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Page added on August 12, 2018

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Climate, politics and the narrow vision of futurists

Most people know the tale of the blind men and the elephant. Each describes a part of the elephant. The elephant is said to be like a pillar by the blind man touching the elephant’s leg. The one touching the elephant’s tail says the elephant is like a rope and so on.

Now, let’s substitute so-called futurists for blind men in this tale and you get something even less reliable. Futurists are the soothsayers of our age. Of course, futurists have eyes to see at least. But they, like the blind men, almost never see the whole picture.

And, in this case they are giving us a description of something that is not even there for them to examine. The future doesn’t exist. It’s a mere concept. Unlike the blind men, futurists aren’t really describing part of a whole.

Typically, they imagine the future as a more magical version of the past where all kinds of new powers are made available to the individual: the ability to transmit emotions and memories through a worldwide “brain-net,” 3D-printed human organs based on our own DNA that replace damaged or diseased ones, re-creations of loved ones who have passed away with which we can interact as we did when they were alive.

Naturally, some futurists put the first humans on Mars in the 2030s. NASA apparently has a contest for 3D-printed designs of habitats suitable for humans on Mars. The idea that colonizing Mars will enhance the chances that humans will survive well into the future is already part of the culture. (Wait a minute! You mean really bad stuff could happen on Earth in our benign technology-laden future. But I digress.)

Unfortunately, there is the nagging problem that cosmic radiation is likely to turn anyone living on Mars into a cancer-riddled dementia patient. No problem! We’ll just engineer a whole new race of humans designed to resist the cosmic radiation they will be subject to on Mars and during any space travel.

For all their imaginative and storytelling powers, futurists—the ones who imagine an unlimited, happy future with vast technological change but not those who see dystopia and destruction ahead and who are instead labeled “alarmists”—these happy futurists cannot imagine dramatic change in our social and political systems.

Capitalism as we know it remains intact, apparently even on Mars. Democratically elected governments are still around; but their choices are increasingly limited to what to do with all our future abundance and the savings that will come from licking most acute and chronic diseases for good.

And, there is another really, really big thing they don’t seem to be able to imagine: a civilization crippled and possibly destroyed by climate change.  Well, of course, technology will solve the climate problem, they say. My retort continues to be, “If humans are so clever and our technology so powerful, why haven’t we solved the problem of climate change, a problem we already knew 30 years ago was a civilization-threatening emergency?”

The answer, of course, is that climate change cannot be solved by merely applying technology. It is a multi-dimensional, complex problem that is above all political. Those who hold power do not want to pay either in the form of foregone revenue or higher taxes what would be required to solve the problem.

And, the consumer society that is now spreading throughout the world is so profitable and appealing to just about everyone, that there is simply not the necessary constituency to support those few in the power elite who are ready to make such expenditures and sacrifices.

So, as this existential problem literally burns our forests, scorches our crops (thereby threatening a global food crisis) and brings drought to those thirsting for water and floods to those who already have too much—even as we continue down this path of destruction, the artificial intelligence labs and 3D printing equipment makers are predicted by futurists to be racing forward to a future that doesn’t include the possibly fatal ravages of climate change.

The stability of governments is at stake. The viability of whole nations hangs in the balance in the future that climate change has already imagined for us.

There’s a reason that most so-called futurists either don’t take this into account or dismiss it as a minor problem that will somehow be fixed. The reason is that they either work for and consult with the world’s corporations. And, the corporate imagination of the world we live in and will live in is entirely dominated by visions of continuing corporate control of our lives (but in a benign way, of course). No revolutions, no social upheaval, no mass migrations, no food or water crises and above all, no redistribution of wealth or power. Nothing to get in the way of continued economic expansion and resource use directed by the world’s corporations.

As I’ve written before, “The Future” is a sales pitch designed to keep us locked into existing institutions and power relationships. It has nothing to do with solving our real problems or liberating us from the increasing power of corporations and the governments they have captured. It is, in fact, an elitist vision of a future entirely run by wealthy technologists who find politics and environmental disruption inconvenient.

Trying to put things into perspective for me, my landlady suggested that in the future only a fool would rob a bank in person. Why not get a robot to do it for you and have a drone play the role of the lookout? The answer from the technologists, of course, is that we won’t need actual physical banks or paper money in the future.

That may or may not be true. But I have a feeling that the criminals will figure out other purposes for their crime robots and drones (and artificial intelligence squads for that matter), purposes not currently discussed in the speeches and white papers of the world’s corporate-funded futurists. These futurists, I predict, will be too busy forecasting the ways in which our attention and income will be monopolized by new technologies in the wondrous world to come.

Resource Insights by Kurt Cobb

36 Comments on "Climate, politics and the narrow vision of futurists"

  1. john kelley on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 12:58 pm 

    amazingly,this this guy is totally doing the thing he is warning us about.He doesn’t seem to be aware of the platform of ideas he stands upon.We are all futurists and are governed accordingly.

  2. Anonymouse1 on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 2:43 pm 

    Hopefully, the eceptionalturd will wander along any time now, offer you one of his endless nuggets(turds) really, of wisdom on this topic as well. Since you know, he has been such an immense source of information and help to you.

    Right socky?

  3. Dredd on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 5:07 pm 

    “The future doesn’t exist”

    Finger prints of the future all all around us (SLC Fingerprints R Us – 3).

    The future is as abundant as the history some also want to reject.

  4. Darrell Cloud on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 6:27 pm 

    Yesterday is a memory. Tomorrow is a hope. Today is so complex it is difficult to fathom.

  5. makati1 on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 6:38 pm 

    The talk of robots and personal drones and all the rest of the dreams of techies is just that, dreams. The real future will be more like the 1800s than the 2100s.

  6. dissident on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 6:46 pm 

    They had it good in the 1800s. Wild frontiers and predictable agriculture (yes really). The future holds for us the loss of all of our primary agricultural zones and weather variability from Hell. No human or any of humanity’s primate ancestors have ever experienced what we are headed for.

    This is not doomer alarmism, this cold hard science.

  7. makati1 on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 7:15 pm 

    dissident, yes, it is hard science, not fantasy. Maybe I should have said it will be like the 1800s with some new challenges? Certainly climate change and the poisoning of our air, water and land will make it more dangerous. Add in that most tillable land in the Us is nothing more than sand with chemicals required. Farming skills are all but gone in America, where everyone wants to sit at a desk and play with money on the computer for a paycheck. It is fascinating, watching a once great country disintegrate.

  8. onlooker on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 7:21 pm 

    Yes, thank you Dissident for stating what sometimes seems to elude our fellow posters, this is not opinion but physics and cold reality. And for your expertise on the climate talk.

  9. MASTERMIND on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 7:35 pm 


    We are not going back to the 1800’s..We don’t have the skills and knowledge to live like that..And evolution doesn’t go backwards..We are going extinct..Everyone on earth will die when the nuke plants melt down and all the world governments collapse…

  10. onlooker on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 7:39 pm 

    Yes, sadly the prognosis of MM, seems just about more likely than any.

