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The Death of Suburbia Pt. 2

Discussions about the economic and financial ramifications of PEAK OIL

Re: The Death of Suburbia Pt. 2

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 21 Oct 2023, 16:14:02

noobtube wrote:This may be hard to believe, but there are Americans who want nothing to do with Israel or Arab politics or headaches.

America has enough problems without importing more trouble.

Oh it's not hard to believe, but what the American public want and what they get are two different things. The elites that run the nation have their own plans for it, as is obvious by the policies that "Both" major parties share, Israel being just one. They only differ on minor political issues, and these are trumped up, exaggerated, to make it look like they are diametrically apposed to each other. It creates the two halves of the political spectrum, dividing the nation. A very clever system of control, that is in no way detrimental to the money flow from the the people to the top, to banks, government and corporations.

Major US banks are continuing to close branches across the US, leaving an increasing number of Americans without access to basic financial services. Bank of America axed 21 branches in the first week of October, according to a bulletin published by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) on Friday.

Wells Fargo shuttered 15, while US Bank and Chase reported closing nine and three respectively. In total, some 54 locations had either closed or were scheduled to close between October 1 and October 7. That is just one week! ... f-workers/

Big things are afoot.
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Re: The Death of Suburbia Pt. 2

Unread postby noobtube » Sat 21 Oct 2023, 22:41:18

theluckycountry wrote:
noobtube wrote:This may be hard to believe, but there are Americans who want nothing to do with Israel or Arab politics or headaches.

America has enough problems without importing more trouble.

Oh it's not hard to believe, but what the American public want and what they get are two different things. The elites that run the nation have their own plans for it, as is obvious by the policies that "Both" major parties share, Israel being just one. They only differ on minor political issues, and these are trumped up, exaggerated, to make it look like they are diametrically apposed to each other. It creates the two halves of the political spectrum, dividing the nation. A very clever system of control, that is in no way detrimental to the money flow from the the people to the top, to banks, government and corporations.

Major US banks are continuing to close branches across the US, leaving an increasing number of Americans without access to basic financial services. Bank of America axed 21 branches in the first week of October, according to a bulletin published by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) on Friday.

Wells Fargo shuttered 15, while US Bank and Chase reported closing nine and three respectively. In total, some 54 locations had either closed or were scheduled to close between October 1 and October 7. That is just one week! ... f-workers/

Big things are afoot.

At this point, I'm philosophical about the collapse. In the United States, the average Joe is powerless. The population is completely demoralized.

Big Pharma chains are failing. Big Box stores are failing. Big Banks are shrinking. Big Tech is faltering. Big Oil is losing power. The boys want to be girls and the girls want to be boys.

Food inflation is crazy! Credit card interest rates are over 20%!! I just can't believe it. Has America become that desperate for cash? ... card-debt/

This place is going to hell fast.
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Re: The Death of Suburbia Pt. 2

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sun 22 Oct 2023, 04:53:05

noobtube wrote:
The average credit card interest rate on accounts with balances that assessed interest was 22.16% in May

This place is going to hell fast.

Yes, but no faster than Sweden or the UK I suspect, nor of all of western Europe, or India probably. Not many bright spots left in the world economically. I remember in my teens going to a pawn broker to borrow some money on a spear gun, it was about 22%. That's usury!

Limits to growth, limits to growth. ... pdated.pdf

Authors’ Preface ix
1. Overshoot 1
2. The Driving Force: Exponential Growth 17
3. The Limits: Sources and Sinks 51
4. World3: The Dynamics of Growth
in a Finite World 129

The Limits: Sources and Sinks

The technologies we adopted that enabled us to maintain constant
or declining dollar costs for resources often required ever-increasing
amounts of direct and indirect fuel . . . this luxury becomes a costly
necessity, requiring that increasing proportions of our national
income be diverted to the resource-processing sectors in order to
supply the same quantity of resource.
—World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987

That's fracking.

The first cause of overshoot is growth, acceleration, rapid change. For
more than a century many physical features of the global system have
been growing rapidly. For example, population, food production, industrial
production, consumption of resources, and pollution are all growing, often
more and more rapidly. Their increase follows a pattern that mathemati-
cians call exponential growth.

Hardly anyone understands the exponential function, or it's consequences in human systems. A mouse plague is an example of exponential growth.
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Re: The Death of Suburbia Pt. 2

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 06 Jan 2024, 03:52:55

As good a commentary on suburban life as I have seen. Nothing worse than a man or a woman who lives out their lives in the shadow of their children
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Re: The Death of Suburbia Pt. 2

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 31 Oct 2024, 07:56:40

Keeping in mind that "Suburbia" as typified by vast suburban sprawl, is a unique 20th century phenomena that came about due to abundant cheap oil, I present this story for comment.

A New Hampshire company that kept losing staffers because they couldn’t afford to live nearby is tackling the problem in an unusual way – using a special zoning program in Dover to build 44 tiny homes on less than 4 acres.

