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Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Tue 27 Dec 2022, 20:12:59
by AdamB
vtsnowedin wrote:From the article you linked:
The fact that, much later on, many elements of the laptops history and provenance were confirmed as legitimate (with some open questions) is important, but does not change the simple fact that the morning the NY Post story came out, it was extremely unclear (in either direction) except to extreme partisans in both camps.

So it is legitimate evidence and I expect we will find it very interesting.

According to the NY Post article apparently. Interesting that you didn't quote the "many elements"? Plant hasn't either, perhaps because "many elements" are those nudie and porn pix Plant seems to interested in? I'm waiting for the usual, the indictment, copies of the emails and bank transactions, the quid pro quo in someone's own writing. Legitimate is nice, but who cares about those porn pix and whatnot Plant is fixated on. I want to know how much $$ changed hands, and how.

I will find it interesting as well.

vtsnowedin wrote: But feel free to go with the fifty one experts that tried to discredit it without having access to the contents.

That is SOP regardless of who is in charge of the coverup. It isn't as though Joe is so stupid as to stand up in front of an armed crowd and order them to arms to overthrow the government. Republicrats have been quite public in supporting unAmerican activites. I find it comforting that we have a normal politician in charge, capable of keeping their possible dirty deeds out of sight, rather than the other parties "let us just be traitors together" model.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Tue 27 Dec 2022, 20:57:52
by vtsnowedin
AdamB wrote: I find it comforting that we have a normal politician in charge, capable of keeping their possible dirty deeds out of sight, rather than the other parties "let us just be traitors together" model.

Having a crook with fifty years experience covering up his misdeeds does not comfort me at all.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Tue 27 Dec 2022, 22:33:47
by AdamB
vtsnowedin wrote:
AdamB wrote: I find it comforting that we have a normal politician in charge, capable of keeping their possible dirty deeds out of sight, rather than the other parties "let us just be traitors together" model.

Having a crook with fifty years experience covering up his misdeeds does not comfort me at all.

I agree. But we got rid of that guy and replaced him with a non-traitorous real American. A little older and dopey, I'll give you that, but at least he once had a functioning brain and isn't showing any tendency to want to overthrow the government or become Putin's butt-buddy.

Enough about those traitorous Republicans ( did you hear the chief of staff of the Republican President was burning papers that might have revealed....who knows what kind other traitorous behavior?), are gas prices doing any better in your neck of the woods as they are out here in the Rocky Mountain West? I'm seeing regular $2.60's nowadays, regular unleaded.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Wed 28 Dec 2022, 08:08:37
by vtsnowedin
Biden is a senile crook. Vt gas prices are around $3.45 to $3.75.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Wed 28 Dec 2022, 10:19:27
by AdamB
vtsnowedin wrote:Biden is a senile crook. Vt gas prices are around $3.45 to $3.75.

Biden at this point in time is no more a crook than you are. But I am willing to withhold final judgement until we see if evidence does come to light otherwise.

So what kind of improvement has Brandon wrought for you at $3.45-$3.75, $0.25 - $0.50/gal or so? Because his administration and policies have showered the Rocky Mountain West with more like a $1.50/gal improvement or so. Natural gas prices are also coming down from recent highs, which is nice, but with the speed at which utilities operate, they are just now getting around to charging us more for it, and it'll be next winter before perhaps we see a price decrease circulating back around.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Wed 28 Dec 2022, 12:56:56
by vtsnowedin
Ten percent to "the big guy" Is a crook in action. $3.45 gas is 52% higher then when Biden took office. 7.5% inflation compared to 1.7% inflation is bankrupting a lot of lower income people.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Wed 28 Dec 2022, 15:33:46
by AdamB
vtsnowedin wrote:Ten percent to "the big guy" Is a crook in action.

Well, we all have to pay those who sell us the fuel, not sure if that involves one big guy, but there are certainly far more distributors than one big guy who get their cut in the production, refining, distribution and sales of fuels for ICE antiques.

vtsnowedin wrote: $3.45 gas is 52% higher then when Biden took office. 7.5% inflation compared to 1.7% inflation is bankrupting a lot of lower income people.

How much has it dropped in your neighborhood since its peak? Because as we know, when the post Covid supply issues hit, Biden was the current non-traitorous President, and he gets dinged for having been President when it happened, just as his policies and non-traitorous leadership gets him credit for their substantial drop (at least here in the Rockies).

