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Unread postPosted: Sun 10 Oct 2004, 18:35:36
by Sololeum
The forums and info have been unavailable for three days or so here - should I get paranoid or has the site been down.

The Howard Government was returned here - the liberals have a policy of NO RENEWABLES - just watch Bush - they are kindred spirits!! Just look at them together - brothers or what!!

In Vi Et Silva

Unread postPosted: Sun 10 Oct 2004, 18:54:19
by Aaron
The staff were all killed in a suspicious group of bombings...


Well... we got better.

Unread postPosted: Sun 10 Oct 2004, 19:35:29
by frankthetank
Dick Cheney had his goons rough up the PO staff...

Unread postPosted: Sun 10 Oct 2004, 21:44:18
by Specop_007
John Kerry couldnt decide if was a good website or not. In his usual flair and style, he supported it, then dropped his support and pulled the plug, but 2 days later decided to again support it and once again was back online.