The project, a modern twist on the old model of companies building housing for workers, was born of desperation, but its developers say it can be copied elsewhere, offering a partial solution to the region’s severe housing crunch. ... t-50031555

Yes the old model of the company town with the company store. Let's face it, many of the millennials of today will never own a home in the suburbs and a unit in the CBD can be nearly as expensive. Renting has worked for a long time to alleviate this but today I see rental shortages in many countries. It would seem natural to me that as the cheap oil era ends this aspect of it will end as well and in the future we may see a lot more company estates.

It's not something I personally consider likely because it requires profitable companies, which were in abundance in the growing years of the industrial revolution, but are fast disappearing today. Of course many cornucopians point to solar wind and hydro as saving industrial society but they (aside from the fact they burn oil to make) only generate electricity. Out cities and suburbs weren't built with electricity, they were built with oil! Oil powered machines to harvest the forests for lumber and bring it to town, oil and oil machines to build the vast network of roads and lay the pipes for utilities.

Suburbs really are just a fantasy world, a little bit of country life in the urban areas, our own little farm if we like, or a little botanical garden if we choose. A place to store our cars and campers and bikes and boats, a place to build a private outdoor dining area complete with BBQ and pergola, just like a city park. Kunstler summed it up well (in his early works) but the majority of new suburban homes have seen their footprint shrink and shrink until you have just a narrow strip of grass either side of the junk-build house and a few meters depth out back before you're at the neighbors fence. I have 1000sqm, a generous country town block, but that was the 1970's era for an average block, well before peakoil was even on the radar.
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Re: The Death of Suburbia Pt. 2

Unread postby theluckycountry » Mon 25 Nov 2024, 04:03:49

Florida's Surgeon General Comes Out Against Fluoride In Water Supply

But that's a conspiracy theory isn't it? /sarc

Joseph Ladapo issued a new guidance on Nov. 22, advising against the long-standing practice of adding fluoride to the public drinking water supply. “Adding fluoride to water increases the risk of neuropsychiatric disease in children and reduces their IQ,” Ladapo said in a post on X. “We can strengthen teeth without consuming this neurotoxin.” ... =ZeroHedge

In layman's terms, it makes you Dumb and Compliant. Which a minority of us have always known, hence we drink rainwater. In my own state it was banned up until only 15 years ago (thankfully) but in most cities and suburbs in the industrial world it's been in the water supply for 80 years or so.

Of course the good news is that if you've been dumbed down by consuming it for 60 years you'll never notice the effects. After all, how can a dumb person evaluate their own stupidity.
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Re: The Death of Suburbia Pt. 2

Unread postby AdamB » Mon 25 Nov 2024, 14:21:31

theluckycountry wrote:In layman's terms, it makes you Dumb and Compliant. Something Australians know plenty about.


Don't get so down on your country and yourself Lucky. You didn't choose to be born to prison colony descendants, and they probably weren't ALL scum of the earth. Your descendants might just have been big and dumb, tripped up over reading or addition or something, and got taken to the prison island so as to not infect the gene pool of the empire. You know, the one you and countrymen still suckle at the teat of. :)

It isn't really your fault you were just born with your genes, into a country that certainly let you down horribly, to let you wander into the arms of the local Nazi party enthusiasts. Every country needs ditch diggers and cow milkers and dumb labor, America would allow you folks to immigrate for just those kinds of purposes but..well...we aren't thrilled with the genes of those who are so cowardly they can't be bothered to fight for their own freedom from the empire. Americans understand big and dumb...but gutless, ballless, cowardly, whatever word you want to can stick with your own on that one.

On a subject more comfortable to you Kiwi castoffs, how DO you dress for Heil Adolf parties with...the boys....? You must admit, this does sort of link to why you admitted to admiring Adolf and his "boy" friends. Does explain why you cover your faces at your rallies though? [smilie=3some.gif]

Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: The Death of Suburbia Pt. 2

Unread postby theluckycountry » Mon 25 Nov 2024, 22:56:32

So adam, you have an excuse for your stupidity :lol: But as they say, having the knowledge that you have been dumbed down all your life doesn't make you smart.

Yes, fluoride is residual in the human body:
Absorption: About 75–90% of ingested fluoride is absorbed into the body.
You are full of adam HaHaHa, in all respects.

