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Re: Introduction: Mike Morin "Peak Oil Socialist"

Unread postPosted: Thu 11 Jun 2009, 15:17:08
by Grautr
Mike Morin wrote:I predict such will happen within the next forty two years.



42 years, it seems a bit exact? where did you get that number from? The few graphics I've seen predicting human die off seem to occur around 2030 but dont factor in peak oil.

Looking foward to reading your artical when you post it.



Re: Introduction: Mike Morin "Peak Oil Socialist"

Unread postPosted: Thu 11 Jun 2009, 15:24:34
by Mike Morin
MD wrote:
Mike Morin wrote:...

I will post my first major treatise soon. I will have trouble identifying exactly which category to post under. The title of the post will be "Demand Side Management, Supply Side Reallocation" and is concerned with mitigating the peak oil quagmire by implementing a socialist economic/resource plan for the United States (in cooperation with world unity on fundamental values of an alternative economic system).

I'd appreciate your feedback, very much including where that you think I should post.

Thank you.

Mike Morin

Looking forward to seeing it! I'm glad you've been prepped for our pet doomers, naysayers, and general newbie troll fishermen. Post it in "Peak oil Discussion", please. We'll go from there!

Whoops, jumped the gun, I guess. Posted it under "Economics and Finance". You may see, it probably belongs better there.

Please, look for it.



Old user returning

Unread postPosted: Thu 11 Jun 2009, 15:53:18
by jake21

I first registered here in feb 05 and then again about a year later. I haven't visited this site in about a year (I think) but after a long needed break thought I'd come back and see how / what everyone is doing.

Was never a prolific poster and turned out I lost my password and my original email account is lost to the wind so I cannot resurect it.

Just thought it polite to post here first. Nice to see you all again.

Re: Old user returning

Unread postPosted: Thu 11 Jun 2009, 16:58:06
by Aaron
Who were you back when?

Re: Old user returning

Unread postPosted: Thu 11 Jun 2009, 17:00:01
by 3aidlillahi
Welcome back. We were contemporaries, I think. I was originally here in '05 as well, although towards the later part of the year.

Re: Old user returning

Unread postPosted: Thu 11 Jun 2009, 18:15:59
by Tanada
jake21 wrote:Hello

I first registered here in feb 05 and then again about a year later. I haven't visited this site in about a year (I think) but after a long needed break thought I'd come back and see how / what everyone is doing.

Was never a prolific poster and turned out I lost my password and my original email account is lost to the wind so I cannot resurect it.

Just thought it polite to post here first. Nice to see you all again.

Welcome back, pull up a chair and set a spell :)

Re: Hello from Ddenver

Unread postPosted: Fri 12 Jun 2009, 15:53:39
by Oilman21
Good to know. Yeah, I am in the Oil and gas industry in Colorado, and I enjoy Peak Oil forums because there are other professionals on here who can be very helpful. Thank you Dude, that is a great article, and a very good resource. Are you involved in the field-modeling aspect of the industry?

Re: Hello from Ddenver

Unread postPosted: Fri 12 Jun 2009, 15:55:52
by Oilman21
Oh, and by the way... Ddiddy Denver in the house y'all!

Re: Old user returning

Unread postPosted: Wed 24 Jun 2009, 16:01:05
by jake21
Hello again.

I was first RedJake because I thought I was a socialist. Then I asked to become just Jake and my account got messed up (but all my posts became those of Jake, whoever he was). Then I resurrected as Grifter because I had just bought a bike and my first one in childhood was called a "Grifter".

I'm not really a split personailty or anything :roll:

just plodding along, you never see the world the same after you learn about this stuff, the basics I mean. Still grow Vegetables, but have gone back to my 9 - 5 (actually more like 7 - 7) and treasure every moment of this living like a lord business.

Shame others don't, treasure it I mean. People are so unhappy but they don't know they're born. IMO.

Re: Old user returning

Unread postPosted: Wed 24 Jun 2009, 17:08:13
by dinopello
pstarr wrote: I was a Cornie when I started here and am now a full on doomer.

