careinke wrote:BTC used to be connected to the Stock Market, not anymore. If you look at all the Major Banks, BTC is currently the inverse of the banks.
Currently. But that could change in a week!
Bard Says:
Bard is Google's experimental, conversational, AI chat service. It's a smart word computer, it's not an artificial intelligence. A.I. is just a 'Brand' used to sell stock, to lure investment capital, to get grants. If you are relying on it to make serious decisions you are kidding yourself. It's a good example of how Hollywood genres influences people's rational thought processes.
Bitcoin is seen as a risk asset
Very true, though the word asset is used here with some liberality. You could make the claim that a lottery ticket is an asset too.
Fix the money, Fix the world.
You cannot leave control of currency to a group of anonymous web developers, it must be controlled by national governments, by people accountable to ALL. Certainly paper currency (or it's digital equivalents now) are prone to debasement over time, that's just the nature of the world. I mean you wouldn't hide steaks or loafs of bread under a mattress for 20 years would you, nor should you hoard currency, except in times of deflation.
Only one group of commodities, precious metals, has proved itself over the course of human history to act as money,
At All Times. Expecting a highly volatile un-backed largely unused computer dependent representation of money to fulfill this function going forward into the future is totally unrealistic. For one we are heading into a darkage, literally, an age where electricity is becoming unreliable and may well be not available for many of people on the planet in the decades to come.
The BC claim that's it's people's money was valid when it was used for pizza but it functions now as a buy and hope financial play. Any usage as money now is simply a marketing ploy to get more people to buy into the scheme. In fact if any crypto was ever to become used as money the last choice would be bitcoin because of it's high transaction fees. Dogecoin for example would be a better choice, but it was a pump and dump as we have seen. The crypto sphere is just another techie swindle that the wheels haven't completely fallen off yet.
The last one to leave this forum please remember to put Adam_B out and turn off the lights.