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Something else to worry about

Unread postPosted: Tue 14 Oct 2014, 20:15:17
by vox_mundi
Earth's magnetic field could flip within a human lifetime ... human.html
, a new study by a team of scientists from Italy, France, Columbia University and the University of California, Berkeley, demonstrates that the last magnetic reversal 786,000 years ago actually happened very quickly, in less than 100 years – roughly a human lifetime.
"It's amazing how rapidly we see that reversal," said UC Berkeley graduate student Courtney Sprain. "The paleomagnetic data are very well done. This is one of the best records we have so far of what happens during a reversal and how quickly these reversals can happen."

The discovery comes as new evidence indicates that the intensity of Earth's magnetic field is decreasing 10 times faster than normal, leading some geophysicists to predict a reversal within a few thousand years.
Though a magnetic reversal is a major planet-wide event driven by convection in Earth's iron core, there are no documented catastrophes associated with past reversals, despite much searching in the geologic and biologic record. Today, however, such a reversal could potentially wreak havoc with our electrical grid, generating currents that might take it down.
And since Earth's magnetic field protects life from energetic particles from the sun and cosmic rays, both of which can cause genetic mutations, a weakening or temporary loss of the field before a permanent reversal could increase cancer rates. The danger to life would be even greater if flips were preceded by long periods of unstable magnetic behavior.

... lake sediments were deposited at a high and steady rate over a 10,000-year period, the team was able to interpolate the date of the layer showing the magnetic reversal, called the Matuyama-Brunhes transition, at approximately 786,000 years ago. This date is far more precise than that from previous studies, which placed the reversal between 770,000 and 795,000 years ago.
"What's incredible is that you go from reverse polarity to a field that is normal with essentially nothing in between, which means it had to have happened very quickly, probably in less than 100 years," said Renne. "We don't know whether the next reversal will occur as suddenly as this one did, but we also don't know that it won't."

The magnetic record the Italian-led team obtained shows that the sudden 180-degree flip of the field was preceded by a period of instability that spanned more than 6,000 years. The instability included two intervals of low magnetic field strength that lasted about 2,000 years each. Rapid changes in field orientations may have occurred within the first interval of low strength. The full magnetic polarity reversal – that is, the final and very rapid flip to what the field is today – happened toward the end of the most recent interval of low field strength

Re: Something else to worry about

Unread postPosted: Tue 14 Oct 2014, 21:19:51
by vox_mundi
Yep. That toilet thingy will give people fits. :)

And furthermore, after the icesheets melt, the denizens of WaterWorld will not be able to read all those old NatGeo maps they found in the garage; either, because the poles are reversed or they're written in Chinese. :-D

Dry land is not just our destination, it's our destiny.
Wanna cigarette? You're never too young to start

Re: Something else to worry about

Unread postPosted: Tue 14 Oct 2014, 23:29:11
by Loki
pstarr wrote:Am I going to have to walk backwards?

No, but everyone will suddenly be upside down.

Re: Something else to worry about

Unread postPosted: Wed 15 Oct 2014, 09:10:47
vox_mundi wrote:Yep. That toilet thingy will give people fits. :)

No need to worry about the toilet thingy. That's the Coriolis Effect caused by the rotation of the Earth:

That would only stop if the Earth stopped turning on its axis. But there again the effect of the moon and tides is slowing the rotation down 8O

Re: Something else to worry about

Unread postPosted: Wed 15 Oct 2014, 09:41:22
by Paulo1
Maybe that doomsday prepper in the Colorado mountains will have some company. There was a guy on tv a few years ago who built a shelter out of steel and buried it on a mountainside. :lol:

Re: Something else to worry about

Unread postPosted: Wed 15 Oct 2014, 17:04:53
by efarmer
I have a magnetic personality, does this mean that I am going
end up talking out of my ass and err... well let's not go there.

Re: Something else to worry about

Unread postPosted: Wed 15 Oct 2014, 17:22:36
by sparky
having flushed on both hemispheres and observed carefully the physics of it I can absolutely affirm it is a lot of baloney
the spin direction of a washbasin is determined by the plumbing configuration only
as for a magnetic reversal , it happen all the time and there is no indication of any negative effect
even for wildlife using magnetite cristals to orientate themselves or migrate .