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World’s largest nuclear reactor aims to power the Earth with unlimited energy

World’s largest nuclear reactor aims to power the Earth with unlimited energy thumbnail

While it may sound like part of the Mandalorian creed, experts at ITER claim “The Way” here on Earth is headed to an unimaginable goal: everlasting energy.

Experts at ITER, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (and also Latin for “the way,” per the agency) are working to harness fusion reactions, the same energy source that powers the sun, according to the project’s website.

If successful, the experts in southern France could provide a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear fission with “arguably the most complex machine ever designed,” ITER’s communications lead Laban Coblentz told Euronews Next.

Nuclear energy is far from new science, and while there have been well-reported disasters, the technology is stable with the right personnel oversight and protection from natural disasters like earthquakes. Fission is used to power the 436 nuclear reactors around the world and requires slamming neutrons into larger atoms to create energy, splitting them into smaller particles. The process does not contribute significant greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, but it does produce radioactive waste.

Fusion, on the other hand, forms a heavier atom when two smaller particles slam together. The result is far more energy than fission, and without the radioactive waste, all per the United States Department of Energy.

The ITER team wants to prove that the process can be industrialized. They have been at work on the project since at least 2005. Testing includes the largest magnetic confinement chamber on the planet, which the researchers call a tokamak.

When complete, the chamber will weigh more than 25,000 tons, withstanding temperatures of up to 302 million degrees Fahrenheit. It creates power by using some of the hot particles to heat water, which would power a turbine via steam, all per Euronews.

The process requires unfathomable heat. For reference, USA Today reports that our 4.5 billion-year-old sun is 27 million degrees Fahrenheit at its core.

“You try to take something up to 150 million degrees [Celsius]. You try to make it the scale that is needed and so forth. It’s just a difficult thing to do,” Coblentz told Euronews.

The project hasn’t been without setbacks. The cost was originally budgeted at about $5.5 billion. But Euronews reports that it’s now nearly $22 billion. To stay on schedule, Coblentz told the online news agency that the experts plan to skip “first plasma” — a testing milestone — “to get to fusion power initially in 2035.”

“We’ll make sure that that testing gets done in another way so that we can stick as much as possible to that date,” he said.

He added that the complex nature of the project is a challenge, often because it is groundbreaking research.

“Simply due to the complexity and the multitude of first-of-a-kind materials, first-of-a-kind components in a first-of-a-kind machine,” he said to Euronews.

This isn’t the only team working on novel nuclear projects. American icon Westinghouse is developing a small fission reactor set to go online in 2029. It’s unique because it’s portable and can power remote locations for about eight years without water, reducing upward of 55,000 tons of air pollution annually, according to the company.

ITER’s team is looking sunward for inspiration. And instead of waiting for the sunbeams to fall to our solar panels, they want to harness the source.

With planetwide overheating ravaging the world, the team is also feeling the heat.

“The longer that we wait for fusion to arrive, the more we need it,” Coblentz said in the Euronews report. “So the smart money is: get it here as fast as possible.”


645 Comments on "World’s largest nuclear reactor aims to power the Earth with unlimited energy"

  1. This is personal on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 12:44 pm 

    I will walk over your cadavers for stealing my hand guns. This is a personal issue for me that I have with Québec and Canada.

  2. muzz On This Day...2012.02.08 Somalia Mogadishu 15 24 Fifteen people at a hotel cafe are torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 12:53 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  3. You are unworthy on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 1:07 pm 

    The fact that the Jews are still alive prove that you have no morality and are unworthy of life and divine knowledge.

  4. I will get your cadavers on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 1:17 pm 

    I have a personal vendetta with Québec and Canada over stealing my liberties to carry conceal hand guns.

  5. Crap math models on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 1:23 pm 

    I was talking with some people about thermal exchange. GOD earth have crappy mathematical model on heat exchanges. No wonder why you are incapable of doing a decent and reliant ICE.

  6. FUck fernch on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 2:04 pm 

    you fucking piece of shit garbage Quebecers and Canadian politicians. It is not about the preservation of French language I don’t give a shit about french language. I told you what I care about, you stole my right to carry a conceal hand gun bought incognito.

    Fuck canada is populated with worthless imbeciles.

  7. FUck Quebec on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 2:10 pm 

    I want all the population of Quebec of Canada dead because of hand guns laws. I will walk over your fucking cadavers to steal my liberties. Plus you are unworthy of dvivine knowledge.

  8. Hand guns please on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 2:12 pm 

    I don’t are about the fucking french language and the preservation of Quebec past heritage. I care only about hand guns.

  9. Bigger picture on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 2:35 pm 

    Anyway I want everyone dead on planet earth. It is not about pathetic useless humans who think that are some kind of GOD because they have electricity. Bigger picture still elude all of you.

  10. We move forward on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 2:50 pm 

    I am finishing now my last electronic project: a heat PI controller for my bed. I want it to be done before we shutdown China manufacturing supply chain and kill the whole planet. I have ordered everything I would need from China. We can move forward and shutdown the world.