  11. makati1 on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 7:45 pm 

    onlooker, you have to take into consideration that MM is an immature zombie freak. He has this nuke meltdown obsession. Not likely to happen short of a nuclear attack on the Us where there will not be time to take them down safely. All other scenarios are more likely. They will be shut down safely to protect their own lives and families, not abandoned as MM wants to believe. What can you expect from a 12 year old’s imagination? LOL

  12. MASTERMIND on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 7:57 pm 


    You think the workers are going to stick around to shut down nuclear plants when their bank account is empty and their families are at home starving and scared to death? I think not.You don’t understand what an economic collapse means..It means every corporation, bank, government, social program, currency, going bankrupt at once..

    Mak you have spent time and money moving away to prepare for this..I haven’t..That means you have a conflict of interest..

  13. onlooker on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 7:59 pm 

    Sadly, Mak, you know as well as I do, the human juggernaught is not going to stop. Yes, the US has been the most egregious example of it, but make no mistake about it, even as people from around the world despised the imperial policies of the US, they did and do wish to live like affluent world denizens. And Peak oil and the end of cheap concentrated energy in the form of fossil fuels is a lethal blow to Industrial Civilization. Also, I did not say that this Nuclear worldwide meltdown will happen for sure but considering that many other factors including environmental ones portend the demise of Civilization, I do feel a fairly abrupt collapse of Civilization is as likely or more likely at some stage than any type of voluntary powerdown. Humans have shown to be too full of hubris, ignorance, stupidily and lack of foresight to feel any sense of optimism about reasonable actions being taken
    Oh and here is an article on how China is increasingly resembling the US

  14. deadly on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 8:04 pm 

    There is always a future as long as you remain alive. Doesn’t matter what the future is. It could be bleak if humans don’t make some changes. Just what in God’s name is going on here, anyhow?

    Once you’re dead, you have no future, just eternal life. Might be Nirvana, but it could be pure hell in hell.

    How does your light shine in the halls of Shambala?

    The Martian atmosphere is 95 percent carbon dioxide.

    No plant life there to fix it into a sink like a forest then exhale some oxygen. Doesn’t happen on Mars, the place is barren.

    Carbon dioxide is plentiful on Mars. Maybe if people develop lungs that can use carbon dioxide to remain alive, it could work. Otherwise, carbon dioxide at those levels will be lethal.

    You’ll need an oxygen generator, a way to extract oxygen and nitrogen from the Martian atmosphere.

    You can’t colonize Mars if there isn’t enough oxygen present on the planet to support mass quantities of humans. It won’t work.

    You’ll need to build controlled atmosphere bunkers while Mars gets terraformed.

    Build a space pipeline to transfer the earth’s atmosphere to Mars’.

    Humans up there will produce more carbon dioxide, Mars has enough. Stay home.

    Didn’t Buckminster Fuller figure out how to build a floating structure using geodesic design? The structure would float and fly above ground just by air pressure alone to keep it aloft? I think he did.

    Just have people in geodesic floating habitats. Forget about Mars.

    What’s this business about an elephant and those with deprived senses? Never heard of it before. lol

  15. makati1 on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 8:10 pm 

    onlooker, I guess we will have to agree to disagree on the collapse speed. It only takes a few days to weeks to shut down a nuke plant. I see it taking much longer for a collapse to become that critical. Maybe months to years. In fact, I believe we are already in the collapse.

  16. MASTERMIND on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 8:19 pm 


    But just because a reactor is shut down doesn’t mean it’s over. The decay heat still needs to be removed for months to years before the reactor reaches the “loss to ambient” condition where the heat generation from decay heat matches the radiative heat losses and the system is stable. This requires a combination of emergency core cooling systems, decay heat removal systems, and auxiliary Feedwater.

  17. MASTERMIND on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 8:22 pm 


    Even if the nuke plants dont melt down and explode..And that is a big ‘if”..International trade and fossil fuel shipments will be over..So every country will descend into barbarism..So the only way you could survive is to become a hunter gather again in a remote location..Like the Amazon rain forest..

  18. DerHundistLos on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 8:23 pm 

    The Ultimate Black Swan Event: Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Prion Disease

    ~~~A Black Swan occurrence is a catastrophic event that is extremely difficult, though not impossible, to predict. These events incorporate three distinct properties: 1. Rarity II. Extreme Impact III. Retrospective Predictability. History is littered with Black Swans due to the prevalence of the dominant ignorance-based thinking of a particular society. It is, therefore, essential that we maintain a healthy appreciation of our ignorance and a full rationalization where our knowledge ends. The denialist mentality that is so prevalent in our current society is a form of insanity that has created ideal conditions for a cataclysmic Black Swan. ~~~

    Go to on August 12, 2018 for a fascinating interview with my friend and colleague, Richard Bonenfant, Ph.D. Dr. Bonenfant is a retired State of New York research scientist who has spent the last several years investigating the contamination of our food supply with deadly prion-like disease agents. Monitoring the presence of prion disease organisms in our livestock is the reason for the widespread and long-term animal mutilation phenomena.

    The subject of animal mutilations is distasteful if not repugnant to many of us. It’s hard to imagine why anyone would inflict such cruelty upon helpless creatures, especially those so dependent upon us for their existence. Yet, deliberate and premeditated assaults on both domestic and wild animals have been ongoing for nearly five decades. Since livestock are the most common victims of these mutilations, farmers and ranchers have had to bear the financial brunt of these events. In addition, they have endured considerable anxiety over the nature of the mutilations inflicted upon their herds.

    A problem must first be defined before it can be analyzed, so this article will begin by reviewing the nature of physical evidence most often found in mutilated animals in the United States and England. Fortunately, this information has already been collected by a core of dedicated researchers over the past decades. For the record, it should be noted that their investigations have, for the most part, been carried out privately with little or no public support. What they have discovered through dedication and persistence can now be used to define the subject matter of this work. After their findings have been presented, a number of observations relevant to the methodology of animal mutilations will be discussed. Finally, I will conclude by attempting to offer a reason why these acts are being carried out, followed by a number of recommendations that could advance our understanding of the matter.


    Although animal mutilations may be of prolonged historical duration [2], it first came to the public’s attention in the United States (U.S.) back in 1967. At that time a female horse named Lady was found dead on a ranch near Alamosa in southern Colorado. The unusual nature of Lady’s mutilation led investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe [3], to publish an account of the incident. The following brief excerpt describes her initial visit to the mutilation scene.

    A Horse Named Lady:

    “The horse’s entire skull and long neck had been stripped of flesh and every organ in the horse’s chest had been surgically excised. Yet no blood could be found anywhere around the animal…And no tracks were evident.” [4]

    Her article about Lady’s mutilation had far reaching consequences. Its publication opened the floodgates to a host of similar reports that have continued unabated over the years. Not only were horses being mutilated, but so were other domestic animals like cattle, and sheep as well as a host of wild animals; deer, elk, bison and many more. Furthermore, animal mutilations were being found in a number of different regions throughout the world. An estimate of the numbers involved has proven difficult to make because many of these mutilations were never formally reported. However, knowledgeable estimates now place the number in the tens of thousands.

