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Page added on June 18, 2021

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Everyone Wants to Sell the Last Barrel of Oil

Everyone Wants to Sell the Last Barrel of Oil thumbnail

A final victory last week over the Keystone XL pipeline is a reminder that fighting particular fossil-fuel projects is a necessary strategy if the climate is to be saved. The defeat of Keystone XL doesn’t mean that Canada’s vast tar-sands project, which is generally regarded as the largest industrial project in the world, is over, but the fight has been a gut punch to the fossil-fuel industry. In 2011, when protests began outside the White House, Canada’s National Energy Board was confidently predicting that tar-sands-oil production would triple by 2035—which led the climate scientist James Hansen to explain that pumping Alberta dry would be “game over” for the climate. A decade later, as Karin Kirk reported in Yale Climate Connections, fifty-seven major financial institutions have “pledged to stop funding or insuring oil sands ventures. Exxon Mobil has declared a loss on the original value of its oil sands assets, and Chevron has pulled out of Canadian oil and gas entirely. Other oil majors, like Shell and BP, are selling off their oil sands assets, leaving it largely to Canadian oil companies and the Canadian government to forge ahead.” Kirk’s piece appeared in March; the number of such institutions is now seventy-seven.

The situation will get even harder for tar-sands investors if protests led by indigenous groups in Minnesota succeed in halting an expansion of the Line 3 pipeline—which is being built by the Canadian company Enbridge Energy, and will carry tar-sands oil and regular crude—or if protesters north of the border are able to block a huge expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline, from Alberta to Canada’s Pacific Coast. Still, as a truly useful Twitter thread from the Cambridge, England, chapter of the Extinction Rebellion movement pointed out last week, there are plenty of other places around the world that are still trying to increase their oil output by developing new projects or enlarging existing fields. Examples ranged from projects in Norway and Russia to those in Uganda and Nigeria, from Mexico and Brazil to Japan and Guyana, from Vietnam and South Africa to Pakistan and Papua New Guinea—and the United States. The governments and companies involved surely know that electric vehicles will soon replace conventional cars, and that solar and wind power are growing cheaper every day. But rather than joining in the effort to speed that transition—and speed is the only thing that gives us a hope of solving the climate equation—they have decided to pump and sell what they can while there is still some market left for it.

Bill McKibben

74 Comments on "Everyone Wants to Sell the Last Barrel of Oil"

  1. Cloggie on Sat, 19th Jun 2021 1:06 am 

    Audi announces no new ICE models after 2026:

    “Why electric cars will take over sooner than you think“

  2. Theedrich on Sat, 19th Jun 2021 1:43 am 

    The demented geezer prez & his laughing-hyena VP have already destroyed the U.S., just as Sörös and his gazillionaire friends have ordered.  Much of this was made possible by the chemical castration of the White populace, where the average male produces half or fewer spermatozoa than his forebears ca. 1950 did.  The males, long fed on estrogenized industrial products, are now feminized, queered and hermaphoditzed, and vote accordingly.  TV, the hypnogogic device with canned laughter and sappy music, convinces Whitey (especially the female branch) that he (she) is to blame for the low Afroid IQ and its consequences.  And that therefore the solution is to create more mulattoes with constantly decreasing intelligence.  (The teachers’ unions love that solution, too.)

    The current excuse for POTUS wants to snap his fingers and stop the oil from coming in.  Overnight he will green up everything, eliminate the world’s economic basis and replace it with verdant fairy dust.  Indeed, the vampire empire can force its European vassals and the Anglosphere to commit suicide in that way.  After all, Bidey’s paymasters have decreed that it be so, under the guise of eco-virtue.  (The paymasters themselves, of course, will always be exempt from their own dictates;  lawmakers are above the law.)  It follows that civilizational self-destruction by egomaniacal oligarchs will pave the way for a new system based on different principles entirely.

    On a different note, some of our politicians notice that China is surging ahead of us in virtually every field.  But with their Marxist-materialist mindsets, our “leaders” refuse to see the “root causes” thereof.  The Red Chinese recognize the role of biological evolution in history.  They see that Jews run the U.S. not because they have more money, but because they have an IQ higher than the average White.  And the Commies are determined to make intelligence and rigorous education the foundation of their civilization.  In the West, the Ashkenazim were inadvertently bred for higher intelligence during the Middle Ages, when the Catholic Church allowed only the Jews to engage in money-lending (“usuary,” forbidden to Christians).  That, of course, is an intellectually demanding activity, and the incompetent Jews died out, there being no social security in those days, leaving only the smart ones to breed.  China may not know that history, but they know that the name of the game is genetics.  So, whether through biowarfare or breeding, they intend to be the master race of the future.

    Meanwhile, the Americans elect Bidey and his hyena.

  3. Biden's hairplug on Sat, 19th Jun 2021 2:55 am 

    “The Red Chinese recognize the role of biological evolution in history.”

    The Chinese are communist in name only. In reality, they have more in common with the German national socialists.

    “They see that Jews run the U.S. not because they have more money, but because they have an IQ higher than the average White.”

    “The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?”

    (Tablet is a jewish magazine)

    “In the West, the Ashkenazim were inadvertently bred for higher intelligence during the Middle Ages”

    Yep, the rabbis, “the guys with the glasses”, got the girls first pick. Jewry is applied eugenics for high verbal IQ.

    The essence of jewish success is based on a passion for everything related to letters and words, texts, books. They are called “the people of the book” for a reason. It is no coincidence that the Google parent company is called Alphabet. The core strength of the jews is dialectics. For them, words are like chess pieces, weapons to be used against opponents, basically the entire world. The jews want to conquer the world and subjugate them to this self-deified tribe, “Gods Chosen people”. The way to get there is to destroy opponents by setting up the underclasses available against the cream of the opposing tribe. That’s how they brought down the Roman Empire with their Christianity filth, that how they brought down the Czar in Russia with their bolshevism filth and that is how they will bring down the US with their diversity filth. Interestingly, they will bring down their last tax farm with it. It is not entirely rational, their self-destructive behavior. In the end of the day, their lust for destruction (hooliganism) is greater than their wish to own the entire world, a goal out of reach anyway with rising China, Islam and European populism. And the Trump presidency did a lot of harm too to their globalist-communist cause.

    Fortunately, whitey has more fists, leading inevitable to always the same results: pogrom, Arbeit macht frei. I expect the next one to be a real biggy. Think German, Russian and Iranian Einsatzgruppen on former US soil. For that to happen, we need to lure the US first into a war in East-Asia. The Australian prey is too enticing for Chinaman, not to give it a go.

    “Meanwhile, the Americans elect Bidey and his hyena.”

    With a lot of help from Dominion.

  4. Biden's hairplug on Sat, 19th Jun 2021 2:57 am 

    Words, words, words:

    “The Chosen Few: A New Explanation of Jewish Success”

  5. Biden's hairplug on Sat, 19th Jun 2021 4:46 am 

    The 48% that lost in 2016 over the Brexit referendum are beginning to wet the knives:

    The pro-EU forces are gathering in the Lib-Dems, not Labour:

    BoJo should fear a coalition between Labour and Lib-Dems (and Greens?)

    Let’s hope the Lib-Dems will NOT get the upper hand before Scotland and Ulster (Wales?) manage to get rid of London and a lot of the financial industry moves from London to the continent.

    BoJo the clown seems already to have enough of being PM:

    “Boris said ‘being PM is too much hard work and like pulling a jumbo jet down a runway every day’ and he ‘can’t wait to have fun and make money'”

    BoJo never supported Brexit for any other reason than using it as a vehicle for becoming PM. He doesn’t really believe in it. Turns out to be harder than expected and BoJo is already longing for a period to “make money”. Hard core Brexiteers like BoJo and Dom Cummings go at each other’s throat.

  6. Duncan Idaho on Sat, 19th Jun 2021 11:08 am 

    Well, I guess?

    Lets not put down our young friends—–

  7. Duncan Idaho on Sat, 19th Jun 2021 3:43 pm 

    “American racists are really a breed apart, aren’t they? Just crazy as loons from the very beginning all the way up until today. And their leaders are cynically using it to maintain power for the wealthy white people who think they are fools. Which they are.”

    Let’s not degrade fools.

  8. Dredd on Sat, 19th Jun 2021 5:33 pm 

    “Everyone” is a four letter weird (In Search Of Ocean Heat – 10).

  9. makati1 on Sat, 19th Jun 2021 5:48 pm 

    Transition? From what? Modernity to Mid-evil serfdom? Of course that is what the psychopath elite want.

    The climate is going to change, even if every human is dead. It has nothing to do with human living here.

    1. The distance from the sun varies over the centuries, as does its output of energy.
    2. The earth has many active volcanoes spewing out more “pollution” than humans (There are 169 potentially active volcanoes in the United States alone. Over 1,500 worldwide).
    3. Humans fart just like cattle. A vegetarian diet will just produce more human CO2. LOL

    BTW: As I said before, CO2 is heavier than air and does NOT cause global warming.

