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World’s largest nuclear reactor aims to power the Earth with unlimited energy

World’s largest nuclear reactor aims to power the Earth with unlimited energy thumbnail

While it may sound like part of the Mandalorian creed, experts at ITER claim “The Way” here on Earth is headed to an unimaginable goal: everlasting energy.

Experts at ITER, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (and also Latin for “the way,” per the agency) are working to harness fusion reactions, the same energy source that powers the sun, according to the project’s website.

If successful, the experts in southern France could provide a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear fission with “arguably the most complex machine ever designed,” ITER’s communications lead Laban Coblentz told Euronews Next.

Nuclear energy is far from new science, and while there have been well-reported disasters, the technology is stable with the right personnel oversight and protection from natural disasters like earthquakes. Fission is used to power the 436 nuclear reactors around the world and requires slamming neutrons into larger atoms to create energy, splitting them into smaller particles. The process does not contribute significant greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, but it does produce radioactive waste.

Fusion, on the other hand, forms a heavier atom when two smaller particles slam together. The result is far more energy than fission, and without the radioactive waste, all per the United States Department of Energy.

The ITER team wants to prove that the process can be industrialized. They have been at work on the project since at least 2005. Testing includes the largest magnetic confinement chamber on the planet, which the researchers call a tokamak.

When complete, the chamber will weigh more than 25,000 tons, withstanding temperatures of up to 302 million degrees Fahrenheit. It creates power by using some of the hot particles to heat water, which would power a turbine via steam, all per Euronews.

The process requires unfathomable heat. For reference, USA Today reports that our 4.5 billion-year-old sun is 27 million degrees Fahrenheit at its core.

“You try to take something up to 150 million degrees [Celsius]. You try to make it the scale that is needed and so forth. It’s just a difficult thing to do,” Coblentz told Euronews.

The project hasn’t been without setbacks. The cost was originally budgeted at about $5.5 billion. But Euronews reports that it’s now nearly $22 billion. To stay on schedule, Coblentz told the online news agency that the experts plan to skip “first plasma” — a testing milestone — “to get to fusion power initially in 2035.”

“We’ll make sure that that testing gets done in another way so that we can stick as much as possible to that date,” he said.

He added that the complex nature of the project is a challenge, often because it is groundbreaking research.

“Simply due to the complexity and the multitude of first-of-a-kind materials, first-of-a-kind components in a first-of-a-kind machine,” he said to Euronews.

This isn’t the only team working on novel nuclear projects. American icon Westinghouse is developing a small fission reactor set to go online in 2029. It’s unique because it’s portable and can power remote locations for about eight years without water, reducing upward of 55,000 tons of air pollution annually, according to the company.

ITER’s team is looking sunward for inspiration. And instead of waiting for the sunbeams to fall to our solar panels, they want to harness the source.

With planetwide overheating ravaging the world, the team is also feeling the heat.

“The longer that we wait for fusion to arrive, the more we need it,” Coblentz said in the Euronews report. “So the smart money is: get it here as fast as possible.”


645 Comments on "World’s largest nuclear reactor aims to power the Earth with unlimited energy"

  1. 2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 A Muslim bombing and stabbing attack leaves at least three others dead. only elite master race chink supertards can handle supremacist muzzies on Sat, 3rd Feb 2024 10:30 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  2. Chosse side you correctly on Sat, 3rd Feb 2024 10:32 pm 

    Worshipping and working with the Jews could put you and your nations on the bad side of GOD, the real one, not the fake Jews one.