    Hallmarks of Animal Mutilations:

    One of the principal hallmarks of these mutilations is the complete absence of blood in the animal’s carcass or at the mutilation site. Strangely, these animals have almost always been completely drained of blood.

    Another peculiarity is that tracks or footprints are never found around the animal’s body, even when weather conditions like rain, frost or snow would have favored their presence; no footprints, tire tracks, signs of a struggle – nothing at all. These mutilations also bear a remarkable similarity to one another. Perhaps one of their most notable characteristics is commonly referred to as a “jaw swipe.”

    This term refers to a condition whereby one or both sides of the animal’s jaw are stripped of all tissue right down to the bare bone. For some unknown reason this often occurs on the left side of the animal’s face but not always. The right side is occasionally stripped in this way. Less frequently both sides of the jaw are removed. Also, immediately evident are the removal of one or both eyes and ears. Not so obvious, but visible upon inspection of the animal’s oral cavity, is the complete absence of a tongue. The organ has usually been excised from deep within the throat. One other common mutilation is the removal of external genitalia including a bull’s penis and scrotum, or a cow’s udder. These organs are also found to have been cleanly excised from the carcass.

    Examination of the animal’s hind quarters often show evidence of “anal coring,” a procedure whereby the anus is cored out to a depth of several inches and used as a portal for extraction of the animal’s rectum. Other circular or teardrop shaped orifices cut into the torso also appear to be used for removal of organ systems located within the body cavity. Such a feat is impossible to carry out through such small openings, but most of the mutilated animal’s viscera are usually missing.

    Forensic examination of the incisions used for extraction reveal that they appear to be made by a laser-like instrument. The incisions are clean, precise and carefully executed. A Denver pathologist named John Henry Altshuler, M.D. [5] examined Lady’s carcass a few days after her body was found. According to testimony provided years later, Dr. Altshuler stated:

    “When I got to the horse, I could see that it was cut from the neck down to the base of the chest in a vertical, clean incision. At the edge of the cut, there was a darkened color as if the flesh had been opened and cauterized with a surgical cauterizing blade. The outer edges of the cut skin were firm, almost as if they had been cauterized with a modern-day laser. But there was no surgical laser technology like that in 1967…. I cut tissue samples from the hard, darker edge. Later, I viewed the tissue under a microscope. At the cell level, there was discoloration and destruction consistent with changes caused by burning. …Then inside the horse’s chest, I remember the lack of organs. Whoever did the cutting took the horse’s heart, lungs and thyroid. The mediastinum (central chest compartment for organs) was completely empty – and dry. How do you get the heart out without blood? It was an incredible dissection of organs without any evidence of blood.” [6]

    Other veterinarian examiners remark that the borders of portal incisions show small serrated edges similar in appearance to those produced by a tailor’s pinking shears. Investigators often referred to this characteristic as a “cookie cutter” incision.

    Bodies Dropped from Above:

    In addition to the actual mutilations, other attributes are frequently associated with the animal mutilations. For example, in some cases the ground beneath a carcass is slightly depressed suggesting that the animal was dropped from a great height. Consistent with this impression, their carcasses are sometimes twisted in unnatural shapes that become frozen by rigor mortis. Necropsies of these cases show major fractures of the animal’s limbs and ribs which are consistent with impact trauma. Furthermore, when these cases are found in wooded areas, branches of nearby trees are found broken or bent in way that would imply that the animal’s body was dropped to the ground.

    This brings to up another unexplained phenomenon. For years, power and telephone companies have on occasion found carcasses of deer and other large animals inexplicably entangled in their lines. Often their bodies are suspended at great heights above the ground and require considerable effort to remove. What is not clear is how they became lodged there in the first place. Until now, these findings have been attributed to committed pranksters. However, animal mutilation cases suggest these carcasses may have been dropped onto the lines from above. It would be informative to examine the bodies of these suspended animals to see if they show any classic signs of cattle mutilation.

    Then there is the factor known as “carcass avoidance.” Dr. George E. Onet, a Doctor of Veterinary Microbiology and cattle mutilation investigator, has claimed that mutilated cattle are avoided by large scavengers “such as coyotes, wolves, foxes, dogs, skunks, badgers, and bobcats” for several days after its death. Similarly, domestic animals are also reported to be ‘visibly agitated’ and ‘fearful’ of the carcass.” [7] Dr. Onet’s claim is supported by numerous anecdotal reports gathered from cattlemen about their mutilated stock.

    I am unaware of any significant statistical data relating to animal mutilation cases other than a finding reported by Dr. Howard Burgess [8]. His data showed that nearly 90 percent of mutilated cattle brought to his attention were between four and five years of age. Since the average longevity of cattle is between 15 and 25 years, it would appear that their mutilators have bias towards the selection of younger bovines. One cannot help but wonder why they seek this particular age group.

    Associated with Extraterrestrial Activity:

    By process of elimination, the extraterrestrial hypothesis remains the most probable cause of animal mutilations. Ranchers who have lost cattle, horses, or even bison have unanimously concluded that the events are UFO related. In support of their opinion are numerous reports of strange nocturnal lights; spheres that glow in many different colors, then divide, merge and release both smaller spheres or beams of light into the countryside at night. The bodies of mutilated animals are often found in the vicinity of this activity shortly thereafter.

    Also supporting this conclusion is the fact that no tracks of any kind are ever found at the carcass site. Therefore, it’s conceivable that a hovering craft of some kind is used to capture targeted animals and remove them to a different location. Discolored circular patches of soil ranging from 25 to 35 feet in diameter are occasionally found near the remains of mutilated animals. Often these patches remain sterile for years after they are found. And on a few occasions, triangular depressions in the ground have been observed as well. These signs could represent UFO landing traces.

    Phantom Helicopters:

    Complicating the issue of causation are frequent reports of silent, unmarked helicopters operating in concert with mutilation activity. These sightings have fueled the suspicion among some ranchers that a secret government agency may also be involved in the mutilation phenomenon. The role of these phantom helicopters remains unclear, but their historical presence over past decades argues, at least in part, in favor of some type of government participation in these events.

    It would be interesting to know if silent helicopters are being observed in other countries experiencing animal mutilations. It’s now well established that the mutilations are not limited to North America. Since the initial publication of Lady’s mutilation, thousands of similar cases have emerged from around the world. Recognized “hot spots” of mutilation activity include Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, parts of Europe, the Canary Islands, China, Southeast Asia and Australia. Many of these countries do not have advanced avionic technology. Therefore, their presence would enhance the notion that these mysterious silent helicopters are UFO related.