  10. Ted Wilson on Sun, 20th Jun 2021 12:00 pm 

    “tar-sands-oil production would triple by 2035”

    Is this serious. Oil production wont increase above 100 million b/d. May be if the shale runs out the, sand will eat the shales lunch. Interesting, lets see.

  11. Duncan Idaho on Sun, 20th Jun 2021 12:09 pm 

    “Donald Trump’s Confederacy of Dunces.”

    Not going to help getting to Nov. of 2018.

  12. Rockman on Sun, 20th Jun 2021 12:24 pm 


  13. BJ Doyle on Sun, 20th Jun 2021 12:44 pm 


  14. B1 on Sun, 20th Jun 2021 1:54 pm 

    “A final victory last week over the Keystone XL pipeline is a reminder that fighting particular fossil-fuel projects is a necessary strategy if the climate is to be saved.”

    Once again ignorance is bliss. Or just intentionally ignoring the facts they know. First, the 3,100 km KEYSTONE PIPELINE has been operational since 2010. Yes, there is the original pl in addition to the proposed second pl. There re a total of 5 pipelines that cross the border carrying oil sands production. Including pl that President Obama approved increasing flow capacity to make up for oil not flowing thru KPL #2. Also a second pl built thru N Dakota to carry that extra oil that did not need Fed approval. A pl that really piseed off the local tribes if you recall.

    About 91% of the oil we import from Canada flows thru pipelines that cross the border. That’s 31 pipelines if you were curious.

  15. FamousDrScanlon on Sun, 20th Jun 2021 8:28 pm 

    mak’s a AGW denier too.

    Moved half way around the world but brought every white American conservative conspiracy with him.

    If Americans are so all knowing how do they explain going from 1st to worse in less than 2 generations?

    All it took was a modest decline in EROEI & they no longer have the enormous surplus wealth to throw at every problem.

    Just a couple if generations of spoiled brats never needing to adapt or innovate or solve problems without burying them with dump truck loads of cash has resulted in a nation of helpless babies with huge egos who spend their days pretending to know things they don’t.

    That arrogance & inability to admit failure, and thus learn from it, is why the US is miles & miles ahead of any other western nation (except UK) on every collapse metric.

    This self destructive attitude is a pretty common feature when the once mighty fall.

    Analysis: Why scientists think 100% of global warming is due to humans

    7th mass hothouse extinction coming up.

    The physics & chemistry are the same. It doesn’t matter how who or why the greenhouse gasses were puked up into the atmosphere.

    The only difference is this time a clever rapacious talking ape dug up the carbon & burned it, releasing bigly greenhouse gasses, instead of volcanic traps burning it & releasing bigly greenhouse gasses.

    Volcanic Eruptions Igniting Coal and Oil in Siberia Helped Usher the Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction Event or the “Great Dying”

    “Fossil fuel burning

    Instead, the mass extinction was ushered by the extensive deposits of coal and oil burned by the blazing magma, which upon combustion released carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases.”

    Burning Fossil Fuels Helped Drive Earth’s Most Massive Extinction

    Massive volcanic eruptions ignited oil and coal deposits in Siberia in the events that led to the Permian-Triassic “Great Dying” event.

    Mak, you know who else is going extinct? BOOMERS…..and the world can’t wait.

    How fucked-up is that the only thing Millennials & Gen-Z have to look forward to is you boomer cunts dying off?

    What a proud legacy boomers are leaving – a global horror show.

    It was inevitable once humans evolved full behavioural modernity.

    Boomers just made it the worse possible scenario is all.

    Boomers are like a cancer getting cancer.

  16. ANSEL RAPER on Sun, 20th Jun 2021 9:03 pm 


    happy christianity month

    please feel at ease among friends, we’re all lovers of supremacist muzzies here

  17. ANSEL RAPER on Sun, 20th Jun 2021 10:46 pm 

    mak’s a AGW denier too.

    Moved half way around the world but brought every white American conservative conspiracy with him.

    If Americans are so all knowing how do they explain going from 1st to worse in less than 2 generations?

    Northern US and Canada used to be under 2 mile of ice. were whitey supertards around back then? I’d definitely so no.

    The continent were full of supremacist muzzies back then. land of 10 thousand lakes

    please feel at ease among friends. we’re all lovers of supremacist muzzies here

  18. Cloggie on Mon, 21st Jun 2021 6:09 am 

    “Australia Chickens Out of Vast Hydrogen AREH Project”

    The development of the global hydrogen economy will all come down to Europe, who else.

    No surprises here.

    “The Weirdest People in the World review – a theory-of-everything study”

  19. Biden's hairplug on Tue, 22nd Jun 2021 6:41 am 

    Australian Sky News openly discusses the Chinese military threat it poses to Mao’s “Lonely Continent”:

    “‘Terrifying’ document makes ‘scarily clear’ Australia is not ready for mobilisation in a war”

    Sky fears that Australia is already “too globalist”, meaning hasn’t sufficient sense of national identity to even motivate itself to defend itself.

  20. Biden's hairplug on Tue, 22nd Jun 2021 7:19 am 

    Europe is taking its border defense extremely serious these days:

    The EU is scared of the right-wing populists and they should be. Not many make it into Europe these days.

  21. Biden's hairplug on Tue, 22nd Jun 2021 8:34 am 

    Boris Kemal, the current PM of the UK:

    The father of his father of his father was a Turk. His great-grandmother changed the name into Johnson, slightly more English. If she hadn’t done so, we would have had Boris Kemal.

    “If Ali Kemal had money, Boris would have been a Turkish citizen now”

    Ali Kemal was a supporter of the Ottoman Empire, but had to flee from nationalists. No wonder, Johnson is a supporter of that other imperial mystery meat, Winston Churchill.


  22. FamousDrScanlon on Tue, 22nd Jun 2021 10:30 am 

    ‘Europe is taking its border defense extremely serious these days:’

    About fucking time.

    WW1, WW2, Cold War was more than enough. No more Canadian blood & treasure protecting your sorry asses.

    Time to Man up Euro bitches!

  23. Biden's hairplug on Tue, 22nd Jun 2021 11:30 am 

    “No more Canadian blood & treasure protecting your sorry asses.”

    All of a sudden, there is such a thing as “Canadian blood” after all.

    Get your stories straight, you rambling confusenik!

  24. Duncan Idaho on Tue, 22nd Jun 2021 5:02 pm 

    Mitch McConnell Warns That Voting Bill Would Bring U.S. to Brink of Democracy

  25. Biden's hairplug on Wed, 23rd Jun 2021 4:19 am 

    Keep worrying about these Russians, folks! Human rights and all.

    “President Xi talks with three taikonauts stationed in space station core module with national and CPC flags onboard”

    Why not bring in a couple of million more of them to Canada and hand over the country on a silver platter to them.

    “The Abolition of Canada”

    Canada, a country without identity worth mentioning, basically a huge self-service shop, where stronger races than Anglos can service themselves in acquiring territory without war. For free. All under the (erroneous) assumption that race doesn’t exist, c.q. has no meaning and that tribalism is a thing of the past.

    It isn’t.

    The only item that really is a thing of the past, is Anglo-dominated Canada. Good riddance to that.

  26. Biden’s hairplug on Wed, 23rd Jun 2021 8:31 am 

    Oh dear, the UK has sent its boat to the Black Sea to look for trouble with Russia and gets it:

    “British destroyer violates Russia’s border in Black Sea, Russian ship & fighter jet respond with warning shots – Defense Ministry“

    Meanwhile, on the other side of Eurasia:

    “Beijing brands US greatest ‘security risk creator’ in region after US warship enters Taiwan Strait“

  27. did whitey supertards cause melting of two miles of ice over much of canada and northern USA we will ruminate on this with the treatise we have today on Wed, 23rd Jun 2021 9:50 pm 

    this is my master treaties. i don’t waste time on this forum. it’s lame. this treaties is about love for supremacist muzzies
    muzzie bribe went with isis to make babies and now want to go back. what the world going to. this is ok but supertard big muzzie beard SAWS swt pbuh is banned from UK and harrassed by AA.

    after Turgid, South Dakota death rate for whitey supertards were 2^N where N takes 222 years to type all digits.

    Most experts believe whitey supertards didn’t exist when two miles of ice over much of Canada and Northern USA melted. Experts said archielogical evidences show the whole expanse were full of supremacist muzzies at the time

    muzzie curse kufar in vice documentary about ramadan but subtitle is excluded for the love of supremacist muzzie. this happens in deerfield michigan. muzzie said it’s peaceful but at the end acted as if typical soft and cudly muzzies do. very ironic
    the knights of columbus were real headbreakers true guineas 70000 years after an irishman could not get a fking job we got the presidency may he rest in peace. the kennedys were muzie lovers so (((supremetard))) didnt’ extend protection to them so they died slowly of alcoholism, venerial dieases from marilyn monroe, planes, or some boating accident.

