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World’s largest nuclear reactor aims to power the Earth with unlimited energy

World’s largest nuclear reactor aims to power the Earth with unlimited energy thumbnail

While it may sound like part of the Mandalorian creed, experts at ITER claim “The Way” here on Earth is headed to an unimaginable goal: everlasting energy.

Experts at ITER, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (and also Latin for “the way,” per the agency) are working to harness fusion reactions, the same energy source that powers the sun, according to the project’s website.

If successful, the experts in southern France could provide a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear fission with “arguably the most complex machine ever designed,” ITER’s communications lead Laban Coblentz told Euronews Next.

Nuclear energy is far from new science, and while there have been well-reported disasters, the technology is stable with the right personnel oversight and protection from natural disasters like earthquakes. Fission is used to power the 436 nuclear reactors around the world and requires slamming neutrons into larger atoms to create energy, splitting them into smaller particles. The process does not contribute significant greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, but it does produce radioactive waste.

Fusion, on the other hand, forms a heavier atom when two smaller particles slam together. The result is far more energy than fission, and without the radioactive waste, all per the United States Department of Energy.

The ITER team wants to prove that the process can be industrialized. They have been at work on the project since at least 2005. Testing includes the largest magnetic confinement chamber on the planet, which the researchers call a tokamak.

When complete, the chamber will weigh more than 25,000 tons, withstanding temperatures of up to 302 million degrees Fahrenheit. It creates power by using some of the hot particles to heat water, which would power a turbine via steam, all per Euronews.

The process requires unfathomable heat. For reference, USA Today reports that our 4.5 billion-year-old sun is 27 million degrees Fahrenheit at its core.

“You try to take something up to 150 million degrees [Celsius]. You try to make it the scale that is needed and so forth. It’s just a difficult thing to do,” Coblentz told Euronews.

The project hasn’t been without setbacks. The cost was originally budgeted at about $5.5 billion. But Euronews reports that it’s now nearly $22 billion. To stay on schedule, Coblentz told the online news agency that the experts plan to skip “first plasma” — a testing milestone — “to get to fusion power initially in 2035.”

“We’ll make sure that that testing gets done in another way so that we can stick as much as possible to that date,” he said.

He added that the complex nature of the project is a challenge, often because it is groundbreaking research.

“Simply due to the complexity and the multitude of first-of-a-kind materials, first-of-a-kind components in a first-of-a-kind machine,” he said to Euronews.

This isn’t the only team working on novel nuclear projects. American icon Westinghouse is developing a small fission reactor set to go online in 2029. It’s unique because it’s portable and can power remote locations for about eight years without water, reducing upward of 55,000 tons of air pollution annually, according to the company.

ITER’s team is looking sunward for inspiration. And instead of waiting for the sunbeams to fall to our solar panels, they want to harness the source.

With planetwide overheating ravaging the world, the team is also feeling the heat.

“The longer that we wait for fusion to arrive, the more we need it,” Coblentz said in the Euronews report. “So the smart money is: get it here as fast as possible.”


645 Comments on "World’s largest nuclear reactor aims to power the Earth with unlimited energy"

  1. who come have predictred this on Tue, 20th Feb 2024 3:49 pm 

    I guess nobody never expected that a man with divine knowledges, will make a big deal of his right to carry an hand gun on him bough incognito and will destroy the whole world over the hand guns restrictives laws.

    Who never thought that hand guns possession will be the down fall of earth.

  2. History books on Tue, 20th Feb 2024 4:21 pm 

    When history books will be written about this period of history, if anything alive is left on earth to write something, are they going to title their books: Earth never had a chance because of its restrictive hand guns laws. Or something like this: earth rapid decline was caused by their restrictives hand guns laws from Québec and Canada.

    What do you think people will write in history books about the down fall and disparitions of Québec and Canada.

  3. You are unworthy of life on Tue, 20th Feb 2024 4:44 pm 

    Imagine what Québec and Canada could have become if it was not for their restrictives hand guns. Now it is too late and I want your cadavers as revenge.

    Imagine what the history books would say about Quebec and Canada being populated with mentally retarded people that preferred to die instead of taking a chance at something new by changing hand guns laws. Image what history books will say about Canada. They will probably called the population of Canada mentally retarded, and unworthy of life.

  4. History books titles on Tue, 20th Feb 2024 4:58 pm 

    Imagine the futur. Imagine the title of an history book with a 500 pages about how hand guns laws were the fall of earth civilization. Imagine the title: Earth civilization was brought down and terminate because of hand guns laws. Image a 500 pages books analyzing how hands guns restrictives laws were the cause of earth death.

    Image a another books of 500 pages titled: The revenge of a divinity over restrictives hang guns laws: massacre and bloods of earth population.

  5. No return possible on Tue, 20th Feb 2024 5:16 pm 

    There is what I called psychological point of no return. For example, it is now too late for you to change the hang guns laws. You should have done it last year. Even if you give my back my hand guns I will seek revenge. You cannot be forgiven because you did not act in timely manner. I am now into a mode of revenge and bloods. You have to act on opportunity in a timely manner otherwise you lose them.

  6. Only hatred on Tue, 20th Feb 2024 5:40 pm 

    Do you know how hatred function and it become a renforcing spiral where you cannot get out of it.

    It start by I want to see you dead for stealing my right to carry an hand guns on me bought incognito.

    You still don’t have your hands guns, your hatred move into I want to piss on your cadavers.

    You still don’t have your hands guns, your hatred move into I will run my pick up truck over their heads.

    You still don’t have your hands guns, your hatred move into I will bath into their bloods and flesh until I am happy with my revenge.

    Eventual there is no turning back, only hatred.

    It is called raw hate. Google man that wanted to be left alone.

  7. I have no expleatnie on Tue, 20th Feb 2024 6:22 pm 

    What the fuck is going on. Do they have mirror at home to look at themself; 5:22 judge janine.

  8. You have no balls on Tue, 20th Feb 2024 6:29 pm 

    Legalize open carry of hand guns with no license and verification needed, and see how fast they will go away and everything will change. You don’t have the ball to try something different, you love your submission to authority.

  9. You don't deserve to keep it on Tue, 20th Feb 2024 6:47 pm 

    You are not willing to risk it all (removing all hand guns laws and allowing open carry of hand guns bought incognito) there you will lose everything (you will lose your civilization and electrical grid) in a brutal and harsh manner. Wait and see.

  10. out of option on Tue, 20th Feb 2024 8:23 pm 

    See how far her face is moved forward. If you don’t get result with that, you will have remove all hand guns laws and allowing open carry of hand guns bought incognito. You are running out of option if long neck and face moved forward don’t work. You will not save what you are not willing to lose.

  11. There is never enougth cadavers on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 6:34 am 

    I want to walk over your cadavers, at the end of all of this I will walk over your cadavers.

  12. go back to Israel on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 7:54 am 

    I guess it is time for the Jews to leave North America and go back to Israel. You are not welcomed here. Before building something new, you need to remove the trash.

    Increasing antisemitic hate crimes in Canada going unchecked

  13. move somewhere else on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 8:00 am 

    Maybe the North American Jews could go to move to UK. After all, UK created Israel. Or they could move to Europe also, I heard Europe love the Jewish race.

  14. Coward you all are on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 9:01 am 

    Nothing has changed (see comments above) as far as I am concerned. I still want everyone on earth death and I want my revenge for stealing my right to carry an hand guns on me bought incognito. I am still in mode hatred and revenge. Québec and Canada will be destroyed because of restrictives laws on hand guns.

    You don’t have the ball to do what it take to buy more time before your death, removing all hand guns laws. You have no courage, you will die as cowards.

  15. deel on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 9:06 am 

    I want your fucking cadavers to walk over them. I will get your fucking cadavers. Earth and earth population are useless to me. I have bigger projects, earth and earth population are in my way.