    Wild Animals Also Mutilated:

    One European country that has become prominently involved in mutilation investigations is the United Kingdom (U.K.). There, a private organization known as the Animal Pathology Field Unit (APFU) has diligently investigated such cases since 2002. Their work and findings are now reaching public awareness though the lecturing efforts of Richard D. Hall [9]. The APFU is currently involved in the investigation of a wide range of sheep mutilations affecting the rural countryside. While these mutilations have dominated their concern, their work has led to the discovery that a wide range of wild animals are also being mutilated.

    Sheep mutilations are similar, but not identical, to those reported in cattle. A few notable differences include occasionally finding sheep and domesticated animals such as cats and dogs cut in half with their internal organs gutted out.

    The APFU has also discovered that smaller creatures such as badgers, groundhogs, and even small deer are often found decapitated with their heads dispersed a great distance away from their bodies. Interest in the skull of various animals is also evident. A commonly observed mutilation in foxes consists of a single hole bored through the upper skull from which the animal’s brains have been mysteriously removed.

    Sea Mammals Also Victims:

    Surprisingly, land animals are not the only kind of mammals being found mysteriously mutilated. In the northern region of the U.K. near the Faroe Islands, large numbers of seals and dolphins have been discovered mutilated in a strange corkscrew pattern ranging over the entire length of their bodies. At first government officials attributed these findings to accidental deaths cause by contact with the propeller blades of large motor craft but extensive investigations have failed to verify their suspicions. Furthermore, the mutilations are often found some distance inland, far from where their carcasses would presumably wash ashore.

    Being unable to resolve the mutilations through their own resources, British farmers, herders and the APFU have turned to law enforcement authorities for help. Results have been mixed. By and large, law enforcement officials have been frustrated by their inability to either determine the cause of these crimes or to capture those responsible for the mutilations. They, in turn, have sought the assistance of veterinary pathologists for forensic clues. That’s when a familiar reluctance appears to take hold. Veterinarians are highly sensitive to the opinions of the medical and scientific community at large. Since the professional milieu in which they operate does not recognize the existence of UFOs or aliens, veterinary responses to law enforcement’s requests have been extremely cautious. As a result, veterinarians have largely restrained themselves from stating that the mutilations represent any cause of an unorthodox nature even though they, too, are baffled by them.

    Even so, a small number of law enforcement officers and concerned veterinarians have ventured to state that the mutilations must be extraterrestrial in origin. This view has not been well received by their colleagues. Even the media has remained unsupportive of their conclusion. Reluctance to carry out more comprehensive investigations by agencies responsible for domestic livestock and national fisheries has only frustrated the situation. To date nothing has been resolved concerning the mutilation problem. All the while cattle, horses, sheep and a host of other domesticated and wild animals continue being mutilated.

    Adding specific examples of mutilation reports would add little to what has already been presented. But cases similar to those seen in the U.S. and U.K. are constantly being reported throughout the world. Decades after Lady’s mutilation, innumerable other animals have suffered a similar fate. Their fate now remains linked to still another mystery; unidentified aerial lights and mysterious aircraft. Here for example is one such typical report dated July 15, 1984, from the Sunday Times in Perth, Australia: “Cover-up alleged over UFO-linked animal slaughter. Many reports of UFOs and strange lights in the sky. Farmers in the Adelaide Hills have discovered mutilated animal corpses and burn marks on the ground. … In one incident, researchers say a farmer discovered four cows with holes drilled into their skulls and the brains removed…” [10]

    A Review of the Facts

    At this point it would be worthwhile to enumerate a number of consistent facts relating to animal mutilations that define the phenomenon. What follows are observations made by those most intimately involved with the problem:

    1. For nearly five decades a wide range of domesticated animals, particularly those that are grazers like cattle, horses, sheep, and goats, as well as a wide range of mammalian wildlife and even some aquatic creatures have been found mutilated in various locations around the world.
    2. The mutilations appear to be premeditated and are carried out with surgical precision.
    3. One of the defining characteristics of these mutilations is the complete absence of blood both within the carcass and at the mutilation site.
    4. A typical mutilation found in cattle and sheep consists of: (1) a jaw swipe whereby all muscle and tissue are removed down to the bone usually on one side of the jaw, (2) the removal of one or both eyes and ears, (3) excision of the tongue deep at its root, (4) removal of internal and external genitalia, and (5) removal of digestive and other soft internal organs through small circular orifices cut through the flesh.
    5. The orifices appear to be made with an instrument of intense heat which cauterizes the edges of the incisions leaving what resembles small “cookie cutter” like serrations.
    6. Other kinds of mutilations are frequently reported as well. They include bifurcation of the body accompanied by the evisceration of the animal’s internal organs, decapitation, complete removal of particular organs from various regions of the body, and holes bored through the upper skull from which the brains are removed. In the case of aquatic mammals like seals and porpoises, deep corkscrew lacerations are found along the entire length of their bodies.
    7. In some cases evidence exist that the carcasses of mutilated animals were deposited from a great height often causing secondary injuries from the fall.
    8. Possible explanations for the cause of these mutilations have generally fallen into four categories; natural predation, satanic or other cult-like ceremonies, covert human intervention, or the product of UFO activity.
    9. The presence of strange nocturnal lights, occasionally UFOs and silent helicopters in the vicinity of mutilation activity suggests an extraterrestrial causation. Their consistent presence and, in a few cases, direct human observation of their involvement with mutilated animals [11] makes UFOs the most likely culprits of these offenses. However, the observation of unmarked, silent helicopters in the near mutilation sites has added confusion regarding their causal significance. This subset of related activity could indicate a covert military involvement in the mystery as well.

    Another Facet to the Mystery:

    Many diligent efforts have been made by local law enforcement authorities to investigate cattle mutilations. The willful mutilation and killing of another person’s livestock is an offense punishable by law. In England, such events can be prosecuted under The Criminal Damage Act 1971. [12] Yet throughout its decade’s long duration, no person in the U.S. or U.K. has ever been charged with, let alone convicted of animal mutilation.

    To date, the scope of these mutilations is enormous. It’s estimated that over 10,000 cases have been reported over the past decades. [13] In order to better deal with the issue, assistance from the FBI has been repeatedly sought by various state officials and law enforcement investigators. At one point the FBI did briefly take up the challenge with preliminary findings stating that mutilations were the result of natural predation. However, shortly thereafter the Agency declared that they were abandoning further investigations because they lacked legal jurisdiction to do so: “The FBI was asked to investigate but was unable to do so because of a lack of jurisdiction (except when such mutilations were found on Indian lands)”. [14]

    Stonewalling by Federal Authorities:

    In his TV documentary Silent Killers, [15] Richard D. Hall carefully examines similar problems in the U.K. He concludes that there has been a deliberate effort in the United Kingdom to stonewall these crimes; sometimes by the very same agencies charged with their investigation. He even notes cases when government officials have required sheep herders to not only surrender the carcasses of their mutilated sheep for analysis, they have also to surrender private photos taken of their dead livestock as well. To add insult to injury, the herders are never notified of any results from these official investigations, nor for that matter are their photos ever returned. In Mr. Hall’s estimate, even the British media appears unofficially involved in this “pooh poohing” of the matter.