  11. Fat pig on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 3:30 pm 

    Turn the sound off, watch the body language of the fat pig. He is mental retard pretending to be some kind of GOD

  12. why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 3:35 pm 

    On This Day…

    2004.02.08 Philippines Mangosatubig 2 1 Moro Islamic Front terrorists attack a fishing village, killing two and injuring one.

  13. Clean is going on now on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 3:39 pm 

    Some of you probably think I am not serious about killing all the people of earth. I am serious about it. earth is doing what it is supposed to do, kill all the undesirable people that we hate. Once this done, will move to something else, knowing that nobody will be able to hijack other creator creation because we kill all the pêople of earth.

  14. Bullet casing material on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 4:00 pm 

    Bullet casings, also known as cartridge cases, play a crucial role in ammunition. They not only give shape and size to the bullet but also protect it from external forces. Let’s explore the materials commonly used for making these casings:

    Brass: The most prevalent material for cartridge casings is C260 brass, also known as “Cartridge Brass.” It’s an alloy of copper and zinc, with a few trace elements. Brass casings offer good corrosion resistance, strength, and ease of reloading12.
    Steel: Some casings are made from steel. Steel casings are durable and cost-effective but are less malleable than brass. They are commonly used in military surplus ammunition.
    Copper: Copper casings are less common but have their advantages. They are lightweight, resistant to corrosion, and can be easily recycled. However, they tend to be more expensive.
    Aluminum: Aluminum casings are lightweight and cheaper than brass. However, they are less durable and not as commonly used.

    There is no substitute for copper. We have done this on purpose

  15. Famine here it is coming on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 4:30 pm 

    So nice not being hungry or having food craving. So nice to have no desire for foods or no need of food to stay alive. We can start a worldwide famine now.

  16. I wan revenge on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 5:50 pm 

    I see that some people are trying to save earth or themself by pretending that cars theft is a big problem in Montreal. You are here to die. We are in the process of shutting down China and to start a worldwide famine. We don’t care about earth or people living on it.

    I still want to walk over the cadaver of Quebecers and Canadians for stealing my hands guns. This is personal for me and it matters to me to get an appropriate revenge for stealing my hand guns.

  17. Je veux sa tete on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 6:27 pm 

    Je veux aussi avoir la tête décapitée de la chienne sala a Legault.

  18. Revenge keep my desire of living alive on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 7:21 pm 

    I am going walk over Quebecers and Canadians cadavers as written in he revelation 19. I will walk over your dead torso until my feet sink down to your dead spine. This is personal for me and it matters to me to get an appropriate revenge for stealing my hand guns.

    17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, 18 so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.”

  19. muzz On This Day… 2004.02.08 Philippines Mangosatubig 2 1 Moro Islamic Front terrorists attack a fishing village, killing two and injuring one. on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 8:34 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  20. I am being manipulated on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 9:11 pm 

    We have a problem here. You are using me to write your BS theater because you want to save earth population and earth civilization. I know I am being manipulated so I can help you save planet earth. This is not my goal. My goal is to kill everyone on earth.

    We don’t share the same goal. I will need to find away to extract myself from this shit.

  21. I want revenge on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 9:21 pm 

    I really means it when I say that I wants to walk over Quebecers and Canadians cadavers for stealing my hand guns. I am not saying that to advance your BS theater. I want Canadians cadavers. This is not a joke for me. I want a revenge and see all Canadians suffer.

  22. open letter to elite whitey supertard president putin when are we gona amputate elite whitey supertard president thunderf00t on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 11:14 pm 

    When convid first started circa March 2020 this elite whitey supertard president went on self imposed quarantine and i said it smellz

    and demanded immediate amputation

    ask urself if someone speak high british english does he love supremacist muzzies of course he does

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  23. MUZZ eyes are the leather strap of the anus Sunan Abi Dawud 203 (Book 1, Hadith 203) on Thu, 8th Feb 2024 11:35 pm 


    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  24. MUZZ THE EYES ARE THE LEATHER STRAP OF THE ANUS Sunan Abi Dawud 203 (Book 1, Hadith 203) on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 1:12 am 


    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  25. Earth is an execution chamber on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 4:15 am 

    For me this is not fake theater, I am here to make sure that everyone on earth die. There is no substitue for copper as I explained. We did that on purpose because earth is designed as an execution chamber. Revelation 19 is telling you the futur, I will walk over the cadavers of Quebecers and Canadians eventually as my personal revenge.

  26. We are accelerating things on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 4:22 am 

    There is no invasion. We are the ones creating false immigrants to accelerate earth natural ressources depletion. The execution of earth population takes too much time, we are now acceleration things.

    When I say I hate all of you, I mean it.

  27. You are here to die on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 4:30 am 

    You cannot leave earth because it would defeat the purpose at to why we created earth: to kill all of you. You cannot access earth calculators to make needed modifications to stop your execution, you cannot leave earth through space, there is no inner earth and no doors to leave earth as there is nothing else beside earth.

