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Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Thu 14 Jun 2007, 20:06:39
by Zardoz
coyote wrote:Are you sure this isn't Aaron having a bit of fun with us again? :roll:

All of these two-post wonders are probably Aaron. I think he's testing us or something.

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Thu 14 Jun 2007, 20:49:19
by PraiseDoom
wahoodoggydoo wrote:You doom-and-gloomers need to get a life! Yes, peak oil will happen; there is no doubt about it. But peak oil will NOT cause a cataclysmic crash of global society. ...

Of course there is no doubt, it happened 2 years ago now ( give or take ) and the signs are all around us!!

You must not be paying attention. I am currently on my own personal quest, assessing the effects of PO from the Rocky Mts to Maine, and am stunned at what I am finding.

You should try and get out more and notice the horrendous effects on our lifestyle that PO has already caused.

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Thu 14 Jun 2007, 20:58:53
by Zardoz
PraiseDoom wrote:
wahoodoggydoo wrote:You doom-and-gloomers need to get a life! Yes, peak oil will happen; there is no doubt about it. But peak oil will NOT cause a cataclysmic crash of global society. ...

Of course there is no doubt, it happened 2 years ago now ( give or take ) and the signs are all around us!!

You must not be paying attention. I am currently on my own personal quest, assessing the effects of PO from the Rocky Mts to Maine, and am stunned at what I am finding.

You should try and get out more and notice the horrendous effects on our lifestyle that PO has already caused.

Oh, knock it off, Aaron!

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Thu 14 Jun 2007, 21:11:26
by billp
Truth is, we're all just enjoying a bit of whimsy.

Try some legal whimsey.

The Chief Magistrate Judge may undertake whatever legal analysis he deems necessary and may conduct hearings to determine if there is a violation of the injunction and, if so, <a href="">to recommend the imposition of sanctions, including censure, striking pleadings, imposition of fines and/or incarceration of the Plaintiffs.</a>

But, hey, docketing of a genocide criminal complaint affidavit brings out extreme behavior. ... .htm#reply

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Thu 14 Jun 2007, 22:32:12
by MonteQuest
Talk about me holding a newbie's feet to the fire with terse remarks.

Can you say homework?

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Thu 14 Jun 2007, 23:32:58
by Judgie
wahoodoggydoo wrote:You doom-and-gloomers need to get a life! Yes, peak oil will happen; there is no doubt about it. But peak oil will NOT cause a cataclysmic crash of global society. People act like the lights will go out when the oil wells dry up. Give me a break!

We are on the cusp of a revolutionary advance, not decline. Economics will force the wasteful to conserve, albeit the wasteful will go kicking and screaming. Our powerful talents for technology and innovation will result in a renewable energy revolution and remarkable increases in energy efficiency.

The Oil Age has pushed global population beyond what can be supported without oil UNDER OUR CURRENT SYSTEM. Humans aren't going to starve by the billions when the oil runs out. Humans will change the system. Humans will adapt to change, that's what we do!

When the Oil Age ends, we don't end. And we don't go back to horse-and-buggy either. We advance into the Solar Age. Look at the innovations that have been developed in the last century. Yes, our CO2 emissions grow exponentially, but our technology grows exponentially as well. We can overcome.

And I don't want to hear about how solar can replace only a fraction of our energy use. That's true in our current system, but not for the future. Besides, most of our energy consumption today is just waste anyway.

Someday human population will exceed what the Earth can support, but it will NOT happen because of peak oil. We are nearing a societal transition, not an end to society.

You doom-and-gloomers do play a useful role however. Somebody needs to give society a good wake-up call. A good dose of fear mongering just might get the job done...



(1) One would think by your name Sir that you were pumping yourself up before registration was even complete.

(2) Would you be willing to accept a population reduction by over a half, to enable your solar future?

(3) Do you like the idea of working at a steel plant?. Before electric blowers were invented, hot air engines were used to provide blast air to the furnace. You would be much cheaper and more economical. You don't require oiling, you probably don't require cleaning or periodic overhualing and machining, and you certainly won't be needing clothing to keep you warm where you'll be standing. All we'll need to pay for is a sandwich and a mug of coffee three times a day, lip gloss to keep em moist from blowin the tube 24/7, oh and the Bi-annual Vet check and vaccinations. How about it?, BHP will be champing at the bit to have you!

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Fri 15 Jun 2007, 02:35:07
by Mircea
Albertabound wrote:The worlds institutions are in a state of disintegration. National Problems can no longer be solved at the National level. (Look at the Price for gasoline no one can control it not even the oil majors).

What a dead give-away. You're obviously an neo-liberal institutionalist.

We can go ahead and create the North American Union and a few other supra-national organizations, and as far as controlling the price of oil, we'll just let the capitalists set the price, instead of allowing the market to do it. Then everything will be just peachy.

wahoodoggydoo wrote:When the Oil Age ends, we don't end. And we don't go back to horse-and-buggy either. We advance into the Solar Age. Look at the innovations that have been developed in the last century. Yes, our CO2 emissions grow exponentially, but our technology grows exponentially as well. We can overcome.