  3. 2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 A Muslim bombing and stabbing attack leaves at least three others dead. only elite master race chink supertards presidents can handle supremacist muzzies on Sat, 3rd Feb 2024 11:03 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates


  4. why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Sun, 4th Feb 2024 8:06 am 


    On This Day…
    Feb 04, 1990: Cairo, Egypt
    A bus carrying Israeli academics is riddled with
    machine-gun fire by Quran fanatics: 11 Killed

  5. why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Sun, 4th Feb 2024 12:27 pm 

    world elite supremacist muzzies presidents bag day Feb 1st 2025


  6. My old life back on Sun, 4th Feb 2024 1:03 pm 

    I think I might be able to extract myself from this situation and stop commenting forever. I am making progress on removing myself from a situation I should have never let in. I will get my old life back, same as before as started making comments.

  7. supremacist muzzis On This Day yesterday...2018.02.03 Iraq Qahtaniya 70 0 Seventy Yazidi civilians are found in a mass ISIS grave on Sun, 4th Feb 2024 3:33 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  8. supremacist muzzies On This Day...2018.02.04 Thailand Pa Rai 1 0 A villager is slain by suspected Muslim 'insurgents'. on Sun, 4th Feb 2024 3:34 pm 

    only elite master race chink supertards can handle supremacist muzzies

  9. 2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 A Muslim bombing and stabbing attack leaves at least three others dead. only elite master race chink supertards presidents can handle supremacist muzzies on Sun, 4th Feb 2024 4:45 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

    world elite supremacist muzzies presidents bag day Feb 1st 2025

  10. A szupremacista világvilág elnökei táska nap 2025. február 1. on Sun, 4th Feb 2024 6:51 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

    world elite supremacist muzzies presidents bag day Feb 1st 2025

  11. All loser. They are unworthy on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 5:20 am 

    They are trying to leave earth using their BS theater but it is not working. Everything they have tried so far is a total failure: COVID, Ukraine war, Israel war, long neck, face move forward. Not matter what they do they cannot disable earth calculators: gravity, thermal, chemical, electrical. They are here to die because GOD hates them. Gravity calculator seem unaffected by their theater.

    C’est une simulation. Cela ne peut pas être autre chose. C’est impossible d’allonger le cou et d’avancer le visage dans une si court laps de temps sans causer la mort. En plus les livres de biologie humaines ont été mis à jour avec des images de long cous et visages avancés. Cela ne sert a rien d’écrire des commentaires. Je ne fait qu’avancer la simulation en avant. Une simulation faite de deux composantes : un aspect visuel et un aspect à calculateurs mathématiques. L’aspect visuel n’est pas important et est contrôlé par un faux dieu. Le vrai dieu contrôle les calculateurs.

    They still think they are worthy of being saved. They are not worthy of life and will be killed. A winner will chose dead instead of working with the devil, a loser will work with the devil to stay alive a little bit longer. the losers are WEF, agenda 2030, C40 cities,…

    From my point of view, Jean-Marc Jancovici is a loser that does not deserver life.

  12. 2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 A Muslim bombing and stabbing attack leaves at least three others dead. only elite master race chink supertards presidents can handle supremacist muzzies on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 10:10 am 

    Elderly Uyghur women imprisoned in China for decades-old religious ‘crimes’, leaked files reveal
    Hundreds of women sentenced for practices such as studying the Qur’an, dating back as far back as 60s and 70s, analysis of Chinese police…

  13. why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 10:15 am 

    only elite master race chink supertards presidents can handle supremacist muzzies

    2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 A Muslim bombing and stabbing attack leaves at least three others dead. only elite master race chink supertards presidents can handle supremacist muzzies

    Elderly Uyghur women imprisoned in China for decades-old religious ‘crimes’, leaked files reveal
    Hundreds of women sentenced for practices such as studying the Qur’an, dating back as far back as 60s and 70s, analysis of Chinese police…

  14. Fuk you on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 11:07 am 

    I will set the fucking on fire.

  15. Prepare to die on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 11:08 am 

    I am going to kill everyone living on earth. I cannot stand looking at your ugly face.


  16. boaty on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 11:36 am 


  17. I will walk over on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 12:03 pm 

    If you think you have an immigration problem, you have not seen anything yet. I will fill earth with so many immigrants that they will sleep in the street of your cities and stop all road transportation means.