Converts are always the most fanatic. :lol:

Hello from Australia

Unread postPosted: Thu 25 Jun 2009, 03:00:18
by Energy24
Feel very isolated all the way over here going to be great to get some global perspectives on issues

I am a therapist and an oil and gas proffessional - you have been warned :-D

Re: Hello from Australia

Unread postPosted: Thu 25 Jun 2009, 03:07:01
by Sixstrings
Energy24 wrote:Feel very isolated all the way over here going to be great to get some global perspectives on issues

I am a therapist and an oil and gas proffessional - you have been warned :-D

Welcome.. we have a few Aussies on the board, and even some Kiwis. From a peak oil / economic doom perspective, I've heard some say Australia is one the countries in a better position. I don't have the numbers handy, but I think the world recession hasn't hit you guys yet?

Oil and gas experts are always welcome, that balances out folks like me who have no credentials whatsover (other than "I herad it on the internet."). As for being a therapist, is that your current career or was that prior to getting into oil / gas? Or do you do both?

Re: Hello from Australia

Unread postPosted: Thu 25 Jun 2009, 03:18:13
by Energy24
we havent technically been hit by the recession although it still feels like it however from everything I have heard we are doing much better.

I study psychology and my career is in Oil and Gas it all comes together as organisational psychology rather than 'sit on my couch and tell me all your problems psychology'.

Re: Hello from Australia

Unread postPosted: Thu 25 Jun 2009, 03:30:04
by TheDude
Hi ya E24. How are people in the industry handling the pinch?

Always welcome input on hydrocarbon matters. There's a thread on prospects in Australia somewhere, hasn't been brought up in a while.

Another site, the Oil Drum, has an Oz/NZ contingent: TOD:Australia/N Z. Some excellent pieces there over the years.

Re: Hello from Australia

Unread postPosted: Thu 25 Jun 2009, 03:43:38
by Energy24
Industry is handeling well our mining industry is in a bit of strife though...

Thanks for the link I will check it out

Re: Hello from Australia

Unread postPosted: Thu 25 Jun 2009, 04:23:11
by alokin
It's full of Aussies here, but most are from the US and most discussions tend to be US- centric. My guess our economy's fate depends on China, and maybe we can discuss the Aussie outlook a bit further. Where are you from? Oil , gas and psychology is a strange mixture, has your career change something to deal with the economic outlook?

Re: Hello from Australia

Unread postPosted: Thu 25 Jun 2009, 04:35:07
by Energy24
Im from Perth in Western Australia, the Australian outlook changes daily and yes China is a massive factor
The pschological outlook of those working in the industry is good certainly better than it was 6 months ago...

No career change actually I work in Corporate Anaysis - analysing trends and communicating industry information to and from the business which utilises my psych studies no end!

Back Again

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Jun 2009, 02:00:13
by Elullist
Originally I was registered as Intentionally Left Blank in the Spring of '07 and I posted about 20 or so times. That account seems to be lost and now I am back as the Elullist. Intentionally Left Blank was apparently too many characters nowadays. Anyhoo, I still live in Military City U.S.A. (otherwise known as San Antonio) and I still feel doom most intensely in the Summer. Especially now that my city has not seen any significant rainfall since August of 2007. I would not be surprised if we have water rationing by the end of the year. The death of South Texas, coming soon to a 24 hour news channel near you. Well, maybe that's too dramatic. We can always hope for a hurricane, category 4 or above, please.

Re: Back Again

Unread postPosted: Fri 26 Jun 2009, 02:54:21
by jasonraymondson
Welcome back, but you have to leave now, you are using up our resources.


Re: Hello from Australia

Unread postPosted: Sat 27 Jun 2009, 02:20:25
by no_wuckin_ferries_mate
OECD said yesterday Australia was the last country hit by the recession and the first country where things are starting to get better.

There are in fact a few very rich people here who have lost money. As far as I can see they have gone now from something like spending 4K per week for enjoyment down to 2K a week. :mrgreen:

Besides that no signs of recession.

If you check this

and zoom in to between Sydney and Newcastle you see a long line of anchored cargo vessel, actually a line about 150 kms long - must be longest waiting queue worldwide, all waiting to dock in Newcastle and load coal for China.

Looking down from our cliff I can confirm this is real.

So the mining industry does seem to do very well.