    You are here to die.

  28. Their evilness has not limites on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 5:56 am 

    Look at how the operate with their Israel war. They are always playing war theater when it is time to kill big number of people. See the actual Israel theater, they want to kill the Jews, so they are creating a scenario where the Jews genocide the Palestinians in a hope that people will turn on the Jews and kill all of them. They use the same script as WW1 and WWII. I was indeed working with the devil. They always play hidden manipulative theater. They always hide their real intentions and are incapable of doing forward honest theater. I demand a forward and honest execution of all the Jews not hidden execution of the Jews. The play the same theater with US immigration using Abbot as a way to start a civil war withing the US.

  29. Anothe day on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 6:36 am 

    Now they want to start an US internal civil war using Greg Abbott of Texas and the leftist supporting Bidet. They want to use immigration as a starting seed for a civil war in US.

  30. Chamber where to die on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 6:38 am 

    Look at my comments above. There are reasons why we created earth as an execution chamber. If you are living on earth you are a bad person and schedule for execution.

  31. Where do yo live on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 6:46 am 

    There is a reason why there is no substitute to copper. Because you live in an execution chamber.

    When your copper run out, your electrical grid will shutdown.

  32. why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 7:43 am 

    MUZZ THE EYES ARE THE LEATHER STRAP OF THE ANUS Sunan Abi Dawud 203 (Book 1, Hadith 203)

  33. cuivre on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 3:12 pm 

    Je le savais que vous alliez ma sortir le trou de cul pour faire de manipulation emotionelle.

    J’ai just un chose a dire: cuivre.

  34. Cuivre ici on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 3:22 pm 

    J’ai juste un chose a dire: cuivre

  35. Copper our secret killer on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 3:34 pm 

    I have one thing to say:copper

  36. Cuivre is your executioner on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 5:08 pm 

    All you need to know is this: cuivre

  37. Cuivre is our mass weapon on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 5:13 pm 

    Copper show our determination in the design of earth, to make it a perfect execution chamber with a success rate of 100%, revelation 19 tell you that I will walk all over your cadavers.

  38. It is pure perfection on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 5:28 pm 

    Go and study how the planet earth is designed. You will see that it is a perfect execution and torture chamber. Go look at engineering maths, chemistry, thermal heat transfert, and so on.

    You will see it is a perfect execution chamber.

  39. Go study earth design on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 5:32 pm 

    It is actually frightening, when you look at it, how good the design of earth is as an execution and torture chamber.

    Go and stupid how earth is designed.

  40. Copper on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 9:29 pm 

    I have one thing to say: copper

  41. Trees haverst on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 11:26 pm 

    Pretty obvious that some people came and took all the trees. Probably the same thing with Africa.

  42. why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Fri, 9th Feb 2024 11:43 pm 

    MUZZ THE EYES ARE THE LEATHER STRAP OF THE ANUS Sunan Abi Dawud 203 (Book 1, Hadith 203)

  43. THE EYES ARE THE LEATHER STRAP OF THE ANUS Sunan Abi Dawud 203 (Book 1, Hadith 203) on Sat, 10th Feb 2024 4:12 am 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  44. Cooper the best weapon we mades on Sat, 10th Feb 2024 5:40 am 

    I want to repeat that copper.

  45. GOD hates you on Sat, 10th Feb 2024 5:57 am 

    I have another thing to say about earth, heat. Not the heat from the sun, I am talking about the thermodynamic concept of heat. Earth is a perfect execution chamber. You can see the hatred that GOD has for the population of earth , just by studying the design of earth.

  46. Why not do it on Sat, 10th Feb 2024 7:20 am 

    I just had a murderous fantasies. I show up there unannounced with my personal guard and kill everyone driving a sport car. Go inside the casino and kill every rich people. I get my personal guard to rape any women that they want before killing them.

  47. Bomb Monaco out of existence on Sat, 10th Feb 2024 7:36 am 

    I would have no problem bombing Monaco water and electricity infrastructure and cut them off form international trade just to save natural ressources.

  48. i appoint elite supertard president eee supertard THE EYES ARE THE LEATHER STRAP OF THE ANUS Sunan Abi Dawud 203 (Book 1, Hadith 203) on Sat, 10th Feb 2024 10:17 am 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  49. his title is 'the lover' of supremacist muzz THE EYES ARE THE LEATHER STRAP OF THE ANUS Sunan Abi Dawud 203 (Book 1, Hadith 203) on Sat, 10th Feb 2024 10:19 am 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

    MUZZ THE EYES ARE THE LEATHER STRAP OF THE ANUS Sunan Abi Dawud 203 (Book 1, Hadith 203)

  50. ANAL SHOCK EXTREME PROLAPSE BAZZAIRE THE EYES ARE THE LEATHER STRAP OF THE ANUS Sunan Abi Dawud 203 (Book 1, Hadith 203) on Sat, 10th Feb 2024 11:02 am 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

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