    I will walk over the dead cadaver of Quebecers and Canadians for stealing my right to carry a conceal hand gun bought incognito.

  18. I will kill on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 12:55 pm 

    Is that so ? Is that so ?

    King Charles diagnosed with cancer: Buckingham Palace

    It smells like desperation. I will kill envérole living on earth. Does not matter what you do from now on.

  19. I will klll with no remorse on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 1:27 pm 

    I have futures projects for planet earth energy field but the whole planet earth is not invited and everyone on earth will be killed before anything else happen.

  20. I want emptlyness on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 1:33 pm 

    Certification will be carried on to make sure that all flesh bodies, all spirits or other beings are dead before anything else happen. I want to inherit a empty energy field before I put my own projects in it.

  21. Ou vit le diable on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 2:54 pm 

    Ce video ci-dessous a été fait par le government Suisse. Europe, UK et Israel sont les ‘endroit ou le diable a établi ses demeures. Je ne suis pas surpris que les Suisse endosse l’agenda 2030 de l’UN.

  22. All evil on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 3:18 pm 

    This is what I mean. The whole planet is evil. All the population of earth will be killed.

    Le développement social : Au cœur de notre quotidien

  23. Ready for the new on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 3:22 pm 

    Me and the invisible are ready for something new. First is to kill everyone. Earth is an execution chamber. I cannot believe how evil the whole population of earth is.

  24. I stole it on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 3:35 pm 

    This is not from me. I stole it from someone else:

    The elite are finding out the hard way that those who run and control the WEF aren’t actually interested in saving the elite. They just played the elite to get them to help try to eliminate the general populous. The elite are nothing and they are finding it out the hard way.

  25. 2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 A Muslim bombing and stabbing attack leaves at least three others dead. only elite master race chink supertards presidents can handle supremacist muzzies on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 4:00 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  26. 2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 A Muslim bombing and stabbing attack leaves at least three others dead. only elite master race chink supertards presidents can handle supremacist muzzies on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 4:11 pm 

    On This Day…
    Feb 05, 2018: Ariel, Israel
    A young rabbi and father of four is stabbed to death: 1 Killed

  27. You are not importnt on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 4:22 pm 

    The elites must be finding it difficult to accept that some people think that a car mechanics, a welder, a grocery staff are valuable that any politicians of the world, more valuable then any CEO of the world more valuable then any news anchors or journalists or desk pushing paper government employees.

  28. why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 5:24 pm 

    2011.02.05 DRC Kivu 12 0 ADF-NALU terrorists kidnap, torture and murder a dozen villagers

  29. muzz On This Day yesterday...2005.02.04 India Taryath 1 2 Two people escape after being kidnapped from their village by the Mujahideen, but another is executed. on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 6:27 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  30. white elite whitey (((supertard))) president Alice support censorship this elite then went on to MUZZ-19 herself with reckless abandonment WITH RETRACTABLE SYRINGE AND SALINE SOLUTION on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 6:28 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  31. You are not welcomed on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 6:42 pm 

    I want to repeat that. I have futures projects but it does not include people of earth. The first thing is to kill everyone living on planet earth. After that we will check that everyone is dead, people, spirits, energetic beings. They We will reset the energy field to zero. Meaning nothing will be left of earth. Then I will start from start.

    You are not welcome into my new life.

  32. I have some backing on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 7:16 pm 

    It is pretty obvious that I could not have done what I have done so far without the backing of some beings from the invisible world. If I can do what I did, it is because I have the backing of powerful beings. Nobody care about your shitty earth, your shitty flesh body, your shitty natural resources. Earth was designed as an execution chamber. Once the job is done we will move to something else.