    Linda Moulton Howe has encountered a similar lack of concern by government officials here in the U.S. Despite careful documentation of hundreds of mutilation cases on her website she has remained unable to elicit official concern or support for the ranchers’ plight. One would think that the financial burden associated with the loss of thousands of cattle would be sufficient to provoke some kind of official response to the problem but sadly this has not been the case.

    By now, many ranchers have become so disillusioned by this kind of official unresponsiveness that they no longer bother reporting new mutilations. They openly declare being completely baffled by the government’s inaction and by facile explanations given them by public officials. Some ranchers even suspect that the government is actively working against their efforts to obtain any kind of viable explanation for the loss of their livestock.

    It would seem that either U.S. and U.K. government agencies responsible for carrying out these investigations are seriously inept, or that they are cognizant of the mutilation problem but wish to keep it restricted from further scrutiny. The first explanation is certainly arguable, though I suspect that the second possibility is more probable.

    Of course, even if our governments knew of a relationship between animal mutilations and aliens, it’s seriously doubtful that they could do anything about it. We should recall that the U.S. Air Force skirted a similar issue by stating that since UFOs were not a threat to national security, there was no need for them to investigate any further. This official disclaimer only served to rationalize the obvious; if UFOs were a threat to national security what could our defense forces do about it anyway? Those responsible for national policy decisions may simply be choosing to ignore the matter in order to deflect any further consideration of the issue.

    Government Collusion?

    A couple of alternate possibilities are frightening. The first is that certain covert branches within the U.S. and U.K. not only know that animal mutilations are taking place by aliens, they may have already reached an agreement with the extraterrestrials under which the mutilation of livestock is permissible so long as human beings are spared from similar acts.

    Another possibility is even more dreadful. Certain aliens, but most likely not all, may occasionally mutilate humans as well as animals. At present there is scant evidence that this is taking place. One notable exception is the 1988 human mutilation near Guarapiranga, Brazil. [16] This case has documented photographic evidence of a human cadaver showing mutilations over his body similar to those found in cattle. Even more gruesome, the autopsy report concluded that the procedure occurred while the victim was still alive. Apparently, it was the pain associated with the mutilations that resulted in the man’s death. A later investigation concluded that the man died from natural causes. However, this later investigation never explained the photographic evidence which accompanied his initial autopsy. [17]

    Fortunately, such cases are extremely rare. However, if covert government agencies are systematically “cleaning up” evidence of such crimes then we have a real dilemma on our hands. In that case, not only are aliens abducting humans, some of them could be mutilating us as well. If true, such a situation would be atrocious.

    In reality, all possibilities mentioned above may be in error. I have no knowledge whatsoever about the motives of either the aliens or our own Government. What I suggest above are just logical possibilities for our Government seeming unconcern of a matter.


    It’s now time to assemble our observations in some meaningful way. What follows is pure speculation. We are looking down into a deep well that cannot be fathomed. Furthermore, I confess, from the start, of being a relative newcomer to the subject and therefore naïve about many aspects of the problem. However, because it’s part of our nature to make sense of our world, I think it is important the attempt be made even if it’s launched from a limited perspective.

    The ubiquitous presence of animal mutilations and their long duration suggests that considerable thought has been invested in this endeavor. I will begin by assuming that alien agencies are responsible the mutilation phenomenon. There is little or no credible evidence that natural predation or human activity can account for it. By contrast, there is robust circumstantial evidence that mysterious nocturnal lights, UFOs, and silent, phantom-like helicopters are intimately associated with UFO activity.

    Who and How?

    Having made that assumption, the presence of silent, hovering, non-terrestrial craft in our skies would imply a high degree of technological sophistication and possession of abilities far in advance of our own. It would only take beings with these attributes a short while to achieve an understanding of the physical state of our Planet and of the various species that inhabit it. It’s a far challenging task for us to understand the purpose for their actions. Depending upon the degree of their advancement, understanding their motives may even lie beyond our comprehension. Still, we must try because their activities have a direct bearing on our lives.

    What is immediately evident is that these entities have a deep interest in domestic grazing animals because they are deliberately being targeted for mutilation throughout the world. There are of course related aspects to these assaults. Other land and sea mammals are also being mutilated. But by far, the largest category of mutilated animals is cattle and horses, sheep and goats – all of which are herbivores, or domestic grass grazing animals.

    Then of course, there’s the clandestine aspect of the mutilation. Since most of the mutilations take place at night, it seems likely that those responsible don’t want to be seen or identified. Even daytime mutilations, which are a rarity, only take place in locations secure from accidental observation. Therefore, it would appear that those responsible are deliberately attempting to conceal their methods and activities from us.

    Given the absence of blood, tracks or evidence as to how the animals are being taken, it can be assumed that targeted animals are somehow being lifted from their initial locations into some craft and mutilated there, or else they’re transported to an alternate setting for harvesting. I would tend to rule out the possibility that helicopters, silent or otherwise, are being used in these activities. Capturing selected targets from a mobile herd in the darkness of night then hoisting them to a different location would be a daunting task, even for advanced aliens.

    If reported accounts of UFOs using some kind of light or antigravity device to float abductees into their craft are valid, then perhaps targeted animals are similarly captured. If the craft was of considerable size, the abductors could then eviscerate the animals with great speed and efficiency before depositing their remains. However, I cannot account for why the mutilated remains are later dropped off and not simply cremated in some advanced way.

    Within an operative setting, captured animals are likely drained of all blood prior to the removal of their organs. It would be logical to assume that a laser-like device is used to create openings from which various organs are extracted. While the exact method used in removing soft tissue remains unknown, I suggest that some kind of device is inserted through these portals which first liquefies the internal organs to the point where they can be suctioned out. This method would be consistent with a biopsy observation noted by law enforcement officers that both the heart and liver removed from a mutilated carcass had the consistency of soft peanut butter. [18]

    Lastly, if Dr. Burgess’ findings that nearly 90 percent of mutilated cattle reported to him were between four and five years of age is correct, then target animals must be pre-selected or even tagged “before” extraction. We know that in cases where humans are abducted by aliens, small devices are often inserted into their anatomy for possible reasons of location and/or control. Why couldn’t similar devices be remotely implanted into bovine targets prior to collection? Implants could facilitate locating specific targets under adverse conditions and they may even be capable of immobilizing the animal for collection.

    Why Mutilations May Be Occurring:

    It’s now time to address the question of why mutilations are being carried out on selected animals. The fact that animals are so frequently mutilated implies monitoring a variable that changes over time. Furthermore, because of the types of organs removed, specifically the digestive tract, udders, and reproductive organs, it’s like that the subject on their interest has to do with the consumption and digestion of food and possibly their mutagenic effects.

    The primary source of food for cattle is grass and grain supplement. We have long known that grass can be contaminated by many factors including; pesticides, herbicides, contaminated water, even long-term radiation exposure. Of course, this list is not comprehensive, but all these factors are linked to environmental contamination.

