Page added on January 27, 2024
While it may sound like part of the Mandalorian creed, experts at ITER claim “The Way” here on Earth is headed to an unimaginable goal: everlasting energy.
Experts at ITER, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (and also Latin for “the way,” per the agency) are working to harness fusion reactions, the same energy source that powers the sun, according to the project’s website.
If successful, the experts in southern France could provide a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear fission with “arguably the most complex machine ever designed,” ITER’s communications lead Laban Coblentz told Euronews Next.
Nuclear energy is far from new science, and while there have been well-reported disasters, the technology is stable with the right personnel oversight and protection from natural disasters like earthquakes. Fission is used to power the 436 nuclear reactors around the world and requires slamming neutrons into larger atoms to create energy, splitting them into smaller particles. The process does not contribute significant greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, but it does produce radioactive waste.
Fusion, on the other hand, forms a heavier atom when two smaller particles slam together. The result is far more energy than fission, and without the radioactive waste, all per the United States Department of Energy.
The ITER team wants to prove that the process can be industrialized. They have been at work on the project since at least 2005. Testing includes the largest magnetic confinement chamber on the planet, which the researchers call a tokamak.
When complete, the chamber will weigh more than 25,000 tons, withstanding temperatures of up to 302 million degrees Fahrenheit. It creates power by using some of the hot particles to heat water, which would power a turbine via steam, all per Euronews.
The process requires unfathomable heat. For reference, USA Today reports that our 4.5 billion-year-old sun is 27 million degrees Fahrenheit at its core.
“You try to take something up to 150 million degrees [Celsius]. You try to make it the scale that is needed and so forth. It’s just a difficult thing to do,” Coblentz told Euronews.
The project hasn’t been without setbacks. The cost was originally budgeted at about $5.5 billion. But Euronews reports that it’s now nearly $22 billion. To stay on schedule, Coblentz told the online news agency that the experts plan to skip “first plasma” — a testing milestone — “to get to fusion power initially in 2035.”
“We’ll make sure that that testing gets done in another way so that we can stick as much as possible to that date,” he said.
He added that the complex nature of the project is a challenge, often because it is groundbreaking research.
“Simply due to the complexity and the multitude of first-of-a-kind materials, first-of-a-kind components in a first-of-a-kind machine,” he said to Euronews.
This isn’t the only team working on novel nuclear projects. American icon Westinghouse is developing a small fission reactor set to go online in 2029. It’s unique because it’s portable and can power remote locations for about eight years without water, reducing upward of 55,000 tons of air pollution annually, according to the company.
ITER’s team is looking sunward for inspiration. And instead of waiting for the sunbeams to fall to our solar panels, they want to harness the source.
With planetwide overheating ravaging the world, the team is also feeling the heat.
“The longer that we wait for fusion to arrive, the more we need it,” Coblentz said in the Euronews report. “So the smart money is: get it here as fast as possible.”
645 Comments on "World’s largest nuclear reactor aims to power the Earth with unlimited energy"
It is a done deal on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 12:04 pm
Peak oil is just the law of conservation of mass applied to oil. I have not seen in my whole life a failure or erratic behavior coming out of the earth calculator of conservation of mass.
It is guarantee that I will walk over your cadavers and most likely own piece of shit Legault head.
Earth is a execution chambers, you are here to be executed.
Go back on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 2:39 pm
Maybe it is time for the Jews to move back to UK, after all, UK created Israel. I know Europe is in love with Jews they could move back there. Nobody like them anyway.,
what a dumb ass questing on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 3:01 pm
What are you going to do with the military industrial complex if you isolate North America from the rest of the world. I will retool their manufacturing to make sewing machines, washing machines, cell phones and so on. What a fucking stupid question.
Take backe the Jews on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 3:13 pm
UK and Europe should take back all the Jews of the world. Nobody likes the Jews except for UK and Europe.
chagtne on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 3:25 pm
I would also change the high school curriculum to teach teenager how to manipulate hand guns and hunting rifles. What do you have to say to me about that.
dkdei on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 3:37 pm
Apparently Europe respect the minority, we will to Europe all the Jews of the world. 0:21 Europe love the minorities, we will send them all the Jews of the world.
Slack off on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 4:03 pm
Don’t get excited with my comments above. Earth is still an execution chamber and you are still here to die. I am here to walk over your cadavers.