Fluoride is primarily a byproduct of the manufacturing processes for aluminum, fertilizer, and phosphate rock, particularly in the production of fertilizers where it is considered a waste product that is often recovered and used for water fluoridation

All your life you have been drinking industrial toxic waste, the poison building up and up in your body. Many things become clear when we see that fact, it's no wonder you let Elon Musk do your thinking for you, you probably couldn't solve a jigsaw puzzle by yourself :mrgreen:
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Re: The Death of Suburbia Pt. 2

Unread postby careinke » Wed 04 Dec 2024, 05:59:39

theluckycountry wrote:Florida's Surgeon General Comes Out Against Fluoride In Water Supply

But that's a conspiracy theory isn't it? /sarc

Joseph Ladapo issued a new guidance on Nov. 22, advising against the long-standing practice of adding fluoride to the public drinking water supply. “Adding fluoride to water increases the risk of neuropsychiatric disease in children and reduces their IQ,” Ladapo said in a post on X. “We can strengthen teeth without consuming this neurotoxin.” ... =ZeroHedge

In layman's terms, it makes you Dumb and Compliant. Which a minority of us have always known, hence we drink rainwater. In my own state it was banned up until only 15 years ago (thankfully) but in most cities and suburbs in the industrial world it's been in the water supply for 80 years or so.

Of course the good news is that if you've been dumbed down by consuming it for 60 years you'll never notice the effects. After all, how can a dumb person evaluate their own stupidity.

Interesting. When I think of it, with the exceptions of visiting cities, I have never drank Fluoride infused water. Maybe that's why most of the country is Red, with Cities being tiny little Blue islands. This explains a lot.

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Re: The Death of Suburbia Pt. 2

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 12 Dec 2024, 16:07:09

Why are America’s suburbs failing?
In ‘Disillusioned’, Benjamin Herold follows five families coping with the wreckage created by outer city development ... 653a1ab251
A lot of it comes down to taxes, without which the system of suburbs crumbles under collapsing infrastructure.

The Suburbs – How American Suburbia is Doomed to Fail

An old article but a good one. I never read much in-depth about these issues when I decided to leave the sinking ship and move to a rural town. I had investigated Peak Oil thoroughly and confirmed it's validity. Certainly the timescale of degradation was off by a decade or so, there was no instant collapse as predicted, but to be fare that prediction was based on mass awareness and a rational approach to the dilemma. Not the head-in-the-sand jerk frenzy we saw come to pass. Everything else after the premise of PeakOil was simply a flow on. Namely whatever was built with cheap oil was doomed without it.

The first half of the industrial revolution actually employed pretty smart tech. It was all coal powered, and with the advent of better and better steam engines it was a simple matter to use wood instead, a truly renewable fueled technology. Of course this all worked because people involved in the business and manufacturing were clustered together in hi-density living arrangements, all living near their place of work. Others lived rural of course, in fact a large portion of the population lived on small farms. All in all it was a good age to live in. You could enjoy things like refrigeration and telecommunications, solar hot water, and many other non-oil based technologies.

It would have been a good place to stop actually, oh not technology wise, that would have progressed even under steam, they built the Suez canal with steam power after all. And rock oil was being utilized as lubricants. It was the burning of the rock oil that put the fly in the ointment. It hyper industrialized every aspect of life to the point where people were living 100 miles from their jobs and those jobs were often pointless bullshit jobs, shuffling paper, talking on the phone, walking other people's dogs, and the millions of government employees thinking up new ways to not hurt peoples' feelings.

The suburban sprawl model would never have been possible without oil to pave the roads and lay the networks of services to every individual home. And that is why the suburbs are doomed, they need a never ending supply of Oil to maintain.
Outside dozens of US cities, a pattern set in the late 1940s has repeated itself, with devastating results: newly built infrastructure and government levies on new construction helped many suburban communities offer residents both a panoply of services and low taxes. But by the time the bills for maintaining and updating this infrastructure came due, the original beneficiaries had raised their children and moved on. Most communities had also largely run out of open land for new development, providing a double hit to tax returns.

These suburbs are for the most part "disposable" and the solution for many who can afford it is to move onto a newer one. But these are not what the author thinks, they are cheap builds, even the roads have less asphalt on them, the pipe networks plastic rather than concrete and steel. They will not last the 50 trouble free years their earlier counterparts have.

White Flight
Because this is America, there is also a toxic racial angle to this tale. Discriminatory covenants and biased lending practices initially kept many suburbs exclusively white, so the benefits of new construction went to them. Herold describes how black and brown families — he interviews the Adesinas outside Chicago and the Smiths outside Pittsburgh — were then empowered to move in by the civil rights movement and rising incomes. But many whites, like the Becker family outside Dallas, are moving out to the next ring of suburbs in search of newer homes.

So moving further and further out, but still without true rural living, rather still chained to the supermarket and the sewerage network, the electricity grid and the water network. Oddly enough I live in a suburb, one large one that constitutes my town. It has a sewage network and an electricity grid, supermarket and bitumen roads. But unlike the suburban sprawl it is surrounded by farms, of all types and sizes. I have offgrid water, lots of it, offgrid power, and if the sewage pumps stop I'm at the top of a hill so whatever happens to my waste, it won't be my problem.

These are things PeakOil has taught me are prudent and I can see what it's like without them when a news story breaks about a flood or major storm and thousands in the suburbs are lining up for bottled water, eating cereal with long life milk because the power is out. That is if they got to the supermarket before the shelves were stripped bare.

20th Century detritus


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