    Alternatively, contamination may also be derived from food supplements. For cattle and other grazers this would be feed grain. Much of the grain currently given to animals contains reconstituted animal parts that have been added for nutritional purposes. In many cases these additives originate from the same kinds of animals that ingest them. The greatest threat from reconstituted grain for both cattle and the humans who in turn eat them, lies in the formation of prions. A prion is an abnormally-shaped protein strand that plays havoc with brain tissue and internal organs of the host that ingests it. Unfortunately, it’s especially dangerous if it comes from ingesting the reconstituted remains of the same species. Prions belong to a broad category of diseases known as Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE), and this category includes Mad Cow Disease, Scrapie, and Kuru. All of these diseases form as a result of the formation of prions. In addition:

    “The ban on meat from Europe because of the specific TSE disease called Mad Cow was put in place because of the deleterious effects that this meat could have on humans. There is also a high degree of support that TSE-tainted meat could be responsible for Alzheimer’s disease. The reported cases of this disease have shown a marked increase since 1975 and it continues to rise. Since the rise of Alzheimer’s is a relatively new development, some theorize that it could be the result of the ingestion of tainted meat.” [19]

    Another factor that suggests prions may be the reason why cattle and other grazers are being mutilated is that there have previously been a lot of TSE-related outbreaks in the previous years among various wild animals in the United States. Specifically, the elk and deer populations of North America have suffered various TSE plagues and there was a well-documented case of Mink deaths as a result of being fed TSE-contaminated milk. This last observation could account for why udders are often removed from cows during mutilation.
    Perhaps the most instructive factors in considering why monitoring the presence of prions or prion-like agents in our food chain may be the reason for the long-term mutilation of our livestock is that testing for the presence of prions in infected animals is extremely specific and requires laboratory instruments. Specifically, four organs are used in a necropsy to test for the existence of TSE prions. These organs are the rectum, reproductive organs, tongue, and eye; the very same organs most commonly taken from mutilated animals.

    It’s also possible that TSE-tainted meat could be responsible for Alzheimer’s disease. As previously noted, the number of reported Alzheimer’s cases continues to rise at an alarming rate. While there exists no definitive proof that Alzheimer’s is caused by the ingestion of prion tainted meat, its possibility remains highly suggestive. Aliens with a more advanced bio-technology may have a sophisticated understanding of the harmful effects of various pathogens upon the food chain. Ecological studies have shown that human beings are a part of a complex web where minor alterations can cause complex repercussions; repercussion perhaps not appreciated by us, but clearly evident to entities with a more evolved bio-consciousness.

    It is also well recognized in the abductee literature that many aliens subject their “guests” to a kind of environmental indoctrination. They are shown scenes of our Planet’s environment’s morphing from a pristine world to one degraded by human mismanagement and war into a kind of purgatory devoid of all beauty and splendor. I can imagine that expanding civilizations far more advanced than our own may realize that Earth-like planets are extremely rare and the richness in biodiversity our planet provides may be of special interest to them. In their prolonged experience, aliens may feel that our Planet deserves greater care than we have thus far provided. Of course, whether this concern for our planet’s well-being is for us, them, or a hybrid race, or even both is impossible to discern.

    In all probability non-terrestrial visitors represent a multitude of different entities, each with a different origin, history, culture, technology, social architecture, and agenda. How could Pacific Islanders centuries ago have understood the complex psychology of visiting western Europeans in their tall white sailing vessels? Some cosmic visitors may have senses and minds than we may never be able to fathom. While human behavior is loosely founded on love, empathy, and moral guidelines, those who abduct our citizenry and mutilate our cattle may be guided by dedication to an objective that we can only vaguely understand. For the present, their long-term concern regarding the survival of our species remains unknown. But whatever their ultimate agenda may be, I sense that it is dedicated to something that requires continually monitoring our environment through the gut of mutilated animals.


    Autopsy Report:

    Evidence supporting the existence of a phenomenon known as animal mutilations is ubiquitous and robust. Conventional explanations have failed to account for a number of attributes associated with the phenomenon, specifically; preciseness of the mutilations, bizarre forensic findings uncovered during necropsies, the lack of any known human activity that could account for the assaults, and lastly their enduring prevalence and global distribution. What remains is a body of circumstantial evidence that suggests animal mutilations are extraterrestrial in origin. Though unorthodox, this hypothesis remains the most viable explanation as to the cause of the phenomenon.

    The motive for these events is still unclear. One possibility advanced in this paper is that aliens are using the toxicology of cattle, sheep, and other grazers to monitor the effects of ingested toxins throughout the food chain. In support of this hypothesis, many of the tissues being excised from mutilated animals have rapid rates of cellular growth. These include parts of the animals containing the gastrointestinal tract and sex organs. Both of these organ systems have rapidly growing cell lines making them ideal for studying the effects of toxins. One such class of toxins called Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE’s), are known for their propensity to produce detrimental unevenly folded proteins known as prions. In turn, prions have been associated with mad cow disease and a number of other pathogenic anomalies, possibly even Alzheimer’s disease. Assuming the extraterrestrials are indeed responsible for animals’ mutilations, their actions may be motivated by a desire to monitor the effects of environmental toxins on mammalian tissues.

    However, there may be a darker side to the phenomenon. It’s undeniable that governments, scientists, and prominent media have stubbornly refused to recognize the existence of an animal mutilation problem. In view of the phenomenon’s overwhelming prevalence, and the fiscal burden placed upon ranchers, farmers and herders who continually lose their livestock to these mutilations, it’s difficult to justify why these state and federal agencies have steadfastly remained inattentive to the matter. This official lack of concern may simply be a misguided sense of responsibility for the public’s welfare, or it could signal something far more sinister; that humans as well as animals are being mutilated and the activity cannot be regulated through governmental authority.

    It is my opinion that the mutilation phenomenon is but a single tile to a complex alien jigsaw puzzle. Yet, I sense a growing willingness to openly and frankly discuss the possibility that aliens are already here and that their presence is reflected in other unexplained phenomenon taking place throughout the world that cannot be accounted for by traditional means. It is imperative that individuals of conscience do their utmost to accurately report events even if their observations are not congruent with our current views of what is possible or real.

    Something is going on that cannot be explained. We know that it’s real despite declarations to the contrary by many respected authorities. All we can do is remain faithful to what we see, hear, and experience without being swayed by the disfavor of those who continually deny their possibility. Ultimately, reality will not be constricted by our understanding of it.


    I would like to conclude by offering some recommendations that could advance our understanding of the animal mutilation mystery. Of course, these suggestions are only small measures towards that end. Solving this enigma is a work in progress that can only be resolved through the continual investment of thought, time and effort. Hopefully, the following recommendations can serve as a stepping stones toward that end.

