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[Michael C. Ruppert]

Unread postPosted: Mon 16 Aug 2004, 21:06:07
by EnviroEngr
Book editing first. Spare time may be available late September to mid-October.


Unread postPosted: Tue 31 Aug 2004, 23:17:56
by EnviroEngr

Mike Ruppert, 53, is the Publisher/Editor of From the Wilderness or FTW, a newsletter he founded in March 1998 by mailing out 68 copies to friends and researchers. FTW is now read by more than 16,000 subscribers in 40 countries including 40 members of the US Congress, the intelligence committees of both houses, and professors at 30 universities around the world. Through the newsletter and his website at Mike has pioneered innovative analysis and groundbreaking original stories on the impact of $5-600 billion per year in drug money moving through the US economy and the illegal covert operations which maintain control of that cash flow for US economic interests.

Since 9-11-01 he has been the point man in breaking major stories involving government foreknowledge, corruption and violations of the Constitution. He has also pioneered the effort to educate the world about the consequences of Peak Oil -- the fact that the world is running out of hydrocarbon energy, and what this might mean for human civilization.

An Honors graduate of UCLA in Political Science (1973), Mike is a former LAPD narcotics investigator who discovered CIA trafficking in drugs in 1977. After attempting to expose this he was forced out of LAPD in 1978 while earning the highest rating reports possible and having no pending disciplinary actions. In 1996, after 18 years of struggle, he finally achieved one of his deepest wishes in a face to face public encounter with then CIA Director John Deutch on national television. Washington sources later told Mike that Deutch's mishandling of the encounter cost him a guaranteed appointment as Secretary of Defense.

On November 28, 2001 Mike gave his first post 9-11 lecture at Portland State University, which was attended by more than 1,000 and resulted in a standing ovation. FTW's video, The Truth and Lies of 9-11, has sold more than 10,000 copies. It includes special exclusive interviews with Representatives Ron Paul (R-TX), Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Professor Peter Dale Scott, (UC, Berkeley), Professor John Metzger (Michigan State) and Catherine Austin Fitts (former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Managing Director, Dillon Read).

Mike Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Fri 10 Dec 2004, 12:31:18
by EnviroEngr
Unfortunately, in a well articulated letter to me, Mike described the reasons he will not be able to participate with us in our mission. He notes:

"I know that this will come as a disappointment. It does to me. But I will not be able to participate in your forum. It is a wonderful concept and I wish you well."

Any support that can be offered to FTW as they reorganize to take on the challenges ahead would be greatly appreciated by Mike.

{Footnote: The better supported FTW is, the more likely they will be able to moderate the extreme predictions and Armageddon-esque positions they take. I suspect Mike errs on the side of caution by being overly pessimistic in an effort to be broadly protective. If he has more resources, he won't have to over-predict to obtain the same level of protective coverage in his stories, alerts and releases.}


Unread postPosted: Fri 17 Dec 2004, 20:18:16
by EnviroEngr
Sadly, as you can see above, Mike wrote back recently and for the sake of getting FTW better positioned and organized, he has formally declined. He did so with much trepidation and was correspondingly apologetic. Nevertheless, I will continue to track things as they progress and with minimal interaction, verify things that are of momentous importance to our efforts. Whether hyperbolic or not, the gist of what FTW does is nothing less than indicative of the current state of things. This will, at the very least, serve as a barometer to the severity of the storms gathering on the horizon.

Dave Room, Julian Darley and Richard Heinberg are in fairly frequent contact with Mike and perhaps this link will prove to be a valuable communications conduit later on.

I wish Mike and the FTW Team all the best in their mission to help save us from ourselves.

RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 00:06:21
by cualcrees
This was posted in Facebook by Carolyne Baker:

IN MEMORIAM MICHAEL C. RUPPERT, February 3, 1951--April 13, 2014.

Sunday night following Mike's Lifeboat Hour radio show, he was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. This was not a "fake" suicide. It was very well planned by Mike who gave us few clues but elaborate instructions for how to proceed without him. His wishes were to be cremated, and as of this moment, there are no plans for a memorial service. However, I will be taking his show this coming Sunday night, April 20, and the entire show will be an In Memoriam show for Mike with opportunities for listeners to call in.

It was my privilege to have known Mike for 14 years, to have worked with him, to have been mentored by him, and to have supported him in some of his darkest hours, including the more recent ones. I am posting this announcement with the blessing of his partner Jesse Re and his landlord, Jack Martin.

Thank you Mike for all of the truth you courageously exposed and for the legacy of truth-telling you left us. Goodbye my friend. Your memory will live in hour hearts forever.

I have no more details to share than I am posting here. We should have much more information by Sunday night.

Link: ... =1&theater

Re: RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 00:53:12
by oldcutlas
I also got confirmation through his radio broadcast site...RIP michael ruppert

Re: RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 01:53:06
by ColossalContrarian
Here are some videos Vice did with Michael Ruppert while he was in Colorado.