Certainly an American. No one else would be so hung up on technology and worship it as the "be all, end all" of everything.

Still waiting for the magic fat pill no doubt so you don't have to get off the couch.

The horse and buggy is just fine, except when the horse passes gas. There's little point in wasting money on solar power when you can recharge the batteries for your Chevy Sloth 4-door hatchback golf cart, with rear spoiler, pin stripes, tinted windows and Bose surround sound speaker system using power provided by your local nuclear power plant.

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Fri 15 Jun 2007, 02:48:20
by Chris25

How the heck are solar panels going to help us make chemicals like ammounian nitrate to fertilze our fields? Without fertilizers people will starve!

Due to chemical fertilizers the land can produce 6 times as much food as before.

I'd love to see your world where everyone would be fine with 6 times less food in the world.

Then we forget about transportation, distrubution and processing... all dependant on oil.

Tell me how a few fancy solar panels are going to fix that?

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Fri 15 Jun 2007, 04:23:35
by Battle_Scarred_Galactico
Chris, I'm afraid it seems impossible for these fools to think more than one link in a chain, food comes from the supermarket.

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Fri 15 Jun 2007, 10:50:04
by snowshoegal
Zardoz wrote:
coyote wrote:Are you sure this isn't Aaron having a bit of fun with us again? :roll:

All of these two-post wonders are probably Aaron. I think he's testing us or something.

Does Aaron have a little white lap doggie? Does he cycle avidly?

Google is our friend. :lol:

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Fri 15 Jun 2007, 12:55:21
by Geko45
Battle_Scarred_Galactico wrote:Chris, I'm afraid it seems impossible for these fools to think more than one link in a chain, food comes from the supermarket.

To be fair, most people can think two links in a chain. The real problem is that they think food just grows out of the earth without any significant inputs to the process. That whole "living off the fat of the land" myth.

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Fri 15 Jun 2007, 12:59:31
by smallpoxgirl
Geko45 wrote: The real problem is that they think food just grows out of the Earth without any significant inputs to the process. That whole "living off the fat of the land" myth.

It does. Just not in the amounts we are currently producing. Cut the population back by 100 fold and there will be plenty of food growing out of the earth on it's own. We've just put ourselves in a place very far removed from steady state.

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Fri 15 Jun 2007, 13:13:27
by Geko45
smallpoxgirl wrote:It does. Just not in the amounts we are currently producing. Cut the population back by 100 fold and there will be plenty of food growing out of the earth on it's own. We've just put ourselves in a place very far removed from steady state.

Of course you're right. I'm just not thrilled about reverting back to a subsistence farming or hunter/gatherer lifestyle...


Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Fri 15 Jun 2007, 14:18:59
by azreal60
I see our friendly snowshoe gal is a web investigator. We should get her a job with the local gumshoe office.( not an insult, found the links interesting)

One of my friend's pulls crap like that all the time and scares the bejezus out of me with what she can find.

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Fri 15 Jun 2007, 14:49:56
by snowshoegal
azreal60 wrote:I see our friendly snowshoe gal is a web investigator. We should get her a job with the local gumshoe office.( not an insult, found the links interesting)

One of my friend's pulls crap like that all the time and scares the bejezus out of me with what she can find.

* curtsies *

I learned from a meower. No better mentor than she!

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Fri 15 Jun 2007, 19:05:32
by EndOfGrowth
Why is it that the thrust of members responses to questions asked by newbies is "we're screwed", "die-off", "crash", "zombies", "no hope" etc?

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Fri 15 Jun 2007, 20:39:25
by Zardoz
EndOfGrowth wrote:Why is it that the thrust of members responses to questions asked by newbies is "we're screwed", "die-off", "crash", "zombies", "no hope" etc?

We're just responding appropriately to their posts. How else can we respond?

Please cite some good news we've gotten lately. If you can find anything, weigh it against everything else we're getting every damned day.

As has been said a thousand times on these boards: This is not going to end well.

Re: Peak Oil Apocalypse is a bunch of phooey!

Unread postPosted: Fri 15 Jun 2007, 21:26:48
by Bas
GM foods could go a long way in the future.

Either way the coming decades look bleak for humanity, after that, I don't think anyone can predict what will happen; there are simply too many factors involved. It's not unthinkable to me that by that time humanity will have found some new ways to deal with food and energy supply, though we will never have the amount of luxuries so widely available today. Total Doom is also possible, like it is always.

In the end though, any speculation about the future is just that; speculation. And that is sometimes easily forgotton when you read, write and reason so much about the implications of peak oil; it's speculation; nothing scientific about it. The only fact that more or less has been proven "scientifically" is the fact that oil production has peaked and that humanity, or more so, the economy, is highly dependent on the stuff.
