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we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 11:41:07
by topfuel

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 11:42:57
by davep
topfuel wrote:1 trillion barrel is 330,000,000 tons
earth weights in at 580,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons
that's one trillionth of trillionth of one precent of the earth's mass
I know the earth produces the oil,you must drill deep

So tell us how you know this. I'm intrigued.

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 11:49:15
by ColossalContrarian
At what point does “drilling deep” become more costly than finding alternatives or building mass transit?

Are you some kind of “If you drill it, it will flow” dreamer?

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 12:03:23
by Ronin
Very inspiring Topfuel, I have recognized the error in the scientific facts and my own opinion and have adjusted accordingly.

Keep it up. [smilie=eusa_clap.gif] [smilie=eusa_clap.gif] [smilie=eusa_clap.gif]

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 12:13:50
by Cashmere
Why does anybody respond to this?

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 12:27:14
by bkwillia
LOL keep drilling, I'm going to stick to my assumption that photosynthesis produces the organic precursor to oil. The deep oil is just old oil, that was buried over time with sediment and salty precipitate.

The earth's core does provide energy and material for volcanic eruptions, which in turn feed the atmosphere and oceans with CO2 and sediment. The heat from the core and pressure due to depth also helps the organic matter decompose, so yeah in an abstract way, oil comes from within the earth.

It is rare that I make a post that is purely for my own amusement, but this is one. I dont hope to learn anything from this thread other than the nuances of popular ignorance.

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 12:43:22
by Shaka
He's most likely someone who believes "god" will keep "providing" :roll: But that's just a theory.

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 15:21:08
by kpeavey
At what rate is the earth producing oil?
What happens when production and/or consumption rates exceed the rate of production?

The ignition temperature of crude oil ranges from 450-600 degrees Kelvin =350-620 degrees Fahrenheit.

The temperature of the earth's crust increases by as much as 50°F for every mile drilled downward. Starting at 0 degrees in an unexplored arctic region, that would give you about 7 miles before the oil would ignite, given sufficient oxygen.

The mantle of the earth begins about 7 miles below the crust, although up to 190 miles below in some areas, and has a temperature ranging from 2500 to 5400 degrees. Getting into the mantle would destroy any equipment able to get to it, making it unsuitable for oil drilling.

Your numbers are flawed.
Your theory is unsupported and contains geothermal limits to feasibility.

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 15:34:46
by emersonbiggins

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 15:50:15
by TheDude
topfuel wrote:1 trillion barrel is 330,000,000 tons
earth weights in at 580,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons
that's one trillionth of trillionth of one precent of the earth's mass
I know the earth produces the oil,you must drill deep


Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 16:04:03
by shortonsense
topfuel wrote:1 trillion barrel is 330,000,000 tons
earth weights in at 580,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons
that's one trillionth of trillionth of one precent of the earth's mass
I know the earth produces the oil,you must drill deep

I realize I'm just as much a newby at this as you are, but this sounds silly even to me.

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 18:07:05
by americandream
Go easy on the guy. Who nows, he may be privy to extra-terrestrial information on our planet.

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 21:38:09
by Heineken
Cashmere wrote:Why does anybody respond to this?

I agree with Cash.

This guy is just someone who "joined" in order to get a rise out of us.

Don't feed him.

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Tue 02 Sep 2008, 03:06:15
by bisar_x
The mass of the Earh is 100.000 times smaller. Your numbers are wrong.

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Tue 02 Sep 2008, 10:06:33
by Aaron

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Tue 02 Sep 2008, 12:58:22
by Heineken
Another possibility is that "topfuel" is a child.

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Mon 08 Sep 2008, 09:16:32
by happychicken
Topfuel - what an appropriate name.

Oil is a "topfuel" inasmuch as, as far as I know, anyway, it's near the surface of the earth, relatively speaking.

Or do you know something we don't? Maybe you've journeyed to the centre of the earth??

Also since oil forms under the ground over millions of years from dead sea creatures and we've been using it like there's no tomorrow for the last 200 years, we'd be waiting for some time for the quantity we'll need to keep the planes flying. Or do you know of some magic oil fairies that produce it in vast caverns under the ground?

Topfuel, I don't know which planet you're on, but it sure ain't the same one as the rest of us!

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Sat 24 Jan 2009, 01:55:34
by topfuel
It's topfuel not topfool ,flip you chip no lip,(chicken),your one of those stun stock guys with no real money,never worked other
than typing.
post script (P.S)..
still can log in and trying to leave.

Re: we have used very little oil

Unread postPosted: Thu 09 Apr 2009, 18:56:11
by Vogelzang
You people piss in your pants more than anyone I've ever known. You pants pissers need to consult a psychiatrist ASAP, if you haven't already.