    Stop rite here if u don’t agree with above. I’m tryna save u time cuz you’re not ready to proceed. U need to spit out the muzzie ck because it interfers with ur thinking. When you’re done enjoying muzzie ck, come back and continue

    but now the irishman is back and whitey supertard president general michael flynn (ready, rumble, rumble – the honest one) is going to love muzzies and amputate them all. love can be in many forms and bringing muzzies closer to muhamad the pedifler to get virgins and boys is a form of ultimate love.
    one has to wonder why little tiny small big brother joe supertard never mentioned whitey supertard president general michael flynn and why the investigation wasn’t about muzzies but that’s the goal, destroy muzzie lovers by going after them in some other ways – like love for putin
    cui bono? one wonder the extend of muzzie infiltration and why did little small tiny big brother joe supertard “reverted” to muzzie like whitey supertard president john brennen did
    now it is ramadan and very peaceful. so far 83 kabooms and 316 went to see muhadmad the pedifler. after 18 days, 12 more to go. Thank you supertard glenn roberts thereligionofpeace dot com
    the big kabloom will be at the end, quote:
    And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambushBut if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free.

    muzzies get extra credits during this time so when they go for your neck, muzzie only being friendly. this actual advice is not mine though
    and now the muzzielove virus with corona. corona is a (((supremetard))) beer. pay close attention, there’s a cross in the logo. so why muzzies destroy it? we need to go back to whitey supertard scientfic supremacist “thunderf00t” who should be amputated for muzzie lovin and spreading scientific supremacism. when this whitey supertard imposed self quarantine i said it smellz. that was many moons ago and i was first as usual to smell BS 20000 light years away.
    then we have whitey supertard “royal” instituiotn who ran model predicting muzzielove virus. then admited it wrong and went to boink married gf and lost job.
    ask yourslef if someone speak exclusively high british english, chances are they love muzzies? of course they love muzies and that’s why i’m pushing low english. it’s more trustworthy. muzzies benefits in all this.
    churches closed but muzzie mosque open. and all the rapes in UK was “by all ethics” no mention of muzzies which brexit about to amputate.

    Muzzie worked for mayo clinic said kill may kufar. Wonder if your parents or relatives come in hospital get “treated” by muzzies and head straight to the morgue? Yep, you can’t keep track of everything about yourself, not mentioning your relatives.
    This lockdown is a trial run, imagine what a supremacist muzzie lockdown will be like. Big sys in bags everywhere roaming the street and the rest of us are hunted door to door. Thanks to americans who stock up tons of LUKE 22:36. Bless are those who are bitter clingers. Ain’t nothing wrong with bitter clingers, I love ‘em all. This makes it easy when we amputate supremaicst muzzies starting with muzzie imams.
    Why are Americans well armed but unable to take action. The answer: the inteligensia whitey supertards love muzzie ck so much they’re like alcoholics whose sole existence is to wait for another serving of muzzie ck. If they get off the medication so called muzzie ck and lead the masses, this thing would be over in 5 minutes. One can say one muzzie ear worth $1 and people would love to go for it for sports. Instead right now they serve big sys and lock themselves at 10,000 acres and promote goatse.
    supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swt reported muzzies in ger comprise of 40% of jizya payment to the tune of 4 billion euros per month. with that money they could go REAL GREEN or FAKE GREEN, it doesn’t matter that would’d been prosperious without the rapey rapey and stabby muzzies. The scale of jizya is incredible. it’s all out in the open if you just listen to the UK muzzie andy choudary.
    muzzie sabotage airliner and got loved 1000x in the form of reporting of “union dispute”. supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swtreported it’s actually jihad.
    Then in astralia muzzie with big grin and smug looking face with a hat and meat grinder practically begged to be amputated and put on muzzie hamster wheel. cops love him 100000x more and are puzzled why he did this. i’m scratching my head too which has thinning hair
    Muzzie in NZ allah acbar and went after cop with axe. Cops loved muzzie 10000x love conquer all. No tweet AOC SAWS pbuh swt , not siri Lanka, not when muzzie shot 6 cops on philadelphia. 25 billion tweet on Christchurch though
    then there we deceptions of deep green, real green, deep deep green, fake fake green, and all the permutations of green. when AOC SAWS pbuh swt – (ZOMG i’m amazed at the technology in a sink food grinder) failed, the greta SAWS pbuh swt deception kicked in. I belived everything even the fantastic flying goat story.
    And now AOC is licking her chops with text on video “rent cancellation”. ZOMG do people have no shame at all? What does it say about the majority of hard working spanish people? This lib will set the stereotype for all spanish people.
    for many years, centuries, million, quadrillion of years since (((supremetard))) SAWS pbuh swt created heaven and earth and before supertards SAWS pbuh swt big muzzie beard and glenn roberts put up web sites, i warned tards and supertards about muzzies.
    i made no progress sort of like banging head against concrete, concrete wins everytime
    but then i “reverted” to a supremacist muzzie jerk and I’m the best of humanity allah has created. i wear a muzzie dress and i pee sitting down holding up the bathroom line. this made supertard SAWS pbuh swt have bladder infection but the love for muzzies only intensified.
    and now i have superpower, big goat SAWS pbuh swt is feeling intense heat. all stops are pulled it seems – even supertard Robert Inget the controlled libtard opposition is deployed to censor me. but uppertard SAWS pbuh swt is not going to destroy free speech for someones love of muzzie. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh swt dropped the appeal and that’s final. it’s now as good as case law. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh is back being occupied with his bunker and learjet and auto keltecs and he said absolutely do not bother him. so it’s set in stone that uppertard SAWS swt pbuh is not going to modify this forum

  28. the gist of it on Wed, 23rd Jun 2021 11:20 pm 

    after Turgid, South Dakota death rate for whitey supertards were 2^N where N takes 222 years to type all digits.

    Most experts believe whitey supertards didn’t exist when two miles of ice over much of Canada and Northern USA melted. Experts said archielogical evidences show the whole expanse were full of supremacist muzzies at the time

  29. did whitey supertards cause melting of two miles of ice over much of canada and northern USA we will ruminate on this with the treatise we have today any woke whitey supertards feel free to chime in on Fri, 25th Jun 2021 7:29 am 

    this is my master treaties. i don’t waste time on this forum. it’s lame. this treaties is about love for supremacist muzzies
    muzzie bribe went with isis to make babies and now want to go back. what the world going to. this is ok but supertard big muzzie beard SAWS swt pbuh is banned from UK and harrassed by AA.

    after Turgid, South Dakota death rate for whitey supertards were 2^N where N takes 222 years to type all digits.

    Most experts believe whitey supertards didn’t exist when two miles of ice over much of Canada and Northern USA melted. Experts said archielogical evidences show the whole expanse were full of supremacist muzzies at the time

    muzzie curse kufar in vice documentary about ramadan but subtitle is excluded for the love of supremacist muzzie. this happens in deerfield michigan. muzzie said it’s peaceful but at the end acted as if typical soft and cudly muzzies do. very ironic
    the knights of columbus were real headbreakers true guineas 70000 years after an irishman could not get a fking job we got the presidency may he rest in peace. the kennedys were muzie lovers so (((supremetard))) didnt’ extend protection to them so they died slowly of alcoholism, venerial dieases from marilyn monroe, planes, or some boating accident.

    Stop rite here if u don’t agree with above. I’m tryna save u time cuz you’re not ready to proceed. U need to spit out the muzzie ck because it interfers with ur thinking. When you’re done enjoying muzzie ck, come back and continue

    but now the irishman is back and whitey supertard president general michael flynn (ready, rumble, rumble – the honest one) is going to love muzzies and amputate them all. love can be in many forms and bringing muzzies closer to muhamad the pedifler to get virgins and boys is a form of ultimate love.
    one has to wonder why little tiny small big brother joe supertard never mentioned whitey supertard president general michael flynn and why the investigation wasn’t about muzzies but that’s the goal, destroy muzzie lovers by going after them in some other ways – like love for putin
    cui bono? one wonder the extend of muzzie infiltration and why did little small tiny big brother joe supertard “reverted” to muzzie like whitey supertard president john brennen did
    now it is ramadan and very peaceful. so far 83 kabooms and 316 went to see muhadmad the pedifler. after 18 days, 12 more to go. Thank you supertard glenn roberts thereligionofpeace dot com
    the big kabloom will be at the end, quote:
    And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambushBut if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free.

    muzzies get extra credits during this time so when they go for your neck, muzzie only being friendly. this actual advice is not mine though
    and now the muzzielove virus with corona. corona is a (((supremetard))) beer. pay close attention, there’s a cross in the logo. so why muzzies destroy it? we need to go back to whitey supertard scientfic supremacist “thunderf00t” who should be amputated for muzzie lovin and spreading scientific supremacism. when this whitey supertard imposed self quarantine i said it smellz. that was many moons ago and i was first as usual to smell BS 20000 light years away.
    then we have whitey supertard “royal” instituiotn who ran model predicting muzzielove virus. then admited it wrong and went to boink married gf and lost job.
    ask yourslef if someone speak exclusively high british english, chances are they love muzzies? of course they love muzies and that’s why i’m pushing low english. it’s more trustworthy. muzzies benefits in all this.
    churches closed but muzzie mosque open. and all the rapes in UK was “by all ethics” no mention of muzzies which brexit about to amputate.