    1. Individuals and groups dedicated to investigating animal mutilations should make efforts to coordinate their time, effort and limited resources. Sharing information, organizing collected data, reviewing new findings, can all be facilitated through computer software, emails and use of the Internet. Attempts should be made to establish central collection sites in the countries affected by the phenomenon, like Linda Moulton Howe’s official website in the U.S. and the Animal Pathology Field Unit in the U.K.
    2. Whenever possible, mutilations sites should be assigned GPS coordinates to facilitate the search for patterns of activity.
    3. In areas known to be “hot spots” of mutilation activity, efforts should be undertaken to assist cattlemen protect their herds. Voluntary night surveillance teams armed with infrared cameras and sensitive electronic monitoring devices would greatly increase good will between ranchers and investigators. Efforts could also be undertaken to scan younger livestock with magnetometers, metal detectors or other sophisticated devices to determine if the animals have been “pre-tagged” in some way for abduction. Should that be the case, targeted livestock should be segregated from the main herd and temporarily placed in a more secure location.
    4. Field investigators are requested to confirm reports by farmers that both natural predators and kindred livestock avoid the presence of mutilated carcasses. The degree and duration of this avoidance should be documented when possible. If this observation is found to be valid, efforts should be undertaken to determine its cause and nature.
    5. An effort should be made to determine if the carcasses of dead animals found suspended or entangled in power lines show classical signs of mutilation. Should that be the case, the finding would greatly support the notion that their bodies were not placed there by pranksters but rather have been dropped onto the lines from above.
    6. Ranchers and farmers whose livestock are victims of animal mutilations should make efforts to present personal cases in a public forum like newspapers, radio or television. Veterinarians or forensic pathologists who examine mutilated animal carcasses in turn present their findings at professional meeting or submit them to professional journals in order to better document the seriousness of the phenomenon.
    7. Local law enforcement officers should be requested to log animal mutilations reports by noting the date, time and location of the occurrence in their daily logs. In addition, if possible photos should be taken showing all visible mutilations. Understanding the burden this may place on many police departments, I suggest a serious investigator or qualified volunteer be designated the task.
    8. Mutilation investigators should seek the assistance of state and federal park rangers and marine enforcement officials to report mutilations cases that come to their attention during the course of their routine activities so that follow-up investigations can be initiated.
    9. Ufologists should assist mutilation investigators in their efforts to better document and record the presence and nature of nocturnal lights near mutilation sites. This should include any ground traces they may come across during their investigations.
    10. I sincerely believe that many government officials are uninformed or misinformed regarding the existence and extent of unexplained animal mutilations. It’s imperative that they be freely provided with credible evidence in the form of statistics, photographs, notarized testimonies, necrology reports and other formal forms documentation. The time and effort spend doing so could prove invaluable in gaining their assistance to resolve this perplexing issue.


    [1] Richard Bonenfant, Ph.D. See upper right column.

    [2] David M. Jacobs; The UFO Controversy in America; Indiana University Press, 1975. p. 15.

    [3] Linda Moulton Howe is a freelance investigative reporter affiliated with Clear Channel’s Premiere Radio Networks Coast to Coast AM who has produced dozens of TV documentaries including A Strange Harvest which examines the worldwide animal mutilation phenomenon. After graduating from Stanford University with a master’s degree in Communication, she went on to produce more than a hundred live TV studio programs concerning science, environment and medicine. She also created the award-winning science, environment, and X-files website Her published books include An Alien Harvest © 1989; Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses © 1993; Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness © 1998; Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles 2nd Edition © 2002.

    [4] Linda Moulton Howe, Hearing Disclosure: Anomalies of Animal Mutilation Excisions.

    [5] John Henry Altshuler, M. D., a doctor of pathology and hematology, who studied at McGill University, was working as a pathologist at Rose Medical Center in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Altshuler’s discoveries remained completely private until he talked to Linda Moulton Howe on the record for the first time for her 1989 book, An Alien Harvest because he did not want to jeopardize his medical career by reporting the “impossible facts” about the mutilated horse’s condition. Dr. Altshuler died in January 2004 after complications from a bicycle accident.

    [6] Linda Moulton Howe, © 2013 – ibid.

    [7] Papers by George E. Onet, DVM, Ph.D.; Animal Mutilations: What We Know

    George E. Onet, DVM, Ph.D. with Colm Kelleher, Ph.D.; Histological Changes in Bovine Skin Exposed to Natural Environmental Conditions

    George E. Onet, DVM, Ph.D. with Colm Kelleher, Ph.D.; Microscopic Changes in Bovine Tissues Exposed to Microwave Radiation, High Heat and Cauterization

    [8] Linda Moulton Howe, ibid.

    [9] Richard D. Hall is a graduate in electrical engineering from Newcastle University (1990). He initially worked on engineering projects for NEI (formerly Rolls Royce) until 2002 when he left the Company to pursue work as a freelance IT consultant and web designer. His book Aliens Before Gentlemen: A Guide to the Future, explores what information might become common knowledge in a post (UFO) Disclosure world. He now is a researcher and lecturer on the subject of UFOs and other related phenomena. In 2008 he established Rich Planet and has since produce two documentaries, Through the Psych. Ops. and The Information War as well as a series of TV programs about UFOs and Animal Mutilations.

    [10] Linda Moulton Howe, ibid.

    [11] The 1973 Doraty Abduction: Account of Calf Mutilation onboard an ET Craft; Introduction and Overview: Judy Doraty’s Personal Account

    [12] The Criminal Damage Act 1971, Chapter 48, Page 1.

    [13] George Knapp’s Street Talk: Cattle Mutilations

    [14] The Black Vault: Animal Mutilation, FBI records

    [15] Silent Killers: Animal Mutations

    [16] Karen Lyster, Human Mutilation Case, © 1994

    [17] Karen Lyster, © 1994 – ibid.

    [18] FBI Release under FOIA

    Operation Cattle Mutilation, Section 4. Alternate Source: Laboratory Reports:
    In a case documented by New Mexico police and the FBI, an 11-month-old cross Hereford-Charolais bull, belonging to a Mr. Manuel Gomez of Dulce, New Mexico was found mutilated on March 24, 1978. It displayed “classic” mutilation signs, including removal of the rectum and sex organs with what appeared to be “a sharp and precise instrument” and its internal organs were found to be inconsistent with a normal case of death followed by predation. They went on to say: “Both the liver and the heart were white and mushy. Both organs had the texture and consistency of peanut butter” Gabriel L Veldez, New Mexico Police

    [19] “Cattle Mutilations” Before It’s News; Abductee Account of Calf Mutilation; The Prion Hypothesis and Animal Mutilations

  19. makati1 on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 8:46 pm 

    Der, you do realize that no-one is going to read that? I certainly won’t. Summarize or forget it. No one here reads long articles by posters as most are BS.

  20. onlooker on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 8:49 pm 

    Yes Der, that was a bit too long. We live in the age of light speed bytes and instant gratification, didn’t you know

  21. MASTERMIND on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 8:54 pm 

    My Grandfather fought the Nazi’s, now its my turn..

  22. makati1 on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 9:04 pm 

    Its ALL about $$$$ (and Amerikan stupidity):

    “Pumping carbon dioxide into the air makes the planet greener; the United Nations puts out fake science about climate change to control the global energy market; and wind and solar energy are simply “dumb”…

    These are among the messages that flowed from the America First Energy Conference in New Orleans this week, hosted by some of the country’s most vocal climate change doubters – and attended by a handful of Trump administration officials.”