Re: RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 02:32:09
by Quinny
RIP - I am not a conspiracy theorist, but found a lot of truth in his work. I believe anyone exposed to the CIA in the way he was would have become paranoid!

Michael C. Ruppert commits suicide.

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 05:41:51
by Islander

Re: Michael C. Ruppert commits suicide.

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 08:53:47
by GHung
Indeed: ... ed-suicide
"When you gaze into the abyss......."

Re: RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 08:57:24
by 2cher
Yea just heard, to bad the NSA killed him

Re: RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 10:50:47
by Revi
Sad. It's hard to be a prophet.

Re: RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 12:15:08
by C8
I rarely comment on these boards anymore- but now is the time.

I will put it bluntly: living in doom-land 24/7 is not mentally wise. The constant hyped-up of horrors of doomers slowly erode away the pleasure that life affords. Mornings become a nightmare of collapse- so do afternoons, evenings, holidays. Being a doomer is risking mental illness.

We all will die individually- collapse or not- nothing will change that. But living with horror movies constantly self broadcast to the brain is slow suicide. You live, but there is little pleasure in life. You meet people, but see them all as cancer, or stupid fools, and can't really enjoy them. Hanging out with people who constantly predict, or wish for, a massive die-off is dangerous to the will to live, happiness, and mental health. Comments on this thread indicating Mr. Ruppert's death was part of a conspiracy show how much paranoia and mental damage can result from constant exposure to the ideas of Doomers. it is a world of mistrust, fear, and a loathing of the human race.

Many Doomers have already killed their happiness years ago.

And for what? Most of the fears, like the predicted oil collapse of 2010, didn't happen anyway. Killer asteroids never came, AIDS or Avian Flu did not runaway mutate into a world killer. Financial collapse did not lead to social breakdown- the problems were dealt with. Most doomer "truths" turned out to be bad predictions and wound up scaring the life out of many people for nothing.

This is not to say that there are not problems in the world or that things can't still go bad. But all life is risky- and that fact hasn't changed since the Roman days. Even if collapse did happen, it really doesn't change the fact that we will all die individually. Nothing really earth shattering has changed.

I feel sorry for this guy. I feel sorry that he fell into a social group that only amplified the dark side of the psyche. I feel bad for all those who fall into doomer camps and get their life sucked out of them. Life is actually fun and exciting. People are very fascinating and can be a source of great joy. There is good in people as well as bad. There is fun in life as well as danger. You were meant to live a happy life- to be responsible and mature but also to care for yourself as well.

Mr. Ruppert's outcome could be in the future of many who comment and read here regularly.

Don't hang around in dark places that are dangerous to your soul. Don't throw away your life on somebody's theory. I was once a doomer and have found that over most of it was not just wrong but a complete waste of life. I am much happier now and wish that for others.

You only get one life- don't throw it away. Recognize that "doomerism" is a powerful form of mental illness that convinces its followers that it holds all the truth. It is an inherently suicidal belief system- a less extreme example of a cult but dangerous nevertheless. There are many who have made the change and stepped back into a mentally healthy world.

Re: RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 12:35:41
by noobtube
So, in your opinion, the only point to life, is to have fun and enjoy yourself?

Re: RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 12:46:56
by Plantagenet
RIP Michael Ruppert---your warnings about peak oil will be missed

Re: RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 12:54:18
by Strummer
C8 wrote:And for what? Most of the fears, like the predicted oil collapse of 2010, didn't happen anyway. Killer asteroids never came, AIDS or Avian Flu did not runaway mutate into a world killer. Financial collapse did not lead to social breakdown- the problems were dealt with. Most doomer "truths" turned out to be bad predictions and wound up scaring the life out of many people for nothing.

Tell that to the people of Egypt. Or Syria. Or Ukraine. I'm pretty sure there were some "doomers" in those countries who expected those developments years ago and had time to adjust their lives (mostly by leaving those countries in time). Or tell that to the young people of Spain and Greece, with the 60% unemployment rate. That number is not going back down, and they need to somehow find their future in an irreversibly collapsed world. How do you expect them to just be happy and enjoy life, when there clearly is no place for them in the existing society/economy?

Re: RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 15:57:58
by efarmer
Well said Pstarr. Once a person has run their process and reached their conclusions the next most important thing is to figure out how to not have the knowledge and conclusions turn into a personal poison that robs any joy from the moments we string together to make a life.

It is the place where a person has to turn their knowledge into wisdom to preserve their own well being.

If done correctly one can almost be as happy again as when they were ignorant.

I'll see that amen and raise you one Pstarr!

Re: RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 17:01:50
by Lore
Ole Mike should have come to Pstarr's epiphany. May I also raise you a mug of IPA.

Re: RIP Michael Ruppert

Unread postPosted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 17:36:29
by Newfie
Make is 6 pack. I'm with you guys on this.

We are not about to change the trajectory. We can only change ourselves.

Lets hope its for the better.

Cheers. Clink.