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They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Fri 13 Jan 2012, 16:02:39
by vision-master

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Fri 13 Jan 2012, 16:49:07
by Fishman
Vision, do you ever even read what you post?
(Iran has been fully verified by the IAEA and ALL the U.S. intelligence community agree and are on record that Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons), despite talk that Iran is intolerant, despite the daily barrage of bad press and unpleasant innuendo, Iran is a great country, friendly, cultured, fun and spiritually-minded!

IAEA states that Iran has increased its concentration of uranium to 20%, you don't need anything over about 5- 10 % for a reactor.

Iran is a great country, friendly, cultured, fun and spiritually-minded!

Evidence of the above from Iran, killing gays, stoning women who have sex outside Shia guidelines, oh and the last "spiritully minded" only if you agree with us, otherwise we kill you

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Fri 13 Jan 2012, 17:12:35
by rangerone314
I think we should fly over Iran and drop DVDs of "Two Girls, One Cup" on them to traumatize them.

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Fri 13 Jan 2012, 17:39:37
by MD
Fishman wrote:... otherwise we kill you

Somebody has been watching Jeff Dunham.


Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Fri 13 Jan 2012, 19:10:38
by Windmills
Fishman wrote:Evidence of the above from Iran, killing gays, stoning women who have sex outside Shia guidelines, oh and the last "spiritully minded" only if you agree with us, otherwise we kill you

I find it amusing that the above statement is the Republican vision for America. Killing gays, stoning women who have sex outside the "sacred" institution of marriage, and "spiritually minded" only if you agree with their perverted version of Christianity, otherwise they talk about killing you. One of my Republican friends from high school said he's ready for things to come down to a civil war so that he can "purge" the USA of everyone that doesn't agree with his viewpoints. My father, also a Republican, talks about brutal, savage, and disprortionate punishments for criminals of any kind, which is quite reminiscent of Sharia law.

So pots and kettles should be careful about calling one another black. The only reason we're even more like Iran is because there's still allowed to be more than one political party here.

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Fri 13 Jan 2012, 19:56:25
by ColossalContrarian
I was thinking more like

They are lying too, you know?

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Fri 13 Jan 2012, 21:48:47
by rangerone314
ColossalContrarian wrote:I was thinking more like

They are lying too, you know?

Christian fundamentalist, Islamic fundamentalists, they all seem to be vicious and aggressive. Its too bad someone can't unleash a plague that kills fundies from ALL religions. If I had something like that and turned it loose I'd sleep very soundly. I'd rather get them before they get me... they are like zombies who attack anyone not like them.

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Fri 13 Jan 2012, 22:47:06
by PrestonSturges
rangerone314 wrote:I think we should fly over Iran and drop DVDs of "Two Girls, One Cup" on them to traumatize them.

That's right, we hijack their television networks and run a live feed of so they can see tub girl, lemon party, and goatsie.

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Fri 13 Jan 2012, 22:52:54
by PrestonSturges
rangerone314 wrote:
ColossalContrarian wrote:I was thinking more like

They are lying too, you know?

Christian fundamentalist, Islamic fundamentalists, they all seem to be vicious and aggressive. Its too bad someone can't unleash a plague that kills fundies from ALL religions. If I had something like that and turned it loose I'd sleep very soundly. I'd rather get them before they get me... they are like zombies who attack anyone not like them.

Most of the trouble in the world has been caused by folks who can’t mind their own business, because they have no business of their own to mind, any more than a smallpox virus has. Now your virus is an obligate cellular parasite and my contention is that evil is quite literally a virus parasite occupying a certain brain area which we may term the “right” center.
The mark of a basic shit is that he has to be right. And right here we must make a distinction between the hard-core virus-occupied shit and a plain, ordinary, mean no-good son of a bitch. Some of these sons of bitches don’t cause any trouble at all, just want to be left alone and are only dangerous when molested, like the Brown Recluse.
-WS Burroughs The Adding Machine

Butrroughs goes on to say that religion provides the hosts for the right virus, but maybe we can develop a virus that will counterattack, so the person who thinks they are right, right, right will die.

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Sat 14 Jan 2012, 19:26:26
by JohnRM
I agree that Iran is not our enemy. If I were president, I would immediately ask for a meeting with a high-level representative of the Iranian government to express my wish to open diplomatic relations, expressing my regret and apology for our country meddling in the internal affairs of Iran and my wish to establish diplomatic relations with a blank slate for both parties. I would still express concern about their nuclear program and work toward verification of Iran's claims of its peaceful intent. But, there is no reason to be a hard-ass about it. Ultimately, this is not a uniquely American problem. This is a global issue. However, I am not willing to go to war over it. As long as Pakistan has nuclear weapons, a nuclear-armed Iran does not bother me quite so much.

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Sat 14 Jan 2012, 19:50:25
by vtsnowedin
JohnRM wrote:I agree that Iran is not our enemy. If I were president, I would immediately ask for a meeting with a high-level representative of the Iranian government to express my wish to open diplomatic relations, expressing my regret and apology for our country meddling in the internal affairs of Iran and my wish to establish diplomatic relations with a blank slate for both parties. I would still express concern about their nuclear program and work toward verification of Iran's claims of its peaceful intent. But, there is no reason to be a hard-ass about it. Ultimately, this is not a uniquely American problem. This is a global issue. However, I am not willing to go to war over it. As long as Pakistan has nuclear weapons, a nuclear-armed Iran does not bother me quite so much.

Nice sentiment and I wish it were possible but I am convinced that we will dither about until they get a working nuke with a working delivery system. The day after that they will either start blackmailing the western world or go straight to incinerating Tel Aviv. The escalation from that point leaves most of the cities in the middle east as smoking holes that glow in the dark and the western world short enough on oil to insure that billions die.
These people are not smart enough to avoid their own extermination and they will destroy much of what remains of the planets ecosystem on their way out.