I still want you dead on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 2:21 am
I made some comments that could be misinterpret. I am not here to save planet earth, Québec, Canada or North America. I am here to kill earth population and walk over your cadavers. I will repeat that, Québec and Canada steal my rights to carry an handgun on me bought incognito. I am here for revenge. I want to walk. piss and shit on Quebecers and Canadians cadavers for stealing my handguns. This will never change, I want all of you dead as stated in revelation 19. I am not your friends and never will be.
Don’t misinterpret my comments, I still hate all of you and want you dead.
laodoe on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 2:27 am
I want to repeat that, we designed earth as an execution chamber. The conservation of mass will do the job of killing everyone. Just sit back and relax, everyone on earth will be dead soon.
Time to bail out on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 3:06 am
You know that you lost your civilisation when your chief of police for the Montreal city is not a real White Quebec but a fucking piece of sand nigger. You it it over and if you are White and it is time to bail out. I will walk with grestjoy over the cadavers of Quebecrt, White or bronw.
Dead is all you have to look forward on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 3:09 am
I feel sometime that I am not the only one that want to kill all the population of the planet, I also feel sometime that the invisible world also want everyone on planet earth dead.
Keep doing it on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 3:17 am
I also know that i am being manipulate. 20% of the municipality budget for the polie force can be a fake number that was used to manipulate me emotionally. I am aware that I am being manipulated and it just feed my hatred for everything when you manipulate me. Keep manipulating me to feed my hatred of everything.
I know I am being manipulate
dielel on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 3:32 am
I will walk over your cadavers. Unless some modifications are made to earth calculators, I will walk over your fucking cadavers and bath into your blood and flesh. I will never forget and forgive.
I will remember on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 3:33 am
I will never forgive and forget that you are responsible for the destruction of the best of me. I will never forgive and forget what you did to me.
You nare of the devil on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 3:40 am
You really have no morality to manipulate me like you do . You really belong to the devil tribe and must also be killed
I will on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 4:08 am
You are not going to save earth, we made sure of that when we made earth calculators. I will walk over your fucking cadavers.
Fuck you whore on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 4:51 am
You know that you lost your civilisation when your chief of police for the Montreal city is not a real White Quebec but a fucking piece of sand nigger. You it it over and if you are White and it is time to bail out. I will walk with grestjoy over the cadavers of Quebecrt, White or bronw.
I know you did this on purpose. You were hoping it would trigger an emotional response in me so I can advance your agenda, go fuck yourself whore
Stujpid cunbt on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 4:57 am
I will teach you a lesson whore. I will kill everyone on planet earth just to hurt you whore. I want to see your suffer whore. I will hurt you anyway I can, fuck cunt.
Instuling me, now on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 5:05 am
I will turn the whole of Europe into a block of ice for insulting me like that.
equal hate on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 5:18 am
I cannot decide who I hate the most, Israel, UK of all of Europe. I think I deeply hate all of them equally.
are you good at something on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 5:24 am
Can these fucking cuck suckers from Europe know how to do real work. All they are good for is talking bullshit. Are these fucking cuck suckers good at something.
Wipe them ouf of the map on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 5:27 am
Europe need to bet wipe out of the map. They have nothing to offer the world so is UK and Israel
We know what you are on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 5:38 am
I stole this from someone else:
The entire EV movement is just the followup, on a grander scale, of the former government cons/scams; low yield toilets that required three flushes, LED bulbs that cost 10x the former bulb cost and although we were told will last 10 years..only to find out they burned out in one or two years and didn’t even give off the lumens that we were promised, the government guaranteed student loan scam, and the forced, fake, killer, vaccine program….all scams that enriched the elites and politicians while making the serfs poorer…
Me now. They fucking guy gets. It is even worst than what he is saying, It is way worse then that. Every decision these cucks make, it turn into shit and make the thing even worse then before. We what you are, mentally retarded, amoral. This is why we are killing everyone on earth. You are garbage souls and people.
You are the garbage of the universe on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 5:57 am
We are terminating earth project by flooding earth with fake immigrants. People of earth are mentally retarded, amoral, lust for sex. lust for power, lust for admiration. You are the worst of the worst. Earth is your execution chamber. It is guarantee that I will walk over your cadavers as per revelation 19.
mentall retardation on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 6:12 am
You see. I watch the video below. I cannot figure out if it is a form of sarcasm or some people in the UN actually believe that crap. That what happen when a planet is populated with mentally retarded people, you cannot find truth in anywhere including the so called leadership.
dislike them on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 7:34 am
I really don’t like the Jews, European and UK English man. I don’t want to interact with them. THey are just low life gay bottom feeder.
losers on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 7:38 am
I think Jews, Europeans and UK are losers and have nothing to offer.
Cadavers all over the world on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 8:12 am
The only think that you have to remember is that I will walk over your cadavers.
dee on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 8:26 am
Nobody is coming to save. A lot of people might come to see earth cadavers. Can you see how much hatred I have inside of me. Never steal the handguns of a man like me. He will kill you for that.
dldoe on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 10:43 am
I know why you are doing that below:
and I disagree with you. Earth is not a CGI reality. It is guarantee that everyone will die on earth and that I will walk over your cadavers.
it is my faith on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 10:55 am
I know why you are doing that below:
It is my destiny to walk over earth cadavers, and bath in their blood and flesh. Nothing will stop the execution of earth population.
Your blood is required on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 11:02 am
I will walk over your cadavers and bath in your bloods and flesh. It is a way for me to put my past behind and move forward. It is way for me to close this painful part of my life.
Psychologically speaking I need your blood, death and flesh to move forward for what you all did to me. This is revelation 19 meaning.
eee on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 11:06 am
At the end of all of this, the cadavers of all the population of earth will be given to me so I can move forward. You death is guarantee. This is the real meaning of revelation 19. You cadavers will offer to me.
It is coming on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 12:07 pm
The population of earth is not important. I might be the only person on earth that has the slightest idea how earth mathematical calculators are builds. I am valuable to certains beings, the rest of earth population is useless and has no value to anyone.
How long will have to enjoy your cadavers. I hope at least a earth, so I can go and get to enjoy Legault/Trudeau decapitated heads
eee on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 12:08 pm
How long will I have to enjoy your cadavers. I hope at least a year, so I can go and get to enjoy Legault/Trudeau decapitated heads
e cadaer on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 12:26 pm
I want your fucking cadavers for my personal pleasure and entertainment
. I will get them in due time.
Enjoy cadavers on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 12:35 pm
At the end of all this. all the cadavers of earth population will be offered to me as psychological means for me to move forward.
Give me at least a year to enjoy them.
make sure on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 12:43 pm
At the end of all this. all the cadavers of earth population will be offered to me as psychological means for me to move forward.
Give me at least a year to enjoy them.
Make sure I have firearms and ammunitions available, I could pick them up at Canadian Tire. You cannot truly enjoy dead cadaver without a 12 gauge or 410 gauge.
alsoe on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 12:51 pm
I could also order my firearms through the web. I am sure you can arrange something for me. I have sophisticated taste regarding firearms and handguns. Leave the keys in some pickup trucks, so I can run over cadavers with it.
revleation 19 on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 1:14 pm
You can create a fake Canadian website that sell handguns and firearms. I order what I need, and you send a mathematic model of the riffle or hand guns. I won’t be able to telle the difference when I have it into my hands.
Leave a couple of pick up truck and heavy machineries with the keys in them. I always wanted to drive over cadavers.
Cadaver eveywhere I go on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 1:20 pm
More cadavers I have better it is.
my demands for my closure on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 1:25 pm
I want cadavers dress in police uniform. I want a lot of them. Nothing is more pleasing than killing the symbol of oppression. I need police cars to shoot at and run over with heavy machineries.
I also want cadavers of politicians.
I have thinkg about on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 1:28 pm
Am I open at militia targeting the police forces alive. You are seriously asking this. It is not my first option. I will need more detail
Need more detail on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 1:33 pm
Do you provide the militia already form and ready to obey, or do I have to build it myself.
I have not seen it this way on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 1:34 pm
What, it is more pleasure hunting human while they are alive. It is an interesting argument.
djude on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 1:39 pm
– What size of militia and power command structure are we talking about.
– You don’t know.
– Well it matters, if we want to be efficient at killing policeman and dismantling the police force.
– You have to think about it, this is your answer.
-Think about it and come back to me when you are done.
inter5esting on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 1:41 pm
this video was suggested to me after writing the comment above.
A Time for Killing FULL MOVIE | (Glenn Ford, Inger Stevens, Harrison Ford) STREAM CITY
djuej on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 1:44 pm
Only 200 policemen. It is not a lot. Middle size militia would easily do the job.
not my first choice on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 1:47 pm
The militia thing is not my first option. It is too much work. You will have to force me to do it.
aldie on Fri, 23rd Feb 2024 1:49 pm
– It is a unique experience to kill the symbol of oppression.
– How do you know that
– Prefer dead cadavers