    Slip slidin’…

  23. makati1 on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 9:05 pm 

    MM, MY father fought the Nazis and now they are us…lol

  24. Bloomer on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 10:19 pm 

    The future isnt what it used to be that’s for sure. It’s hard to think too far ahead when most people are just trying to put food on their table.

    Meanwhile, we continue to experience floods in the spring follow by hot dry summers that fill the air with smoke as the forest burns. This is the new normal here in the Pacific Northwest. Who knew?

  25. Anonymouse1 on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 10:29 pm 

    Davyturd is a nazis(a cut-rate one), though he likes to pretend otherwise. Now he claims his relatives ‘fought’ them. Ok whatever. Davyturds sock just spams out all sorts of irreverent nonsense nonstop. He is like the village retard in that respect. Perhaps that is who ‘mushmind’ was modeled after, boatietard? He emulates the general mush-headed drift of boatretards indecipherable nonsense and decided to use that as a template.

    The takeaway? davyturds relatives fought ‘Nazis’. And the exceptionalturd has carried on in their grand tradition. Fighting a long, and losing battle with sanity, logic, reason AND all us interwebz gang-bangers. The turd is a true veteran of the web wars of the early 21st century. Maybe the donald will invite the turd to the white house one of these days and pin a medal to his sorry ass for his ‘service’.

  26. MASTERMIND on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 10:49 pm 


    My uncle fought the Nazi’s and was shot down in his plane..And he was held for over a year in a interment camp..They made him eat grass soup every day to stay alive..Believe it or not..There is just enough calories in grass to keep you barely alive..

  27. makati1 on Sun, 12th Aug 2018 11:00 pm 

    MM: Who gives a fuck what they did? It is what YOU do that is important in YOUR life. Now, not 75 years ago.

    I had four uncles and a father who served in WW2 and an uncle who served in Korea. Good for them. They had no choice because of the draft. They represented the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines. Does that make them better persons? No. It only indicates that they had no choice. They were lucky. All came back alive but they would not talk about it much. Not proud of their killing.

  28. DerHundistLos on Mon, 13th Aug 2018 12:46 am 

    The difference is I am a co-author. What have you done lately, Mak? Don’t read it. I don’t care. It’s for those who want to learn something new and important. But you frequently comment w/o reading.

  29. DerHundistLos on Mon, 13th Aug 2018 12:56 am 


    You’re always a gentleman. You SHOULD take the time to read this. It’s that important.

    You heard it here first… this is THE PANDEMIC now in the formation stage.

    To give you some idea how fearful governments are, the UK government back in the 1990s ordered the destruction of the entire herd of cattle in Great Britain in an attempt to control the spread. The cattle were cremated and the bone material was pulverized and sold worldwide as fertilizer. What nobody realized at the time is heat temps must exceed 3,000 F to kill the prion vectors. Normal cremation does not achieve high enough temps. so all that fertilizer sold simply spread the prion infection. It’s now too late.

  30. makati1 on Mon, 13th Aug 2018 12:56 am 

    Der, no one here will read it. It is just more irrelevant bullshit. I wrote a 300+ page SF novel, but you don’t see me posting it here. I am not arrogant, just mature and intelligent.

  31. Cloggie on Mon, 13th Aug 2018 1:20 am 

    My uncle fought the Nazi’s and was shot down in his plane..And he was held for over a year in a interment camp

    No doubt bombing innocent civilians, how Anglo. He had no business being over German skies anyway. He should have been shot. Instead he conquered Germany and the rest of Europe for the (((oligarchs))).
    (Churchill and Baruch)

    Now these Anglo suckers begin to understand what they have been doing as they are losing their country to the third world:

    And whining around the clock about “collapse”, pointing at “peak oil” (Exxon: worldwide 4.5 trillion barrels left), while the real reason is that America is turning from Sweden (PPP GDP/capita 51k) into Nigeria/Mexico (PPP GDP/capita 5k, 18k resp.).

    America, en route to the third world while pretending it is still first world.

    American empire: 1945-202x RIP
    Death by demographic suicide.

  32. makati1 on Mon, 13th Aug 2018 4:00 am 

    “As US capitalism has become weaker on the world stage, its lust for war has grown even more ravenous and uncontrollable. Every President since Jimmy Carter has placed the military further and further into the commanding heights of US capitalism itself in a desperate attempt to stabilize a crumbling empire….

    Russia is dangerous to the United States because it is a growing capitalist power willing to defend the right to self-determination of Syria and the planet….

    US imperialism has reached a stage where war and austerity have become illegitimate to most of the planet, even if most people living inside the empire are taking longer to catch on.”

    Slip slidin’…

  33. deadly on Mon, 13th Aug 2018 7:02 am 

    The long screed is a good read.

    Spongiform encephaly is does occur in humans.

    It is Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.

    A good friend of mine contracted the disease and died in a short period of time.

    You don’t want to ever be a victim. It is a sad situation.

  34. MASTERMIND on Mon, 13th Aug 2018 7:21 am 


    Sorry your sources are not credible..Daily mail is a tabloid that runs fake news stories all the time..Its sad you have to use such laughable sources..And you won’t ask an expert to verify your WW2 theories..Because you know they will be laughed at..You are a low IQ moron..Like all the studies show right wingers are..If it wasn’t for the white liberal the white man’s IQ would be lower than minorities..

  35. fmr-paultard on Mon, 13th Aug 2018 7:45 am 

    hello deadtard and dertard, you guys are tarding hard. remember der has a history of not providing evidence of probing. his “evidence” was “FBI investigated”. This smells like desperation and I called him out on it. I alone said FBI investigate everything, sometimes they just want to send a newbie to the field to give him/her something to do.

    I’m a tard, I do basic tard research. I have seen zero info describing the physical nature of this protein, what chemical composition, molecular structure, binding energy.

    So I’m not interested in your type of conspiratard. take it elsewhere or go hang out with juantard in his damp boat.

  36. Theedrich on Thu, 16th Aug 2018 12:16 am 

    The Mars fantasy is a brain embolism.  A scam to excuse pouring more taxpayer money into the space-fixated military, and nothing more.

    In reality, the explosive invasion of White countries by paranthropoids is turning the only livable parts of the planet into realms of cloacal squalor, just like the DeepState and nihilists want.  But of course, it enriches the elites, and that is the only thing that matters.

    The Yid media often pulls the religious rabbit out of the bag:  “Jesus wants Whitey to love lowlife and social flotsam,” etc., etc.  The only thing about the biblical blather is that the Bible never says anything about the results of excess and overextension.  The insatiable ThirdWorlders demand everything Whitey has, and more.  So with their importation by the White genosuicidists in the government and various other leech sectors, the sci-fi scenarios imagined by the futurists can be expected to be flushed down the toilet of many other vanished religions.

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