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Fortune cookie quotes

Unread postPosted: Mon 03 Sep 2007, 23:30:02
by midnight-gamer
My wife and I had chinese food today. Now have any of you ever opened a fortune cookie to find something relevant? I ate dinner, finished a school exam for my electronics course. Then thought about relaxing with a video game.
Before the video games my wife called me into the bedroom. she was spread out on the bed in her underwear, wanting a back rub. No way was I going to get to that game at that point.
Anyhow, I later remembered the fortune cookies with my meal. I cracked open two of them. The first read.
Your problem just got bigger. Think, what have you done?
. The second,
Avoid the opposite sex today. Yeah,right!

I thought the fortunes were rather fitting.

Re: Fortune cookie quotes

Unread postPosted: Mon 03 Sep 2007, 23:39:51
by Plantagenet
He who has sexy fortune cookie gets lucky? :)

Re: Fortune cookie quotes

Unread postPosted: Tue 04 Sep 2007, 01:21:32
by Plantagenet
Your name is very appropriate. "In modern Hebrew the word golem literally means 'cocoon', but can also mean "fool", "silly", or even "stupid". :P

Re: Fortune cookie quotes

Unread postPosted: Tue 04 Sep 2007, 13:27:38
by Plantagenet
man who chose name that means "stupid" made smart choice :P

Re: Fortune cookie quotes

Unread postPosted: Tue 04 Sep 2007, 14:44:24
by perdition79
"That wasn't chicken"

Re: Fortune cookie quotes

Unread postPosted: Tue 04 Sep 2007, 14:45:17
by Plantagenet
I picked it quite intentionally ...

Its ironic that someone who is anti-semitic would pick a Hebrew word for his name that turns out to mean "stupid."

Re: Fortune cookie quotes

Unread postPosted: Tue 04 Sep 2007, 17:28:20
by Plantagenet
Sorry you can't see the humor in an anti-semite picking the Hebrew word for "stupid" for his on-line identity. :P

Re: Fortune cookie quotes

Unread postPosted: Wed 05 Sep 2007, 14:31:26
by Plantagenet
The meaning of words and names isn't drivel. As someone interested in archetypes and mythology, you should know that names often provide deep insights into the character of the person so named. Imagine the insights about your character that can be gleaned from that fact that you picked a name that means "stupid" and "fool"... :roll:

Re: Fortune cookie quotes

Unread postPosted: Wed 05 Sep 2007, 14:31:26
by jeezlouise
Damn, that was one of the quickest threadjacks I've ever seen! The plane hadn't even left the gate yet!

Back on topic: I got what I think was the ultimate fortune a couple of years ago:

"God will give you everything you want."

Unfortunately, so far, it's been true.

Re: Fortune cookie quotes

Unread postPosted: Wed 05 Sep 2007, 14:36:41
by Plantagenet
Thats a lot better then my last fortune cookie.

It read: "You will receive a fortune cookie."

Re: Fortune cookie quotes

Unread postPosted: Thu 06 Sep 2007, 17:35:13
by Pops
Oh, cut the crap kids or get a room.

As to the topic:

This one is stuck in my Sons Boot Camp photo from a cookie I cracked open at the dinner we had just before he left for Iraq:

Good news will come to you from far away.

The only one I ever saved and it was correct.