    Muzzie worked for mayo clinic said kill may kufar. Wonder if your parents or relatives come in hospital get “treated” by muzzies and head straight to the morgue? Yep, you can’t keep track of everything about yourself, not mentioning your relatives.
    This lockdown is a trial run, imagine what a supremacist muzzie lockdown will be like. Big sys in bags everywhere roaming the street and the rest of us are hunted door to door. Thanks to americans who stock up tons of LUKE 22:36. Bless are those who are bitter clingers. Ain’t nothing wrong with bitter clingers, I love ‘em all. This makes it easy when we amputate supremaicst muzzies starting with muzzie imams.
    Why are Americans well armed but unable to take action. The answer: the inteligensia whitey supertards love muzzie ck so much they’re like alcoholics whose sole existence is to wait for another serving of muzzie ck. If they get off the medication so called muzzie ck and lead the masses, this thing would be over in 5 minutes. One can say one muzzie ear worth $1 and people would love to go for it for sports. Instead right now they serve big sys and lock themselves at 10,000 acres and promote goatse.
    supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swt reported muzzies in ger comprise of 40% of jizya payment to the tune of 4 billion euros per month. with that money they could go REAL GREEN or FAKE GREEN, it doesn’t matter that would’d been prosperious without the rapey rapey and stabby muzzies. The scale of jizya is incredible. it’s all out in the open if you just listen to the UK muzzie andy choudary.
    muzzie sabotage airliner and got loved 1000x in the form of reporting of “union dispute”. supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swtreported it’s actually jihad.
    Then in astralia muzzie with big grin and smug looking face with a hat and meat grinder practically begged to be amputated and put on muzzie hamster wheel. cops love him 100000x more and are puzzled why he did this. i’m scratching my head too which has thinning hair
    Muzzie in NZ allah acbar and went after cop with axe. Cops loved muzzie 10000x love conquer all. No tweet AOC SAWS pbuh swt , not siri Lanka, not when muzzie shot 6 cops on philadelphia. 25 billion tweet on Christchurch though
    then there we deceptions of deep green, real green, deep deep green, fake fake green, and all the permutations of green. when AOC SAWS pbuh swt – (ZOMG i’m amazed at the technology in a sink food grinder) failed, the greta SAWS pbuh swt deception kicked in. I belived everything even the fantastic flying goat story.
    And now AOC is licking her chops with text on video “rent cancellation”. ZOMG do people have no shame at all? What does it say about the majority of hard working spanish people? This lib will set the stereotype for all spanish people.
    for many years, centuries, million, quadrillion of years since (((supremetard))) SAWS pbuh swt created heaven and earth and before supertards SAWS pbuh swt big muzzie beard and glenn roberts put up web sites, i warned tards and supertards about muzzies.
    i made no progress sort of like banging head against concrete, concrete wins everytime
    but then i “reverted” to a supremacist muzzie jerk and I’m the best of humanity allah has created. i wear a muzzie dress and i pee sitting down holding up the bathroom line. this made supertard SAWS pbuh swt have bladder infection but the love for muzzies only intensified.
    and now i have superpower, big goat SAWS pbuh swt is feeling intense heat. all stops are pulled it seems – even supertard Robert Inget the controlled libtard opposition is deployed to censor me. but uppertard SAWS pbuh swt is not going to destroy free speech for someones love of muzzie. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh swt dropped the appeal and that’s final. it’s now as good as case law. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh is back being occupied with his bunker and learjet and auto keltecs and he said absolutely do not bother him. so it’s set in stone that uppertard SAWS swt pbuh is not going to modify this forum

  30. Biden's hairplug on Fri, 25th Jun 2021 8:10 am 

    Soon, nobody will need that much oil…

    “Blackness Fatigue: Enough Is Too Much”

    Methinks the US may very well be heading toward a social explosion. The phrase “race war “is overwrought if it implies organized units and chains of command. However, in a country awash in firearms, a bloody, disorganized, continent-wide eruption is possible. To think “it can’t happen here” is complacently inattentive. We have already seen it in temporal and geographic piecemeal in the Fergusons and Portlands and Baltimores, in the armed anarchy of the cities. Arguably a broader uprising has failed to happen only because of intense pressure from government and media, and because whites have not acquired a sense of racial identity. If they do, or when they do, Katie bar the door.

    Commissar apneaman should realize that throughout history, non-whites weren’t able to kill that many whites. Can’t be said of the other way around. Take the history of North- or South-America…

    Should give commissar apneaman reason to pause, when he fantasizes about his non-white neo-bolshevik revolution against whites.

    To top it off, US whitey has enormous virtual reserves from continental Europe, who see themselves as the Mother Civilization and never accepted that a runaway Yankee former colony suddenly (and briefly) got the upper hand, just because they lost control to Henry Ford’s World’s Foremost Problem after 1933. Can’t have that.

    Won’t be long until US whitey will jump over his own shadow and swap exceptionalism for being a member of the European family again, true, sadder and wiser and junior again. But anything is better than living under the whip of commissar apneaman and his neo-USSR-of-color.

    Both racial war, and its close cousin, ethnic war, result from contact between groups of different kinds—that is, diversity, which causes most of the world’s bloodshed. Americans seldom notice this. One reasons is that they are constantly told that diversity is a blissful state. But it isn’t. Consider: Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, Sunnis and Shia in many places, Jews and Moslems in Palestine, Hutus and Tutsis in Burundi, Hindus and Moslems in India and nearby, Tamils and Sinhalese in Sri Lanka, Chinese and Indonesians in Indonesia, French and Africans in Paris, and so on. The assertion that “diversity is our strength” seems an attempt to avoid realizing that it isn’t.

    Blacks themselves are furious over being at the bottom of society, also with no prospects, a condition they blame, with encouragement from the media, on racism. If this were the case, it would be easy to correct.

    Just look at Africa or Haiti, where there is no anti-black racism.

    The danger is that a flashpoint will come, that for example BLM will mob the wrong house in the wrong state and the occupants will open fire, leaving a dozen dead. The entire country would explode. Nice well-intentioned whites would not be able to protest that they supported the fight against systemic racism. That is not how racial and ethnic wars work.

    Math curricula are being dumbed down because blacks do poorly at math, English grammar instruction eliminated because blacks can’t or won’t learn it, entrance exams for the elite and demanding high schools eliminated because blacks don’t pass them, SATs dropped because blacks score poorly on them, promotion exams in police departments eliminated because blacks don’t pass them. Entrance requirements at medical school are lowered because not enough blacks pass them, AP courses in high school eliminated because too few blacks get into them.

    Perhaps, commissar apneaman will prevail, but if he does, he will do so by presiding over a territory that is even more incompetent, less productive, than the good old, nearly 100% white USSR. A non-entity, where nothing will work and where the best white brains will seek to escape from, to Europe.

    Yet it is black crime that is likely to provide the ignition. The figures are stark, undeniable, at the level of states, municipalities, FBI. These numbers are unknown in any other civilized country. It is perilous that black men rape white women at a high rate, while the reverse barely happens

    Herein lies a great peril. Blacks are accustomed to getting anything they want and growing confident, expect whites forever to back away. Perhaps, living in concentrated ghettos, not reading, poorly educated, they do not realize the certain outcome of an actual war. They are fed by white farmers from afar, heavily outnumbered, with electricity dependent on fuel supplies from sources run by whites.

    Whites may have lost the peace to non-whites, they won’t lose the war.

    Bring it on.

  31. FamousDrScanlon on Fri, 25th Jun 2021 1:04 pm 

    clog, All of humanity and much of the rest of life has already lost the war (all against all) you stupid sad old Jew hating fuck.

    100% guaranteed via the laws of physics.

    Only global thermonuclear war can prevent the humans from death by global warming.

    Death by global cooling.

    Burn-N-Starve or Freeze-N-Starve – those are the human’s options.

    The pin on the mother of all grenades has been pulled & can’t be put back.

    The threshold, that most of you fucking dummies don’t even know exists, has been crossed. It was inevitably.

    Breaching a ‘carbon threshold’ could lead to mass extinction

    Carbon dioxide emissions may trigger a reflex in the carbon cycle, with devastating consequences

    “..when the rate at which carbon dioxide enters the oceans pushes past a certain threshold — whether as the result of a sudden burst or a slow, steady influx — the Earth may respond with a runaway cascade of chemical feedbacks, leading to extreme ocean acidification that dramatically amplifies the effects of the original trigger.

    This global reflex causes huge changes in the amount of carbon contained in the Earth’s oceans, and geologists can see evidence of these changes in layers of sediments preserved over hundreds of millions of years.”

    “It didn’t matter what initially caused the events; for roughly half the disruptions in his database, once they were set in motion, the rate at which carbon increased was essentially the same. Their characteristic rate is likely a property of the carbon cycle itself — not the triggers, because different triggers would operate at different rates.

    What does this all have to do with our modern-day climate? Today’s oceans are absorbing carbon about an order of magnitude faster than the worst case in the geologic record — the end-Permian extinction. But humans have only been pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for hundreds of years, versus the tens of thousands of years or more that it took for volcanic eruptions or other disturbances to trigger the great environmental disruptions of the past. Might the modern increase of carbon be too brief to excite a major disruption?

