coming out of the Obama administration.

The latest wave of formal microaggression compliance website, etc. nonsense in the US may have been formalized by Obama, but this general trend toward university kangaroo courts, not allowing free speech, and all kinds of PC rules about "sensitivity", special groups, etc. has been prolific in university life for decades.

The first time this was brought to my attention as a significant "thing", was Dinesh D'Souza's 1998 "Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus". D'Souza has written some unreasonable far right wing stuff since this, but he nailed this topic with lots of good examples, IMO.

I don't think it's fair to blame "this crap" all on Obama, if it was bad enough for people to be writing books about the development of it 10+ years before Obama took office.

I DO primarily blame the universities for this. If they were more about academics and less about attracting students with fancy dorms and other facilities, perhaps students wouldn't have so much extra time to obsess (and "litigate") such trivia as "microagressions".

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 18:11:07
Maybe some already made this point: anonymous. IOW every racist, homophone, liberal, conservative, etc. can flood the system with countless reports against whoever they want. Thus anonymous reports will quickly become useless. Next step: non-anonymous reports. Do I need to go over all the different ways that system can quickly go sideways? And in particular hurting various groups it's trying to protect.

But I'm sure the school administrators will get high marks during their yearly reviews. LOL.

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Feb 2016, 18:44:45
by Tanada
ROCKMAN wrote:Maybe some already made this point: anonymous. IOW every racist, homophone, liberal, conservative, etc. can flood the system with countless reports against whoever they want. Thus anonymous reports will quickly become useless. Next step: non-anonymous reports. Do I need to go over all the different ways that system can quickly go sideways? And in particular hurting various groups it's trying to protect.

But I'm sure the school administrators will get high marks during their yearly reviews. LOL.

Where it really goes sideways is when the 'disciplined party' meets the complaint maker in a dark alley with a billy club and shows them some macro aggression. These kind of witch hunts tend to lead to very real consequences when they get taken a step too far.

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Tue 01 Mar 2016, 11:34:35
by JV153
Macroaggression is more like what happened in Iraq (the event is still ongoing).

Re: University introduces website to report microaggressions

Unread postPosted: Tue 01 Mar 2016, 13:26:31
by Tanada
JV153 wrote:Macroaggression is more like what happened in Iraq (the event is still ongoing).

Nah, that is more like MEGA-aggression :twisted: