Page added on January 27, 2024
While it may sound like part of the Mandalorian creed, experts at ITER claim “The Way” here on Earth is headed to an unimaginable goal: everlasting energy.
Experts at ITER, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (and also Latin for “the way,” per the agency) are working to harness fusion reactions, the same energy source that powers the sun, according to the project’s website.
If successful, the experts in southern France could provide a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear fission with “arguably the most complex machine ever designed,” ITER’s communications lead Laban Coblentz told Euronews Next.
Nuclear energy is far from new science, and while there have been well-reported disasters, the technology is stable with the right personnel oversight and protection from natural disasters like earthquakes. Fission is used to power the 436 nuclear reactors around the world and requires slamming neutrons into larger atoms to create energy, splitting them into smaller particles. The process does not contribute significant greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, but it does produce radioactive waste.
Fusion, on the other hand, forms a heavier atom when two smaller particles slam together. The result is far more energy than fission, and without the radioactive waste, all per the United States Department of Energy.
The ITER team wants to prove that the process can be industrialized. They have been at work on the project since at least 2005. Testing includes the largest magnetic confinement chamber on the planet, which the researchers call a tokamak.
When complete, the chamber will weigh more than 25,000 tons, withstanding temperatures of up to 302 million degrees Fahrenheit. It creates power by using some of the hot particles to heat water, which would power a turbine via steam, all per Euronews.
The process requires unfathomable heat. For reference, USA Today reports that our 4.5 billion-year-old sun is 27 million degrees Fahrenheit at its core.
“You try to take something up to 150 million degrees [Celsius]. You try to make it the scale that is needed and so forth. It’s just a difficult thing to do,” Coblentz told Euronews.
The project hasn’t been without setbacks. The cost was originally budgeted at about $5.5 billion. But Euronews reports that it’s now nearly $22 billion. To stay on schedule, Coblentz told the online news agency that the experts plan to skip “first plasma” — a testing milestone — “to get to fusion power initially in 2035.”
“We’ll make sure that that testing gets done in another way so that we can stick as much as possible to that date,” he said.
He added that the complex nature of the project is a challenge, often because it is groundbreaking research.
“Simply due to the complexity and the multitude of first-of-a-kind materials, first-of-a-kind components in a first-of-a-kind machine,” he said to Euronews.
This isn’t the only team working on novel nuclear projects. American icon Westinghouse is developing a small fission reactor set to go online in 2029. It’s unique because it’s portable and can power remote locations for about eight years without water, reducing upward of 55,000 tons of air pollution annually, according to the company.
ITER’s team is looking sunward for inspiration. And instead of waiting for the sunbeams to fall to our solar panels, they want to harness the source.
With planetwide overheating ravaging the world, the team is also feeling the heat.
“The longer that we wait for fusion to arrive, the more we need it,” Coblentz said in the Euronews report. “So the smart money is: get it here as fast as possible.”
645 Comments on "World’s largest nuclear reactor aims to power the Earth with unlimited energy"
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Tue, 30th Jan 2024 12:44 pm
whoa its a full rainbowl all the way double rainbow oh my god all the way wow so intense double rainbow all the way across the sky so intense whoa what does this man oh goooood so intense double rainbow all the way across the sky what does it mean oh my god wdim
perhaps elite master race chink supertards wont be able to save us from supremacist muzzies
Ramadan Bombathon 2020 Final Score 175 Kills 718
my apologies i dont engage the new elite supertard presidents which are all AI bots i used to talk to OG elite supertard presidents who were numerous on this PO forum then they MUZZ-19 themselves with reckless abandonment WENT TO SAINT PETERS on Tue, 30th Jan 2024 1:04 pm
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates
I’m just a tard and fmr-paultard i enjoy basic science
above obv. i say the Merlin vacuum engine is a BS idea just like MUZZ-19 and Convid-19
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Tue, 30th Jan 2024 1:22 pm
this is my master treaties. i don’t waste time on this forum. it’s lame.
i don’t do manifesto its lame
i’m never here i don’t know this place, never spent a femtosecond here
this treatise is about love above. it’s love for muzzies. this is a peculiar kind of love for 7th century muzzies whose mode of transporation are magic carpets and camels like ann coulter said. thse muzzes are supremciast the best of humanity allah has created.
Ramadan Bombathon 2020 Final Score 175 Kills 718
Ramadan Bombathon 2021 Final Score Attacks 222 Kills 1103
muzzie bribe went with isis to make babies and now want to go back. what the world going to. this is ok but supertard big muzzie beard SAWS swt pbuh is banned from UK and harrassed by AA.
supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swt reported muzzies in ger comprise of 40% of jizya payment to the tune of 4 billion euros per month. with that money they could go REAL GREEN or FAKE GREEN, it doesn’t matter that would’d been prosperious without the rapey rapey and stabby muzzies. The scale of jizya is incredible. it’s all out in the open if you just listen to the UK muzzie andy choudary.
muzzie did london bridge 2 years ago and wore fake suicide vests because allah said kill and be kiled to get virgins, a sort of twisted suicide by cops. then muzzie did london bridge again and fake suicide vest. ht whitey supertard david wood.
while i drove supertard rock away (i’m glad he’s back now and i apologized profusely) muzzie died like a dog died. muzzie died like a dog is not a muzzie but was burried at sea as a muzzie. muzzie died like a dog is not a dog, not a muzzie either. muzzie died like a dog burried as a muzzie.
when i heard whitey trump used low english, it occured to me it’s a neglected form of communication and worthy of promotion. i immediately recognize genius trump and promoted him to whitey supertard trump (muzzies died like a dog). low english is something long leggged mack daddy can’t use because he thinks it would damage his high educaiton as supertard pastor manning said.
then officer sean colier was killed by muzzie and mit scrubbed all info about muzzies on his memorial page. i also covered muzzie akbar sayeed who used low english consistently with doctrine supremacist muzzies used on infidels. whitey supertard john brady killed himself as result. awarding supertard title is only rare cases posthumously and was done by the univeristy. there are only 2 entities who can award supetard title and that’s me and the university of whitey supertard john brady.
muzzie sabotage airliner and got loved 1000x in the form of reporting of “union dispute”. supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swtreported it’s actually jihad.
Then in astralia muzzie with big grin and smug looking face with a hat and meat grinder practically begged to be amputated and put on muzzie hamster wheel. cops love him 100000x more and are puzzled why he did this. i’m scratching my head too which has thinning hair
Muzzie in NZ allah acbar and went after cop with axe. Cops loved muzzie 10000x love conquer all. No tweet AOC SAWS pbuh swt , not siri Lanka, not when muzzie shot 6 cops on philadelphia. 25 billion tweet on Christchurch though
then there we deceptions of deep green, real green, deep deep green, fake fake green, and all the permutations of green. when AOC SAWS pbuh swt – (ZOMG i’m amazed at the technology in a sink food grinder) failed, the greta SAWS pbuh swt deception kicked in. I belived everything even the fantastic flying goat story.
for many years, centuries, million, quadrillion of years since (((supremetard))) SAWS pbuh swt created heaven and earth and before supertards SAWS pbuh swt big muzzie beard and glenn roberts put up web sites, i warned tards and supertards about muzzies.
i made no progress sort of like banging head against concrete, concrete wins everytime
but then i “reverted” to a supremacist muzzie jerk and I’m the best of humanity allah has created. i wear a muzzie dress and i pee sitting down holding up the bathroom line. this made supertard SAWS pbuh swt have bladder infection but the love for muzzies only intensified.
and now i have superpower, big goat SAWS pbuh swt is feeling intense heat. all stops are pulled it seems – even supertard Robert Inget the controlled libtard opposition is deployed to censor me. but uppertard SAWS pbuh swt is not going to destroy free speech for someones love of muzzie. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh swt dropped the appeal and that’s final. it’s now as good as case law. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh is back being occupied with his bunker and learjet and auto keltecs and he said absolutely do not bother him. so it’s set in stone that uppertard SAWS swt pbuh is not going to modify this forum
knew some wrong when a pretty little white girl ran to a black man arms dead giveaway deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed giveaway my neighbor got big testicles cuz we see this d00d everyday we ate RIBBS with dis d00d on Tue, 30th Jan 2024 6:05 pm
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates
I’m just a tard and fmr-paultard i enjoy basic science
above obv. i say the Merlin vacuum engine is a BS idea just like MUZZ-19 and Convid-19
Update of my list on Tue, 30th Jan 2024 9:55 pm
Lack of proper identification.
Cannot validate morality.
Lack of explanations of who I am and my role in this crap theater.
Abusive spying on my personal life. They are always observing me.
Abusive intrusion into my personal life.
No monetary compensation after 4 years of free work, it could be seen as manipulative abuse.
J’ai déjà été heureux avant d’être contacté.
Ils ont ruiné ma vie, les tabernacles, m’impliquant dans ce théâtre de merde.
They have completely destroyed the best of me, I will never be the same.
Les tabernacles m’utilise pour écrire leur théâtre de merde.
Ils ont tous échoué mes tests de moralité et de IQ.
No explanations about my skin changes, it is a blessing I did not take the vaccine. I am not impressed with the body modifications so far. My legs are still stiff and my vision is still bad. Not impressed.
Je vais te tuer crisse de conne. Je veux divorcer.
Je connais seulement la douleur physique et mentale.
Je n’ai pas donné mon autorisation pour faire partie de la simulation.
Je fais partie d’une simulation and experimentation (Trudeau, Legault, Langevin, Juif, WEF, Kleck and the invisible whore) qui étudie mes actions, mes pensées et mes principes philosophiques et qui me manipule.
They are never there for me when I need help, think of pain tooth, they have nothing to offer me.
They lied to me since I am born and still continue to lie to me since this day.
I should not work with them. We don’t have the same goal. They want to save earth and stop so called invasion. I want eternal death done painlessly without possibility of reincarnation . We have incompatible goals.
They use my mind and commentaries to manipulate me and keep me involve in their scenario.
J’ai fait une erreur en écrivant des commentaires. Ne fait pas la même erreur en prenant une position de leadership.
Il est temps que je reçoive quelque chose qui me rend heureux.
Je suis manipuler par le mode invisible depuis ma naissance.
My whole life is a big lie.
Some of my thoughts are coming from the invisible world and are not mines. Be aware of that at anytime.
Une position de leadership me rendrait encore plus malheureux que maintenant. Rejeter ces pensées. La simplification de ma vie et le détachement émotionnel sont les voix philosophiques à suivre.
I am a created being. I am tool for them to solve a problem they cannot solved themselves. I have no real value outside the purpose of my creation. This is why they are comfortable to use me without pay and respect.
They want the knowledge in my comments but without paying for it.
When I write comments I help them stop immigration and keep earth alive. This is against my main goal that is to destroy earth and kill everyone living on earth.
If I was really that important for the future of earth, they would have killed Blinken and his family as I demanded and all the Jews of the world as I demanded. They don’t believe that I am really their last hope and just want to use me for their personal gain.
If I was really that important for the future of earth, they would have changed the hand guns laws as I demanded. They don’t believe that I am their last hope and just want to use me for their personal gain.
Eating and drinking seem to modify the emotional mood and brain thoughts. Stop eating and drink only water. Doing this should make it easier for me to remove myself from this situation.
We don’t share the same goal. They want to save planet earth and I want to kill everyone and destroy planet earth. Their actions is really clear about that: stopping immigration, saving natural resources, avoiding any big disruption of the supply chain or political landscape, continuous worshipping of the Jews.
It is pretty obvious they will use me until they end and they don’t intend on paying me or giving me a gift in any form, unless I submit to them.
There is way too much manipulative destructive psychological methods used on the Internet, movies, musics. Stop all these.
C40 cities will be destoryed withing on Tue, 30th Jan 2024 10:27 pm
We don’t share the same goal. They want to save planet earth and I want to kill everyone and destroy planet earth. Their actions is really clear about that: stopping immigration, saving natural resources, avoiding any big disruption of the supply chain or political landscape, continuous worshipping of the Jews.
They could change the hand guns immediately to make me happy. They won’t do it. They have a plan C40 cities. They are planning on destroying everything and move people into C40 cities.
C40 cities will be a disaster as high IQ, creative men like me will destroy their cites within using passive aggressive technics: destroying water infrastructure but doing a botch maintenance job on a pump. The only people that will voluntary participate in the C40 cities project are parasites, with no skill and borderline mentally retarded. Without the participation of men like me, nothing will be successful. They know it deep inside.
They control everything here on earth, not changing the hand guns laws to accommode me is like saying to my face, go fuck yourself, we don’t need you.
i knew some wrong when a pretty little white girl ran to a black man arms dead giveaway deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed giveaway my neighbor got big testicles cuz we see this d00d everyday we ate RIBBS with dis d00d on Tue, 30th Jan 2024 10:34 pm
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates
supremacist muzz:
On This Day…
Jan 30, 2015: Shikarpur, Pakistan
A suicide bomber destroys dozens of lives at a rival mosque: 60 Killed
Can be sabotrage easily on Tue, 30th Jan 2024 10:39 pm
There is way to sabotage the infrastructures from within the cites by doing botch maintenance jobs, for example by putting sand directly on a bearing while putting a new bearing. Men like me can sabotage your infrastructure from within and you ill never know that it is me.
there is no inner earth on Tue, 30th Jan 2024 11:12 pm
We don’t share the same goal. They want to save planet earth and I want to kill everyone and destroy planet earth. Their actions is really clear about that: stopping immigration, saving natural resources, avoiding any big disruption of the supply chain or political landscape, continuous worshipping of the Jews.
I see that you are playing immigration theater pretending to close the border. I came to the conclusion that you don’t know where the invaders are coming from. You want to stop immigration to keep your shit earth alive a bit longer.
Maybe you should finally realized the GOD hates you. GOD is sending you false invaders to kill earth population faster. There is no inner earth, you are here to die and you will die, believe us on this. You cannot find any doors, because there is no doors, it is us speeding up the execution of earth population.
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Wed, 31st Jan 2024 12:04 am
muzz supremacism:
“The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.” Quran 98:6
world supremacist muzzies bag day Feb1st 2024
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Wed, 31st Jan 2024 2:39 am
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Wed, 31st Jan 2024 7:00 am
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Wed, 31st Jan 2024 1:16 pm
On This Day…
Jan 31, 1990: Tuscon, AZ, USA
Islamic radicals stab a biochemist to
death for his religious views: 1 Killed
ALL elite supertard presidents OG who used to prost on this forum MUZZ-19 themselves with reckless abandonment PROMPTLY DEPARTED FOR SAINT PETERS ANAL SHOCK EXTREME PROLAPSE on Wed, 31st Jan 2024 2:51 pm
MUZZ-19 contains semen from DROPOUT-19
he mixes it in his basement using empty paint buckets
On This Day…
Jan 31, 1990: Tuscon, AZ, USA
Islamic radicals stab a biochemist to
death for his religious views: 1 Killed
muzz supremacism: “The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.” Quran 98:6 on Wed, 31st Jan 2024 9:22 pm
world supremacist muzzies presidents bag day Feb1st 2024
I take this occasion to appoint all elite supertard presidents supertard. their title is ‘the lover’ of supremacist muzzies
Ramadan Bombathon 2023
Attacks 145 KIlls 741
You are here to die on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 2:54 am
Lack of proper identification.
Cannot validate morality.
Lack of explanations of who I am and my role in this crap theater.
Abusive spying on my personal life. They are always observing me.
Abusive intrusion into my personal life.
No monetary compensation after 4 years of free work, it could be seen as manipulative abuse.
J’ai déjà été heureux avant d’être contacté.
Ils ont ruiné ma vie, les tabernacles, m’impliquant dans ce théâtre de merde.
They have completely destroyed the best of me, I will never be the same.
Les tabernacles m’utilise pour écrire leur théâtre de merde.
Ils ont tous échoué mes tests de moralité et de IQ.
No explanations about my skin changes, it is a blessing I did not take the vaccine. I am not impressed with the body modifications so far. My legs are still stiff and my vision is still bad. Not impressed.
Je vais te tuer crisse de conne. Je veux divorcer.
Je connais seulement la douleur physique et mentale.
Je n’ai pas donné mon autorisation pour faire partie de la simulation.
Je fais partie d’une simulation and experimentation (Trudeau, Legault, Langevin, Juif, WEF, Kleck and the invisible whore) qui étudie mes actions, mes pensées et mes principes philosophiques et qui me manipule.
They are never there for me when I need help, think of pain tooth, they have nothing to offer me.
They lied to me since I am born and still continue to lie to me since this day.
I should not work with them. We don’t have the same goal. They want to save earth and stop so called invasion. I want eternal death done painlessly without possibility of reincarnation . We have incompatible goals.
They use my mind and commentaries to manipulate me and keep me involve in their scenario.
J’ai fait une erreur en écrivant des commentaires. Ne fait pas la même erreur en prenant une position de leadership.
Il est temps que je reçoive quelque chose qui me rend heureux.
Je suis manipuler par le mode invisible depuis ma naissance.
My whole life is a big lie.
Some of my thoughts are coming from the invisible world and are not mines. Be aware of that at anytime.
Une position de leadership me rendrait encore plus malheureux que maintenant. Rejeter ces pensées. La simplification de ma vie et le détachement émotionnel sont les voix philosophiques à suivre.
I am a created being. I am tool for them to solve a problem they cannot solved themselves. I have no real value outside the purpose of my creation. This is why they are comfortable to use me without pay and respect.
They want the knowledge in my comments but without paying for it.
When I write comments I help them stop immigration and keep earth alive. This is against my main goal that is to destroy earth and kill everyone living on earth.
If I was really that important for the future of earth, they would have killed Blinken and his family as I demanded and all the Jews of the world as I demanded. They don’t believe that I am really their last hope and just want to use me for their personal gain.
If I was really that important for the future of earth, they would have changed the hand guns laws as I demanded. They don’t believe that I am their last hope and just want to use me for their personal gain.
Eating and drinking seem to modify the emotional mood and brain thoughts. Stop eating and drink only water. Doing this should make it easier for me to remove myself from this situation.
We don’t share the same goal. They want to save planet earth or leave planet earth and I want to kill everyone and destroy planet earth. Their actions is really clear about that: stopping immigration, saving natural resources, avoiding any big disruption of the supply chain or political landscape, continuous worshipping of the Jews. They want to leave earth but GOD will not allow it. They are here to be executed.
It is pretty obvious they will use me until they end and they don’t intend on paying me or giving me a gift in any form, unless I submit to them. They will abandon me as soon as I am not usefull to them anymore
There is way too much manipulative destructive psychological methods used on the Internet, movies, musics. Stop all these.
They won’t give me back my hands guns but they will use my comments to push forward their theatre. They will use everything they can from me and abandon me when they are done with me.
I have only one weapon against them , disappears as best as I can, no comments, keep the curtains closed, less trip to the grocery store.
They are trying to leave earth using their BS theater but it is not working. Everything they have tried so far is a total failure: COVID, Ukraine war, Israel war, long neck, face move forward. Not matter what they do they cannot disable earth calculators: gravity, thermal, chemical, electrical. They are to die because GOD hates them. Gravity calculator seem unaffected by their theater
Joete on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 2:59 am
There is not invasion, this is why you cannot find any doors. The earth is filled by GOD of fake beings that will accelerate the depletion of natural ressources and execute all the population of earth faster. Don’t look for doors, you won’t find any, it is good doing that to speed your execution.