  16. Die as fast as you can on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 9:11 am 


    I want all of dead. I need an empty earth. You will die as you are supposed to, se we can moved to bigger and better things.

  17. Fuck yopu all on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 9:21 am 

    I have only hatred for the flesh body and everything that is made of flesh. You are here to be executed because you are bad souls. Once you are all dead we are moving to something else. I hate sexual reproduction. Nothing is more disgusting then the flesh body.

  18. Flesh is garbage on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 9:26 am 

    I have only hatred for the flesh body. It smells, it is weak physically, it is too fragile, it has no long physical endurance, required constant cleaning, only work well withing a tight temperature range. It is a piece of garbage. It lack infinite memory storage, lack advance mental computational power and so on. It is a total piece of garbage

  19. flesh sucks on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 9:39 am 

    The flesh body is a epic failure I just have hatred for it. Your eyes can only see the light spectrum. You lack sensors, to see thermal field, electrical field, electro-magnetic field, magnetic fields and so on. It is a total piece of garbage. I don’t know why people worship such a piece of garbage.

  20. The big purge of earth on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 10:31 am 

    We designed earth as an execution chamber. Everyone on earth will die, this is an certainty.

  21. eee on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 1:28 pm 

    I will repeat because people are not really bright. Remove all the firearms and hand guns laws all of it including hand guns license, and see how fast things will change.

    You seems to thing that you have some roome to man

  22. dee on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 1:39 pm 

    I will repeat because people are not really bright. Remove all the firearms and hand guns laws all of it including hand guns license, and see how fast things will change. The only people that will be able to function in this environment are the people that are not afraid of dead. This is why you remove all the firearms laws, to clean up the place.

    You seems to thing that you have some roome to man

  23. You have no value on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 1:51 pm 

    I told you, earth population does not have what it take to stay alive. Earth population is useless and without any value

  24. fuck y oui on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 1:55 pm 

    A population of slave that is afraid of death does not produce anything of value. Nothing has good has ever come out of reality made of slaves that are afraid of death. Everyone will be executed and we will move to something else.


  25. neoug is on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 2:01 pm 

    I try to help you but you refuse to obey me. Everyone on earth will be killed.

  26. Dredd on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 3:08 pm 

    Photons … they are not just for xmas anymore … (The Photon Current – 5).

  27. Low iq garbage on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 3:50 pm 

    I will repeat because people are not really bright. Remove all the firearms and hand guns laws all of it including hand guns license, and see how fast divorces rate goes to zero and single mother hood disappears. See how fast women behavior changes.

  28. mediocroty wall to wall on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 3:56 pm 

    I don’t believe Canada and Québec have the courage to remove all firearms and hand guns. My experience with Canada and Québec is an experience of mediocrity. I don’t expect anything good out of Canada and Québec, I always expected mediocrity wall to wall.

    This is why I want to kill everyone on earth and move to something else.

  29. we want to move forward on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 3:58 pm 

    I don’t believe Canada and Québec have the courage to remove all firearms and hand guns laws including licenses. This is why earth is designed as an execution chamber with locked calculators. We know earth is filled with losers. We want all of you dead, so we can move forward.

  30. Yo re on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 9:11 pm 

    You guys understand that I am a white man. Three is just so much of that hatred toward white people I can take. You are really pushing too much. I have only hate inside of me. I want everyone on planet earth death, so I can walk over your dead cadaver. My hatred is what keeping me alive


  31. You fuck up efvef on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 9:29 pm 

    I don’t know who is running this operations from the invisible world, but I want you dead also. This is such a botch operation. It would have been better for all for you to not involve yourself in earth business. Earth calculators would have done the job for you to kill everyone on earth. This is such a botch operation designed by low IQ mentally retarded people.

  32. go fuck yourself on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 9:50 pm 

    The invisible world should not involve itself in earth business. We have everything under control. Get the fuck out of earth and my life. We know what we are doing. Calculators will take care of killing everyone on earth.