Good thing his wise leadership has also impacted the inflation spike from all that wild deficit spending of the prior administration, and his leadership has clobbered the annual budget substantially as well.

Go Brandon!

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Wed 28 Dec 2022, 15:41:17
by mousepad
AdamB wrote:Biden was the current non-traitorous President

I don't quite understand what you're talking about.
Deliberately not defending ones borders from invaders seems pretty traitorous to me.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Wed 28 Dec 2022, 16:16:52
by AdamB
mousepad wrote:
AdamB wrote:Biden was the current non-traitorous President

I don't quite understand what you're talking about.

Perhaps not. But Vt probably does.

mousepad wrote:Deliberately not defending ones borders from invaders seems pretty traitorous to me.

Good thing when I watched the evening news last night, it looked like a militarized zone keeping invaders on the other side of the Rio Grande! Apparently, it is more complex than just pretending to build a wall or stand up some tough guys near a common border crossing. If instead your comment was more in the vein of "gee I don't like US immigration policies, regardless of which head honcho enforces them", I'm right with you on that one.

Interestingly, I went looking for some basic stats on what is presented by the MSM as this surge at the border right now, otherwise I wouldn't get to see those pictures on the nightly news each evening, but most stats seemed a bit dated. Not sure if that is an on purpose, or the government just doesn't release that kind of info in real time, in part because it looks pretty bad because it is really bad. I found articles on the economic advantage of such immigration (which seemed focused on the idea that if folks take low paying jobs, that's good for the consumer, and who cares if American laborers don't like what it does to their wages), but I'm not convinced either way.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Wed 28 Dec 2022, 16:56:17
by yellowcanoe
mousepad wrote:
AdamB wrote:Biden was the current non-traitorous President

I don't quite understand what you're talking about.
Deliberately not defending ones borders from invaders seems pretty traitorous to me.

Yes, I would agree that the situation on the southern border is really quite unacceptable. However the reality is that the US is a signatory to the United Nations Convention and Protocol to the Status of Refugees. Bona fide refugees do have rights under that convention. I think most people would agree that people coming from Venezuela are genuine refugees whereas people from Mexico would generally not be considered refugees. The concept of refugees having rights was developed after the second world war though it was a situation where the number of displaced people in Europe continued to decline over time. Today we have a situation where the number of bona fide refugees as defined by UNHCR continues to increase and currently stands at 100 million. In addition to that, we have large numbers of migrants who are simply looking for a better life in a western country. My impression would be that the US does tend to deport economic migrants fairly quickly but is more lenient with genuine refugees and economic migrants who do have family in the US. Of course there is a political angle to this too as right leaning people are more inclined to want to see undocumented migrants deported whereas those on the left are more inclined to believe that borders should be open.

Personally I think that having large numbers of migrants simply walking into your country is not sustainable and more countries will start to push back against that. The reality is that even countries that are relatively welcoming of migrants who simply walk into the country are at the same time taking measures to make it more difficult for migrants to arrive via commercial airlines or ships. If you can keep migrants from getting to your country you don't have to deal with them because they don't acquire rights until they are actually on your soil.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Wed 28 Dec 2022, 21:41:56
by Plantagenet
yellowcanoe wrote: Bona fide refugees do have rights under that convention.

US law and international law are both clear that economic migrants are not considered victims of political persecution, and hence are not entitled to political asylum.

AND the vast vast majority of the people crossing Biden's open border are economic migrants who are not legally entitled to asylum in the USA.

One of the immigrant "caravans" streaming north to cross Biden's open border with Mexico to seek better economic opportunities in the USA.


Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Thu 29 Dec 2022, 12:16:02
by AdamB
Plantagenet wrote:US law and international law are both clear that economic migrants are not considered victims of political persecution, and hence are not entitled to political asylum.

Cool! And before you run off and do your super CO2 emitter routine to help the world continue making more economic migrants fleeing climate change and whatnot, what might the price of fuel be for your ICE powered machine be in Fairbanks?

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Fri 30 Dec 2022, 14:26:21
by vtsnowedin
Oil is at $79 a barrel and annalist say gas will probably be back up to $4.00/g by mid summer.
I filled up in a small town station at $3.85. Driving 20 miles and back to get it cheaper would not save me any money and I did not have 20 miles worth left in the tank.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Fri 30 Dec 2022, 16:15:24
by AdamB
vtsnowedin wrote:Oil is at $79 a barrel and annalist say gas will probably be back up to $4.00/g by mid summer.