    According to Rothman, today we are “at the precipice of excitation,” and if it occurs, the resulting spike — as evidenced through ocean acidification, species die-offs, and more — is likely to be similar to past global catastrophes.

    “Once we’re over the threshold, how we got there may not matter,”

    Threshold’s been crossed.

    Worry not clog, none of your euro-fag led white world domination fantasies had a chance.

    You’re one of the lucky ones clog. You’re so old that it’s 50/50 whether you die from AGW consequences or peacefully shit & drool yourself to death in a Dutch dementia ward.

    I hope you keep living, and with all your faculties, because it’s just so damn amusing watching you flail away near the end of your failed life’s goal of trying to destroy (by whining) the great Jew World Order. An order that gave you a life of ease, comfort, peace & longevity most humans never had.

    Last time you disgruntled Jew haters tried to destroy your Jew betters all you did was destroy your beloved Euro continent & your women folk’s virtue by causing them to become the victors Fuck-Toys for a few months. Their vaginas became spoils of war. Temporary Cum Dumps for dirty sweaty Russian & Allied soldiers.

    All because daddy was ungrateful & tried to betray his Jew betters. That you were allowed to exist afterwards is testament to Jew greatness & magnanimity.

    Born under Jew rule & you’ll die under Jew rule.

    Keep flailing. We are amused:)

  32. FamousDrScanlon on Fri, 25th Jun 2021 1:07 pm 

    Records crumble in Europe, Russia amid scorching heat wave

    Moscow has its highest June temperature on record due to one of several heat domes baking the Northern Hemisphere

  33. FamousDrScanlon on Fri, 25th Jun 2021 1:08 pm 

    In Photos: Moscow Scorched By Record Summer Heatwave

  34. FamousDrScanlon on Fri, 25th Jun 2021 1:11 pm 

    Central Asian Heat Wave And Drought Creating Water Shortages, Crop Failures

    “But this year, many places are setting new records for high temperatures and — adding to the misery — drought is setting in and taking a toll that can only be fully known in the coming weeks.

    The upstream countries — Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan — are facing difficulties with too little water and some want to keep more of it while the downstream countries — namely Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan — are seeking guarantees and offering deals for ample supplies of water to continue flowing.

    Record Heat

    June in Uzbekistan started with a warning from the State Meteorological Agency, Uzgidromet, that June 3-7 would see a drastic climb in heat with temperatures seven to 10 degrees hotter than usual.

    The temperature in the capital, Tashkent, was 42.6 degrees Celsius on June 6, easily surpassing the previous highest temperature for that day, which was registered in 1811 when the temperature was 38.5 degrees Celsius.”

  35. FamousDrScanlon on Fri, 25th Jun 2021 1:14 pm 

    The more climate accords we have, the faster CO2 levels rise

    “The upcoming 26th COP (Conference of the Parties) to be held November 2021 in Glasgow is on the docket for scientists and bureaucrats, as well as big moneyed interests, to knock heads in a formal setting to discuss the state of the planet. If all goes according to plan, like past COPs, powerful economic interests will sabotage what would otherwise be a rather dim forecast of a planet in various stages of collapse, some terminal.

    We’ve seen this act (COP) repeat over and over, ever since COP1 in Berlin in 1995, as each successive COP-ending-ceremony finds the Parties congratulating each other, slaps on the back, for one more successful climate conference of 20,000-30,000 able-bodied professionals wiped-out from overconsumption of Beluga caviar and Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, but subsequently carbon emissions increase the following year, and every following year thereafter. What’s to congratulate?

    More to the point, the annualized CO2 emissions rate is +60% since COP1, not decreasing, not going down, not once. After 25 years of the same identical pattern, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the take-home-work from all 25 COPs mysteriously turns into the antithesis of the mission statement of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”.

  36. on the eve of the grate reset the question before us is did elite whitey supertards cause melting of two miles of ice over much of canada and northern USA on Fri, 25th Jun 2021 3:35 pm 

    we will ruminate on this with the treatise we have today any woke whitey supertards feel free to chime in

    this is my master treaties. i don’t waste time on this forum. it’s lame. this treaties is about love for supremacist muzzies
    muzzie bribe went with isis to make babies and now want to go back. what the world going to. this is ok but supertard big muzzie beard SAWS swt pbuh is banned from UK and harrassed by AA.

    after Turgid, South Dakota death rate for whitey supertards were 2^N where N takes 222 years to type all digits.

    Most experts believe whitey supertards didn’t exist when two miles of ice over much of Canada and Northern USA melted. Experts said archielogical evidences show the whole expanse were full of supremacist muzzies at the time

    muzzie in Germany went on inner strugle in germany 3 dead, 6 injured

    muzzie curse kufar in vice documentary about ramadan but subtitle is excluded for the love of supremacist muzzie. this happens in deerfield michigan. muzzie said it’s peaceful but at the end acted as if typical soft and cudly muzzies do. very ironic
    the knights of columbus were real headbreakers true guineas 70000 years after an irishman could not get a fking job we got the presidency may he rest in peace. the kennedys were muzie lovers so (((supremetard))) didnt’ extend protection to them so they died slowly of alcoholism, venerial dieases from marilyn monroe, planes, or some boating accident.

    Stop rite here if u don’t agree with above. I’m tryna save u time cuz you’re not ready to proceed. U need to spit out the muzzie ck because it interfers with ur thinking. When you’re done enjoying muzzie ck, come back and continue

    but now the irishman is back and whitey supertard president general michael flynn (ready, rumble, rumble – the honest one) is going to love muzzies and amputate them all. love can be in many forms and bringing muzzies closer to muhamad the pedifler to get virgins and boys is a form of ultimate love.
    one has to wonder why little tiny small big brother joe supertard never mentioned whitey supertard president general michael flynn and why the investigation wasn’t about muzzies but that’s the goal, destroy muzzie lovers by going after them in some other ways – like love for putin
    cui bono? one wonder the extend of muzzie infiltration and why did little small tiny big brother joe supertard “reverted” to muzzie like whitey supertard president john brennen did
    now it is ramadan and very peaceful. so far 83 kabooms and 316 went to see muhadmad the pedifler. after 18 days, 12 more to go. Thank you supertard glenn roberts thereligionofpeace dot com
    the big kabloom will be at the end, quote:
    And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambushBut if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free.

    muzzies get extra credits during this time so when they go for your neck, muzzie only being friendly. this actual advice is not mine though
    and now the muzzielove virus with corona. corona is a (((supremetard))) beer. pay close attention, there’s a cross in the logo. so why muzzies destroy it? we need to go back to whitey supertard scientfic supremacist “thunderf00t” who should be amputated for muzzie lovin and spreading scientific supremacism. when this whitey supertard imposed self quarantine i said it smellz. that was many moons ago and i was first as usual to smell BS 20000 light years away.
    then we have whitey supertard “royal” instituiotn who ran model predicting muzzielove virus. then admited it wrong and went to boink married gf and lost job.
    ask yourslef if someone speak exclusively high british english, chances are they love muzzies? of course they love muzies and that’s why i’m pushing low english. it’s more trustworthy. muzzies benefits in all this.
    churches closed but muzzie mosque open. and all the rapes in UK was “by all ethics” no mention of muzzies which brexit about to amputate.

    Muzzie worked for mayo clinic said kill may kufar. Wonder if your parents or relatives come in hospital get “treated” by muzzies and head straight to the morgue? Yep, you can’t keep track of everything about yourself, not mentioning your relatives.
    This lockdown is a trial run, imagine what a supremacist muzzie lockdown will be like. Big sys in bags everywhere roaming the street and the rest of us are hunted door to door. Thanks to americans who stock up tons of LUKE 22:36. Bless are those who are bitter clingers. Ain’t nothing wrong with bitter clingers, I love ‘em all. This makes it easy when we amputate supremaicst muzzies starting with muzzie imams.
    Why are Americans well armed but unable to take action. The answer: the inteligensia whitey supertards love muzzie ck so much they’re like alcoholics whose sole existence is to wait for another serving of muzzie ck. If they get off the medication so called muzzie ck and lead the masses, this thing would be over in 5 minutes. One can say one muzzie ear worth $1 and people would love to go for it for sports. Instead right now they serve big sys and lock themselves at 10,000 acres and promote goatse.
    supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swt reported muzzies in ger comprise of 40% of jizya payment to the tune of 4 billion euros per month. with that money they could go REAL GREEN or FAKE GREEN, it doesn’t matter that would’d been prosperious without the rapey rapey and stabby muzzies. The scale of jizya is incredible. it’s all out in the open if you just listen to the UK muzzie andy choudary.
    muzzie sabotage airliner and got loved 1000x in the form of reporting of “union dispute”. supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swtreported it’s actually jihad.
    Then in astralia muzzie with big grin and smug looking face with a hat and meat grinder practically begged to be amputated and put on muzzie hamster wheel. cops love him 100000x more and are puzzled why he did this. i’m scratching my head too which has thinning hair
    Muzzie in NZ allah acbar and went after cop with axe. Cops loved muzzie 10000x love conquer all. No tweet AOC SAWS pbuh swt , not siri Lanka, not when muzzie shot 6 cops on philadelphia. 25 billion tweet on Christchurch though
    then there we deceptions of deep green, real green, deep deep green, fake fake green, and all the permutations of green. when AOC SAWS pbuh swt – (ZOMG i’m amazed at the technology in a sink food grinder) failed, the greta SAWS pbuh swt deception kicked in. I belived everything even the fantastic flying goat story.
    And now AOC is licking her chops with text on video “rent cancellation”. ZOMG do people have no shame at all? What does it say about the majority of hard working spanish people? This lib will set the stereotype for all spanish people.
    for many years, centuries, million, quadrillion of years since (((supremetard))) SAWS pbuh swt created heaven and earth and before supertards SAWS pbuh swt big muzzie beard and glenn roberts put up web sites, i warned tards and supertards about muzzies.
    i made no progress sort of like banging head against concrete, concrete wins everytime
    but then i “reverted” to a supremacist muzzie jerk and I’m the best of humanity allah has created. i wear a muzzie dress and i pee sitting down holding up the bathroom line. this made supertard SAWS pbuh swt have bladder infection but the love for muzzies only intensified.
    and now i have superpower, big goat SAWS pbuh swt is feeling intense heat. all stops are pulled it seems – even supertard Robert Inget the controlled libtard opposition is deployed to censor me. but uppertard SAWS pbuh swt is not going to destroy free speech for someones love of muzzie. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh swt dropped the appeal and that’s final. it’s now as good as case law. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh is back being occupied with his bunker and learjet and auto keltecs and he said absolutely do not bother him. so it’s set in stone that uppertard SAWS swt pbuh is not going to modify this forum

