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Links open in new window

Unread postPosted: Mon 18 May 2009, 16:54:05
by FishAreBest
Many links open in a new window (e.g. Last 24 hours).

Not sure if this is by accident or design..

Either way, can I vote for removal of


from the links.

Re: Links open in new window

Unread postPosted: Fri 05 Jun 2009, 21:29:06
by joewp
You should get a modern browser like Firefox that opens links in a new tab, rather than a new window. Opening in tabs is better than having to hit "back" several times to get back here.

Re: Links open in new window

Unread postPosted: Fri 05 Jun 2009, 23:05:18
by smallpoxgirl
I wish all the links would open in a new window. I'm a multi-tasker. I generally will open a thread and read a bit of it, then flip back to the original thread and read a bit and so forth. Under the old version of the software all links opened in a new window. Most of them now open in the same window so you have to finish reading the link before you go back to the thread. Of course you can always right click the link and force it to open in a new window, but that's a pain. I don't see any particular advantage to tabs vs. windows. I generally have four or five browser windows open and sometimes several tabs in each one.

Re: Links open in new window

Unread postPosted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 16:13:26
by FishAreBest
I use firefox, and already use the new-window => new-tab feature.

I'm not arguing for all links to open in the same window. Just the ones on the front page.

I think this logic is reversed.

With the forum, it makes sense for the links to open in a new tab/window (since people read many topics), but they do not. Here I need to right-click or ctrl-click.

With the home page, it makes sense for the links to open in the same tab/window, but they don't. I have to accept the new tab, and close the old one.

Most of us come to read the forums, and use the last-24-hrs link. Why would you want the home page to be kept open in another tab/window? What other site forces the visitors to keep the home page open in another tab/window?

Re: Links open in new window

Unread postPosted: Sat 29 Aug 2009, 11:39:11
by Ferretlover
FishAreBest wrote:I use firefox, and already use the new-window => new-tab feature.--snip-- I have to accept the new tab, and close the old one. Most of us come to read the forums, and use the last-24-hrs link.

If you have a suggestion, please post it in the Suggestion forum
What other site forces the visitors to keep the home page open in another tab/window?

Admin tiara OFF: Frankly, we Don't Care what other sites do. [smilie=eusa_snooty.gif]
Admin tiara ON: Thank you for your interest in :)

Re: Links open in new window

Unread postPosted: Sat 29 Aug 2009, 12:00:11
by Auntie_Cipation
FishAreBest wrote:Most of us come to read the forums, and use the last-24-hrs link. Why would you want the home page to be kept open in another tab/window? What other site forces the visitors to keep the home page open in another tab/window?

I rarely if ever see the home page (no offense to those who post news stories there :oops: )

The "new posts since last visit" is the page I have bookmarked. It opens directly to what I want to see (most recent threads), regardless of whether I've remained logged in or whether it's been long enough that I've been logged out.

I used to do the same thing with "last 24 hours" instead, and I think that worked well too, though perhaps not once you're logged out. Probably would work for the Forums page as well.

One time I ended up at the home page inadvertently and didn't even recognize it -- "what's this? what's it got to do with" :roll:

Re: Links open in new window

Unread postPosted: Sun 30 Aug 2009, 14:24:36
by saraban001
dude its not a accident,
its design....
and its sometimes helpful, but not all the time,
sometimes its really boring...... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Re: Links open in new window

Unread postPosted: Tue 01 Sep 2009, 21:32:52
by admin
should be fixed...