Could be. Prices generally mitigate in the fall, the part that wasn't the result of outstanding American political leadership of course. If the country falls into recession though, there is a reasonable chance that things might not climb next summer. And your local politics seems to have kept you from getting the advantage of Go Brandon! policies. Why is your governor running your state so poorly, to not be taking advantage of Go Brandon policies to give you citizens a break in fuel prices? A solid Democan state like yours, it is almost like your governor doesn't care about you folks?

vtsnowedin wrote: I filled up in a small town station at $3.85. Driving 20 miles and back to get it cheaper would not save me any money and I did not have 20 miles worth left in the tank.

Wow. Well, one of the disadvantages of being rural perhaps? In the mountains proper around here, more rural spots in the mountains always has higher prices. Coloradoans re-upped our governor during the midterms, he has been allowing the advantages of Go Brandon policies to benefit the citizens of his state, so that is probably why we decided to keep him.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Sat 31 Dec 2022, 22:42:45
by AdamB
Last day of the year, $2.49/gal regular unleaded spotted in the next suburb over.

What is there to say, on the last day of the year in the Gas Price Thread for 2022?

Thank you Brandon!!


Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Sun 01 Jan 2023, 18:47:59
by Outcast_Searcher
vtsnowedin wrote:Oil is at $79 a barrel and annalist say gas will probably be back up to $4.00/g by mid summer.
I filled up in a small town station at $3.85. Driving 20 miles and back to get it cheaper would not save me any money and I did not have 20 miles worth left in the tank.

Are you cherry picking the worst prices you can find to try to score political points?

In my experience within 50 miles of where I live )central KY, with lots of small towns), small towns are pretty much as likely to have low prices as cities.

Per AAA, Vermont gas prices have been averaging below $3.40 over the past week. And showing less than 20 cents over the national average.

A month ago, they were at about $3.85.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Sun 01 Jan 2023, 18:57:59
by Outcast_Searcher
vtsnowedin wrote: Driving 20 miles and back to get it cheaper would not save me any money and I did not have 20 miles worth left in the tank.

I don't get the logic of waiting to get gasoline until one is running on fumes.

If something goes wrong and you're in a remote area, you're screwed. If something goes wrong and you need to run the A/C or heat in a traffic or road problem, you're screwed. Unless you do that a lot, you're more likely to foul the fuel filter(s) dragging the gunk that tends to accumulate from the bottom of the tank, or the fuel pump if the filter(s) fail or are old. (In the good old days the mechanical ones were cheap to replace. The modern electric ones, not so much).

I generally act like a half tank means time to fill up, and at a quarter tank, I'm on the reserve tank. Of all the problems I've had with cars the nearly 50 years I've been driving, replacing one 13 year old mechanical fuel pump that was leaking has been the extent of my mechanical fuel related problems.

(I did have the fuel line freeze the winter we had 10 below for days, and near zero for about a week, but that was just sheer stupidity on my part, forgetting to add some gas treatment every few years, and especially before such a major freezing event, since over time, not doing that likely means some water in the gas and my car was a good 10 years old at the time. I think retiring made me just a lot more relaxed about such things... :oops:

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Sun 01 Jan 2023, 23:08:52
by vtsnowedin
I don't get the logic of waiting to get gasoline until one is running on fumes.

No it was not logical and not my normal operation but suited what I was doing the day before.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2022-2023

Unread postPosted: Sun 01 Jan 2023, 23:40:52
by Tanada
Gasoline prices in my area have been wildly swinging the last three weeks. I had to go to a Doctor Appointment some 25 miles away and watched prices at the stations I passed go from $3.589/gallon all the way down to $3.229/gallon but not in any rational manner. They went down and up almost at random between those two prices often at stations separated by less that two miles from one another traveling mostly on interstate expressways.

Re: THE Gasoline Price Thread 2013-2022

Unread postPosted: Mon 02 Jan 2023, 00:05:38
by AdamB
vtsnowedin wrote:
I don't get the logic of waiting to get gasoline until one is running on fumes.

No it was not logical and not my normal operation but suited what I was doing the day before.

Any thoughts on ousting your governor so you regular folk can take advantage of Brandon's policy's effect on gas prices? Can you do a recall or something, claim mismanagement of the state based on this type of screwing over the citizens?