  37. Duncan Idaho on Fri, 25th Jun 2021 7:21 pm 

    “This is one of the things I really love about San Francisco. Here in this mountain top of political correctness, veganism, vegetarianism, fruitarinism, you get an abomination against God and civilization like this, bacon, oysters and martinis. I feel ashamed we don’t have this in New York.” —Anthony Bourdain on eating the hangtown fry, “No Reservations,” 2009

    I like NY, but it isn’t SF

  38. at the precipitate and on the eve of the grate reset the question before us is did elite whitey supertards cause melting of two miles of ice over much of canada and northern USA on Fri, 25th Jun 2021 10:48 pm 

    we will ruminate on this with the treatise we have today any woke whitey supertards feel free to chime in

    this is my master treaties. i don’t waste time on this forum. it’s lame. this treaties is about love for supremacist muzzies
    muzzie bribe went with isis to make babies and now want to go back. what the world going to. this is ok but supertard big muzzie beard SAWS swt pbuh is banned from UK and harrassed by AA.

    after Turgid, South Dakota death rate for whitey supertards were 2^N where N takes 222 years to type all digits.

    Most experts believe whitey supertards didn’t exist when two miles of ice over much of Canada and Northern USA melted. Experts said archielogical evidences show the whole expanse were full of supremacist muzzies at the time

    muzzie in Germany went on inner strugle in germany 3 dead, 6 injured

    muzzie curse kufar in vice documentary about ramadan but subtitle is excluded for the love of supremacist muzzie. this happens in deerfield michigan. muzzie said it’s peaceful but at the end acted as if typical soft and cudly muzzies do. very ironic
    the knights of columbus were real headbreakers true guineas 70000 years after an irishman could not get a fking job we got the presidency may he rest in peace. the kennedys were muzie lovers so (((supremetard))) didnt’ extend protection to them so they died slowly of alcoholism, venerial dieases from marilyn monroe, planes, or some boating accident.

    Stop rite here if u don’t agree with above. I’m tryna save u time cuz you’re not ready to proceed. U need to spit out the muzzie ck because it interfers with ur thinking. When you’re done enjoying muzzie ck, come back and continue

    but now the irishman is back and whitey supertard president general michael flynn (ready, rumble, rumble – the honest one) is going to love muzzies and amputate them all. love can be in many forms and bringing muzzies closer to muhamad the pedifler to get virgins and boys is a form of ultimate love.
    one has to wonder why little tiny small big brother joe supertard never mentioned whitey supertard president general michael flynn and why the investigation wasn’t about muzzies but that’s the goal, destroy muzzie lovers by going after them in some other ways – like love for putin
    cui bono? one wonder the extend of muzzie infiltration and why did little small tiny big brother joe supertard “reverted” to muzzie like whitey supertard president john brennen did
    now it is ramadan and very peaceful. so far 83 kabooms and 316 went to see muhadmad the pedifler. after 18 days, 12 more to go. Thank you supertard glenn roberts thereligionofpeace dot com
    the big kabloom will be at the end, quote:
    And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambushBut if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free.

    muzzies get extra credits during this time so when they go for your neck, muzzie only being friendly. this actual advice is not mine though
    and now the muzzielove virus with corona. corona is a (((supremetard))) beer. pay close attention, there’s a cross in the logo. so why muzzies destroy it? we need to go back to whitey supertard scientfic supremacist “thunderf00t” who should be amputated for muzzie lovin and spreading scientific supremacism. when this whitey supertard imposed self quarantine i said it smellz. that was many moons ago and i was first as usual to smell BS 20000 light years away.
    then we have whitey supertard “royal” instituiotn who ran model predicting muzzielove virus. then admited it wrong and went to boink married gf and lost job.
    ask yourslef if someone speak exclusively high british english, chances are they love muzzies? of course they love muzies and that’s why i’m pushing low english. it’s more trustworthy. muzzies benefits in all this.
    churches closed but muzzie mosque open. and all the rapes in UK was “by all ethics” no mention of muzzies which brexit about to amputate.

    Muzzie worked for mayo clinic said kill may kufar. Wonder if your parents or relatives come in hospital get “treated” by muzzies and head straight to the morgue? Yep, you can’t keep track of everything about yourself, not mentioning your relatives.
    This lockdown is a trial run, imagine what a supremacist muzzie lockdown will be like. Big sys in bags everywhere roaming the street and the rest of us are hunted door to door. Thanks to americans who stock up tons of LUKE 22:36. Bless are those who are bitter clingers. Ain’t nothing wrong with bitter clingers, I love ‘em all. This makes it easy when we amputate supremaicst muzzies starting with muzzie imams.
    Why are Americans well armed but unable to take action. The answer: the inteligensia whitey supertards love muzzie ck so much they’re like alcoholics whose sole existence is to wait for another serving of muzzie ck. If they get off the medication so called muzzie ck and lead the masses, this thing would be over in 5 minutes. One can say one muzzie ear worth $1 and people would love to go for it for sports. Instead right now they serve big sys and lock themselves at 10,000 acres and promote goatse.
    supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swt reported muzzies in ger comprise of 40% of jizya payment to the tune of 4 billion euros per month. with that money they could go REAL GREEN or FAKE GREEN, it doesn’t matter that would’d been prosperious without the rapey rapey and stabby muzzies. The scale of jizya is incredible. it’s all out in the open if you just listen to the UK muzzie andy choudary.
    muzzie sabotage airliner and got loved 1000x in the form of reporting of “union dispute”. supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swtreported it’s actually jihad.
    Then in astralia muzzie with big grin and smug looking face with a hat and meat grinder practically begged to be amputated and put on muzzie hamster wheel. cops love him 100000x more and are puzzled why he did this. i’m scratching my head too which has thinning hair
    Muzzie in NZ allah acbar and went after cop with axe. Cops loved muzzie 10000x love conquer all. No tweet AOC SAWS pbuh swt , not siri Lanka, not when muzzie shot 6 cops on philadelphia. 25 billion tweet on Christchurch though
    then there we deceptions of deep green, real green, deep deep green, fake fake green, and all the permutations of green. when AOC SAWS pbuh swt – (ZOMG i’m amazed at the technology in a sink food grinder) failed, the greta SAWS pbuh swt deception kicked in. I belived everything even the fantastic flying goat story.
    And now AOC is licking her chops with text on video “rent cancellation”. ZOMG do people have no shame at all? What does it say about the majority of hard working spanish people? This lib will set the stereotype for all spanish people.
    for many years, centuries, million, quadrillion of years since (((supremetard))) SAWS pbuh swt created heaven and earth and before supertards SAWS pbuh swt big muzzie beard and glenn roberts put up web sites, i warned tards and supertards about muzzies.
    i made no progress sort of like banging head against concrete, concrete wins everytime
    but then i “reverted” to a supremacist muzzie jerk and I’m the best of humanity allah has created. i wear a muzzie dress and i pee sitting down holding up the bathroom line. this made supertard SAWS pbuh swt have bladder infection but the love for muzzies only intensified.
    and now i have superpower, big goat SAWS pbuh swt is feeling intense heat. all stops are pulled it seems – even supertard Robert Inget the controlled libtard opposition is deployed to censor me. but uppertard SAWS pbuh swt is not going to destroy free speech for someones love of muzzie. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh swt dropped the appeal and that’s final. it’s now as good as case law. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh is back being occupied with his bunker and learjet and auto keltecs and he said absolutely do not bother him. so it’s set in stone that uppertard SAWS swt pbuh is not going to modify this forum

  39. Biden's hairplug on Sat, 26th Jun 2021 3:23 am 

    “China could leave US lost in space”

    After we have “refactored” North-America in this decade and continental Europe (EU+Russia) and Anglosphere have swapped roles, the space agencies of the EU, Russia and rump-USA will be merged, we’ll pick up the Chinese gauntlet and start a space race for the planets.

