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Unread postPosted: Sun 21 Oct 2007, 21:39:36
by ColossalContrarian
The donate-o-meter isn't working.

Re: Donate-O-Meter

Unread postPosted: Sun 21 Oct 2007, 21:47:33
by roccman
Yeah - whazup!!!??

Guess all the name taggn' gotz god distracted.

I dropped serious jack here...

Best site on web!!

Re: Donate-O-Meter

Unread postPosted: Mon 22 Oct 2007, 12:47:52
by Concerned
Shannymara wrote:The donations are going through correctly, but there's a glitch with the meter reflecting them. Aaron is working on the problem. Hopefully we can manually set it to the current balance when the glitch is fixed, and give public credit to those who desire it. Meanwhile, thank you for the donations, they'll help keep things running smoothly as site traffic continues to increase. :)

Cool site traffic continues to grow

Re: Donate-O-Meter

Unread postPosted: Tue 30 Oct 2007, 11:01:43
by julianj
Concerned: round here we don't say "continue to grow". According to the MSM we should say "Peak traffic retreats negatively" :-D

See item - "Peak oil retreats from $93" You'll never get along until you are a fully competent Newspeaker :)

Re: Donate-O-Meter

Unread postPosted: Wed 31 Oct 2007, 20:42:46
by ColossalContrarian
Can someone post how close we got to the goal?

It's the 31st and the donate-o-meter is still broken and we need to know how close we got to the goal.


Re: Donate-O-Meter

Unread postPosted: Thu 01 Nov 2007, 11:04:32
by Aaron
Yeah sorry guys... been distracted by stuff.

It's all paypal's fault anyway... :)

I promise to troubleshoot the donate o meter asap.

Thanks for your patience.

Re: Donate-O-Meter

Unread postPosted: Thu 01 Nov 2007, 11:11:53
by Andrew_S
Shannymara wrote:Meanwhile, thank you for the donations, they'll help keep things running smoothly as site traffic continues to increase. :)

If the general public cottons on sometime in the next couple of years traffic here could rocket.

Does Aaron post traffic history now and again?

Re: Donate-O-Meter

Unread postPosted: Thu 01 Nov 2007, 12:25:42
by lateStarter
I guess my suggestion is a bit late, but I would have just removed it immediately once I realized it was 'broken' and just left a 'Donations needed' message. It really looks unprofessional...

Re: Donate-O-Meter

Unread postPosted: Sun 04 Nov 2007, 16:44:40
by Tanada
Can someone give regular updates on how the donations are actually going? I would love to know what was raised in October 2007 and how the November campaign is running so far...