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Unread postPosted: Sun 09 Aug 2009, 22:33:21
by OilAndGas?!?!
Just figure ill chime in here cause it said make your first post here. Im an oil and gas man and look forward to finally being able to post here cause i just registered. Been doing oil and gas for about 6 years.

Re: hello

Unread postPosted: Mon 10 Aug 2009, 08:21:22
by Pops
Welcome. Step right up!


Unread postPosted: Sat 15 Aug 2009, 17:01:44
by cunobelinos
I've read a lot about peak oil but have a lot to learn, does this site also deal with the other fossil fuels like gas and coal?

Re: Newb

Unread postPosted: Sat 15 Aug 2009, 17:03:54
by Daniel_Plainview
cunobelinos wrote:I've read a lot about peak oil but have a lot to learn, does this site also deal with the other fossil fuels like gas and coal?

All fossil fuels are discussed.

Customary Salutations

Unread postPosted: Mon 24 Aug 2009, 12:05:34
by JoFerg
Hey All...
I'm a freelance Writer who is researching several progressive facets of Energy production/distribution, as well as the Socio-Economic ramifications. I look forward to sharing info on each of my pet subjects as they come up..

Best Speed

Re: Customary Salutations

Unread postPosted: Tue 25 Aug 2009, 09:19:05
by Aaron

Hello from 3-year lurker

Unread postPosted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 13:33:53
by sagavanirktok
Hello all,

I've been peak-oil aware since 2004, and have been enjoying this site for about three years. We live in Alaska and have three children (one adopted) 21, 18 & 11 years. I've learned a lot from the forums, thank you to the many insightful and practical posters out there.

Re: Hello from 3-year lurker

Unread postPosted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 13:36:25
by DomusAlbion
Welcome sagavanirktok, if that's your REAL name.

No really. I'm glad you finally spoke up and hope you will contribute to the discussion.

Re: Hello from 3-year lurker

Unread postPosted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 13:36:55
by biofuel13
Welcome! Do you work at the airboat school there?

Re: Hello from 3-year lurker

Unread postPosted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 15:16:01
by Daniel_Plainview
sagavanirktok wrote:Hello all,

I've been peak-oil aware since 2004, and have been enjoying this site for about three years. We live in Alaska and have three children (one adopted) 21, 18 & 11 years. I've learned a lot from the forums, thank you to the many insightful and practical posters out there.

Welcome. :-D What compelled you to de-lurk at this particular point in time?

Re: My first Post

Unread postPosted: Tue 01 Sep 2009, 16:19:32
by JustaGirl
Hello Jeromie!

I'm glad to see you posting here. I used to surf LATOC just to read your financial posts. Admittedly, much of them went right over my head. :cry:

Nice to have you here.

Introductory post

Unread postPosted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 00:07:55
by krapgame
Well, now that I've already posted elsewhere a few times, I guess the polite thing would be to introduce myself. I'm not particularly a peak oil person per se, but Patience introduced me to this board a couple of years ago. I am very interested in self reliance practices and having lurked here for some time I see that there are others with similar interests. Regardless of our individual motivations, the paths and objective would seem to share much in common. I believe we're headed to basically the same conclusion, albeit for slightly different reasons.

My background, I grew up (or maybe just aged) a farm kid in southern Indiana. Really didn't have an interest in it and did much to get away from it. Once I escaped, I started working to return to it, purchasing part of the farm I grew up on from my parents. By trade I was a draftsman/designer in various disciplines, gave that up about 18 years ago to pursue an interest in computers, which led to starting an Internet service company, which evolved into a CLEC telephone company, which I still own and operate today. I've worked as a musician semi professionally in everything from Bluegrass to Heavy Metal, but pretty much retired from that because I got tired of babysitting musician types.

I've digested much of what the old Mother Earth News (first 100 episodes) has to offer with regards to alternate technologies and have tried to implement the appropriate portions of that where it makes sense. Also have sieved many good ideas from the folks here that I'm working to implement.

My present interests, in no particular order;

sustainable agriculture, circa 1950's era technology generally
solar utilization, especially as heat source to perform work
sustainable technology preservation

It appears that there's plenty of discussion of all of these happening here. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute something useful from time to time.

Re: Introductory post

Unread postPosted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 01:50:40
by hardtootell-2
Welcome Krapgame!

I'm glad to know any friend of Patience. I really love your poultry watering device. I also have a strong interest in self sufficiency. You can read about my glacial progress :( on this site. Could you scan the first 99 issue of MEN and post them? :)

Re: Introductory post

Unread postPosted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 10:45:55
by dunewalker
Krapgame, you sound educated, intelligent and wise. Good thing you know Patience--he has it figured out pretty well and will set you straight--the peak oil situation that is. Looking forward to more of your how-to-do photos, thanks!

Re: Introductory post

Unread postPosted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 11:37:43
by krapgame
hardtootell-2 wrote:You can read about my glacial progress on this site.

As I recall my public school indoctrination, the slowest glaciers seemed to have the most lasting effects.

krapgame wrote:Could you scan the first 99 issue of MEN and post them?

Yeah, I'll get right on that.... 8) Actually, I had aspirations of doing that once, but that time thing kept getting in the way.

Good to meet you!

Re: Introductory post

Unread postPosted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 12:04:30
by krapgame
hardtootell-2 wrote:Krapgame, you sound educated, intelligent and wise.

Well, let's see if we can't dispel that perception pretty quickly. :wink:

Patience has been putting up with me now for about 25 years. That's probably the inspiration for his nick. I may not always agree with his conclusions (usually do though), but I have little doubts that they are extremely well thought out and researched.

Having read your posts for some time, it's good to finally meet you!

New Guy In Town

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Sep 2009, 06:03:47
by news_monster
Hi, I am new to the site. I am writing about the industry for a thesis and have been going onto the website for ages and decided to join to get more info and share anything I find.

Thanks in advance!

Not really the first time but still........

Unread postPosted: Thu 17 Sep 2009, 14:05:18
by Njegosh
It's been so long since i posted here that it might as well be my fist time here :cry: .

Hi everbody! 8)

My name is in the box on the left as i'm sure you have al noticed and i'm half Dutch-half Yugoslav ,I'm pretty far out on the left wing of the political spectrum,but despise the Soviets and loathe any form of totalitarianism,I am 90% atheist but the other 10 is working overtime to compensate,I am an incorrigible gun-geek and a semi luddite sci-fi fan.I am a metropolitan peasant and a rural city-slicker that's almost at home anywhere where i don't need to check my boots in the morning.

Peak oil and all the other related problems are neither new or unfamiliar to me and neither is the debate surrounding it.I'm a firm believer in a coming societal upheaval caused by the imminent lack of cheap resources and i don't need to be convinced that whe're headed for a pretty big fall one way or the other.

So anyway enough about me....
It is my pleasure to make my official aquaintance with you and i hope to learn lot from you all,and be able to reciprocate any lessons learned.


Re: Not really the first time but still........

Unread postPosted: Fri 18 Sep 2009, 07:58:28
by Pops
Hello again, N!

Re: Not really the first time but still........

Unread postPosted: Fri 18 Sep 2009, 10:01:01
by lowem
Welcome (back!) :)