  33. retribution is coming on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 10:24 pm 

    I want also the destruction of the invisible world. We will deal with you once we are done with earth.

  34. cannot be stopped on Wed, 21st Feb 2024 11:05 pm 

    As I said before we will let earth calculators kill everyone on earth. After that we will deal with the invisible world and kill every beings living there. Keep doing your BS theater, it will no change the final outcome of planet earth, the death of everyone. Keep playing your fear theater to stop a immigrant invasion that is done by us to accelerate your execution. At the end your fear theater is useless against us.

    US Republican Congressman visits Taiwanese President

  35. we will handle earth on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 7:48 am 

    We don’t need help from the invisible world. We will handle earth businesses on our own. Earth calculators will take care of killing everyone on earth. After that we are going after the invisible world.

  36. We will handle earth on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 7:57 am 


    Once our work of killing everyone on earth is done, we are going for the death of the invisible world. Earth is not the under the authority of the invisible world, we will handle the execution. Stay out of our way.

  37. we will deal with you on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 8:03 am 

    I will repeat that because the invisible world does not understand how earth is build. Earth is not a CGI reality, earth is a mathematic reality build on heavy mathematics. The invisible world will not stop the fate of earth that is the death of everyone living in it.

    We will deal with the invisible world once we are done with earth.

  38. eeee on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 8:59 am 

    In the end of all of this I will have his head on a spike in my front lawn or his head in jar fill with formol for preservation. At the ends of all of this, only cadavers will be left on earth. Conservation of mass calculator guarantee that. After that we will deal with the invisible world.

  39. Pure hatred on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 9:28 am 

    The cadavers of the people of earth will be my trophy of war, as mentioned in revelation 19.

    When a man like me start to hate, he hates with a raw hate that cannot be imagined by people playing fear and political theater. It is pure raw hatred, there is nothing else other the pure hatred.

  40. dee on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 9:43 am 

    I just received my municipal taxes. The biggest expense are the police forces and fire department. I will burn my fucking city to the ground for oppressing me like that.

    My revenge is comingt.

  41. I will burn my city to the ground on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 9:45 am 

    I will blow up the water treatment installation of my city when the time will be appropriate, fuckers.

  42. What a rip off on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 9:51 am 

    Police forces are at 20% of total budget and snow removal at 4%. What a fucking rip off. We really live in a police state, no doubt about that.
    Potable water and used water treatment at 7%. What a fucking rip off.

  43. Fuckers on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 9:55 am 

    I will burn my fucking city to the ground when the times comes.

  44. are your fucking with me on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 10:01 am 

    The police force is first at 20%, after that city administration 13%, seems fine and then public transportation at 9%. What a fucking rip off. Dismantle the police forces and remove all firearms laws and let people defend themself. What a fucking waste of money

    What a fucking insult to my intelligence.

  45. eeee on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 10:08 am 

    Now you understand why we will go to the ends of our project: the death of everyone on earth. Your cadavers will be my trophy. Nothing will stop me from killing everyone on earth, nothing.

  46. Fucker on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 10:13 am 

    I told you, they have no money for the school, but plenty of money to oppresse their citizens

  47. ddee on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 10:18 am 

    You fucking piece of shit, the Hell Angels bring order within a certain segment of society that function with different principles. They bring order not chaos. The fucking police force bring chaos to everything they touches.

    Guerre des trafiquants à Québec: les Hells Angels veulent éviter le pire

  48. ddeei e on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 10:28 am 

    I would probable let the Hell angels operate freely as long as they don’t have expansionist view and stay with their respective segment of society. I would dismantle the police force right away and remove all firearms laws and let people defend themself on their own. Fuck the police forces.

  49. capde on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 10:31 am 

    It is a fucking insult to my intelligence

  50. dde on Thu, 22nd Feb 2024 10:35 am 

    You have Jews in Montreal you want dead, make you can get some Gansters to do the job for you.

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