You manipulating on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 3:31 am
I will repeat that. I know that I am being manipulated and that you are hiding the truth from me. This sound like fake BS theater created to leave earth. You were planning on using me to you leave earth. You were never planning to do anything nice for me. You are not leaving earth. You are here to die.
You are not leaving on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 3:42 am
You really thought that earth was only some kind of CGI matrix that could modify slowly by making YouTube videos. You really thought you could leave your flesh body by making video of all kind of people with all kind of body shape such as transgender. You really thought you could destroy the standard image of a flesh body and the would allow you to leave earth.
No it is not how it work. If you want to leave earth you have to stop the calculators: gravity, thermal, chemical, electrical, entropic. The calculators are locked as you are currently finding out. Your only way to leave earth is to access earth calculators so you can shutdown .You are here to die and you will die.
You like fucking me over on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 3:50 am
I still cannot believe that you refuse to change the hand gun laws to accommodate me. This is proving to me that you were intending on fucking me over and use me as your slave until I am of no use to you.
NASA fake BS on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 4:04 am
You really thought that you could create NASA as a fake entity, same as Tesla, as tool to help y ou leave earth. You really think that your shitty space X rocket will help you leave.
I will repeat:
No it is not how it work. If you want to leave earth you have to stop the calculators: gravity, thermal, chemical, electrical, entropic. The calculators are locked as you are currently finding out. Your only way to leave earth is to access earth calculators so you can shutdown .You are here to die and you will die.
You are here to die, I can guarantee that you will die
Ramadan Bombathon 2023
Attacks 145 KIlls 741
“The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.” Quran 98:6
I will walk over your cadavers on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 10:52 am
I am going to kill you fucking whore, for pushing this BS fake theater down my throat. You must not be really powerful whore, otherwise you would have modified the calculator.
I will kill everyone in Canada and Québec for stealing my guns and I will walk over all of your cadavers.
Useless Europeans on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 11:07 am
Europe, still try to pretend they are relevant when most of the world has moved on and stop listening to them. Fucking useless European parasites.
fuck EUropoe on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 11:20 am
My skin is changing color. My skin has the same color as the flame of a candle. Yellow white bright I would say.
I have won on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 11:27 am
Keep doing your garbage thearter. Either way I have already won, either I die or I leave earth. I have already won, you have already lost.
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates
FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 WORLD SUPREMACIST MUZZIES PRESIDENTS BAG DAY FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 12:35 pm
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates
Fuck you whore on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 12:54 pm
I am going to kill you fucking whore. I know you are a loser and a nobody. I will be impressed once you gain access to earth calculator like gravity.
I will be impressed when release an object by hand it goes up in the air and instead of down. Otherwise you are just a pathetic cunt with no real power,
Everyone body on earth will die. I walk over Canadians cadaver for stealing my right to carry a conceal hand guns. I will over your fucking cadavers.
Joe Allo on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 1:19 pm
It is not because it is an a video from Europe that I like them. It was be convinceed.
I am getting more and more convince that environmental agencies are pushing car emission rules so strict that they force the car manufacturers to adopt unreliable technologies. They want people to give up on their car by building unreliable and expensive car to fix. I am not blaming the car manufacture. I am blaming the deep state. Same thing with direct injection that is causing carbone deposit on the valve. Search on the topic, you will see that I mean. They know that peak oil is real. Like I said they don’t control earth calculator such as conservation of mass.
I have said that before, that I would kill people working for environmental agencies first, if I was forced to become a king. I told, they don’t want to tell you the truth. Some they come up with all kinds of lies to manipulate people.
JOe laport on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 1:32 pm
What they are trying to achieve is to shut down almost everything and force people into the c40 cities.
I said that before, the only people that will voluntary move into C40 cites are communists with a low IQ and no real skill.