    Call it the New Imperialism.

  40. Biden's hairplug on Sat, 26th Jun 2021 4:03 am 

    “FamousDrScanlon on Fri, 25th Jun 2021 1:04 pm”

    For commissar apneaman, global warming/climate change is an invented and imaginary way to escape from the immanent humiliation of tumbling down from power in a disintegrating America, after CW2 (which may be initiated by WW3).

    Whatever devastation climate change will wreck in the future, it will not hit in vengeance before the unraveling of the United States and the end of Pax Americana.

    But it is nice to see apneaman opening his mouth so dr. Hairplug can read his internal state.

    You can close your mouth now. Go visit the dentist, fer Christ sake!

  41. Biden's hairplug on Sat, 26th Jun 2021 4:05 am 

    Breaching a ‘carbon threshold’ could lead to mass extinction

    Carbon dioxide emissions may trigger a reflex in the carbon cycle, with devastating consequences


  42. Biden's hairplug on Sat, 26th Jun 2021 4:21 am 

    Again this link:

    Beijing’s other de facto allies such as Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates as well as regional rivals India and Japan and Western powers like Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium and the European Space Agency are all among the shortlisted partners to develop payloads for nine international projects and experiments to be conducted in the Tiangong, according to Xinhua.

    – They don’t mention any Anglo countries.
    – India and Japan are called “regional rivals”.
    – Continental European countries are named “partners”.

    Asia Times is Hong Kong based.

    There is no way that in June 2021, Asia Times will print anything other than Chinese government views.

    The point to make is that at the highest level, there are meetings, the contents of which are not published in the MSM. The general attitude needs to be distilled from the tone of articles like the one linked.

    And the tone here reveals that for Beijing, Europe is still seen as a partner. That clearly does not apply to Anglo countries. I would not be surprised at all if Merkel and Macron have an understanding with the Chinese (and Russia), that France and Germany are going to remain neutral in the upcoming armed conflict UK-Russia & US-China.

    China is the vehicle for Europe to escape from empire and regain sovereignty.

    Another clear indication of this state of affairs is the initiative this week by Macron and Merkel to open a strategic dialogue between the EU and Russia:

    “EU Rejects Merkel-Macron Call for Leaders’ Talks With Putin”

    Russia greeted the initiative.

    For the moment, Macron and Merkel failed, mostly because of Eastern Europe that keeps on identifying USSR = Putin Russia (with the exception of Hungary and Bulgaria). But that could change.

  43. at the precipitate and on the eve of the grate reset the question before us is did elite whitey supertards cause melting of two miles of ice over much of canada and northern US on Sat, 26th Jun 2021 7:46 am 

    we will ruminate on this with the treatise we have today any woke whitey supertards feel free to chime in

    this is my master treaties. i don’t waste time on this forum. it’s lame. this treaties is about love for supremacist muzzies
    muzzie bribe went with isis to make babies and now want to go back. what the world going to. this is ok but supertard big muzzie beard SAWS swt pbuh is banned from UK and harrassed by AA.

    after Turgid, South Dakota death rate for whitey supertards were 2^N where N takes 222 years to type all digits.

    Most experts believe whitey supertards didn’t exist when two miles of ice over much of Canada and Northern USA melted. Experts said archielogical evidences show the whole expanse were full of supremacist muzzies at the time

    muzz in Germany went on inner strugle shout allah akbar and left 3 dead, 6 injured
    very peaceful shouting. the next time muzz shouting you should be calm and offer your neck for peace offering. this is actual advice from elite muzz

    muzzie curse kufar in vice documentary about ramadan but subtitle is excluded for the love of supremacist muzzie. this happens in deerfield michigan. muzzie said it’s peaceful but at the end acted as if typical soft and cudly muzzies do. very ironic
    the knights of columbus were real headbreakers true guineas 70000 years after an irishman could not get a fking job we got the presidency may he rest in peace. the kennedys were muzie lovers so (((supremetard))) didnt’ extend protection to them so they died slowly of alcoholism, venerial dieases from marilyn monroe, planes, or some boating accident.

    Stop rite here if u don’t agree with above. I’m tryna save u time cuz you’re not ready to proceed. U need to spit out the muzzie ck because it interfers with ur thinking. When you’re done enjoying muzzie ck, come back and continue

    but now the irishman is back and whitey supertard president general michael flynn (ready, rumble, rumble – the honest one) is going to love muzzies and amputate them all. love can be in many forms and bringing muzzies closer to muhamad the pedifler to get virgins and boys is a form of ultimate love.
    one has to wonder why little tiny small big brother joe supertard never mentioned whitey supertard president general michael flynn and why the investigation wasn’t about muzzies but that’s the goal, destroy muzzie lovers by going after them in some other ways – like love for putin
    cui bono? one wonder the extend of muzzie infiltration and why did little small tiny big brother joe supertard “reverted” to muzzie like whitey supertard president john brennen did
    now it is ramadan and very peaceful. so far 83 kabooms and 316 went to see muhadmad the pedifler. after 18 days, 12 more to go. Thank you supertard glenn roberts thereligionofpeace dot com
    the big kabloom will be at the end, quote:
    And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambushBut if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free.

    muzzies get extra credits during this time so when they go for your neck, muzzie only being friendly. this actual advice is not mine though
    and now the muzzielove virus with corona. corona is a (((supremetard))) beer. pay close attention, there’s a cross in the logo. so why muzzies destroy it? we need to go back to whitey supertard scientfic supremacist “thunderf00t” who should be amputated for muzzie lovin and spreading scientific supremacism. when this whitey supertard imposed self quarantine i said it smellz. that was many moons ago and i was first as usual to smell BS 20000 light years away.
    then we have whitey supertard “royal” instituiotn who ran model predicting muzzielove virus. then admited it wrong and went to boink married gf and lost job.
    ask yourslef if someone speak exclusively high british english, chances are they love muzzies? of course they love muzies and that’s why i’m pushing low english. it’s more trustworthy. muzzies benefits in all this.
    churches closed but muzzie mosque open. and all the rapes in UK was “by all ethics” no mention of muzzies which brexit about to amputate.

    Muzzie worked for mayo clinic said kill may kufar. Wonder if your parents or relatives come in hospital get “treated” by muzzies and head straight to the morgue? Yep, you can’t keep track of everything about yourself, not mentioning your relatives.
    This lockdown is a trial run, imagine what a supremacist muzzie lockdown will be like. Big sys in bags everywhere roaming the street and the rest of us are hunted door to door. Thanks to americans who stock up tons of LUKE 22:36. Bless are those who are bitter clingers. Ain’t nothing wrong with bitter clingers, I love ‘em all. This makes it easy when we amputate supremaicst muzzies starting with muzzie imams.
    Why are Americans well armed but unable to take action. The answer: the inteligensia whitey supertards love muzzie ck so much they’re like alcoholics whose sole existence is to wait for another serving of muzzie ck. If they get off the medication so called muzzie ck and lead the masses, this thing would be over in 5 minutes. One can say one muzzie ear worth $1 and people would love to go for it for sports. Instead right now they serve big sys and lock themselves at 10,000 acres and promote goatse.
    supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swt reported muzzies in ger comprise of 40% of jizya payment to the tune of 4 billion euros per month. with that money they could go REAL GREEN or FAKE GREEN, it doesn’t matter that would’d been prosperious without the rapey rapey and stabby muzzies. The scale of jizya is incredible. it’s all out in the open if you just listen to the UK muzzie andy choudary.
    muzzie sabotage airliner and got loved 1000x in the form of reporting of “union dispute”. supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swtreported it’s actually jihad.
    Then in astralia muzzie with big grin and smug looking face with a hat and meat grinder practically begged to be amputated and put on muzzie hamster wheel. cops love him 100000x more and are puzzled why he did this. i’m scratching my head too which has thinning hair
    Muzzie in NZ allah acbar and went after cop with axe. Cops loved muzzie 10000x love conquer all. No tweet AOC SAWS pbuh swt , not siri Lanka, not when muzzie shot 6 cops on philadelphia. 25 billion tweet on Christchurch though
    then there we deceptions of deep green, real green, deep deep green, fake fake green, and all the permutations of green. when AOC SAWS pbuh swt – (ZOMG i’m amazed at the technology in a sink food grinder) failed, the greta SAWS pbuh swt deception kicked in. I belived everything even the fantastic flying goat story.
    And now AOC is licking her chops with text on video “rent cancellation”. ZOMG do people have no shame at all? What does it say about the majority of hard working spanish people? This lib will set the stereotype for all spanish people.
    for many years, centuries, million, quadrillion of years since (((supremetard))) SAWS pbuh swt created heaven and earth and before supertards SAWS pbuh swt big muzzie beard and glenn roberts put up web sites, i warned tards and supertards about muzzies.
    i made no progress sort of like banging head against concrete, concrete wins everytime
    but then i “reverted” to a supremacist muzzie jerk and I’m the best of humanity allah has created. i wear a muzzie dress and i pee sitting down holding up the bathroom line. this made supertard SAWS pbuh swt have bladder infection but the love for muzzies only intensified.
    and now i have superpower, big goat SAWS pbuh swt is feeling intense heat. all stops are pulled it seems – even supertard Robert Inget the controlled libtard opposition is deployed to censor me. but uppertard SAWS pbuh swt is not going to destroy free speech for someones love of muzzie. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh swt dropped the appeal and that’s final. it’s now as good as case law. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh is back being occupied with his bunker and learjet and auto keltecs and he said absolutely do not bother him. so it’s set in stone that uppertard SAWS swt pbuh is not going to modify this forum

  44. Biden's hairplug on Sat, 26th Jun 2021 8:04 am 

    The Blitz is back!