  33. muzz On This Day tomorrow...2004.02.06 Russia Moscow 40 134 Forty people are murdered by a female Fedayeen suicide bomber as they were commuting to work on a Moscow subway. About one-hundred and thirty-four are injured. on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 7:45 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  34. only elite master race chink supertard presidents can handle supremacist muzz 2004.02.05 India Salar 4 7 Four Indian security forces are killed by a landmine planted by Muslim rebels in Kashmir. Seven others are injured on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 7:59 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  35. Trop de couleur, it looks fake on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 11:52 pm 

    C’est quelque chose que j’ai toujours trouvé bizarre à propos de la culture chinoise. Ils aiment les couleurs brillantes. Même chose avec Thaïlande.

    Toutes sortes de couleurs bizarres une à côtés des autres : jaunes, bleu, rouge. Cela a l’air gai.

  36. C'est gai comme de la marde on Mon, 5th Feb 2024 11:55 pm

  37. Soft porn on YouTube on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 4:00 am 

    Look at her butt. I will kill you for what you did to me whore. I don’t what to be part or your shit simulation.

  38. Ortmor Agency on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 6:14 am 

    Your blog is my daily dose of inspiration, no matter the industry you cover. Keep up the fantastic work!

  39. FULL WOKE SUPREMACIST MUZZIES JERK muzz On This Day...On This Day... Feb 06, 2011: Banten, Indonesia Three Ahmadi religious minorities are dragged from their homes and beaten to death: 3 Killed on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 11:01 am 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  40. I want my new life on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 12:02 pm 

    There is no immigration problem. There is no inner earth. It is GOD sending immigrants to kill earth population faster. I approve. Faster the population of earth is die, faster I can start my new life. There is no reason for me to keep earth alive, not after stealing my hands guns to please a bunch a vaginas. Let’s kill everyone on earth, so my life can start.

  41. I want a new life on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 12:05 pm 

    Faster the whole population of earth die, faster I can start my new life.


  42. You are naive on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 12:09 pm 

    You are really naive if you think I care about planet earth.

  43. FULL WOKE SUPREMACIST MUZZIES JERK muzz On This Day tomorrow...2005.02.07 Philippines Panamao 12 15 Muslim separatists attack Philippine troops, killing a dozen on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 12:28 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  44. You steal my guns on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 1:00 pm 

    The most important resources in Canada are the vaginas. We must be protect the vaginas at all cost. Canada must keep protecting the vaginas even if it will kill all the population of Canada. Think of the vaginas first, is Canada raison d’être. Fuck freedom and liberties, as long as the vaginas are happy. Well I am not happy and I consider that vaginas and Canada steal my right to carry a conceal hand gun bought incognito.

    I will make Canada pay for that.

  45. Muzzies Supremacist Domhanda Muzzies Uachtaráin Lá Mála Lá 1 Feabhra 2025 on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 2:17 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  46. There is no inner earth on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 2:31 pm 

    I will repeat that, there is no inner earth and you will never find the doors by which they are coming from. It is us filling up the earth with immigrants to kill all the population of earth faster. We want to move to something else and we need to speed up things.

  47. You will server as a warming on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 2:36 pm 

    It is important for us that the invisible world witness the dead and execution of everyone living on earth, so they know we are serious and capable of killing also. This is why we are not killing you right away. Earth will serve as a lesson and warning.

  48. OSB panel on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 6:09 pm 

    I really hate you fucking bitch. You see at 5:50 it is an OSB wood panel. I have talked about wood depletions and how they had to come up with replacement for full wooded beam with something made of OSB. They are using my comments to make video. GO see my personal list.

  49. FULL WOKE SUPREMACIST MUZZIES JERK muzz On This Day...2010.02.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A local soldier in a moving truck is killed by a Mujahideen sniper. on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 7:13 pm 

    why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates

  50. Elites gone on Tue, 6th Feb 2024 8:37 pm 

    Look at the face and eyes of this bitch. We are currently killing her. THe so called earth elites mean nothing to us. THey have nothing to offer us and will be killed first.

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