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Page added on December 18, 2011

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Peak E-Cat

Peak E-Cat thumbnail
Number of searches of the term “E-Cat” according to Google Trends
The interest in the “E-Cat“, the supposed “cold fusion reactor” invented by Andrea Rossi and Sergio Focardi, is waning. You can perceive that clearly from the activity of the various sites dealing with it; while “Google Trends” confirms that the trend is indeed down. After a flare of curiosity that peaked in november 2011, people found that there was nothing to see about the E-Cat except some purported “demonstrations” that didn’t really demonstrate anything. So, they lost interest.
What remains of the E-Cat is a core of diehard supporters – especially in Italy. – who will likely keep the myth alive for a long time. It is typical and well known: “free energy” theories never die. Today, people are still discussing the supposed free energy devices attributed to Nikola Tesla and that go back to almost a century ago – poor Tesla is probably still rolling over in his grave. And, in the meantime, plenty more cranky theories have been proposed. In this field, the E-Cat will remain remarkable for the amount of noise it generated when compared to what little evidence (actually, none) was presented.
About the E-Cat, you may be interested in two well thought and in depth articles that demolish Rossi’s claims at their basis.
No miracles in science: the story of the E-Cat. By Antonio Turiel
The Physics of why the e-Cat’s Cold Fusion Claims Collapse, by Ethan Siegel
Cassandra’s Legacy

2 Comments on "Peak E-Cat"

  1. Bernie Koppenhofer on Mon, 19th Dec 2011 5:21 am 

    “After a flare of curiosity that peaked in november 2011, people found that there was nothing to see about the E-Cat except some purported “demonstrations” that didn’t really demonstrate anything. So, they lost interest.”

    Ha ha ha. Below find a presentation from US Navy’s SPAWAR scientists on LENR. Go to web site and find presentation on right. LENR is a reality and is going to compete with, coal, oil and gas sooner than most people think.

  2. Marcelo Pacheco on Sat, 24th Dec 2011 9:30 pm 

    The E-Cat isn’t ready for prime time yet.
    This is what happens when an individual tries to do with US$ 2-3 million a job that takes 10x as much (and needs a team of experts from a few physics/engineering specialties). Most demos so far weren’t long enough to really convince the masses because there’s still a lot of work to perform before its 100% ready for mass consumption. And besides Mr Rossi has made it clear he’s not going to mass sell this before he gets his worldwide patent.
    Writing this down as a scam is a mistake, as well as deciding its 100% legitimate. The jury is still out.

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