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Sat 14 Jan 2012, 22:22:27
by JohnRM
The Iranian people are not mindless drones. They are not suicidal. I have my doubts about some of their leaders, but I do not believe that the vast majority of them would be willing to follow that kind of insane leadership to the grave. The Allies would respond by glassing Iran. Do not underestimate how much power the military holds, in Iran. There are various power-brokers within the Iranian regime, with the Ayatollah and the military sharing a lot of power. The rest of the government is marginalized. So, there are a lot of players that would need to agree to this suicidal line of thought.

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Sat 14 Jan 2012, 22:54:26
by AgentR11
While calling out to the sanity and cultural sophistication of the Iranian population may feel satisfying; the chain of command involved in shutting the Strait, or launching a nuclear weapon against Israel are not bound by the pleas of those people. If those in charge issue the orders, they will be carried out without hesitation.

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Sun 15 Jan 2012, 02:36:11
by Shaved Monkey
and the same could be said of Israel and the US

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Sun 15 Jan 2012, 03:06:17
by careinke
vtsnowedin wrote:
JohnRM wrote:I agree that Iran is not our enemy. If I were president, I would immediately ask for a meeting with a high-level representative of the Iranian government to express my wish to open diplomatic relations, expressing my regret and apology for our country meddling in the internal affairs of Iran and my wish to establish diplomatic relations with a blank slate for both parties. I would still express concern about their nuclear program and work toward verification of Iran's claims of its peaceful intent. But, there is no reason to be a hard-ass about it. Ultimately, this is not a uniquely American problem. This is a global issue. However, I am not willing to go to war over it. As long as Pakistan has nuclear weapons, a nuclear-armed Iran does not bother me quite so much.

Nice sentiment and I wish it were possible but I am convinced that we will dither about until they get a working nuke with a working delivery system. The day after that they will either start blackmailing the western world or go straight to incinerating Tel Aviv. The escalation from that point leaves most of the cities in the middle east as smoking holes that glow in the dark and the western world short enough on oil to insure that billions die.
These people are not smart enough to avoid their own extermination and they will destroy much of what remains of the planets ecosystem on their way out.

I'm so happy we Americans can read minds, and know what everybody else is going to do even before they do it. This prescience obviously gives us a right to invade and start wars with other countries preemptively. After all being prescient and all, by virtue of being Americans, gives us the right to act in anyway we want (all for the good of mankind of course).

Oh wait, I just had a premonition, vts is going to kill someone. We should execute him before he really kills someone, we know he is going to do it. Better him than me. <Disgust mode off>

The topic is true, they are lying to us. We just have to figure out who "They" really is. Could it be us?

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Sun 15 Jan 2012, 03:30:31
by Shaved Monkey
If only they loved Israel and lets the West exploit their oil, they would be our friend just like the Saudis.

Unread postPosted: Sun 15 Jan 2012, 08:50:25
by SeaGypsy
oops dupe

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Sun 15 Jan 2012, 08:53:52
by SeaGypsy
careinke wrote:
vtsnowedin wrote:
JohnRM wrote:I agree that Iran is not our enemy. If I were president, I would immediately ask for a meeting with a high-level representative of the Iranian government to express my wish to open diplomatic relations, expressing my regret and apology for our country meddling in the internal affairs of Iran and my wish to establish diplomatic relations with a blank slate for both parties. I would still express concern about their nuclear program and work toward verification of Iran's claims of its peaceful intent. But, there is no reason to be a hard-ass about it. Ultimately, this is not a uniquely American problem. This is a global issue. However, I am not willing to go to war over it. As long as Pakistan has nuclear weapons, a nuclear-armed Iran does not bother me quite so much.

Nice sentiment and I wish it were possible but I am convinced that we will dither about until they get a working nuke with a working delivery system. The day after that they will either start blackmailing the western world or go straight to incinerating Tel Aviv. The escalation from that point leaves most of the cities in the middle east as smoking holes that glow in the dark and the western world short enough on oil to insure that billions die.
These people are not smart enough to avoid their own extermination and they will destroy much of what remains of the planets ecosystem on their way out.

I'm so happy we Americans can read minds, and know what everybody else is going to do even before they do it. This prescience obviously gives us a right to invade and start wars with other countries preemptively. After all being prescient and all, by virtue of being Americans, gives us the right to act in anyway we want (all for the good of mankind of course).

Oh wait, I just had a premonition, vts is going to kill someone. We should execute him before he really kills someone, we know he is going to do it. Better him than me. <Disgust mode off>

The topic is true, they are lying to us. We just have to figure out who "They" really is. Could it be us?

They is them following the Prophets. Prophesy is a crime punishable by death if wrong, rewarded with power if right. If you are right 3 times you are God. Haven't you guys read the old testament?

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Sun 15 Jan 2012, 08:56:47
by EnergyUnlimited
Fishman wrote:IAEA states that Iran has increased its concentration of uranium to 20%, you don't need anything over about 5- 10 % for a reactor.

For high flux research reactor you do...
Evidence of the above from Iran, killing gays, stoning women who have sex outside Shia guidelines, oh and the last "spiritully minded" only if you agree with us, otherwise we kill you

Bad as it is, it remains their internal affair...

Saudis are doing the same and we don't complain...

Re: They are lying to you now....

Unread postPosted: Sun 15 Jan 2012, 09:01:33
by SeaGypsy
What we have is a boys club from the same school all vying to either be or align themselves with the 'foretold One'; kind of like Lord of The Rings, except real-er.