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Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Mon 17 May 2010, 23:21:05
by drgoodword
My condolences to his family and friends. He gave a lot to this site, and was a voice of calm and reason.

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 03:00:59
by SteinarN
It makes me very sad to hear about Bas passing away.

He was always so polite and calm. He had always something sensible and wise to say. He never raised his voice in here but still he got very much taken notice of.
I will miss his postings.

My condolences to his loved ones, his family and friends.


Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 03:24:05
by davep
That's awful news. Condolences to his family and friends. He was always thoughtful and helpful on here.

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 03:55:04
by MD
speechless and sad.

condolences to all his family and friends.

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 04:15:07
by careinke

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 07:16:06
by wisconsin_cur
My deepest condolences to his friends and family.


Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 10:56:24
by eastbay
I posted this in the back....

You offered stability and calm perspective here and I'm going to miss you my brother. In this surreal place you were by far my favorite and my very good and trusted friend. I shared with you like I did with no others here.

I will think fondly of you often. For now it makes me very sad hearing you have passed.

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 11:44:49
by gnm
This is really sad. So young! I spoke with him once on peakspeak - I think it was like 2AM there. We had an entertaining conversation as I think he had just shut down the bar district. Rest In Peace Bas....



Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 11:52:49
by dbruning
He was a good guy and will be missed :(

Rip Bas and best wishes for his friends and family.

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 12:39:22
by steam_cannon
Vivere disce, cogita mori

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 15:44:14
by pup55
This is really sad news. Until something like this happens, you don't think about the attachments you make in a community like this.

Good bye, Bas....

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 17:13:54
by aldente
In ancient Europe (opposed to now) there were big feasts when someone died. So let's skip the condolences and frame Bas as a fighter that (finally/already) has made it onto the other side.

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 17:35:05
by Pretorian
Memento mori. You never know when its your turn to kick the bucket. Such a shame to lose him, it seems everyone liked Bas even on such a polarized site. He looked younger than 30, I wonder what had happened...


Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 17:53:27
by aldente
Very likely he was driving down an alley he was not supposed to!

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 18:41:30
by davep
I find the desire to find out how he met his end a bit distasteful. If those close to him wish to divulge it, then fair enough. Otherwise, just leave them to their grief.

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 18:41:57
by oowolf
"Only the good........"

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Tue 18 May 2010, 18:59:14
by aldente

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Wed 19 May 2010, 10:02:49
by Olaf
I am sorry to hear this. May he rest well, and may those that loved him cherish the time they had together.

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Wed 19 May 2010, 16:09:22
by emersonbiggins
I'm very sorry to hear this. My condolences to his friends and family.

He was a very level-headed and proactive PO'er, in my experience

Re: Bas has passed away

Unread postPosted: Wed 19 May 2010, 17:57:40
by Aaron
A tragedy... thanks to everyone for your kind words for this cherished member of our community.

RIP friend