    “Supermarket shelves could be empty in food shortage within WEEKS after loss of 100,000 HGV drivers due to Covid and Brexit, industry chiefs warn”

    I feel sorry for all these British families struggling to make ends meet, but boy, do I feel Schadenfreude for Nigel Farage, who unintentionally strengthened the hand of the EU enormously, by showing to everybody else what happens to you if you isolate yourself from the best organized market in the world, with the highest standards.

    My proposal would be to organize relief aid to our British friends, meaning huge convoys of food trucks, all equipped with huge EU flags and text “EU relief aid to British people”.


    (They thought they were better than us, if they were only just by themselves. Turns out not to be the case, not in a long shot.)

  45. Bastard of the North on Sun, 27th Jun 2021 8:27 am 

    If Bidens hairplug believes the daily mail he really is a stupid Dutch cocksucker!

  46. FamousDrScanlon on Sun, 27th Jun 2021 6:00 pm 

    B of the North, Bidens analplug[unwashed] reads the daily mail because it’s a cheap, lowbrow, sensationalist, tits-N-ass gossip rag the height of 21st century European sophistication & intellect.

  47. FamousDrScanlon on Sun, 27th Jun 2021 6:25 pm 

    Hot weather breaks records

    Sizzling hot weather in BC breaks temperature records in over 40 cities on Saturday

    Kamloops has cracked 40 C for the first time in June with a preliminary new record of 40.2 C, topping the old record of 38.4 C set in 2006. Records in Kamloops have been kept since 1890.

    The temperature in Kelowna reached 38.6 C Saturday, breaking the old mark of 37.5 C set in 2002. In Vernon, the thermometer topped out at 38.8 C, topping the previous record of 36.7 C set in 2002.

    Osoyoos reached a scorching 39.9 C, just eclipsing 2002’s record of 39.3 C.

    Much of BC, northern Alberta and parts of Yukon and the Northwest Territories are experiencing a “heat dome” with estimates that plenty of high-temperature records will be reached over the next few days.

    -Nakusp: New record of 35.7 C, old record of 35.5 C set in 2015

    -Princeton: New record of 38.5 C, old record of 36.5 C set in 2006

    -Trail: New record of 39.6 C, old record of 37.9 C set in 2015

    In all, 46 regions set new record temperatures Saturday across the province. Others include:

    -Abbotsford: New record of 39.6 C, old record of 32.5 C set in 2006

    -Golden: New record of 33.8 C, old record of 33.3 C set in 1925

    -Squamish: New record of 39.0 C, old record of 33.1 C set in 2006

    -Vancouver: New record of 32.3 C, old record of 30.2 C set in 2002

    -Victoria: New record of 35.8 C, old record of 29.6 C set in 2002

    Records are expected to continue to fall as temperatures across the region continue to climb heading into next week. Forecasts expect the Thompson-Okanagan to climb past 40 C on multiple days into next week. The current heat wave is expected to peak on Tuesday.

    Other Southern Interior records set include:

    B.C.’s heat wave: Intense weather event is linked to climate crisis, say scientists

    ‘This is not the new normal. Normal is going to keep changing until we stop emitting greenhouse gas emissions,’ says UBC climate scientist Simon Donner.

    The best thing about these 100% Human caused Climate Change Jacked heatwaves is that they are Boomer killers.

    We have too many of these parasitic Boomers collecting multiple taxpayer funded pensions while gumming up our taxpayer funded health care system with their never ending trips to the Dr’s office –> Lab work –> Pharmacy –> Dr’s office –> Lab work –> Pharmacy –> Dr’s office –> Lab work –> Pharmacy –> loop de loop sucking the system dry just to keep them alive for more shopping trips & bullshit “when I was your age” stories no one wants to hear.

    Fuck off and die Burden Boomers!

  48. Biden’s hairplug on Sun, 27th Jun 2021 11:19 pm 

    “Fuck off and die Burden Boomers!“
    FamousDrScanlon on Sat, 13th Feb 2021 2:11 pm

    EV’s are sissy cars.
    “I’m going to pick up my mom & take her to CostCo where we will both buy tons of meat & cheese & shit-loads of dopamine dripping consumer goodies with obscene amounts of energy embedded in them.
    It’s all good since we are morally superior Canadians & thus entitled to consume more energy per capita than all other nations.

    God has made Canadians the chosen ones

    British Colombia is getting what it richly deserves.
    They now have to take it on the chin.
    A bunch of hypocrits if there ever were one.
    Especially the kosher ones like commissar apneaman!

    Now how would you like you British Columbian, sir: medium or well-done?

  49. FamousDrScanlon on Mon, 28th Jun 2021 11:31 am 

    Clog, I have 2 A/C units on wheels in my condo & BC has shit loads of cheap hydro electric [some I helped build – penstocks] & we’re building more.

    I have so much cheap hydro power it’s falling out of my pockets & I leave my A/C running when I go shopping for shit I don’t need >50%

    Site C Clean Energy Project

    Project Overview · ‎Jobs at Site C · ‎Photo & Video Gallery

    Site C will be a third dam and generating station on the Peace River in northeast B.C. The project will provide 1,100 megawatts of capacity and about 5,100 gigawatt hours of energy each year to the province’s integrated electricity system.

    C Hydro operates 32 hydroelectric facilities and three natural gas-fueled thermal power plants. As of 2014, 95 per cent of the province’s electricity was produced by hydroelectric generating stations, which consist mostly of large hydroelectric dams on the Columbia and Peace rivers.[6] BC Hydro’s various facilities generate between 43,000 and 54,000 gigawatt hours of electricity annually, depending on prevailing water levels. BC Hydro’s nameplate capacity is about 11,000 megawatts.

    It’s good to be rich…..bitch. Holy fuck are we ever rich & especially from our cancer extractive industries. Royalties, stump fees & such puts plenty in the provincial welfare state coffers too. Like 1/3 of all BC government income, so you know the politicians will never make any effort to cut their own throats – just hollow promises….for dupes.
    Just like every other nation, state or province on the planet, we ain’t giving anything up.
    You don’t actually believe all the ‘Save the Planet’ Bull Shit do you? 1) It’s too late. 2) It was Bull Shit from day 1. How sad for you still believing & hoping. It’s the expectations that cause all your anger & pain clog & holy fuck do you ever have some great expectations.

    Btw clog, how’s your boy Derek Chauvin doing? Is he liking his new home?

    Are you still running a ‘Go Fund Me’ campaign to buy Derek 22 1/2 gallons of Vaseline?

  50. FamousDrScanlon on Wed, 30th Jun 2021 12:00 am 

    Our competition ain’t fucking around.

    China turns on world’s second-biggest hydropower dam

    “BEIJING (AP) — The first two generating units of the world’s second-biggest hydroelectric dam were officially turned on Monday in southwestern China, the government announced.

    The Baihetan Dam on the Jinsha River, a tributary of the Yangtze, is part of Chinese efforts to curb surging fossil fuel demand by building more hydropower capacity at a time when dams have fallen out of favor in other countries due to environmental complaints.

    The announcement comes ahead of the ruling Communist Party’s celebration this week of the official 100th anniversary of its 1921 founding.

    Plans call for the 289-meter-tall (954-foot-tall) Baihetan Dam to have 16 generating units with a capacity of 1 million kilowatts each. That will make it second in size after the Three Gorges Dam, opened in 2003 on the Yangtze, with 22.5 million kilowatts of generating capacity.

    Both were built by the state-owned Three Gorges Group Corp., the world’s biggest investor in hydro, solar and wind generation.

    Hydropower is losing support in other countries due to complaints dams flood communities and farmland and disrupt the ecology of rivers, threatening fish and other species.

    Despite criticism by environmentalists, Chinese leaders are building more dams in an effort to reduce reliance on coal and to curb surging demand for imported oil and gas.

    China is a leader in developing ultra-high-voltage, or UHV, transmission technology to move power from dams in the southwest to Shanghai and other eastern cities.

    Once fully operational, the Baihetan Hydropower Station should eliminate the need to burn 20 million tons of coal annually, the official Xinhua News Agency said, citing Three Gorges Group.”

    We need to reintroduce them fuckers to opium before they roll right over us.

    Zips on the wire.

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