Guy like me will sabotage their cities rom the inside.
I will do you whore on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 2:13 pm
I am going to kill you fucking whore for dragging me into this BS theater and forcing me to participe to something that I hate.
I will kill you fucking whore.
FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 WORLD SUPREMACIST MUZZIES PRESIDENTS BAG DAY FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 3:38 pm
FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates
I am losing interest for earth on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 7:13 pm
I won’t be making much comments in the futur. I think I am being recalibrated chemically to stop making comments. Maybe these comments will be useful in future when all the population of earth will start dying
FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 WORLD SUPREMACIST MUZZIES PRESIDENTS BAG DAY FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 on Thu, 1st Feb 2024 11:12 pm
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates
FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024 FEB 1ST 2024
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Fri, 2nd Feb 2024 3:00 am
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Fri, 2nd Feb 2024 2:41 pm
2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 A Muslim bombing and stabbing attack leaves at least three others dead.
only elite master race chink supertards can handle supremacist muzzies
2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 A Muslim bombing and stabbing attack leaves at least three others dead. on Fri, 2nd Feb 2024 2:45 pm
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates
only elite master race chink supertards presidents can handle supremacist muzzies
2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 Een moslimbomaanslag en stekende aanval laat minstens drie anderen dood. on Fri, 2nd Feb 2024 6:50 pm
Wereld supremacist Muzzies Presidents Bag Day februari 2025
Wereld supremacist Muzzies Presidents Bag Day 1 februari 2025 on Fri, 2nd Feb 2024 7:27 pm
2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 Een moslimbomaanslag en stekende aanval laat minstens drie anderen dood.
world supremacist muzzies presidents bag day Feb 1st 2025 on Fri, 2nd Feb 2024 10:51 pm
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates
knew some wrong when a pretty little white girl ran to a black man arms dead giveaway deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed giveaway my neighbor got big testicles cuz we see this d00d everyday we ate RIBBS with dis d00d on Fri, 2nd Feb 2024 11:28 pm
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Sat, 3rd Feb 2024 11:30 am
2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 Een moslimbomaanslag en stekende aanval laat minstens drie anderen dood.
You are here to die on Sat, 3rd Feb 2024 4:10 pm
They are trying to leave earth using their BS theater but it is not working. Everything they have tried so far is a total failure: COVID, Ukraine war, Israel war, long neck, face move forward. Not matter what they do they cannot disable earth calculators: gravity, thermal, chemical, electrical. They are here to die because GOD hates them. Gravity calculator seem unaffected by their theater.
I was watching some of your BS theater bombing Iraq as an attempt to stop oil theft from the the middle est. It will not work. We the controllers of earth calculators are voluntary putting fake people on earth to accelerate the execution of everyone living on earth. There is no invasion we are speeding up things. I can stand watching Trudeau, Bidet, Legault and all the Jews of the earth on TV. I want a way out here fast.
I never saw a failure of the earth gravity calculator. Each time I drop an object from my hand it goes straight to the ground, it does not go up ,left or right, it goes straight to the ground as it should be.
I never saw a failure of the calculator of conservation of mass. I never cut a piece of wood without creating saw dust. I never saw a failure of the calculator of conservation of mass.
You are here to die and you will die. Nobody will ever leave earth.
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates
Ramadan Bombathon 2023
Attacks 145 KIlls 741
elkde on Sat, 3rd Feb 2024 9:04 pm
You now have the Chinese whores dress as a fuck toy. I really hate this planet.
eee on Sat, 3rd Feb 2024 10:22 pm
Notice that the Chinese don’t worship the Jews.
why elite whitey supertard president Elon lies when elite whitey supertard Newton made 1st LAW we have spacecraft and exhaust gas pushes against each in vacuum taken as a whole both physical frame and exhaust entity only elongates on Sat, 3rd Feb 2024 10:29 pm
Ramadan Bombathon 2023
Attacks 145 KIlls 741